News Briefs – 07/31/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

A longtime reader reports that their workplace has gotten a call to supply Emergency Management personnel to the DC area, with a 2-3 day minimum stay to include food/lodging, within the next 2 weeks, and they need to be ready to roll on a 2-3 day advance notice. This would fall within the bounds of Mike Lindell’s Election Cyber Security Symposium on August 10th, 11th, and 12th in Sioux Falls, where he will reveal all his evidence. There was a rumor on 4Chan that the AZ election audit may be waiting to release their results of their forensic count to synergize with Lindell’s event in some way, dumping everything all at once.

Dave Cullen of Computing Forever did a video on the Masonic symbolism behind a Covid video, and all of a sudden harassment showed up in his real life, and even his new neighbor’s houses got spray painted with graffiti. One good way to screw over the operations of Cabal’s ground network is to assume nothing 100%. If you assume something and it is wrong, they will use that to spin you into an ever worsening gaslighting. Here is the gist of the video, though it is a good watch and shows CCTV footage of some of the harassers : He posted a COVID-skeptical video, highlighting Masonic imagery in a pro-COVID Vax video run by the local government. From there, it looks like the Masons tracked him down and grafitti’d his just purchased house and his new neighbor’s houses with masonic symbols and allegations he is a pedophile, and for good measure they tracked down his dad and put stickers saying COVID is not a hoax on his front door. But you can’t assume anything. It might be Masons, or it might not. Here is what I would assume. One, he has been under close surveillance by an impressively sized opration for some time, maybe even going back to when he was a kid. They didn’t just find him. I doubt I could find him, let alone the new house he just bought. They were already on him, and know who all his family are and have tracked them as well. He has risen to the point he is a real problem to their narrative control, and deplatforming off Youtube didn’t work. So they got the order to go overt, and see if intimidation would get him to back down. They needed to intimidate him, but they didn’t want him going out and doing a big reveal of a massive, non-partisan, non-ideological, quasi-governmental domestic surveillance/intelligence network deployed in a localized fashion throughout the country that is targeting everyone from childhood. If that were shown to be the case, then this becomes a cautionary tale of what could happen to any of his viewers. So they needed to do the harassment in a special way, which, if exposed, would make it look isolated, like a small group (that definitely isn’t surveilling everyone else and their children) was responsible for just targeting him, so all his fans wouldn’t begin looking around them to see if they have a neighborhood network watching them. They don’t want us to think all of us have this thing hanging over our head if we rise too high or too many people listen to us. Then he did the Mason video, so they went in and began the fun with Masonic graffiti. Now, he is still getting intimidated, but don’t worry frens, this is just a spat between a small group and him, and it can’t happen to you. His neighbors being hit would immediately make me look to see if it is a double-bluff. I would assume at least one or more of his neighbors were “them,” and they would do that to divert attention from them, and put him at ease. I am quite certain the guy dumping paint on his car was not there unsupported. At the least they would have had a drone up watching from overhead, to make sure he wasn’t about to walk around the corner of the house. But more likely, the neighbor in the house next door was listening in his house, tracking where he was in it and what he was doing, maybe with thru-wall microwave, and at least with triangulating geophones.

This is the reality. I lay it out here because I followed this silly path stupidly thinking you write books, and if they are interesting, then people buy them, and if the idea is powerful enough maybe it spreads and things get better in your nation, and at the same time you can make money, raise a family, and it will all be peaches and cream. But I found out it doesn’t work that way. Nothing you see works organically, the way you are told. I wasted a lot of time spinning my wheels, studying how regular citizens caused things to go viral online and spread to everyone (all bullshit), how books were marketed (Bullshit), how to maximize website traffic and readership (all bullshit beyond just making the long slow slog over years through slow word of mouth), how to use social media (all bullshit and controlled) and all the ways regular citizens could create political movements (all bullshit). By thinking things worked the way they say, I wasted time and effort on all of that. And all along, Cabal intel was watching my every move, and trying to get control of me, which I had only the most rudimentary defenses against. So don’t base your path on those assumptions of the world being innocent and non-Darwinian, and uncontrolled, and everyone operating freely. Understand the world is Darwinian, the people who run it are the most immoral Darwinists of all, you are surrounded by their forces and everything is controlled by this thing. Understand they are looking at what kind of threat you pose, and maybe the best way for you to fuck the machine is just to have twelve kids with a based girl in the woods, raise them all to be surveillance and intel-savvy and combat capable, with a detailed knowledge of how the world really works, and send them out to each have twelve kids of their own in the same way. From the comments of the video, for any readers here who think I make this stuff up: “Zachary K Hubbard, a youtuber who talks about gematria, has gotten tons of threats from freemasons. They stalked him and stopped him in cars on the road and eventually they ran a car through his house on Christmas eve. They do shit like this because they are just brainwashed thugs.” And, “Ha, I just moved to a house 2 hours outside of Vancouver. Still drones out here in my small town but a lot better than where I was.”

That woman who was beheaded on the street in Minnesota, by a guy who then drove around with her head hanging out of his window? Her name was America, and she worked at My Pillow, where she was beloved. The guy has an MK Ultra 1000 yard stare. He had been in jail related to an arson, but this spring, Judge Richard C. Perkins ordered him released despite court documents which claimed he was a danger to people & the community. 

‘Special counsel’ empowered to hire investigators for Wisconsin 2020 election review.

Pennsylvania counties Tioga and Philadelphia decline participation in the Senate committee’s forensic election audit.

Democratic swing vote Senator Kyrsten Sinema refuses to cancel her vacation to stay and help the democrats make sure the infrastructure and budget bills get passed, after Schumer said he could delay the recess.

After a staffer gave Biden a note saying, “Sir, there’s something on your chin,” Biden wiped his chin, and then put whatever it was in his mouth and ate it. I thought this had to be a satire article, but they had the video.

AG Merrick Garland sues Texas over Governor Abbott’s order outlawing ground transportation of illegal aliens.

RINOs Thune and Cornyn urge Trump favorite Herschel Walker not to run for some reason when he is a shoo-in to win that Georgia Senate seat.

Search warrants were executed at the home and business of state Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton, the New Mexico House Majority Leader, who is under investigation for racketeering and money laundering.

Rising Republican party influencers got their start at a talent agency run by an Israeli pornographer. Candace Owens, Tomi Lahren, etc. Melisa Cantrone, who was claiming she witnessed election fraud with Rudy is one of them too, so I hope he is aware she might be an actress hired by somebody. Lauren Boebert appears to have a giant back tattoo running from her ass, all the way up her Obliques. So far, I’ve liked her public personae, but that has to be one crazy-ass chick, and she may sadly be owned by somebody, and the whole Shooters Grill and national recognition with news coverage was engineered. Disappointing. I always wondered, she seemed like she was on our side, but how did she get prime placement in the Fake News for a pro-gun restaurant story, unless she was Cabal. So she might betray us, or even the God Emperor at some point if the order comes down. I have no idea what is up with this, but one scenario that should be obvious is desperate girl willing to turn to porn for money does an “audition tape” and then is offered a higher paying job as a conservative influencer which doesn’t require having public sex regularly. She might even have been issued an earpiece too, or even given orders to try and throw herself at Trump to generate a scandal. Once they are owned, you never know. This will be a huge story, and feels kind of like it might be part of the plan exposing how everything is controlled with actors. You see how fake all of this is. This is why they can’t have people who are honest with you get anywhere near that world. If they see this, they will talk to you about it, and word will spread. So anyone honest has to be suppressed and kept from acquiring an audience.

Treasury (IRS) will give Trump 72 hours notice before releasing his tax returns so it can be litigated.

Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., removed her mask to take a photo with the newest congressman from Texas in what appeared to be a violation of Capitol Police’s mask guidance.

On the heels of Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi issuing a directive mandating masks in Congress, with threats of arrest for anyone who is not a lawmaker, footage emerged of New York Democrat Rep. Jerry Nadler reading the newspaper without one. Jerry Nadler is not afraid of COVID. Think about that. The guy has one foot in the grave, and the other on a banana peel. And he has no worries.

Biden wants a nationwide mandatory vaccine.

Vox Day has legal vaccine religious exemption documents, in the event you workplace tries to force it on you.

Reports of serious injuries after vaccines surge as CDC says vaccinated may be as likely to spread COVID as the unvaxxed. My assumption on the vax is we will eventually see autoimmune issues increase in people. I think we may also see cancers, so people who get vaxxed should be vigilant to any symptoms they get. There is an inflammatory aspect to cancer. They don’t even speculate why, but my assumption is people produce autoantibodies to some receptor on the cell surface which triggers cell proliferation. The excess cells are probably culled back by other means as part of normal tissue maintenance, so as time goes on, and the cells proliferate, nothing unusual is noted despite there being an autoimmunity. But the more cells proliferate, the more likely it becomes one of those cells will have a mutation, or get partially infected by some virus which causes it to turn cancerous, and then malignant. It is even possible things like HPV may trigger cancers in some and not others not by transforming the cell genetically, but simply because the immune responses to the virus infected cells generate autoantibodies to proliferation receptors on the cell surface in an idiosyncratic fashion depending on when and where the immunogenic proteins are expressed, and what normal cell surface proteins end up happening to be close enough to get recognized by the immune system themselves to generate their own autoantibodies. (A similar mechanism to the Vax, in that those viral infected cells, likely expressing immunogenic viral-specific proteins on its cell surface, that the immune system identifies as foreign, would be similar to a cell quasi-“transfected” with mRNA for COVID spike protein expressing spike protein on its surface). I don’t think if you got vaxxed you have a death sentence by far. The body is immensely complex and has multiple redundancies, and a lot of this will be chance playing out in how proteins are expressed, where, and what happens to be floating on the cell membrane near it. But it is a dangerous technology and you should just remain vigilant.

COVID spreading fast in well-vaccinated California counties while Cases are falling in five counties with below-average vaccination.

35,000 Americans are getting symptomatic COVID-19 per week despite being vaccinated according to the CDC.

74 percent of COVID-19 cases from Massachusetts outbreak occurred in fully vaccinated people.

Gibraltar and Iceland see a massive Covid spike despite over 90% of their populations being vaccinated.

New study finds, the risk of blood clots in Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is as likely as the AstraZeneca jab.

FDA accidentally reveals a list of Covid vaccine side effects, including myocarditis, autoimmune disease & death.

The Maryland manufacturer that ruined 75 million doses of the only non-mRNA vax – Johnson & Johnson’s Covid-19 vaccine – has received requests to hand over records from a host of federal and state law enforcement agencies, regulatory documents filed Friday show.

New research shows men with low Testosterone are more likely to die from COVID-19.

Disney and Walmart mandate vaccines for employees.

Health Canada tracking menstrual changes after Covid vaccination.

A doomsday new Covid variant that could kill up to one in three people is a ‘realistic possibility’, according to the British Government’s top scientists.  The Pandemic in a nutshell.

Finland study shows, antibodies are present more than one year after COVID-19 infection.

Indications are COVID is mutating to become less virulent as time goes on, as the Spike protein seems to be gathering mutations fast. Not unexpected, as if the Spike protein is as toxic as advertised, the virus would be well served to evolve it to be harmless to people can walk around spreading it, rather than be bedridden in an isolation wing.

Fed’s preferred inflation measure jumps to highest level since 1991 as Jerome Powell admits ‘transitory’ price increases ‘could be higher and more persistent than we expected.’

Israeli defense chiefs meet after an Iranian suicide drone apparently targets an Israeli-operated vessel near Oman, killing two foreign crewmen, in response to strikes in Syria.

Ted Nugent resigned from the NRA board. They are claiming, “ongoing schedule conflicts.” However Ted took the job supposedly to clean up the books and create transparency, so because nobody has any idea what is going on there, it kind of looks like it might be because he was getting shut down and decided to walk away.

GOP senators demand second hearing for embattled ATF nom Chipman over racist comments. Apparently he has made a lot of derogatory comments about Black ATF agents during his tenure there. A lot of times you get these guys who were teased relentlessly as kids, and they will have a constant animus toward everyone that is innate to how they view others, and they will look for any reason to demean people.

Nearly 50% of Republicans believe there will be a time soon where ‘patriotic Americans’ will ‘have to take the law into their own hands.’

Gov. Abbott to fine Texas cities for imposing mask mandates.

Rep. Matt Gaetz took to the House floor (without a mask) and implied that our own government was behind the Jan. 6 false flag attacks on the US Capitol, demanding the 14,000 hours of video tape from the Capitol that could show us who was responsible for that violence.

Spread r/K Theory, because things are not what they seem in politics.

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Rex regum venient
Rex regum venient
2 years ago

“After a staffer gave Biden a note saying, “Sir, there’s something on your chin,” Biden wiped his chin, and then put whatever it was in his mouth and ate it. I thought this had to be a satire article, but they had the video.”

The person currently accepted as being the President of the USA literally eats shit. This is reality.

Reply to  Rex regum venient
2 years ago

somebody should wipe his face too, eh?

2 years ago

Since you keep speaking about surveillance – it would be very helpful if you were to write an article in how to spot surveillance. Especially in your neighborhood, among your social circle, workplace, etc.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

speaking of data mining (sam j below), all people have to do is mention you or interact with you online, or have it get online. (other recorded info is in their purview already.) it then is accessible to yer file, and if u are decided to be an issue, theyll hone in with devices and more interpersonal dealings, to mess you up.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

If you wonder about corona treatments this would seem to be a good link where they data mined what seems to work.

It’s hard to trust what any one says but by using data mined results you get an over all average which should be more accurate.

Lisa Kolashinski
Lisa Kolashinski
2 years ago

Did anyone notice the head chopper in Shakopee Minnesota video footage was a Somalian? I don’t know about you but that dude was not the guy they claim is the head chopper! That guy is a Cubano or some sort of Latin. The video clearly shows a skinny black man with a Somalian build. Honest to fffng god. What a joke.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
2 years ago

“Dave Cullen of Computing Forever did a video on the Masonic symbolism behind a Covid video, and all of a sudden harassment showed up in his real life, and even his new neighbor’s houses got spray painted with graffiti”.

…and from a comment in yesterday’s news summary from Farcesensitive:

“I agree with you. I think they have crossed several thresholds throughout history. Percentage of the population. Penetration of positions of power and influence. And technological force multipliers”.

I’m starting to think that the virtual omnipresent surveillance of today is occult/demonic in nature, for reasons that I’ll throw some more light on at the end of this comment. On a strictly material level re Farcesensitive’s points, I agree that technological advancements in the last 100 years, and particularly in the last 50 years, have been a very important driver. I’m not sure how the kind of surveillance AC talks about would have even been possible back in the 1700s and 1800s. To coordinate gangstalking teams without electronic comms technology you would basically need line of sight signalling – not much good when the target disappears around a corner. And electronic eavesdropping would of course have been impossible up until the introduction of the telegram and telephone. I’m sure the steam opening of envelopes was a thing way back then, but that relies on sensitive plans being committed to writing in non-encrypted forms – intercepting it is going to be cumbersome and time consuming and even then you’re still going to miss a lot of important info that is simply not committed to writing. In particular environments and scenarios, however, one would expect a comparable level of gangstalking centuries ago; for example, senators around Capitol Hill. Cabal would have undoubtedly run a lot of seemingly innocuous looking shoe shiners, street sweepers, coachmen and valets to quietly observe and hang on every word uttered by such men of power. But without the capability and economies afforded by modern technology, it’s hard to see how this intensity of surveillance could have been extended too far out into the lives of the average Main Street citizen. Maybe the most important influence technology has on modern day surveillance is simply the existence of the technology itself. You have it, so you use it. And because there is so much of this technology around now, Cabal figures it may as well deploy it rather than have it sitting idle. And of course the AI systems are in place now to analyse and make sense of the vast amounts of data collected on even the most innocuous of individuals, whereas previously the investment in sifting through and analysing such a mass of data would have been overwhelming.

The level of Cabal penetration of key positions of power is important too. There’s not much point engaging in routine surveillance of a person from a young age if you are unable to prevent that person from assuming positions of power because you don’t yet control and can’t influence the gatekeepers in important institutions. Although you may of course be able to arrange ‘accidents’ for promising young people coming through the ranks, these might be much harder to arrange when you can’t, for example, remotely disengage the brakes of a speeding automobile.

Myself personally, I have come to believe there may be a more occult explanation for the increasing intensity of modern surveillance. Some here might remember how many times Trump tweets in 2020 referenced the ‘Invisible Enemy’. This was generally assumed to be a reference to the coronavirus, but Trump expressions also famously have double meanings. Remember too when Q said words to the effect of: “the deeper we go, the more unrealistic it gets”? So, one day back a few years ago, a lot of people on social media were reporting a strange message appearing on the top right of their television screens while watching regular MSM shows. The message was “We Are Here With You”. Some time later, a meme circulated that sounded eerily like the ‘voice’ of Q, although it was not signed by Q and did not appear on the official Q board. I’ll quote a section of it:

We Are Here With You
What is a Targeted Individual?
An Individual With Potential
Do peoples around the world still practice the tradition
of keeping prayer vigils over newborns?
Do they believe that the Invisible Enemy sends
reconnaissance teams every night to make census of
new souls?
Do certain children then begin to have “accidents”,
snake bites, seizures , etc.?
Are peer-children and adults near the targeted child
opportunistically ‘possessed’ in order to torment and
traumatise the child?
KILL confidence.
STEAL energy.
DESTROY willpower.
Threat neutralised.
Do some peoples around the world still know how to
decode the “accidents” as an indicator that the child
could with training pose a unique threat to the
Invisible Enemy and therefore invest in the spiritual
protection and nurturing of that child?
Why does the Invisible Enemy concentrate fire on
certain individuals?
Because of what would happen to his plans should
those individuals learn how to Pray In The Spirit?
How many times has Q posted the Armor Of God

My own personal understanding of the surveillance and the suppression of certain individuals has evolved along these lines – that it is essentially occult and demonic in nature and is increasing in line with the increasing penetration of our dimensional time-space by demonic, interdimensional beings. I no longer worry about it and in fact laugh at it. I now believe it only has the power over you that you let it have.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

My guess is that a lot of this has a more of a naturalistic explanation than you guys are reaching for, but that earlier people’s described things in ways that we interpret as “spiritual” because it was how they described things that they found mysterious.

That being said, look into the “Evil Eye” talismans. They were to ward off evil. And how did one attract evil into their lives? By being standout, by demonstrating talent, by being beautiful. This supposedly brought bad accidents and misfortunes into people’s lives.

Cultures that believe in the evil eye practice an elaborate amount of humility in just about everything and essentially learn to be vocal about keeping their head down.

My guess? Bad, bad things come to the proud, the talented, the beautiful out of cabal’s jealous rage.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Never heard of the airloom before. Here is a description

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I am sure you are right that there is an occult aspect to all of it.
I believe it to be demonic.

But even if advanced tech and/or magic was available to the cabal it was still limiting to them that they did not have it in the public arena and could not give it to all of their operatives.

I’m not a Luddite but I have become a tech skeptic.
Tech is a danger to liberty and it takes time for society to adapt to it.
There is a reason the cabal have embraced and encouraged the rapid advancement of tech since the Renaissance and especially starting in the 20th century and it goes far beyond making money and conquering the world in the traditional sense.
The ever increasing rate of change in my lifetime has been particularly destructive and the best thing that could happen would be for us to hit physical limits that bring tech advancement to a halt for a generation or more.

Before metallurgy there were no chains and while guns can be used for the common man to defend himself against thugs of the criminal or jackbooted variety it is far more common for one man with a gun to control one hundred without one.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
2 years ago

I am sure there is truth to what you say.

2 years ago

Considering we are approaching critical mass pretty soon and that I’ve been preparing myself since around 2010 that the next big financial crisis will be one of the worst – I’ve thought about writing down what to do right now and when the time comes. Essentially just for educational means.

This comes from years of preparation by someone with limited financial ressources – as well as plenty of education on my part on how matters develop when excrements hit the fan (For example writings of people who lived through the Yugoslawia seperation). Additionally I do have two people in my extended social circle who are old enough to have lived through the end of the second World War + know what happened afterwards.

So without further talking, here are the very basics:

1. Top Priority

– Get the fuck out of the city. If there is one place you do not want to be when things go from bad to worse, it’s inside a city. This is where the fight for ressources will be the most fierce, because people do not have any. Not to mention that the only city people that will get help are pregnant women or women with children. Everyone else needs to work hard just to get something to eat and nothing else. Or be at war with others. Especially with our “multicultural” and “diverse” cities there will be a massive ingrouping and fighting against each other rather than building up communities that help each other.
Thus you need to have any means or way to get out of the city as soon as possible.

– Water. This is your highest priority. How to get drinkable water. The best case scenario is having a manual well that you can use without any electricity. Second best scenario is having any form of water close by that you can purify. Means of purification are rather simple. Any camper guide can help you with it. Essentially what you need to do is different layers of stones/sand in a pot that the water has to run through. If you have your own property, a big barrel to catch rainwater is great as well.

2. High priority

– Canned food (soup, veggies, bread, sausages, etc.) to last you at least a few weeks. It’s cheap AND you can make use of the cans later on. If you do not have any canned food stored even within the city at this point – what are you even doing? Don’t waste your time on those survival foods. While they are usually good quality – they are way too espensive for what they provide

– Reproducable seeds. Takes very little space, isn’t particulary expensive and you can store them (needs to be dry) for years. Important is that those are seeds that aren’t genetically manipulated. Look on sites like ebay for private sellers. And take seeds that grow well in your climate. Keep in mind no matter how good the quality is, you will always have at least 50% duds. Calculate with 80-90% and for two years. Also seeds are great as an article to trade.

– Other means of food. If you can hunt, that’s obviously great. If you have property, you should’ve already started planting stuff that helps. For example in moderate climates haselnuts are fantastic as they grow like mad and do not take much effort to groom. Also know ways how to prepare food, especially for the winter.

– Lighters. At one point you need fire. While flintstones are a good thing to have regardless – lighters are cheap and easy to store. And they are a great article to trade. Get that stuff as much as you can.

– Have a few first aid kits + some ointments and basic pills for example against diarrhea, fever and such. Iodine and alcohol for cleaning wounds is must haves and reasonably cheap.

– If you have property, get chickens. They cheap, easy to maintain and do not require much work in general. The only two issues is to get a barn that is free of mites and how to protect them from prey animals. There is a reason why chickens have always been common during rough times.

3. Increased priority:

– Books. There is a lot of knowledge most of us do not have that we eventually will need to. For example: Do you know how to preserve food? I didn’t. How about which forest plants are edible? So on and so forth.
Look for used books on these topics. They usually go for less than 5 bucks and having a bunch of them will be helpful.

– Silver coins. You want to store gold? Forget it. You can’t properly trade gold since gold per ounce has too high worth. Silver coins are a way better means to have some sort of currency. You need 20 bucks bank notes more often than 200. Not to mention that history has shown that during a crisis silver rises higher than gold.
Also it is much easier to get your hands on. Getting a few coins for like 15$ each? Most people do have that much leftover income. How about goild coins for 150$? Yeah, you get the point.

– Have at least one worthwhile skill that you can offer and trade that will be needed. Are you good at any handy work? Do you beekeep as a hobby? Do you have medical expertise? So on and so forth. If you do not, start learning already. Your skills are always what has value. And many skills that are needed right now will be utterly meaningless when things go really bad.

– Know how to defend yourself as well as how to build communities. In the rural areas everything will turn into communities. Little spheres of autonomy.

– If you have property, store pounds of sugar, salt and pure vinegar. You preserve food with that stuff.


Everything else that most of the “gurus” talk about is secondary. This stuff above is the stuff you absolutely need.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

true. might just have to be anti-fragile and project anti-fragility.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  survival
2 years ago

I’ll tell you a really good book for survival type stuff,”The Encyclopedia of Country Living” by Carla Emery.

It’s an encyclopedia so not exhaustive on every subject but WOW the vast breathe of stuff she covers is really impressive. Sometimes a reference like this can help you in a tight spot by just giving you enough info to formulate a plan of action.

I can not recommend enough this as a beginning and also ending resource. It just covers so much and has a lot of little tips that you might not know but will make doing things easier. Did I say,”It’s really good”.

Look at the index it covers a lot.

I see a spiral bound, which I don’t have. I think it might be worth it. Also if you just to read this sort of stuff you could spend days reading lots of interesting stuff.

He’s one of the many, many five star reviews on Amazon

“…Deirdre Beach
5.0 out of 5 stars You need this book
Reviewed in the United States on March 13, 2020
Verified Purchase
In 1980 two hippie people moved to the mountains and created a self sustained farm due to this book. My parents learned everything from castrating bulls to canning to keeping us kids entertained during the winter from it. Each of us were given a copy when we turned 18. I haven’t utilized it to the extent my parents did, but I know that when the apocalypse comes I have the manual to survive…”

Read the reviews on this book and you will see.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  survival
2 years ago

One more I forgot that I shouldn’t have.

“The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving the Economic Collapse” by Fernando “Ferfal” Aguirre

This is great. It’s not earth shattering but this guy actually survived a collapse in Argentina. Argentinians went from being a middle class regular society to children staving on the streets and falling asleep in school because they did not have enough to eat. Crime soared to unimaginable levels.

All of his advice is very practical. None of this rambo stuff or anything like that. Very practical and he goes over stuff that you should get NOW because it will be gone later.

2 years ago

Thanks for the [Edited]
Boebert…she’s a plant. I’d be sure of it within 10min of talking to her.
Do a bit of in depth research on Tyler Yzaguirre. University of Delaware. Students for the 2nd Amendment. My knowledge is inside stuff, not probably public knowledge. He got in tight with Dick Heller, and his biggest contribution was bringing in lots of ‘r’ people. Transvestites, openly gay/lesbian, very loud minorities, folks who looked to be honest and sincere, but, well, we’ll get to that.
Once Mr. Heller started seeing his popularity increase, he started handing over things to Tyler….social media and heller related email accounts, gave him a spending account, let his speak in place of Mr. Heller at some events. I told Mr. H, when he asked about Tyler, that he wasn’t what he seemed to be, and to be very careful. He didn’t see it that way, and kept releasing more and more ‘control’ to Tyler. Fast forward a bit, Tyler is emptying his spending accounts and constantly requesting more money, buying drinks for all his friends at events, paying their hotels, spending that continued unchecked and unverified until someone let it slip that ‘Tyler paid for that’ was heard way too many times. Was ‘caught’ meeting with folks he shouldn’t have been meeting with, D and r sides of the spectrum, not friends of gun rights. His response was usually “I’m reaching out”. This from a wet behind the ears college student who somehow got a ‘very anti-gun university to give him money to buy ammo and start a gun club’. Mr. H was locked out of his email and social media accounts.
The only way we found out he was censoring and deleting emails was some of the ones I was sending Mr. H weren’t making it through.
In the end, the net gain for Dick…nothing, and serious and noticeable dilution of his K base with the addition of all the ‘fruits and nuts’ from the other side.
How do I know all this? [Edited, but he is in tight]
Boebert? I’d trust her as far as the Morbark 1600 would let her crawl after a feed through.
Not much here for use, but my relationship with the Hellers isn’t well known (my choice, not his as he’s been wanting to scream it from the rooftops for 9yrs so far…but I’m not going to even give someone a chance to dilute his message with [Edited]), although it is verifiable. And I can show you [Edited] 🙂 Or Mr. Heller’s phone number. Or hers. Or photo’s.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

mathis provides some good related insights re our perpetual masters. but language can be fun and informative. on the face of it, Yzaguirre looks like an hispanic name. it isnt. it is an hispanicized version of the name of one of the tribes – Issachar. he is reaching out, to dilute then transform the “movement”.

Marielle Redclaw
Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

Why should I automatically believe the site that’s allegedly outing these conservatives?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

her bio makes me quote captain capitalism: the father could not be reached for comment

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

You don’t even need a site like this to out the grifters. You know they are grifters because they do not support identity politics for your group.

Identity politics are the rules of the game.

Reply to  Marielle Redclaw
2 years ago

by that same token, why just believe just anyone who says they are R and says they share yer values and positions? we’ve been doing that. how has it worked out?

2 years ago


Husband exposed his junk to two ladies.
Lauren went cat scratch fever on the husband later.

Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

also check out wiki, which isnt revealing. some locus of control issues? wild child. i can see at least some judgment lapses.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

True, but she did have 4 sons, all with her Hubby, who is an oil rig rough neck.

They act about the way I would expect if people from that background came into a whole lot of money. If they are Cabal, they’re new and were chosen for their looks, individually and as a couple, and that probably comes with the predictable baggage, just like our FBI cuck boi from a week ago.

Rambunctious parents to a future tribe of post-apocalyptic raiders if you ask me.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

My best wartime soldiers made terrible peacetime soldiers and would always be getting into trouble. Just because country folk get bored, drunk, and/or are rambunctious doesn’t mean they’re cabal. Trust but verify seems appropriate.

2 years ago

Here’s my guess: the Masons aren’t behind any of this. I believe that the Masons are pretty much harmless. Most of the founding fathers were Masons, and Masonic membership is down 75% since 1960. Going into most Masonic facilities is like going back in time, places built by a different culture. Furthermore, at least on the surface level, Masonic philosophy is exactly what I believe would be very healthy for this culture (I have no doubt that much of our success in the 1800s was due to Masonic values) and that it serves as a good adjunct or alternative to Christian thought.

So what’s going on? Why so much material out there making the Masons out to be bad guys?

I believe that it’s most likely that the Masons were the good guys and Cabal infiltrated and subverted them while simultaneously cranking out a lot of anti-Mason materials to make people suspect it was the Masons when it was really Cabal.

If the Masons were behind all of these power moves their membership would not have fallen by 75%. They’d be growing.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

jews cranked up the masonic and satanic documentation and operations everywhere.

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
2 years ago

weishaupt wasnt a “founder of US” but was (((their man))). on the face of it, he set it up. not Christian. lots of secrecy – Poe’s output contained a lot of anti-masonry. “Never bet the devil your head”. Then they brained him. Then there is Albert Pike. predicted our wars. Said the next one would be vs Islam ( (((they))) are still trying) and at the end one additional deity would take reign – Lucifer. Masons have always been jewtools and satanism runs in it. id suggest one check into the growth of nonwhite chapters and foreign chapters. also note that the jews keep multiple sets of books to better jew, the rubes. they arent alone. jews werk thru ALL groups to master control. but oh yeah the masons are clean and fully Christian. not a chance. ever.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Also pre-1840 Masons were very different from post Albert Pike Masons. Just putting that out there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I am not a mason. But I have listened to a lot of recorded lectures by manly p hall, a 33rd degree or whatever high level. You can listen to what he discusses and make your own evaluations on his thoughts and claims. As far as metaphysics go, he seems to be quite honest and well rounded. That isn’t to say I agree with every single point, but I don’t detect deception or harmfulness in what he was trying to teach. He is the second best lecturer on the subject I have so far discovered. I agree it isn’t masons per se, though being an important organization the idea it hasn’t been infiltrated in some way is laughable.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

Hall is thoroughly excellent and enjoyable to listen to. What a philosopher should be.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

Hall was elder abused to death by a Church of Satan handler; can’t have been all bad

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I think there are and always were good Masons in addition to bad Masons.
But I think the organization and its top leadership were always controlled by cabal.

They were exposed quite some time ago and are now an expendable asset to be used to take the heat off other arms of the octopus.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

they may well be the outer circle of wagons now deemed expendable. there are also several other masonic light orgs that have popped up over the years. likely a large number of masons are in those… so like their elders, yahoodi, they play with numbers also. / lets review this… the masonic crapola was there along. it didnt start with pike. it was going on vs E.A. Poe, and in the days of adam weishaupt. and a lot of the same stories are hooked to the templars. but it is nice to see the constant apologia going on… if yer sincere, start a new org.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

So let me see. You don’t believe any of the covid number nonsense, but you believe the masons are dwindling in number?


Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

“…I believe that it’s most likely that the Masons were the good guys and Cabal infiltrated and subverted them while simultaneously cranking out a lot of anti-Mason materials to make people suspect it was the Masons when it was really Cabal…”

Yes. Some at the top are real evil types. Most by far are not.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

RE: Lauran Boebert and the talent agency

First of all, good catch on the ink, which when located in that general area usually means “stripper” at least at some point in her life. That would explain why I specifically took a shine to her without even realizing it – it might be I was picking up on that(Yes, I have absolutely terrible taste in women).

But it looks like someone in the know has decided to out the Mossad Conservative, Inc Talent Factory. Q did say specifically that they were saving Israel for last. This might be the kickoff on the exposure phase of Israel’s meddling in US affairs.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

That’s all true. (((They))) were given lots of chances to stop and walk away.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Just a quick post before I go work on a house, Chris Langan is recognized as the highest IQ ever tested, and he’s on Gab if you want to follow him. He even dumbs things down well enough for an IQ ~140 like me to follow:

Chris Langan


According to a Pfizer ex-employee, the covid “vaccines” contain highly toxic graphene oxide (which was proposed some time ago as a vaccine adjuvant). In other words, the evidence provided by Spanish researchers using a single sample, which indicated a 99+% graphene oxide suspension, appears to have been strongly reinforced.

The whistleblower (a very credible-sounding lady) mentions that graphene oxide is a main ingredient in hydrogels, which have been proposed as an interface or “operating system” for electromagnetic surveillance and control of the human body and brain. However, she says that this is probably just a preliminary test to establish how well the substance is tolerated – how much of it a human body can take before breaking down with repeated boosters (bad news for guinea pigs).

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

sounds like what was proposed, and may be in use, for liquid cooling some computer cards.

2 years ago

West Germany 1993 when US Army Sargent cut his wife’s boyfriends head off and brought it to her in while she was in Hospital. Set it on night stand so she could say goodbye to him. That really got the attention of the doctors there. Who would have ever thought you’d lose your head over adultery? I suspect the Fulda Gap did that to soldiers.

2 years ago