News Briefs – 08/16/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

AZ Audit preliminary report to be delivered next week.

Georgia Fulton county elections chief Ralph Jones resigns – he ran the late night ballot dump operation in Atlanta.

Flashback to a year ago – The President of the Maryland Young Democrats, Joseph Kitchen was found dead in his apartment despite last being seen at the beach – his last posts were threats to expose the Young Dems of America. No cause of death was ever released, and the whole thing just got memoryholed.

Prince Andrew managed to evade lawyers who were seeking to ambush him on a horse ride, in a bid to serve him court papers in person.

Ron Watkins asks, “Was the “Fall of Kabul” timeline accelerated in order to start a war right before the potentially devastating Maricopa audit results are expected to be released?” It is a good point. We left tons of weapons to arm the Taliban, we are now sending 6,000 troops to the theater to “safeguard” our people there. You can see where it could escalate and offer cover. Already today there is almost no other news besides Afghanistan.

Afghanistan’s President flees as the Taliban swiftly moves into Kabul.

Victorious Taliban commander claims he ‘spent eight years in Guantanamo Bay’ in triumphant speech from Kabul palace as Islamists seize Afghanistan. Do you think they MK Ultra’d those guys in Guantanamo, and maybe only released the ones who they felt were programmed sufficiently? I mean they controlled sleep cycles, what was in their food, what they heard, who they talked to – pretty much whatever they wanted, and in this guy’s case, for eight years.

White House posts a photo of feeble Joe Biden sitting alone on a zoom call as Afghanistan falls to Taliban, and in the process publicly doxes the clandestine CIA officers of its Doha Station who were on the call. UPDATE : It looks like the photo might have been photoshopped, begging the question of why they couldn’t take a real one?

It looks like Joe Biden actually sabotaged the Afghan Air Force.

Jen Psaki takes the entire next week off amid the Afghanistan fiasco.

Taliban terrorist leader Zabihullah Majahid is on Twitter while President Trump is banned.

Don’t ignore the CIA’s intelligence failure on Afghanistan. This pullout from Afghanistan would make sense if CIA was self-funding off heroin sales from Opium grown in Afghanistan. Now as the Taliban renders that place a no-go zone, CIA (and Cabal by extension) would have lost a major source of income and a tactical weapon to damage America.

Epstein worker ‘will swear on oath that he saw Prince Andrew groping Virginia Roberts on billionaire’s island.’

Sen. Lindsey Graham reportedly told President Joe Biden following the 2020 election that he only called out the president’s son, Hunter, for his controversial business dealings to please supporters of former President Donald Trump. Never trust a man without enemies, especially in this world, and especially in the shitbag-filled world of politics.

In a study in Argentina, from Dec, 2020, 1200 Frontline Healthcare workers were examined, 800 were given Ivermectin (which has less adverse reactions than aspirin), 400 were placebo, and while 58% of the placebo group got sick with COVID, none of the Ivermectin group got COVID. (about 2:30 into this video) It fits with that skyrocketing New-Cases graph from India which collapsed right when they began giving out Ivermectin, and which Wikipedia will not let anybody mention. But definitely focus on getting everyone vaccinated and prevent Ivermectin from being distributed, because that is “following the science” to prevent infections.

New Covid variants ‘would set us back a year’, experts warn UK government. Which would be perfect to keep the lockdowns going into the 2022 midterm elections, so they could keep the fraudulent remote mail-in voting going. Of course I am not sure they will need it, if the elections haven’t been noticeably fixed by then. Already I am detecting that conservative motivation will be diminished pretty significantly, if they do not see anything changed from 2020. Most conservatives know, if we were ever going to sweep every election it was 2020. 2022 will feel like much more of a loser to begin with. Add in the elections are rigged, and I could see our side’s turnout drop dramatically, just because it will feel like a losing proposition and waste of energy. Either we will see election fraudsters hanging from lampposts by then ( I suspect it will happen due to the necessity), or lockdowns and vote by mail will be entirely unnecessary as our side will not see the juice (which will just be stolen anyway) being worth the squeeze.

WSMV News 7 Nashville reports that there have been at least 7 cases of paralysis reported after the Pfizer shot.

Eleven Senate democrats vote against COVID tests for illegal immigrants at the southern border.

COVID-19 hospitalization rates for adults in their 30s hit record highs amid Delta variant surge. I wonder if this is entirely ADE, or if COVID is cooking in the third world, getting thrown against younger people with impaired nutrition or sanitation, and it is getting stronger there in them. And now we are importing these stronger strains and shipping them across the country, inside illegal aliens, to infect our own population.

Now some say Merck is throttling the supply of Ivermectin in Australia. I could see them working out a deal just to do it off profit, even before you factor in what will come if there is a solid control group of non-vaxed ten years from now that is healthy, as the vaxxed are all screwed up with everything from Rheumatoid arthritis to vascular dementia.

From here:

There are plenty of places to turn for accurate information about COVID-19. Your physician. Local health departments. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control. But not, perhaps, your local government’s public comment session. During a meeting of the St. Louis County Council earlier this month, opponents of a possible mask mandate made so many misleading comments about masks, vaccines and COVID-19 that YouTube removed the video for violating its policies against false claims about the virus. “I hope no one is making any medical decisions based on what they hear at our public forums,” said County Councilwoman Lisa Clancy, who supports mask wearing

Notice, the FakeNews AP lists doctors in the same breath with the government and the CDC as trusted sources of propaganda on the Vax and COVID. I suspect a lot of those med school slots and internships are only going to trusted Cabal assets. It makes you wonder how much medical malpractice is medical malpractice and how much is the US STASI taking out the machine’s enemies.

48,000 Marines have turned down the COVID-19 vaccine, the Corps says. It is pretty impressive how the truth gets out this well today. Go back before the internet, where the only source of information was the national news, and nobody would have had the ability to even imagine the pharma companies would use such a risky tech and produce such a dangerous vaccine. The one guy at the office who figured it out would have been viewed as the weird conspiracy guy.

Ted Lieu faces scrutiny over his $50,000 campaign donation to Stanford before his son’s acceptance. Cabal assets routed campaign donations to him, and he passed them on to Stanford. It is possible it was unrelated to his son’s acceptance, and was just standard Cabal money laundering to fund the network.

Google whistleblower Zach Vorhis says Google altered its news algorithm to directly target former President Donald Trump. No laws, no rules, just Cabal doing whatever it wants. Media used to have to offer equal time to candidates. Now search engines explicitly program their systems to shut out one candidate’s voice and arguments, and it is regulated about as much and Hunter Biden’s child porn stash and underaged niece sex romps.

Biden Administration prompts largest permanent increase in food stamps. The homeless population is set to explode too, once evictions resume. They said in Atlanta, already the extended stay motels are almost full, and the evictions are not even underway in force, so already there is no place for these people to go. Once the evictions start in earnest, everybody kicked out will be going straight to the street, and from there it will easy for that to become their way of life.

Trudeau triggers Canadian election, with voting day to be Sept. 20. I wonder if he is trying to get it done before news of how rigged the US election was gets out. Because when it comes out our elections were fake, it will become clear to everyone that al of their elections were fake, and people will demand they be secured from fraud.

Afghanistan’s President Ghani is relinquishing power, interim “government” led by the Taliban to be formed.

NASA says Russian media allegations a US astronaut drilled a hole in the ISS are ‘not credible.’ This story is somewhat more reasonable than what this article says, which is just that the astronaut wanted to go home. The actual story is a female American astronaut was driving the American men nuts. She fucked up the toilet on the American side, possibly for spite, and they all had to wear diapers, and the Russians would not let anybody near their toilet because they didn’t want it fucked up too. So the American men, at their wits end with the woman, drilled the hole to get everybody sent home so they could get away from her. Absent a woman driving everyone nuts it would make no sense, but add that facet, and almost crashing the space station in a desperate bid to bring it all to an end suddenly seems perfectly reasonable.

U.S. appeals court sets quick schedule to consider COVID-19 eviction ban.

Michael Avenatti details just how broke he is. It almost seems like, when he failed to even ding Trump’s aura, Cabal viewed him like it viewed McMaster losing his position in the White House – someone who needed to be punished for their failure, so others would know failure was not tolerated.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here. You can also get more statements via email by signing up here.


After I took out ISIS, I established a credible deterrent. That deterrent is now gone. The Taliban no longer has fear or respect for America, or America’s power. What a disgrace it will be when the Taliban raises their flag over America’s Embassy in Kabul. This is complete failure through weakness, incompetence, and total strategic incoherence.

Spread r/K Theory, because Cabal is the priority, and it takes whatever it takes.

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Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…skyrocketing New-Cases graph from India which collapsed right when they began giving out Ivermectin, and which Wikipedia will not let anybody mention…”

Now maybe there could be some, slight, argument that the government was doing it’s best but a study that covers a whole country of billions of people [India] that they ignore means unequivocally that they are trying to murder us.

There was one province or State or whatever in India that did not use Ivermection because some pharm executive ran things there and they are talking about prosecuting her for murder because so many people died there.

This further proves that the people running this are a bunch of psychopaths because only psychopaths continue to tell such huge whoppers of lies even when it’s obvious that they are lying. They believe, really believe, that they can lie their way out of anything.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Its not in the shadows at all. Its right in your face – illegals, vax passports, governors not speaking to white journalists, inflation purposefully released, weakening of the military, and so on.
I wonder what it will take to get people off their asses.
Hope is not a successful strategy.

Reply to  Thedawg
2 years ago

And now importing a new horde of 84-IQ, tenth-century throwbacks to swell the welfare rolls and boost the crime stats.

Hey. it worked so well with the Somalis.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

> They believe, really believe, that they can lie their way out of anything.

As various people have observed when dealing with various foreigners and sociopaths, “It’s not that they lie, it’s that they have no concept of ‘truth’.”

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“So the American men, at their wits end with the woman, drilled the hole to get everybody sent home so they could get away from her.”

Two Psych experiments were conducted. Results confirmed.

1) How will a woke bureaucracy deal with a clearly failing, likely unstable woman?

2) How much will men, who apparently have “the right stuff”, deal with?

Imagine what woke will be able to do to a SSBN or Stealth Bomber. As I look into the future I increasingly see what remains of Western man in a primitive state.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

@Rex regum veniet

“How will a woke bureaucracy deal with a clearly failing, likely unstable woman?”

Instability and evil are the co-morbidities that render a woman unsuitable for any relationship other than exile or death.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I see what you mean. I work with a woman like that. Passive aggressive type. Vaccinated. Pissed that half her staff is unvaxxed.complains to customers about it. She is afraid we are going to get her business shut down. I have a feeling she’s going to make me mask up soon, even though the state lifted the mask mandate months ago.
I find her alarm funny, because she just went to a 3 day phish concert in another state last weekend. Came back & went to party in the city where covid numbers are very high. What a flake!

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“48,000 Marines have turned down the COVID-19 vaccine, the Corps says.”

48,000 is alot of Marines. Semper Fi.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

It would be interesting to know how many of those refusers were combat arms and how many were cooks, clerks, and bottle washers.

It would also be interesting to know the demographic breakdown.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Now some say Merck is throttling the supply of Ivermectin in Australia.”

Anyone know how to make Ivermectin? Or activated charcoal? Likely both will be very much needed for future pandemics.

Bill Gates, CCP and GloboCo. will likely just keep releasing deadlier and deadlier coronaviruses until sterilization is achieved.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Just pay attention to dosing info. Find out the mL per pound body weight. Figure out the concentration of ivermectin to glycerin, add/subtract/multiply/divide to get a true figure. Check for any allergies that might give you problems.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

you can get ivermectin at your local feed supply in US. Research the right form and the right amount, the info is out there.

2 years ago

“Flashback to a year ago – The President of the Maryland Young Democrats, Joseph Kitchen was found dead in his apartment despite last being seen at the beach – his last posts were threats to expose the Young Dems of America. No cause of death was ever released, and the whole thing just got memoryholed.”

NEVER threaten.
Do or do not.
There is no threaten.

2 years ago

“Ron Watkins asks, “Was the “Fall of Kabul” timeline accelerated in order to start a war right before the potentially devastating Maricopa audit results are expected to be released?” It is a good point. We left tons of weapons to arm the Taliban, we are now sending 6,000 troops to the theater to “safeguard” our people there. You can see where it could escalate and offer cover. Already today there is almost no other news besides Afghanistan.”

They can keep this up forever.
When do we force the issue?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

When all the troops we send over ‘catch’ a bad case of the ADE, and they start swinging them from lamp posts or dragging them behind vehicles? Not a really good place to be catching a lethal case of the ‘rona…especially with the dreaded vaccine resistant lambda variant just around the corner. Unless something gets done, and done fast, this shitshow is going to get renewed for another season…unless we start de-scripting some of the lead actors.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago


Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Don’t watch them, watch Trump. Today he demanded that Biden resign. He’s already completely committed to the election being stolen and is calling Biden an illegitimate president.

Back in January Trump predicted that the 25th Amendment was going to be used on the child sniffer, and I expect that to happen after this as a final indignity after the audit results are out. Maricopa results will drop showing how wildly divergent the reality is from what the TV says, and everyone is going to look around and ask if anyone really expects the other states to be significantly different. Forensic audits of all fifty will simply formality at that point, because the truth is that even most of the populist left wants Trump back.

That’s Q’s “unity” in a nutshell. The people were taken to the precipice and shown, and there is where they start fighting to fix it all. I think that we’re just about there, But I won’t commit to Trump being made POTUS again in 2021. Hope that I’m wrong, but I just don’t think that thigns are bad enough yet.

Notice how nobody is talking about the economy? FYI I just lost a day running around trying to by exterior paint because everyone in my sleepy little town is out of exterior paint base. Getting ready to saddle up to go to XXXXX and hope that Home Depot has some. There is ZERO reason for there to be a shortage for a component for a paint base because of a virus, but there is a shortage. I’ve seen pics of grocery stores printing up vinyl sheets of stocked shelves to drape over there empty ones.

Ammo is finally starting to be available again in bulk, but it’s still hit or miss and reloading supplies are best guess a 2022 purchase. And that only applies to 9mm, .40, .45acp, 5.56, .308, and 7.62×39. Ammo for my Yugo Tokarev? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no. My local gunshop has pistol primers strictly on trade for rifle primers. So good luck reloading anything without primers.

Computer components are still through the roof. CPU’s are are available but at least $100 more than their original MSRP. GPU’s are two to three times their MSRP.

Food, fuel, metals, lumber, it’s all still up. The whole thing is primed to melt-down. With Biden&Harris there to be the punching bags, Trump is shielded from responsibility for any of it, just as Q said that he would be.

Rice, beans, vitamin C, and whatever you can grow and store easily like potatoes. You can still buy all of that in bulk right now, so I would stock up. Winter is going to be rough.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

For both AC and Lowell, don’t ever allow any sort of potential doxxing information through. As a moderator, AC, part of your job is making sure legit commenters don’t accidentally provide an excuse of how they were doxxed. We all know they know regardless, but plausible deniability still works to prevent doxxing without any explanation whatsoever. Don’t ever mention specific locations or very personal details. And don’t allow them as a moderator.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

If he has already doxxed himself in those videos, I guess it might not matter for him. Although, being free with that info might provide a false sense of security to other commenters who really should be maintaining opsec. And not everyone quite realizes yet what is possible. Not wanting to burn itself is the real reason why doxxing doesn’t occur without some plausible deniability. Don’t make it easy for them, and help naive users not make it easy for them.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I mentioned a specific city that I was going to , which obviously puts me within a bubble of that city. Thank you Ata for your concern, but I’m not worried about this. Trust me, if they decide I’m worth paying a visit I’ll get one. It’s okay, really.

But since they can’t trick me into joining an infiltrated militia, or getting involved in an FBI bombing plot or whatever, and since I’m just a little too out of the way I’m not currently worth the trouble. I’m also already blacklisted for corporate employment. Plus I don’t do political commentary on video, nor do I run news aggregation like AC, so if you have prayers for protection direct them to AC.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

The blog doesn’t allow replies past a certain tier so I will reply here.

Certain types of opsec should be practiced regardless of if it is necessary or perceived as necessary. Because in the end you just don’t know what might end up being important. These ass-ets are very clever and have methods none of us would have ever thought of, not having an evil mind ourselves. I won’t lie, I am skeptical of how well you or anyone else could handle a media blitz with the cabal’s resources brought on by a doxxing generated through parallel construction. If you have to shoot some MK Ultra victim antifa, do you not still risk at minimum absurd legal fees and years of stress and worry during a court case? And conviction by a corrupt court [check your gps coordinates…]? Why even risk that? What do you have to gain? I see no upside there. Always strike the enemy at their weakest point while minimizing your own exposure. Spreading your name around doesn’t help in that philosophy.

But assuming that could never happen to you, you must also consider your comments and other productions to be a role-model sort of thing. If you are careless, it encourages those with lower information and more at risk to also be careless, and they might feel that wrath even if you don’t personally. Don’t encourage poor op-sec by having poor op-sec yourself!!!! It isn’t just about you. Don’t let our kind, many of whom don’t quite realize how dire things have become, to get fucked. Practice good op-sec. And point that out to others who aren’t doing quite as well as they could be. And definitely don’t let through comments which even partially allow doxxing. That can be added to other comments. I have seen it happen.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

ds/cabal need new opium fields? to regain money power and control…

2 years ago



Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Interesting. What specifically is unusual about the dye job? I imagine a lot of leftists would have this. He did not have this until recently, but he likely had dyed in the past. Also interesting the scheming eyes do not mean anything much, if I interpret you correctly. Still, it’s unsettling to me and I don’t know why he chooses that pose/expression and why others don’t call him on it. From what I’m aware he does not do this much in real life, although I didn’t fully trust him anyways(but not really distrust either in some sense).

I imagine a few of them are close to me, but I guess I don’t really have a choice but to treat everyone normally and go on as usual. I could be potentially more secretive/private but it’s not my personality.

Unfortunately I am not close to my close family. Perhaps I could try to be close to semi-close family(cousins) but we don’t live in the same place.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago


He looks weird in the picture in a way I can’t describe. Perhaps on the lady/mom too but the shades do hide her.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Oh and I was tempted to tell him how unsettling he looks in the picture, especially in private, but I’m scared he’s potentially a total wackjob secretly, and thus could hold a grudge.

But if I looked that way I would want others to tell me… it seems I have other problems in my life where people in social circle dislike certain parts of me or the way I do things but never bring it up, so I never know exactly how big the problem is.

2 years ago

>only released the ones who they felt were programmed sufficiently?
The smell of narc informant should be universal. If they have an opsec he’ll be held at arm’s length

>would have lost a major source of income and a tactical weapon to damage America
Apropos the declaration of fentanyl as “chemical warfare” around St. Floyd of Fent’s ascension. Trafficking human cattle is supposedly more profitable, which would need to be addressed as a prime dark money and agentur/wind-up toy recruitment pool.

>Biden sabotages Afghan Airforce
Can’t have any heavy hardware once the celestials start playing hardball

>V Roberts
Italian Flatbread Gate diggings surfaced her in suss photographs and organizations. If this clandestine dance has been going on for more than a century following Radical Reconstruction — its own ‘Cultural Revolution’ — and beyond, shaking off the British and their intelligence/financial tentacles + loyalist 5th columns would be paramount. Perhaps world wars involvement to the end of bankrupting the British Empire was necessary. Who and what is being leaned on with this interminable Jeffstein, Ghislaine, Prince Albert et. al. cocktease remains inscrutable.

>the juice (which will just be stolen anyway) being worth the squeeze.
The US Boomer Generals’ letter on the heels of the French ones imploring, “vote harder” will be taken to heart, surely.

>straight to the street, and from there it will easy for that to become their way of life.
If the “lowest black unemployment in history” claim was true, and if DT really only needed a few percentages of blacks to cause massive problems for Dems, this ought to help midterms. Reject Moderna, retvrn to monke.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

In reference to losing Afghanistan. Maybe just maybe there’s a subconscious reason no one ever wins in Afghanistan. After all if you win Afghanistan you now have…Afghanistan.


2 years ago

The Department of Homeland Security was created in the aftermath of 9/11.
Arthur Thompson writes of this in his book, To The Victors Go The Myths & Monuments. DHS was in the Patriot Act—which was ALREADY written–waiting for an “incident” to bring it about.
It was NOT about Muslims, never was—but was always about the whites. Homeland Security is a Marxist Organization, a Jewish Organization—to quell dissent of… and suppress reaction to the Jewish Marxist Dictatorship of this country. Alejandro Mayorkas—an Immigrant—a Jew—A Cuban —from a Communist country–declares that White supremacy is THE THREAT. Ohhh, yes it is. It is ALL about White Suppression—IT IS ALL about STEALING this country, punishing the whites—and eventually putting them in camps like South Africa. The Stupid Whites in America are going the way of White South Afrikaners. And if you speak out, protest—you’re a hate group and a Nazi—gaslighting.
The FBI is the white suppression unit and DHS is the NKVD of the USSA, United Soviet States of America.

The Department of Homeland Security is for Jewish Use. Just like in Bolshevik Russia, they need a unit to suppress the whites and take them out—that is the purpose of DHS.

The Jews are running circles around us stoopid goyim. And notice how the title of “American” gives them cover—that is the purpose of the New World Order—race doesn’t matter–its all about an “idea”. You don’t notice that the Harris/faux Biden Admin is a Jewish Admin. Everybody surrounding him is Jewish. And yet they are NOT marked out as such. DHS is a National security agency to quell domestic disturbances–to be used against uppity whites.
So a majority European country—is being run by a Christian-hating, European-hating, minority of 1% !!! Brilliant. This country is sooooooooooooo stooopid.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

All this whiteness nonsense is poppycock—how much does a Swede have in common with a Slovene, a Welshman with a Frenchman? Skin colour does NOT unify! Look at how French-Canadians despise their English-speaking neighbors, how E. Michael Jones points out that Irish and Lithuanians were liable to come to blows if encountered in the other’s Catholic parish. In fact, American identity became vulnerable when they stopped identifying as a better class of Englishman, as WASPs—basically until the 1920s.

Prof. Ed Dutton makes a strong case:

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Some WASP
2 years ago

[yeah right,sure]

“…All this whiteness nonsense is poppycock—how much does a Swede have in common with a Slovene, a Welshman with a Frenchman? Skin colour does NOT unify!…”

If Whites had the same stick togetherness that the Jews have, who are even more diverse than Whites, we would throw them out on their asses overnight.

WASP indeed
WASP indeed
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Fren, white solidarity is not even desirable—The Basque THRIVES on hating Castillians, Slavs typically mistrust their nearest conational neighbors, Caucasian men of the dozen-plus Adige mountain nations keep up their K-edge by squabbling with each other. “Whiteness”—in case you haven’t noticed—is terminology invented to simplify the elimination of dissimilar-albeit-pale-skinned nations and you are playing right into (((their))) hands. (And, yes, pure WASP here with a 25% sprinkling of Western Scandinavian).

America is first and foremost an English project by and for Englishmen, and a great vision intended to shake off the mental shackles of the Norman-French occupation of Old Blighty.

You will never build a White coalition. It is a fool’s errand. Christian? Sure. Pagan? Why not? Ideologies can unify people more than skin color. Color is ludicrously overrated and a total dead end.

Reply to  WASP indeed
2 years ago

What we need is rivalry not hate within America.
My brother and I against my cousin and my cousin and I against the infidel is anti civilizational, everywhere that practices that kind of extreme tribalism is a backwards hellhole.

We need unity under American ideology (which is why we MUST expel the enemies of Americanism) and rivalry within it.
On a higher level we need unity under Christendom and rivalry within it.
Last of all we need unity under K and rivalry within it.
Hatred should be reserved for r.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Who was the first head of DHS? Wasn’t it that evil-looking Amish guy who’s last name translates to “son of the devil,” and who’s pappa was an Israeli bus bomber back in the Irgun days? Same man who owns the patent on the airport TSA scanners because “Eskimos gotta eat!”

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Re: The Homeless and Evictions

Note that in the past few years there’s been a substantial surge in popularity of “overlanding,” “van life,” and “digital nomad” lifestyles. r/vagabond has 1.1mil subs. Seen from a certain perspective, all of these movements glorify an idealized r-selected type of homelessness. With evictions, the new precedent of stimulus payments, and the growing UBI issue, this might be Cabal promoting a fully mobile force of useful idiot NPCs. What if, after all of the MSM brainwashing, the newly homeless decide that it’s socially acceptable, that they’re not pariahs but “nomads.” Imagine the havok Cabal could wreak by mobilizing 10k, 100k, 1mil of these rabbits to a specific end.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Real Nomads lived in dwellings called ‘Ger or Yurt” and herded cattle, sheep and goats on the grasslands.

Those aren’t like the real nomads of the steppe.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

“…“overlanding,” “van life,” and “digital nomad” lifestyles. r/vagabond has 1.1mil subs. Seen from a certain perspective, all of these movements glorify an idealized r-selected type of homelessness….”

Your wrong. It’s a sign of poverty. In the 60’s some one could get a manufacturing job or be a plumber, electrician etc and afford to have his wife stay home and afford a small house. Try that now. It’s impossible.

People living in vans in motor homes is just the their last fervid grasp at not being homeless and living on the streets.

I’ve run the numbers here several times and the money they are spending, on what I don;t know, supposedly on the homeless they could take that same sum and in maybe five years or less build small little apartments for every single homeless person in the country.

Now of course we will get the obligatory, they’re all on drugs and evil, the homeless, and maybe a lot of them are but if they had a place to take a shower and poop indoors I expect eventually some of them might decide using drugs is not helping. It’s hardly conducive to stopping drug use living under a bridge or in a cardboard box.

Let’s not even mention the banks are WIDE OPEN buying every single house they can with zero, or so close as to not matter, FED bucks then renting them out at as high a price as they can.

Here’s some links where I just plugged in the money we were spending and added in some construction cost to see if we could solve the problem or not. Maybe my numbers are not perfect but their not totally wrong either.

You don’t have to be a flaming liberal to think that as much money as the government spends, especially on the “fixed” portion of our citizens who have the right connections we shouldn’t have people living in the streets. The area I’m talking about is like RV size which is not so big. They have 20″ x 8.5′, 160 sq. Ft., RV’s that are not too bad as they are laid out well. We could build much the same with apartments with good sturdy doors and lots of cameras for security.

Not that there wouldn’t be trouble because these are troubled people but those that cause trouble could be put in jail. At the least they wouldn’t be camped in the streets.

Maybe some of them would even get a job. How the hell are you going to get a job if you live in a tent on the sidewalk???

And to those that would complain they wouldn’t do anything anyways I say, so what, they would at least be less of a nuisance.

Let’s add further to that. A bunch of people are complaining that people are not rushing out to work and instead are staying on unemployment. My answer is that if they didn’t flood the country with aliens, move all the jobs to China, spend all our money on foreign wars for the Jews and steal everything not nailed down maybe people would pay over bare subsistence wages people might would WANT to go to work.

It’s the equivalent of Southern slave owners complaining about the slaves breaking their tools.

What we have today…it doesn’t have to be this way.

2 years ago

Read a pretty interesting theory re: the media pumping the alien nonsense so hard everywhere.

TLDR: some globohomo org is using a “known quantity” of conspiracy theory discussion with the alien stuff to build up machine learning algorithms that can ID linguistic patterns and other markers of “conspiracy” talk. These algorithms can then be extrapolated to other “conspiracy theories” and seek them out for destruction and censorship online.

2 years ago

Alex Jones tells it like it is. Wow! NSFW language.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anon70
2 years ago

Let me tell what I think about Alex Jones. First Alex Jones is NOT Alex Jones. I saw a long article where they said he was Bill Hicks. “If” the pictures and video of the real Alex Jones a radio personality, were not faked then there’s no way Alex Jones is Alex Jones. Alex Jones is really Bill Hicks a comedian who supposedly died of cancer. The evidence for this is really large and it’s very convincing. Haven’t you ever wondered why Joe Rogan seems to have such a close and intimate relationship with Alex Jones supposedly some radio host that lived in Arkansas? Simple he was Bill Hicks a comedian and they’ve known each other a long time. (Now I will refer to Bill Hicks as Alex Jones for the rest of this.).

So Bill Hicks is a typical drug addled comedian. Now he becomes Alex Jones. Now Alex Jones has a Jew wife when he starts and has Spook relatives(for real). So they put him in this spot and he rails like a maniac so that people will think all people bringing up the various real conspiracies the psychopathic NWO(Jews) are involved in are fake and anyone who believes it is a nut.

Now this is what I believe and if you’ve watched him for a while you’ll see this appears to be true but of course I can’t really prove anything.

So Alex rails on and on but in doing his job he has to actually research this stuff and…he finds it’s true. Now Alex started as your basic drug using scum bag but he has a conscience. is a regular guy and this starts to bother him.

You can see this evolution to where his information becomes more and more and more accurate with less fake stuff thrown on top. Not hard to do because the psychopaths running things are increasingly going off the deep end.

In some ways he peaked around 9-11 and after that when he went all in on the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting (fake) and several other things that were real like Michelle Obama being a man. At that time they reigned him in HARD. Since then he’s still chugging on and trying to do the best he can to warn us but I think his control is a little tighter. But every day he’s trying to warn us with as much good info as possible. Sure he has to bend things a little for his handlers but he’s fairly accurate a lot of the time.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“…I always thought Alex Jones’ voice was funny, even before I saw the Bill Hicks as Alex Jones story…”

I can’t finds the video but I have seen a clip of Bill Hicks ranting as a comedian and…it’s (present) Alex Jones. I mean exactly like Alex Jones sounds when he gets wound up. If you heard this you would immediately know, Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. It is so distinctive that it’s impossible not to hear it.

That being said Alex Jones has really done an excellent job in putting out a lot of the truth. If they thought he would ruin people who believe in conspiracies I think they failed.

Johannes Q
2 years ago

A/C, a while ago I posted about a German Youtuber, Robert Stein, who makes videos walking his dogs in the countryside outside Munich, and his remark “it’s very quiet here, no one is here, apart from a plane flying overhead”. He just made a new video, wading down a river in a wood, and at 1:12 you can hear a helicopter flying overhead, he even says, jokingly (in German), “here come the black helicopters” then says they must be looking for someone, and says earnestly “hopefully they are successful”. I’m guessing it was a police or medical chopper but I still found it odd how many of his wilderness-walking videos have overhead aircraft. Incidentally, the url for the vid ends in “Zog”, which might amuse our missing fren & ‘bro of the Lem or Sam J.

Anonymous Conservative
Anonymous Conservative
Reply to  Johannes Q
2 years ago

Yeah, he’s definitely under coverage; I didn’t speak the language, so I didn’t get the context of the meeting with the woman with the tattoo’s who had the dogs. But I have found a lot of the coverage often have tattoos, sometimes to a crazy degree, and wondered if she might have been sent in as foot surveillance to cover him and got unwittingly drawn into his video.

I also wondered if she had a transmitting camera and mic in her backpack, or maybe the big cups which she positioned at the beginning before sitting with him. A few times I have had teenagers making foot passbys holding Bakery Boxes with strings weirdly, as if they had cameras or something in them they were pointing. I noticed it seemed as if the aircraft disappeared once he was engaged with her.

Johannes Q
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

It’s odd: she says she was walking around Europe with her dogs for months and just happened to meet him as she was a few km from home. Even he remarks that it’s quite a coincidence to meet her just as her epic journey is about to end. She comes across as a drug-addled burnt out hippy German, they often have twisted facial expressions and rasping sarcastic voices, and tattoos. Robert Stein makes a lot of videos about conspiracy topics and contemporary politics, but comes across as very pleasant and sane so I can imagine he annoys the German elites.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

> But I have found a lot of the coverage often have tattoos, sometimes to a crazy degree


Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Interesting. FWIW, a disproportionately high amount of my social circle has tattoos, even though I personally really dislike tats(on myself/girlfriend/family) and would mildly prefer to hang out with people without them.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Regarding tats, for what it is worth, I read somewhere (I think it was on one of Krauser’s book) that they signal impulsivity and short-term thinking bias (and also r-selective sexual behavior (aka slutiness)), and it seems like he is right because when I was a social media user/lurker I would come across these posts by young females (including some already nearing their 30’s) mentioning how they would get tats when bored.

It was really insightful that one of the people I remember posting that even made a joke that she’d run out of space for tats before long if she kept getting a tat everytime she was bored (she was 18 or 19), and then some time later she posted about how nice guys can’t fuck and how she was now single (that came some time after she posted about how her bf made her feel so special by telling her how he loved her everyday, talk about getting redpilled by reality right).

Good thing that tats are now easily removable, as getting tats is a sin and even I fell for that bs (thankfully it was a small simple one).

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago


Wew, that’s disgusting. Having a social circle I mean, not the tats : DDDDDD

Just kidding : P

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I believe I read here tats= fear of loss. Since there’s so many reasons not to get tats, there has to be something which overcomes this. Even with impulsivity there’s other less permanent, painful and cheaper options.

2 years ago

A thought on Afghanistan. Rumors were that a big reason for going there was to prop up poppy growing for opium/herione/morphine trade by cabal cia et al. So while the American taxpayer paid the bill for security, cabal got something very, very lucrative out of it. I don’t know how the synthetic fentanyl fits into this, other than it seems like China jumping into the game much later.

Correct me if I am wrong about this, but I am pretty sure the Taliban doesn’t allow mass growing of poppies. So one possibility for the withdrawal was it was always a front for protecting the drug trade, and leaving might be a big hit to cabal finances.

The other thing is now taxpayers won’t have to spend money on a stupid occupation most never wanted or saw much use in anyway. The idea they were ever involved in 911 is horseshit in my opinion.

Third, those troops are coming home and will do what I wonder.

2 years ago
2 years ago

This predates afghanistan drug smuggling, but bo gritz was a whistle blower about what was going on in the golden triangle with CIA drug smuggling.

2 years ago

Sorry, ignore previous bo gritz comment, as it submitted too early before I got links in. Anyway, he was a whistle blower about the CIA smuggling drugs from southeast asia before afghanistan was a thing.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

RE: Way off topic video game recommendation

Remember when we were all mad at Ubisoft for putting us in this game? Turns out they did put us in here, as the good guys.

Far Cry 5: Launch Gameplay Trailer | Ubisoft [NA]

I LOVE the Far Cry games, mainly because FC 2, 3, 4, and now 5 let me look down the iron sights of a 1911 and shoot people in the head because they have it coming. I just fired up FC5 last night despite not having the rig I wanted to run it on. After FC4 turned out a bit underwhelming, I wasn’t expecting much, but I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised. This is my recommendation after four hours.

1) The setting is amazing(for me). This game looks like my area of [Rural America]. The houses are correct, the people are correct, everything is familiar.

2) The buddy system from FC2 returns, and this time it actually works. I LOVE having a dog.

3) Since FC3 I basically play the first half of each game with a bow, 1911, and an RPG. Looks like I’ll be doing that again.

4) There are no tower climbs this time. The only way to update your map is to rescue civilians who then drop locations on you. It’s a GOOD design choice that forces the player to interact with the game world from the ground rather than simply fly from point to point.

5) About the games villains they are basically Antifa mashed up with the Jim Jones cult, except that they made Jim Jones look like David Koresh. It works. I don’t mind shooting tatted up losers busy murdering or kidnapping people and confiscating their property.

Honestly, this one is on track to dethroning FC3 as my overall favorite in the series. Currently it stands at FC3>FC:BD>FC4>FC1>FC2. I never intend to play FC: Primal, or for that matter FC1 & 2 since are so full of problems that they aren’t worth playing any longer. FC2 is buggy as hell, and loaded with annoying game choices and a completely nihilist story. FC1 is great for the first half, until the difficulty spikes through the ceiling beyond what’s fun. I recently replayed FC4 and it’s better than I remember, but still kinda blah. But FC5 speaks to me.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Thanks for the tip. A buddy just gave me his PS4 (he upgraded to a PS5). It has a bunch of games loaded, FC5 is one of them. Once I finish killing Mongols(Ghost of Tsushima is fantastic!!) I’ll give it a go

2 years ago

Real Taliban News
BREAKING: Taliban Sources Claim Joe Biden “Illegitimate Ruler” of U.S. Gov — Will Only Negotiate w/ Former Trump Presidency

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I am told this is a fake account so disregard it.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

I’m almost 100% sure that’s a parody account based on its post history, but it would be hilarious if true. #deposethefraud, right?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Fake or not it’s a good shot!

2 years ago

Coronavirus breakthrough as UK scientists back wonderdrug to treat vaccine blood clot

2 years ago

archive this tweet:

Its because the Sacklers lost the court case that Afghanistan was no longer needed. There is synthetic fentanyl instead manufactured in China and funneled through the drug cartels.

2 years ago

Article has vids and more than this, but this is the TL;DR:

“In the future it will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he is over 60-65 years of age, man lives longer than he produces and costs society dearly. Then the weak and then the useless who do nothing for society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the stupid ones.

Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in all cases. Of course, we cannot execute people or set up camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe it is for their own good. Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive.

Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to a screeching halt rather than gradually deteriorating. We won’t be able to give intelligence tests to millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated.

We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots will thus be done by themselves: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. “

“The future of life” – Jacques Attali, 1981, interview with Michel Salomon.

This book is currently out of print. Perfect coincidence. This road map to tyranny is well known. The Press will not report the truth nor Big Tech because they all assume that they will be part of those selected to remain. Indeed, society is nothing but a herd of sheep. They know very well that the majority “will go to the slaughterhouse on their own.” Nature will always cull the herd, so to speak. But that is simply how things have worked for thousands of years. Those who see themselves as elitists neither believe in God nor in Nature and simply think they should redesign the world. These ideas have been floating around for a very long time. I have listened to them in meetings for the past 40 years and often asked what was my opinion. While the computer has correctly forecast these dark years, it also clearly shows they will lose. For that, they never liked that forecast but assumed it was just my opinion. Sorry! Wrong again!

Johannes Bartholomew
Johannes Bartholomew
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Thanks for the quote. Armstrong is very informative.

Reply to  Johannes Bartholomew
2 years ago

Thanks my ass, I want 6 quintillion nippon Yen : DDDDD

2 years ago

>me at the door when the jab squads try to force their poisonous death shoot on me:

comment image

2 years ago
Miss Prism
Miss Prism
2 years ago

Did anyone see this? It’s Dr. Shiva talking about the numbers at the symposium…

I’d appreciate a take or two on how this all fits in? I did read the Hitchhiker’s Guide, but it’s been a long time.

Also, Lindell was on tonight (on Frank) talking about Josh Merritt using bad words and more importantly doxing Tina Peters (general, at least) location, as well as Merritt misrepresenting much of what went on in the conference. He was banned after day 2. They had clips of a recorded convo between Merritt and I think a journo from Washington Times.

Mr Twister
Mr Twister
Reply to  Miss Prism
2 years ago

“(On Frank)”

Would that be ?

Great infotainment channel if so.

2 years ago

Another thought on Afghanistan…
Q mentioned we are watching a movie. How much is real?

1. Trump made a deal with Afghanistan.
Biden reinforces it here:

2. We get the staged photo of the embassy being evacuated by chopper. Because that’s exactly what the fuck it was. They wanted the Vietnam photo, whoever took it. Let me guess, it was one of the Taliban, right?

3. We have pictures at the airport filming the C-17 taking off and dudes hanging on. We have a body supposedly falling off the plane. Who says that wasn’t a body dummy? Let’s see the body on the ground.

4. We got recent pictures (supposedly) and reports of Taliban murdering people. But we don’t have video of it. The video we do have is them walking around and smiling, like they are on some 4th of July parade. We have video with gun shots, but no video of someone getting smoked. Please post something to counter this argument. I haven’t seen every video.

5. Sloppy Joe and the Camal Hoe are missing bodies. The whitehouse press secretary just goes on PTO. Seriously? They’ve NEVER behaved like this before.

6. Taliban has Kabul or parts of it. Embassy being evacuated supposedly under duress. Really? How many Marines got wounded/captured/killed? I haven’t seen reports of one. How many Americans at the Embassy died/wounded/captured? Extrapolate this to the airport. They are now saying it’s going to take 72 hours to evacuate and they POST IT TO THE INTERNET. Why hasn’t the Taliban bum-rushed the airport to smoke every American?

7. What we are seeing reminds me of the bullshit Covid videos coming out of China last year.

It’s probable Trump made a deal with the Taliban to let them have the country. The presidency appears to be run by Q group. (No saluting / 10 days of darkness / handlers around Joe/Hoe and all the other weird shit). They made Slo Joe and the Hoe hunker down to look incompetent.

Are we watching a movie? No Americans wounded/killed/captured in a “catastrophe evacuation” over 72 hours when the enemy holds the city? I mean seriously look at what’s happening. Where are all of the dead Americans being dragged around the city, ala Somalia?

If it smells like bullshit, it is bullshit.

2 years ago
2 years ago
2 years ago

The Miss Prism, Bman, and Farcesensitive comments above (the second Farcesensitive one) are really informative and I will repost in tomorrow’s thread.

However, they all involve links. To take them in reverse order, the second Farcesensitive post shows a nurse/ whistleblower claiming that 30% of the “vaccines” administered are placebos. The Bman post is a credible argument that the entire Afghan fiasco of the last week is a psyop.

The Miss Prism post is somewhat complicated, but essentially a MIT scientist and political activist was interviewed by Bannon and claimed that that the Lindell/ Byrne/ Powell cyberhacking the election stuff was either a really elaborate psyop, to distract attention from the retail level fraud (this is Robert Barnes take), or legit and the fraud was really obvious. His argument is that if the presidential election was hacked by the computer, all they did was subtract 4.2% of the votes from Trump and transferred it to Biden. The Douglas Adams books feature 42 prominently, so this is plausibly something that a bunch of nerds could do if asked to hack an election over the internet.

I think the retail level fraud, people pulling suitcases of ballots from under desks on videotape stuff, presented by Giuliani and his team in November and December, was enough, but there could have been a computer hack as well. They could have done both. This is also Bannon’s view. We don’t know if one of these was a psyop to distract from the other, which would be the smoking gun.

Reply to  e,D
2 years ago

> We don’t know if one of these was a psyop to distract from the other, which would be the smoking gun

I believe they needed both. They were expecting the same trick whitehats performed in 2016. So the Cabal electronic rigging was a bait because this time they were planning to catch Trump “meddling with the election results”.
The retail level was needed to have the “correct results” on the ground for possible “recounts” later on.
