News Briefs – 10/19/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Whitmer vetoes election bills Michigan GOP says will restore faith in elections.

Fox News host Maria Bartiromo is reporting that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may be planning to step down.

This is the piece of shit female prosecutor who freed the boy in a skirt who raped a freshman girl in a high school and who then tried to jail her dad on misdemeanor charges for complaining about it.

17 state AGs demand the DOJ cease their attempt to silence parents at school board meetings.

The UK MP murdered by a Somali immigrant had been calling for the prosecution of the Iranian leadership. Iran is tied up with Cabal somehow.

British Police stopped priest from giving last rites as stabbed Catholic politician lay dying. Spontaneous occurrence, or could it be a message to everyone else he was out?

A kind of funny article about how the Boston Pride parade was destroyed by a myriad of SJW groups all trying to coopt it for their own purposes. BLMs wanted it to support a war on Police, Palestinian protestors attacked it for including Israeli gays, transgenders tried to make their plight the most important issue for the group, the groups all attacked, using standard SJW tactics straight out of SJWs Always Lie to take over the leadership when it didn’t support their causes to the exclusion of its own, and finally the whole thing fell apart. I was laughing and shaking my head as I read it, I am sure Vox Day will too if it ever makes it to him. I think Vox Day may see a new wave of sales of SJWs Always Lie, this time to SJWs trying to keep other SJW groups from converging their own SJW groups. Truly peak SJWism. On the bright side, it can’t get much worse now that they are eating their own.

Colin Powell, the former U.S. Secretary of State, has died as a result of COVID-19 complications despite being fully vaccinated, his family has said. Did the vaccine weaken him to the virus, or did the vaccine kill him outright?

A whistleblower says the FDA and CDC are ignoring a damning report that over 90% of a hospital’s admissions were vaccinated for Covid-19 and no one was reporting this to VAERS.

Three professional medical associations have backed a bid to strip doctors who speak out against the novel COVID-19 inoculations of their ability to practice medicine.

IL Governor JB Pritzker working to undo the Health Care Right of Conscience Act, which bans discrimination by public or private institutions “because of such persons conscientious refusal to receive…or participate in any way in any particular form of healthcare services contrary to his or her conscience.” Hard to believe when this is all over we will need a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing us the right to manage our own medical treatments how we wish.

No More Silence, a website dedicated to sharing stories of real people who have suffered debilitating adverse events after taking one of the experimental shots for COVID-19, features 213 unique stories of injury from people in 17 countries.

Thanks to vax mandate, Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists face mass firings. PhDs are the most hesitant.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot brazenly breaks her own COVID rules by smirking for photo while bare-faced in masked crowd at basketball game – then shares it on her Twitter account.

Colleges have begun hiring student hall monitors to enforce mask and distancing restrictions, a move that has given students authority over their peers for their obedience to the state’s COVID diktats.

Chicago threatens to withhold retirement benefits from Police officers who retire rather than submit to the city’s COVID vaccine mandate.

More deaths from vaccinations than from Covid-19 in Taiwan.

A Miami private school has mandated that students who receive a COVID-19 shot stay home for 30 days after each dose – citing claims that newly vaccinated people can shed the vaccine.

Study published on NIH website finds ‘no discernable relationship’ between vaccine status and COVID cases, says infection rate may be higher among the fully vaccinated. From the link – A new study published in the NIH NCBI database and authored by Harvard professor S. V. Subramanian, Ph.D, and Penn State professor Akhil Kumar, Ph.D claims that vaccination rates have “no discernable relationship” with the amount of new COVID cases, and notes that “In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people.”

Data analyst proves Covid-19 deaths increased dramatically after the vaccine roll-out in over 40 countries.

In North Carolina, poultry workers are quitting in large numbers after an unknown chemical was introduced at their plant. You have to wonder if they are trying to kill people through chicken now, and it needs to be avoided. Or are they just trying to shut down poultry processing, to create a shortage there?

Philly train riders held up phones as woman was raped, police say.

US flu cases up 23 percent from 2020.

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) says he won’t vote for Trump if he runs in 2024. Traitor. The only time he will say stuff you agree with will be to fool you into supporting him so he can screw you later for Cabal.

NeverTrump grifters want you to align with Democrats to sefeat Republicans in 2022.

Hillary Clinton has released a novel under her name in which critics claim she gets even with Joe Biden for beating her to the White House by characterizing him as a “fool.”

Biden tells DOJ to enforce subpoena against Steve Bannon.

John Kerry and his wife own interest in a Chinese firm which profits off Uighur repression and slave labor.

Biden is secretly flying planeloads of underage migrants into suburban NY in dead of night.

Press Secretary Jen Psaki says Biden is asking OPEC to pump more oil.

Haitian authorities identify gang behind the kidnapping of 17 American missionaries – the 400 Mawazoo gang.

Hundreds of churches across Virginia began airing a political ad featuring Vice President Kamala Harris urging viewers to vote for Terry McAuliffe for governor over the weekend in violation of laws requiring tax-free houses of worship not engage in political campaigning. There are no laws, and no rules, because the law enforcement, and even more powerful intelligence agencies have decided there shall not be in cases like this, for the Cabal democrats.

Terry McAuliffe got nearly $500,000 from Bloomberg-backed gun control group in September.

Maxine Waters paid her daughter $74,000 in campaign cash this year alone.

A year and a half old, but Alan Dershowitz said he had an FBI 302 showing George Soros asked Barack Obama to have the DOJ investigate somebody.

Top 10% of richest Americans own about 90% of stocks on the US markets.

Chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, reportedly sold up to $5 million worth of stock right before the stock market suffered a significant drop.

Virginia Tech to restrict ‘selfish, inappropriate, and embarrassing student behavior’ at football games after “Fuck Joe Biden” chants break out across the country.

Biden has less than a month to make a decision about still-withheld records on the JFK assassination.

At a July global climate gathering in London, South African environment minister Barbara Creecy presented the world’s wealthiest countries with a bill: more than $750 billion annually to pay for poorer nations to shift away from fossil fuels and protect themselves from global warming.

Canada bans public employees from using ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ in any context.

Brian Laundrie lookalike ambushed by feds at gunpoint on Appalachian Trail. Interesting. Cabal knew exactly who this innocent guy is. I would bet he has a long file with observations of all kinds, and Cabal intel, if asked, could have told you exactly who he was in minutes. But US Marshals apparently do not have access to those files. Of course if they did, I bet they would know exactly where Laundrie was.

Peter Schiff says, stock up now because inflation could get very ugly.

There could be a curious link between psychedelics and improved heart health. In Chinese Medicine, there is a close linkage between dreams and the heart, which houses the shen, or spirit. When the heart is unbalanced the shen becomes disturbed, and that manifests in the dreams, which are probably similar to psychedelic trips from a neuro-cognitive perspective.

Russia suspends operations of its mission at NATO as relations with the globalist West deteriorate further. The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Russia has at least 10,000, maybe 20-30,000 Americans who have seen the beast and would ally with them in a heartbeat operationally to take out the corrupt Cabal in our government.

Rasmussen finds, 69% oppose plan to have the IRS monitor bank transactions.

Republican Youngkin takes a slight lead over McAuliffe in new Virginia gubernatorial poll.

Analysts believe demographic trends put Democrats at grave risk of losing massive numbers of seats in the Senate, over the next two election cycles. “If 2024 is simply a normal year, in which Democrats win 51 percent of the two-party vote, Shor’s model projects a seven-seat loss, compared with where they are now.” Encouraging, if we deal with the fraud.

Democrat Reps. Mike Doyle and David Price announce their retirements as Dems face a fragile majority in 2022.

Democratic retirements could make a tough midterm year even worse.

Republican candidate Matt Mowers outraised vulnerable Democrat incumbent Rep. Chris Pappas (D-NH) in New Hampshire’s first congressional district by nearly $80,000, after the Republican announced his candidacy to unseat Pappas roughly one month before the filing deadline.

Invite other people to because everything dies sometime.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Thanks to vax mandate, Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists face mass firings. PhDs are the most hesitant.”

First it was Navy Seals. Then Boeing and Northrup Grumman workers. Now it’s nuclear scientists. This should end well.

I’ll be heading out to one of these,

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

That as very interesting.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“US flu cases up 23 percent from 2020.”

Could diseases adapt to become more infectious in lockdown/social distancing environments? Many parts of the world are still in different types of lockdowns, but they still have to work/shop etc. could we just be conditioning prevalent natural diseases to spread more easily?

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Nah, they just lied about the flu rate last year and called it Covid.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago


Now more than ever people have been forced to visit the same stores as others are closed. There have been no issues for 18 months so it cant be what you suggest.

How about it just being the resumption of counting flu cases.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“There are no laws, and no rules, because the law enforcement, and even more powerful intelligence agencies have decided there shall not be in cases like this, for the Cabal democrats.”

Churches that condone lawlessness are not of the savior Jesus Christ. None who attend those churches can be saved therein. They must leave those churches and repent, only then will they be on the path towards salvation.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Yeah except telling churches they can’t endorse a candidate flies in the face of the first amendment. I say all churches everywhere start doing this.

2 years ago

> Rasmussen finds, 69% oppose plan to have the IRS monitor bank transactions.

Never understood the outrage over this. Do people think the IRS isn’t already monitoring every single transaction regardless of size as they will? They’ve been an out and out mafia-style intimidation racket since the first day they opened for business, just assume your data is being jacked at every level of operation and act accordingly.

Lori Geerhardt
Lori Geerhardt
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The problem is okaying any authority to officially monitor for any amount, because what follows is hiring more IRS personnel to make that monitoring a personalized experience for many millions of Patriots. Right now, the IRS receives so many documented whistleblower claims of tax fraud, the IRS has departments that do nothing but process them to be rejected. The Obama admin reduced investigation and enforcement staffing to negligible. Resources are dedicated to auditing taxpayers with incomes of $28-60,000/year, not the big offenders, like democrat nonprofits. I learned this, because I filed a whistleblower case when my well documented tax fraud case against a connected (democrat patron) nonprofit was rejected as “not credible, not specific and speculative.” It is insane. And not even a Tax Court judge can make the IRS investigate blatant fraud.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Its the thin edge of the wedge mate. It isn’t the 600 bucks. Its making it official. That is, YOU consent to it.

The next move is to 500, 400, 300 and so on.

Then its saying you cannot purchase this item – ammo for example. Your social credit score isn’t high enough! No alcohol for you!

Or, you cant board that train, plane or dogsled.

None of this shit has anything to do with money laundering. Watch out all you big time money launderers we are looking at your 600dollar monthly monetary movement.

It is simply another mechanism of control to get you used to.

2 years ago

“Thanks to vax mandate, Los Alamos National Laboratory scientists face mass firings. PhDs are the most hesitant.”

Polls have consistently shown: Higher the education; Lower the vax rate. Even before the Scamdemic, but more extreme since it began.

2 years ago
Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I stopped using Google around 2017 when I could tell their censorship was going to get bad. I used Bing for a while and still use that for innocuous searches. Anything serious, I use one called But Bing still pretty much gets me the results I need.

It took me until a couple months ago to get completely out from under gmail. I’ll maintain the account, but on the assumption they’ll ban me at any time.

I won’t touch Duck Duck Go since that came out of the same CIA/NSA pool Screwgle did. One of my boys inherited my cynicism and calls it “Fuck Fuck No”.

David S
David S
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“Actually there was a poll which showed vax resistant were the top and the bottom of the bell curve, and vax-embracing were the fat middle. ”

I saw that poll as well with the U-shaped plot of results. And I saved the meme as well oh, it made me chuckle. But that you can’t find it by a Google search to me it makes it obvious that they’re burying it. It shouldn’t surprise me find now but it still does.

Reply to  AlFred
2 years ago
2 years ago

“Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot brazenly breaks her own COVID rules by smirking for photo while bare-faced in masked crowd at basketball game – then shares it on her Twitter account.”

Lori the lizard is a puppet. Like Kermit the frog.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
2 years ago

“Haitian authorities identify gang behind the kidnapping of 17 American missionaries – the 400 Mawazoo gang”

This is where you can get all stupid with numbers, like noticing ‘Mawazoo’ in simple gematria = 94, + 400 = 9+4+4+0+0 = 17, the same number of kidnapped missionaries, and the number associated with a certain mysterious online intel dropper active from 2017-2020, whose name escapes me for the moment. One number you can take seriously though, is that the likelihood that these ‘American missionaries’ are child traffickers is about 100%.

Reply to  Cary Kembla
2 years ago

Notorious Haitian Gang Demands $17 Million Ransom For Kidnapped Missionaries

2 years ago

“Colleges have begun hiring student hall monitors to enforce mask and distancing restrictions, a move that has given students authority over their peers for their obedience to the state’s COVID diktats.”

My first year in high school the principal appointed a bunch of her pets as hall monitors. Same type of krap as above. Most of these monitors were girls and sissy type males as you can imagine. Lasted about a week a week and a half until one of these monitors got half way beat to death and thrown down some steps.

Needless to say she was taken out in a gurney and hauled off in an ambo. The kid who did it was taken out in handcuffs and hauled off in a police wagon. We never saw either one of them again.

The “program” was ended and the principal was reprimanded by the big wigs downtown for attempting to put juveniles in charge of juveniles. Not sure but there may have been a lawsuit.


2 years ago

“Chicago threatens to withhold retirement benefits from Police officers who retire rather than submit to the city’s COVID vaccine mandate.”

Broke cities like Chicago were already looking for an excuse to steal peoples pensions. Before the Scamdemic.

2 years ago

“Hundreds of churches across Virginia began airing a political ad featuring Vice President Kamala Harris urging viewers to vote for Terry McAuliffe for governor over the weekend in violation of laws requiring tax-free houses of worship not engage in political campaigning. There are no laws, and no rules, because the law enforcement, and even more powerful intelligence agencies have decided there shall not be in cases like this, for the Cabal democrats.

Terry McAuliffe got nearly $500,000 from Bloomberg-backed gun control group in September.

Maxine Waters paid her daughter $74,000 in campaign cash this year alone.”


Twas a Criminal Enterprise in 1776

Twas a Criminal Enterprise in 1787

And is a Criminal Enterprise now.

Tis the purpose of CRYPTOCRACY!

2 years ago

“Top 10% of richest Americans own about 90% of stocks on the US markets.”

Not to begrudge people who are doing well, but when you examine the bottom 50% of Americans… THE STUPIDITY IS INEXCUSABLE!

2 years ago

“Chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve, Jerome Powell, reportedly sold up to $5 million worth of stock right before the stock market suffered a significant drop.”

WTF good is it to be Head of the Fed if you can’t be AHEAD OF THE GAME?

2 years ago

“Peter Schiff says, stock up now because inflation could get very ugly.”

Sorry, but I have been listening and reading Peter Schiff for over 15 years and he is wrong almost all the time. It’s been nothing but doom and gloom and end of the world from this guy. He’s right as often as broken clock.

2 years ago

Reporting from the Soviet republic of Michoacaun (translated: Michigan) from the Marxist town of Battle Creek, MI.

Kellogg Company employees have been on strike for two weeks now. One of the central items is that the breakfast cereal company plans to move another 180 workers out of the current plant in the Marxist/New Age town of Battle Creek to Mexico.

About 15 years ago, the Kellogg Co. had the South Plant that had about 2500 hundred workers, huge 7 floor plant in a huge building. A Guiterrez was the CEO of Kellogg.

>>>>He Closed the plant and shipped that production to Mexico. Illuminati President George Bush made him Commerce Secretary.

2250 Union jobs disappeared. Kellogg Co. kept 250 people at a much smaller plant and now they plan to remove half of them.

I was working at a fencing company at the time. —We saw a drop in residential business–a big drop.

Three elementary schools closed. The closing of the South Plant hurt small businesses throughout Battle Creek. The closing of the South Plant hurt the city big time. They don’t talk about it though.

There are TWO problems showcased here: Free Trade and Unions. Companies have NO loyatly to their nation. Their loyalty is to money. Second, we had huge companies in Battle Creek, Eatons, Clark, Kellogg, Post Cereals, Ralston Foods, Register Company. —Post is still going but the rest have all folded —because of Unions.

After taking in the hourly wage, benefits, sick days, vacation days, medical benefits, union workers weight is about 65 dollars an hour. That is unsustainable. Unions are killing themselves. Forcing companies to leave and then CEOs beholden to Free Trade and Money—leave—thus harming the nation.

Fascism has stuff wrong with it–but there is a lot of truth in it too. The Fascists, like Adolf Hitler, recognized that. Unions were suppressed and Companies worked for their nation—not for the Jewish Globohomo. Adlolf Hitler had his errors, but he also had great truths. Adolf Hilter stopped the genocidal plans of the Jews against the German peoples; He stopped the Marxist takeover of Germany—and Hitler PROTECTED the economy and society of his people from denigration, and poverty. For what he did good, i light a candle to him. The city of Battle Creek is being destroyed economically, spiritually, by Jewish Free Trade, Jewish Unionism, Jewish Communism, and by Jewish perversion of Globohomo.

We are being impoverished, disenfranchised, demoralized, degraded, genocided, persecuted by Jewish Power.

Is there anybody out there to stand FOR us against Jewish Power, Jewish subversion, Jewish War?

Everyday, I see the value in the good points that Adolf Hitler even though he was a leftist wrapped up in German Idealism that stems from the Kabbala.

If it was up to me, I’d seize the Kellogg Company and keep jobs here in Battle Creek, and close down the union. A society needs to work together, business and workers. Businesses and Workers are FOR the Nation. Not for Jewish Greenbacks. Free Trade and Unionism are BOTH Jewish.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

“…Adolf Hilter stopped the genocidal plans of the Jews against the German peoples…”

I think it extremely likely that the number of Germans that died in WWII fighting the Jew globalhomo were less than that would have been of the Jews had been allowed to take over Germany like they were trending.

“…German military casualties were 5.3 million, including 900,000 men conscripted from outside of Germany’s 1937 borders, in Austria and in east-central Europe, higher than those originally reported by the German high command.[1][2][3] The German government reported that its records list 4.3 million dead and missing military personnel.[4][5]

Civilian deaths during the war include air raid deaths, estimates of German civilians killed only by Allied strategic bombing have ranged from around 350,000[6][7] to 500,000….”

The number of deaths in Russia from the Jew take over were much higher.

2 years ago

“US flu cases up 23 percent from 2020.”
WV didn’t measure Flu last season…so it’s not us. 😉 click on the last tab that says ‘flu activity’.

Nan C.
Nan C.
2 years ago

regarding the Harvard COVID-19 study, here is an illustration of the propaganda machine at work:

I read this article when I came across it a few days ago and thought, this sounds like a non-inflammatory article that is non-political, not too over-the-top, and maybe if I can get my left-leaning, brainwashed dad to read this, we could have a dialogue about it. My loved ones are in a difficult position: the TV has told them to hate and shun unvaccinated people like me, but until this issue came along, we were getting along great. They have already gotten their boosters and they are fearful of my toxic germs. They are certain that there are zero treatments for COVID, and they suspect I have stockpiled horse dewormer and bleach and will surely die from my idiocy and selfishness.

It is a very mild article, and concludes that it doesn’t appear vaccines are having much effect *one way or another* so it recommends additional measures such as hygiene and therapeutics, because apparently we are not succeeding in vaccinating our way out of this. It is NOT an anti-vaxx article. But it just lays out some data which might get someone thinking.

But NOOOOOOOO. Instead of reading what I sent him, Dad googled around and found this Mother Jones propaganda fact-checking piece which is really quite something, and I recommend looking at this to get a window into the kind of mind-worms our brainwashed loved ones are being fed.

He never read the article, which is all I asked him to do. He refused. Because Mother Jones said “don’t read that — it’s being passed around by anti-vaxxer, QAnon types who are mischaracterizing what the author said to fit their own extremist views.”

Still hoping to find another way to reconnect with my Dad. This has been brutal, what ((they)) are doing to relationships.

Reply to  Nan C.
2 years ago

What a strange article. I already have an antivax bias, but even if I was neutral, my takeaway will be: Study says vaccines are unrelated to COVID increases. Antivaxxers/right wingers jump on it and agree saying vaccines are ineffective. Study author disagrees about vaccines being ineffective.

Reply to  Nan C.
2 years ago

@Nan C.
Your dad is citing “Mother Jones”? You’re not going to reach him via dialectic. I’d recommend just keep telling him that you love him, and that you now understand how the German media was able to get Jews to willingly get on the trains. And then stop talking–if he asks what you mean, roll your eyes in response.

David S
David S
Reply to  Chief_Tuscaloosa
2 years ago

There is a local Reddit sub where I bring up questions about covid sometimes. Of course that’s not allowed and I keep getting banned even though there’s nothing inflammatory. It’s moderated supposedly by a local physician. The last time he sent me a message wow Banning me giving me a list of so-called fact checks from Reuters about points that I had made. This is supposed to be an intelligent educated person but he wouldn’t even consider engaging in some of the issues I had raised. Issues that were perfectly reasonable. The most important thing this whole covid episode has shown me is just how programmed and compliable people really are. Your point about Germany also explains how Germans went along with the attitude policies through the 1930s and into the war. People never change.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

So far I’ve only encountered one possibility. On the New Patient Questionnaire, it asked if I had a gun in the house. I declined to answer. When asked why, I told them if I have a gun it’s none of their business and is unrelated to my health anyway. If I don’t have a gun, I don’t want it known my home is undefended. That seemed to suffice.The doctor himself was cool. He was part of a university health system, so I think the gun question was theirs.

I haven’t seen a gun question since.

My current doctor (I think she’s a PA) prefers minimalism and has not once mentioned the Clot Shot to me. So far, I’m content to work with her on those conditions. I really liked my prior doctor, who recommended vitamins for Kung Flu. He left the practice for health reasons and they put me with the PA.

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
Reply to  Nan C.
2 years ago

I remember reading stories about how fearful parents were that their kids would get polio in the 1940s and 1950s. Since polio is such a terrifying disease, the terror, dread, and fear made sense.

I think some people feel that same kind of terror and panic about Covid. The polio polio vaccine seemed like a miracle. The Covid vax looks like a similar miracle for those people who fear Covid. If you try to tell them about the risks of the vax or that the vax isn’t as effective as they think, the fear, panic, and terror will flood their minds and they will not want to hear anything you have to say.

I’m sorry you have a broken relationship with your parents but you just can’t reason with fear, panic, and terror.

Reply to  Nan C.
2 years ago

The short answer is fck em.

One of our “friends” this morning wished to chirp about the much avoided subject matter of da Bairuss.

I tried to be neutral to keep Mrs dawg happy yet the wookie continued right up to where I said you do know doctors are full of shit and know nothing.

My niece is a doctor she blurted out.

Luck you was my response and we continued on our merry way one friend less but so much the better for knowing so.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Thedawg
2 years ago

Give ’em hell, dawg!

Name (required)
Name (required)
2 years ago

“Colin Powell, the former U.S. Secretary of State, has died as a result of COVID-19 complications despite being fully vaccinated, his family has said. ”

We need to quit writing “despite,” because we should be writing “because.” I know you’re quoting the propaganda here, but but when we say it, we need to say “because.”

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

Even though I’m set on handgun ammo I’m stunned at the prices right now on 30-06. I mean you can find Turkish ammo reasonably priced but anything else is priced like big game rounds.

Lowell, what’s your opinion on the imported Turkish ammo? Worth it?

The deer must be culled. Our roads are starting to look like horror movies there’s so much blood splatter.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Corn Pop
2 years ago

Corrosive isn’t as a big a deal as it’s made out to be. Best practice is actually to rinse the gun with fresh water, dry with paper towel, and then solvent and lubricant.

Turkish production is usually just fine. Nothing special, but gets the job done. As to price, I honestly don’t know. I haven’t been keeping tabs on 30-06 prices over the last couple of years. I have a ton of spent cases and was planning on reloading for my 1903, but then a box of rifle primers suddenly became a tradeable item only. One of my local gun shops will take primers in trade for other primers, and as a result he’s the only one that has any.

Sorry, that’s the best I have for you. I was planning on using 30-06 family as 1000 yard rifles, not deer rifles. I have three mauser actions that need to be finished, one in 6.5CM, and two Parker-Hale castings that need heat treated and machined into actual receivers, which were are going to be chambered in 30-06AI and 280AI. Little project guns that I have planned for the channel a few years form now when I have steel working capability.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Lowell, you keep up with this crap and I may just help fund you.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Thanks bro!

2 years ago

>Chicago threatens to withhold retirement benefits from Police officers who retire rather than submit to the city’s COVID vaccine mandate.

I wonder if this is just them flexing, or them taking advantage of an excuse not to pay out of that fund. I have repeatedly heard chicago’s public pensions are severely underfunded.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

Not surprising. Most pension funds are scams, especially in the public sector. I remember in the 90’s, everyone was talking about how great CALPERS was. 10 years later, it had completely failed.

Wait until Social Security completely fails. GenX and subsequent generations will get nothing for retirement.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
2 years ago

Fortunately, they’re currently vaccinated…so they won’t be making it to retirement age, neither will the older folks. In other words, social security will be solvent through to the 2100’s.

2 years ago

>In North Carolina, poultry workers are quitting in large numbers after an unknown chemical was introduced at their plant. You have to wonder if they are trying to kill people through chicken now, and it needs to be avoided. Or are they just trying to shut down poultry processing, to create a shortage there?

Say what you want about Q, but any number of stories like this show its bigger than you can imagine. I wonder how much bigger its going to get.

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

Chicken has always been an inferior meat unless you’re raising your own. The main reasons for this is that they’re extremely quick to raise to maturity and can tolerate tighter living conditions to get there, so they get treated as the low-margin mass production meat of choice, meaning any sketchy practice which can speed their time to market by even a few days is a huge boon to profitability.

Birds are dirty creatures when jam-packed into tight spaces like factory farms, so they fight that by just hosing em with chemicals and antibiotics to fight infections, then hormones to make them grow bigger faster. This new mystery chemical is likely no worse than any of the other crazy stuff they use, it’s just new and hasn’t been normalized to the workers yet.

TLDR raise your own chickens and don’t abuse them to solve the problem. They’re cheap, easy, and fun to raise.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I wonder if I’m alone on this. Many decades ago chicken tasted wonderful. I loved chicken and most of it you could get anywhere tasted good. Now, it makes me gag. I can hardly eat it at all.

I’ve heard that the chickens raised today are so fat they can’t walk and lay in their shit and eat.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I generally don’t like chicken(if comparing to almost any other meat) but will settle for it because it’s cheap and I don’t mind it. I should experiment with free range chicken. But beef is where it’s at, it’s such a healing food.

This is coming from Europe and also had lived in a non-EU non US western country

2 years ago

As you consider your local surveillance keep in mind the Moscow Rules:

1. Assume nothing.
2. Never go against your gut.
3. Everyone is potentially under opposition control.
4. Don’t look back; you are never completely alone.
5. Go with the flow, blend in.
6. Vary your pattern and stay within your cover.
7. Lull them into a sense of complacency.
8. Don’t harass the opposition.
9. Pick the time and place for action.
10. Keep your options open.

2 years ago

Is this The Truman Show or The Matrix?

Quantum of Conscience says our world is 70% Matrix/30% Truman Show and throws in a pinch of Dark City (a film I have not seen). Reading the comments gives the impression there are a lot more people out there that get it than you might think:

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

I think Dark City is more than a pinch. I could be convinced that it’s 100% Dark City at the bottom.

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

I do enjoy his commentary.

The one on Princess Die was good.

2 years ago

One of the most disturbing elements of the poultry industry is the reminder that the Mayer syndrome is very real. The “vaccine” is certainly more harmful than we are lead to believe for those who get it. It can also produce variants which are more deadly to the unvaccinated. Certain infections which were previously dangerous, are now extremely dangerous and necessitate having the all the Chicken’s immune system on a subscription basis.

I’m glad to hear that Matt Mowers’ funding is doing well – depending on its source. However, I expect in the next election cycle, there will be no shortage of oligarch financing for the left. The strength of the insurgent populism will be from grassroots activism, not its finance.

Reply to  Whitespace
2 years ago

Correction: It is not Mayer, but Merek’s disease. Apologies for the mistake.
Although the basis of the Covid mass-hypnosis is not science, it is important to cross the i’s and dot the t’s.

2 years ago

It may not be true that all dogs go to heaven but this one surely will:

2 years ago

Trump’s new lawsuit actually refers to the current president as just “Biden” and [Himself] as “President Trump.”

2 years ago

Potentially of interest:

Brave Search is built on top of an independent index, and doesn’t track users, their searches, or their clicks, the firm says.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

Brave is one of the only crypto project worth looking into, as far as I’m concerned. Brendan Eich’s taking on Google, Facebook, and all of the other big names selling private information. He’s stated on Lex Fridman that his target is 20% of their market share. The main product right now is an advertising platform, which uses browser data to target ads so that user privacy is protected. This is huge. He solved the privacy problem in advertising by developing a user-side targeting system. It’s called Themis and he’s working on improving fidelity and scaling. He also just released Brave Talk as a privacy-focused competitor to Zoom. While everyone’s focused on future implementations of smart contracts that don’t even have a viable ecosystem yet, Brendan is building out the only token with a viable business model.

2 years ago

“Analysts believe demographic trends put dems at grave risk of losing massive number of seats in the senate over the next 2 election cycles”

whyyy, that’s GREAT news! and best of all, the dems won’t be able to cheat or steal those upcoming elections because of all the election changes and safeguards the GOP has insisted be initiated to restore our confidence that our elections are clean. you recall: Voter ID, no more mail-ins, hugely secured absentee voting, use of voting machines – which are good for 1 thing only: election fraud – voting machines outlawed, votes counted in full view of whoever wants to watch….

wait, what? they didn’t do ANY of those things?? NONE?????

then why the fuck should dems ever allow themselves to lose another election ever?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

So just went downtown to buy some paint. Didn’t wear a mask in the store. Nobody said a word. Everybody was normal. Saw just one other person without one because I live in a legitimately blue county. One of the helpful sales people took my name down. Fairly certain I am being reported to the [State edited] Stasi.

Wish I could see that file. Be a good laugh.

2 years ago

>”While at school, Powell worked at a local baby furniture store, where he picked up Yiddish from the Eastern European Jewish shopkeepers and some of the customers. (He once spoke to a Jewish reporter in Yiddish, much to the man’s surprise.) He also served as a Shabbos goy, helping Orthodox families with needed tasks on the Sabbath. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Geology from the City College of New York in 1958 and said that he was a “C average” student.”

Perhaps he really was just that gullible of a Schwartze mark to be the bagman for presenting the WMD case to the UN.

>a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing us informed consent
Outlawing child circumcision would be a good start.

>Colleges have begun hiring student hall monitors to enforce mask and distancing restrictions
About two dozen Ivy League universities were indicted for ‘undeclared foreign funding’ at the start of coof on the heels of the Chuck Lieber arrests into the tens of billions; if there’s one good to come out of this, it’s the remote work and learning excecise underscoring how overvalued these degrees are.

> trying to kill people through chicken now,
Awful eager to declare foodborne mRNA tech recently, though usually vegetables. Blacks insisting on washing all meats – but especially chicken – before food prep comes from experience in places like this.

>Hillary Clinton has released a novel
What could she have possibly done to provide value to Them that would warrant another one of these payoffs
Heinz family from the same county as the Trumps, back in the old country.

>Brian Laundrie lookalike
Potato was in a promo video raising money for Sandy Hook, or some such gay op. Would be on the lookout for her ‘lookalike’ in the future, like those Vegas Harvest 91 attendees turning up at that Cali bar shooting a short while after.

>7 seat loss
That’s going to be a lot more fraud there.

2 years ago

comment image

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
2 years ago

I replied to Rex early this morning with a pretty innocent comment, I thought. Mod issues?

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Weird that it wasn’t loading on my end. Sorry to waste your time, I know this site already takes up so much of it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Isnt this easy to test? Randomly accessing this site from as many different devices one can find. Friends mobiles/pcs, library pcs etc.