News Briefs – 10/27/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:


No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

A good comment from a lawyer on Free Republic who seems plugged into politics, who reveals that one, Mike Lindell has had his lawyers approach State AGs behinds the scenes with their PCAP data, and has gotten 20 of them already to sign onto a lawsuit before the Supreme Court, with another 18 who are in the process of being presented to and brought into the legal proceedings. His feeling is, the lawsuit will get the Supreme Court to agree there is fraud, and hand the matter off to Congress to resolve through potential impeachment and removal, while we are supposed to fix the elections and go back to hand-counted paper ballots. Not really clear that will have any effect, but it si news worthy. If true, and it is a big if, it would indicate the PCAP data is what happened election night, and the ballots were at some pointed swapped by Cabal officials to make sure any potential hand count would match what the machines said happened on election night. The problem I have with all of this is the simple way to handle it would be, get the surveillance files and release them. Let every father see a transcript of an embarassing argument he had with his teenaged daughter in their basement, which he thought nobody knew about. Let wives see transcripts of pillow talk they had with their husbands after intimate moments on their anniversary nights, recorded and monitored by neighbors who were put there by our elite overlords specifically to do that to everyone in the neighborhood. Acquire and release everyone’s files, and the public will let you do whatever you have to, to rid us of that scourge. Fuck, release names and addresses, and indicate it needs to be taken acre of and the government will turn a blind eye after it is done, and the public will take care of it for you, happily. That is a certain way to rid everyone of Cabal. And that machine was responsible for election fraud. I saw them do it with my own eyes back in 1998. Clean up everything in one fell swoop. But they are not doing that. They have some vague plan which is supposed to unite everyone, but which probably won’t, and which may or may not have a path to putting Trump back in office.

Mark in the comments, writes:

Some of these comments urging everyone to take action because “two more weeks lul” are very concerning. They seem to insinuate that everyone should simply turn everything hot. Thats not the solution, thats called being rattled by fear. Im not saying that every comment that says something to that effect is a shill comment, but holy shit, just watch the trailer for white squall. Seems very apropos for these current times. Causing havoc right now is not the solution, sticking together is. As things get more and more retarded, this pushes every american, ahem, human being onto the same team. I agree with feeling frustrated with normies that they cant grasp the situation, but have some sympathy. A lot of normies have been stuck in the matrix for too long, if you pull the plug too quickly, they reject. Do it slow, and many will be just fine. My two cents for what its worth.

It is a solid comment, and probably what Q-team, if they exist, are thinking. The problem I have is, I have practical experience in this, based on a detailed theoretical understanding. When I dealt with my narcissist, Bob, I knew how his brain worked. And I am pretty clever when it comes to manipulating mechanisms I understand. For a short while, I thought I had the knowledge and the intellect, so it should have been possible to go into his brain and hack it, or force it to hack itself, to change it to  more normal mode of operation. But there was just no dealing with him. I came to the conclusion that a healthy psychology is best understood by visualizing a stream, which spirals down a conical mountain slowly and gradually, curving down in a spiral trench that repeatedly circles the mountain as it descends gradually. That slowly descending trench slows and guides the water flow with logical thought and reason, working against the emotional pull of gravity driving the water down the mountain. The more stable the psychology, the deeper the trench circling the mountain, and the more water it can carry without overflowing as it descends. A Narcissist psychology has overflowed the banks of that trench early on in its formation, before it has cut itself deeply into the mountain. In doing so, it has burned a new trench, almost a waterfall, that has cut deeply straight down the side of the mountain to the base. In that new trench, all that guides the water is the pull of gravity. That new trench cuts itself deeply into the mountain very quickly. Once it is established, there is no way to re-establish the slow flow of a guided current circling the mountain as it descends. Once that narcissist’s brain figures out it can relieve the amygdala pain instantly, with no effort, just by rewriting reality in their mind, they can no longer grasp reality, and they are lost.

At this point, anyone who thinks the government should be able to force citizens to inject anything into their body, anyone who thinks a massive government should be allowed to spy on all of us, or program our children, or dictate what can be said on social media, or rig our elections, is lost. You cannot fix that, and those people are not savable, any more than bob was fixable. In the meantime, while trying to save them, good military, Law Enforcement, Fire Rescue, and regular Americans are being forced to take a vaccine that is ridiculously dangerous, and will hurt a lot of them for the rest of their lives. The country appears to be losing ground to foreign adversaries, in ways it is not clear we will be able to overcome. Some foreign entity has gotten our leaders flooding our country with foreign assets to pit against us. My own feeling is, we should all move in any peaceful, deceitful ways that disrupt the machine now, and begin looking if anyone has a creative way to disrupt the system. Do what someone else may or may not be doing, by exposing the system and turning its enemies against it where you can. Create chaos, make things unpredictable, see if you create openings somewhere somebody else can exploit. If there isn’t anybody else out there, or if they have failed, at least somebody else is doing something. At the very least, we will force them to really break the law.

John Durham has interviewed the Clinton Foundation whistleblowers who have testified before Congress and blew the whistle on multiple decades of malfeasance, corruption, tax evasion and more. The Clinton Foundation is most likely a slush fund for Cabal ops, so investigation of it could lead anywhere.

Florida Police say they set up surveillance cams on Brian Laundrie’s house, and saw him leave in his Mustang, and assumed it was him who returned, but it was actually his mom. I would bet they are telling the truth. A local department can’t classify a massive percent of its budget to hide its surveillance deployment. And whatever is out there is blowing massive resources on dedicated surveillance of every single citizen at some point in their lives, every so often, and hiding those expenditures somehow. FBI classifies its surveillance spend, but I am not sure even the Bureau could hide a spend this big. It is fascinating the local PD has no ability to tap into the domestic surveillance to find out anything. It feeds my belief most cops, who are not an active part of the conspiracy, are under massive coverage themselves. I began to believe this when I saw this machine take apart a high-ranking cop who tried to stand up to them. He obviously had no idea of what he was up against. Of course people read this article and snicker, thinking there is no surveillance anywhere, and even when real Police target you, they are barely taking a second look, and will fuck it up without you even trying to use countermeasures. Yet the reality is their life path was under full control of something.

The Fed-protected provocateur who appears to have led the very first 1/6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, yet has not been arrested, is now getting attention. This is an intelligence-driven world. Everyone who offers you the chance to break any rule or law has to be viewed as suspect.

DOJ let the first guy, who emailed Matt Gaetz, said the CIA put a contract out on him, and he was about to kill him to get the money, go free, but apparently the second guy who was planning to kill Gaetz has been arrested. The new guy was a longtime camera operator for CNN, ABC, NBC, and others, so if I had to bet everything, my guess is he knows the big secret and is in the club. Which means, I suppose, all the people I have told you about in the Secret Society, who know the big secret normies would never imagine, all have gotten word CIA is offering big bucks to take out Matt.

Email shows Biden ordered Afghanistan evacuation flights be filled with unvetted refugees. Biden never gave this order. It came from above his pay grade. And these were not just random, unvetting Afghans who Cabal knew nothing about. Cabal needed to bring out its civilian informant network from Afghanistan to the US to spy on you, and maybe even be used in a hot civil war. But these Afghans were never part of the military, or the US government effort, nor were they ever officially on the books with the US government in any capacity. So there was no official rubric to bring them in under. CIA let them in the back Glory Gate, and the military had to let them all on the planes, and we all write it all off as those wacky liberals who do such strange, illogical stuff. I’ve been talking about this thing for years now. Note how it is the only explanation for this.

A new public benefit corporation backed by billionaires Reid Hoffman, George Soros, and others is launching Tuesday to fund new media companies and efforts that tackle disinformation.

George Soros backs new media firm to fight disinformation called “Good Information Inc.”

Terry McAuliffe’s former law firm specializes in defending schools from lawsuits by girls who were gang-raped in the schools. Cabal-assaults to degrade non-Cabal girls who might become problems?

Loudoun County forces parents to sign NDA-style form to view CRT-inspired curriculum.

Obama says parent concerns about school rapes, porn, and learning loss are ‘fake outrage.’

Students at multiple schools in Loudoun County, Virginia staged a walkout on Tuesday in protest of the district’s cover-up of a sexual assault case, chanting “Loudoun County protects rapists.” And beats and arrests the victim’s fathers.

Alec Baldwin ‘Rust’ actor says the expensive camera was protected during shooting, but not the actors.

In the last year, nine kids at Simon Gratz High School in Philly were shot to death — three of them just last month, the school’s principal, Leyondo Dunn, told ABC News.

FDA panel votes 17-0 to endorse COVID19 vaccines for kids 5-11 years old in the US. What does that number mean? A warning to Cabal that this is a Cabal op, and to keep their kids clear?

ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID.

Celine Dion wanted everyone to get vaxxed, and now she is suffering from serious muscle spasms that have required her to postpone her upcoming residency in Las Vegas.

Vaccine mandates threaten major trucking disruptions, industry insiders say.

The question over whether the NIH funded risky gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China was officially ‘answered’ last week, after the agency claimed that one of their partners – EcoHealth Alliance, failed to report that they had ‘accidentally’ created a chimeric coronavirus that was able to infect humanized mice.

PETA calls on Fauci to resign after more allegations his agency funded horrific experiments on puppies. Have no illusions. Cabal has infiltrated its operatives into leadership positions in PETA, and controls it. You can back assets of Cabal into corners where they have to turn on each other to maintain their cover in public, but they will always maintain the control they need to not do any permanent damage to each other. These decisions will always be made with an eye to inflicting minimal damage.

A doctor on twitter tweets: “I have just had a conversation with an upset midwife in a large 8000+ births per year hospital delivery unit. They have had a cluster of babies this month who have been born seemingly healthy, but died within 48-72 hours from pulmonary haemmorhage.”

CDC says some immunocompromised people can get a fourth COVID shot.

Moderna chairman says boosters could be yearly.

Influenza is more dangerous to kids than COVID is, so why doesn’t the CDC recommend masks for the flu?

Deborah Birx told Congress the Trump White House prioritized the election over the pandemic response.

Joe Rogan says Dr. Pierre Kory treated 200 members of Congress with Ivermectin.

Flu season has arrived early, and seemingly more potently, with a flurry of anecdotal stories of the “worst cold ever” circulating on social media. It will be interesting if it only hits the vaxxed. I wonder if the vaxx crushing immunity is the plan, to create a new cold/flu/etc that can be blamed on a new COVID, and used for the 2022 election. Nobody knows the sequence of the mRNA in the vaxxes, and it could even change on the fly if they wanted it to. If it was something like a sequence for the active site of the TFGB receptor, complexed to something else like Tetanus toxin, or other immunogenic peptides used in vaccine production (KLH, or even the spike protein), it could trigger your own immune system to produce antibodies which would shut itself off by binding the TGFB receptor. I find it interesting everybody is busy looking at the vax under a microscope visually, when the only thing interesting to me would be what would you get if you sequenced the RNA. But nobody has done that. Yet it is the most obvious question.

It wasn’t just beagles and monkeys – Fauci’s NIH also funded medical experiments on AIDS orphans in NY city.

Judge rules mob members shot by Kyle Rittenhouse cannot be called “victims,” but can be referred to as as “rioters, arsonists, and looters” during his trial, which kicks off Nov 1.

Kyle Rittenhouse prosecutor says the mob member didn’t attack anyone else and all he did before was ‘arson.’ In many places, arson is a justifiable basis for using deadly force, a holdover from olden times when a fire started in one building could destroy an entire city.

At least 50 high-powered law firms that went out of their way to defend foreign terrorists in Guantanamo Bay free of charge are nowhere to be found as hundreds of American citizens languish in prison for charges related to entering the U.S. Capitol building during the January 6 riot.

Judge Amy Berman Jackson releases a 1/6 defendant after he writes a letter saying now hates Trump.

Rep Thomas Massie Tweets, “I just played this video for AG Merrick Garland. He refused to comment on how many agents or assets of the federal government were present in the crowd on Jan 5th and 6th and how many entered the Capitol.”

A second recall effort launched against San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin demonstrates how residents are “fed up” with his progressive policies.

California unemployment fraud reaches at least $20 billion.

NBC excoriates Kirsten Sinema for giving bisexuals a bad name by being centrist and moderate, instead of hard left. Who knew she was bisexual?

Sinema confronted in airport for second time this month. They are piling on the intimidation. Sinema will know, these are all parts of the same machine pressing her.

MI5 refuses to give info to Manchester bombing enquiry on links between father of bomber and Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. The Dad was an asset and the bombing was probably a Cabal operation.

China military aircraft buzz Taiwan air defenses 10 days in a row.

Terrorist Groups in Afghanistan could be able to launch an attack next year, Pentagon says.

Germany says Somali migrant who killed three people and shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ is not guilty, and not an Islamist.

Lesbians complain male transgenders are pressuring them into sex, and calling them bigots if they refuse.

Blue Origin and Sierra Space have announced plans for Orbital Reef, a commercially developed, owned, and operated space station to be built in low Earth orbit.

NASA Administrator says there have been “hundreds” of UFO sightings by pilots. Actually almost as much as three times as many as the military has admitted to. He says we hope it isn’t a foreign adversary.

U.S. federal investigators raided the Florida offices of PAX Technology, a Chinese provider of point-of-sale devices used by millions of businesses and retailers globally, in an investigation tied to reports that PAX’s systems may have been involved in cyberattacks on U.S. and E.U. organizations. Nice. You plug their credit card machine into your network, and it backdoors it on the spot.

Russian President Putin says woke culture in the U.S. is just like the Bolsheviks – ‘dogmatism bordering on absurdity.’

Grandmaster Jay, head of the black militia the Not Fucking Around Coalition, indicted by a grand jury, faces 20 years in prison.

China is fixated on a mysterious US submarine incident in the South China Sea and keeps accusing the US of a cover-up. I wonder if it was a Chinese sub they hit, and it didn’t survive the impact.

1 in 4 workers quit their job this year.

AP fact checks Joe Biden’s story about the train conductor and surprisingly calls it false.

Three Maryland counties are calling to secede from their own state are hoping to find a new home in West Virginia.

Archbishop Viganò letter to US bishops says complicity with the COVID agenda is a ‘satanic action against God.’

Rumble acquires locals to help build a bigger creator economy.

Articles of Impeachment accusing President Biden of ‘treason’ have been introduced in the House of Representatives.

FCC votes to terminate China Telecom’s operations in the US over national security concerns. Not a very Bidenesque decision…

Trump said, “97 percent of people that came in from Afghanistan rushed the planes and shouldn’t be here. Those people must be checked very carefully because many of them will turn out to be strongly-related to high-level terrorism.” How did they get in position, in a secure Military-controlled environment, to rush the plane. Who opened the gates and let them in there?

Actor Jim Caviezel showed up at the Q-anon rally and gave a speech which has the left freaking out – speech is here. He and his wife are devote Christians who serve by adopting terminally ill children. I am a fairly discomfort tolerant guy, and I could not imagine that. I believe he was fully converted by his research for a movie, where reportedly a DHS Agent who rescued trafficked children showed him a video of an adrenachome extraction from a tortured child.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump to lift our spirits, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


120 to 2 in Congressional Republican Elections in 2020 and 11 to 0 in Republican Elections this cycle, endorsed by President Trump. The Fake News hates to talk about the power of the most meaningful ever endorsement, but the people know and fully understand!


Great new book by Victor Davis Hanson, The Dying Citizen. Nobody better at explaining the disaster of what is happening in the USA. A must read!

Invite other people to because there are things you can’t fix, and sometimes stupid is one of them

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2 years ago

FDNY President Tells Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Firefighters to Report For Work, Refuses to Enforce Mandate

2 years ago

“Three Maryland counties are calling to secede from their own state are hoping to find a new home in West Virginia.”
Keep most of Washington out of it, say everything from just west of Hagerstown might be good to go. H’town is still close enough to the major cities to be a major socialist haven. When Frederick fell to the yuppies, they just kept going west. Unfortunately, there’s minimal income west of H’town, and would be an additional financial drain on the Eastern Panhandle of WV, with it’s higher salaries and population/growth…which already funds the rest of the state’s social programs. When I part-timed at the Macy’s warehouse, they were bussing in folks from Cumberland to work here, and bussing them back at the end of the shift. These weren’t high end employees.
North and Western parts of Virginia…yeah, probably. 3 Western counties of MD…thanks, but no. We already send way too much of our money to folks who don’t work. JMO, YMMV

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
2 years ago

“Celine Dion wanted everyone to get vaxxed, and now she is suffering from serious muscle spasms that have required her to postpone her upcoming residency in Las Vegas.”

Gives her more time to work on her satanic children’s clothing line. Vile slag.

2 years ago

Re: Putin

Reading his Valdai Discussion Club speech (October 22, 2021), it’s striking how clear and real he is. None of the false platitudes, dissembling, and empty rhetoric of Obama, Hillary, Bush etc. This man is one of our guys:

“In recent decades, many people have cited a Chinese proverb. The Chinese people are wise, and they have many thinkers and valuable thoughts that we can still use today. One of them, as you may know, says, “God forbid living in a time of change.” But we are already living in it, whether we like it or not, and these changes are becoming deeper and more fundamental. But let us consider another Chinese wisdom: the word “crisis” consists of two hieroglyphs – there are probably representatives of the People’s Republic of China in the audience, and they will correct me if I have it wrong – but, two hieroglyphs, “danger” and “opportunity.” And as we say here in Russia, “fight difficulties with your mind, and fight dangers with your experience.”

Of course, we must be aware of the danger and be ready to counter it, and not just one threat but many diverse threats that can arise in this era of change. However, it is no less important to recall a second component of the crisis – opportunities that must not be missed, all the more so since the crisis we are facing is conceptual and even civilisation-related. This is basically a crisis of approaches and principles that determine the very existence of humans on Earth, but we will have to seriously revise them in any event. The question is where to move, what to give up, what to revise or adjust. In saying this, I am convinced that it is necessary to fight for real values, upholding them in every way.

Humanity entered into a new era about three decades ago when the main conditions were created for ending military-political and ideological confrontation…

A search for a new balance, sustainable relations in the social, political, economic, cultural and military areas and support for the world system was launched at that time. We were looking for this support but must say that we did not find it, at least so far. Meanwhile, those who felt like the winners after the end of the Cold War (we have also spoken about this many times) and thought they climbed Mount Olympus soon discovered that the ground was falling away underneath even there, and this time it was their turn, and nobody could “stop this fleeting moment” no matter how fair it seemed.

In general, it must have seemed that we adjusted to this continuous inconstancy, unpredictability and permanent state of transition, but this did not happen either.

I would like to add that the transformation that we are seeing and are part of is of a different calibre than the changes that repeatedly occurred in human history, at least those we know about. This is not simply a shift in the balance of forces or scientific and technological breakthroughs, though both are also taking place. Today, we are facing systemic changes in all directions – from the increasingly complicated geophysical condition of our planet to a more paradoxical interpretation of what a human is and what the reasons for his existence are.”

Putin says that to call “a spade a spade” is now considered by liberals in the West as almost a “crime against humanity, and it is being done in the name and under the banner of progress.” He continues:

“Well, if someone likes this, let them do it. I have already mentioned that, in shaping our approaches, we will be guided by a healthy conservatism. That was a few years ago, when passions on the international arena were not yet running as high as they are now, although, of course, we can say that clouds were gathering even then. Now, when the world is going through a structural disruption, the importance of reasonable conservatism as the foundation for a political course has skyrocketed – precisely because of the multiplying risks and dangers, and the fragility of the reality around us.

This conservative approach is not about an ignorant traditionalism, a fear of change or a restraining game, much less about withdrawing into our own shell. It is primarily about reliance on a time-tested tradition, the preservation and growth of the population, a realistic assessment of oneself and others, a precise alignment of priorities, a correlation of necessity and possibility, a prudent formulation of goals, and a fundamental rejection of extremism as a method. And frankly, in the impending period of global reconstruction, which may take quite long, with its final design being uncertain, moderate conservatism is the most reasonable line of conduct, as far as I see it. It will inevitably change at some point, but so far, do no harm – the guiding principle in medicine – seems to be the most rational one. Noli nocere, as they say.

Again, for us in Russia, these are not some speculative postulates, but lessons from our difficult and sometimes tragic history. The cost of ill-conceived social experiments is sometimes beyond estimation. Such actions can destroy not only the material, but also the spiritual foundations of human existence, leaving behind moral wreckage where nothing can be built to replace it for a long time.”

Read the whole thing here:

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

The problem with Conservatism in the West is they accept leftist framing. By using their words, reasoning even letting them determine the definition of morality and respectability.

So they are just leftists driving the speed limit while swearing up and down this isn’t the case.

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

Thank you for posting this.

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

Yt channel ‘inessa s’ has years of great Putin speeches and mic drops.

2 years ago

Re: Nuclear sub incident in the South China Sea

What are the chances of this incident in October after Q’s many The Hunt For Red October mentions followed by Alec Baldwin’s violent killing of a woman in the same “Red October” month? Then China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian going all Socratic and Q-like yesterday with his:

“What was USS Connecticut up to do secretively in the South China Sea this time? What did it collide with? Why did that collision happen? Was there a nuclear leak that creates nuclear contamination in the marine environment?”

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

If Connecticut collided with a Chinese sub, if was because they were behind it and and couldn’t stop in time – this was a danger during the cold war with Russian subs. Well, either that or the two were unknowingly on a collision course and neither boat knew the other one was even there. In the past couple of years, the Chinese diesels have proven to be quiet enough to sneak through passive sonar into firing range of their anti-ship missiles, so Conny might not have even heard her.

Or maybe Conny got into a fight with a giant squid. Who the hell knows at this point.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

I think more likely, they were trailing a Chinese diesel sub, they completely lost it when they went to silent running on batteries, and just slammed into it not knowing it had slowed down. (That may be what you intended to describe and I just misread.) If the PLA sub went silent, then they would be quieter than any nuclear sub, especially if they let the prop autorotate and just coasted through the water.

It wasn’t that the couldn’t stop in time, they never knew they needed to stop.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

If Conny could hear a sub it was trailing, which is the only way it could be trailing one, and then suddenly not hear it, they would have ordered full stop, or even reverse. They were trailing too close.

Or it was a random collision. You say there’s no way, but an orca jumping out of the water and landing on a sailboat sinking the boat and killing the orca is a thing that has actually happened. Weird stuff happens out at sea.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Or it was a deliberate ramming.

Our sub survived, did theirs?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

If they wanted to damage/destroy the other sub, they have torpedos and would use them all way before they ever decided to deliberately ram another boat of ANY kind.

Which also could be a thing – they might have exchanged torpedo shots. We’re assuming the Chinese sub didn’t survive but that’s a fact not actually confirmed. It could just be that one or both boats are heavily damaged. OR Conny might have collided with something OTHER than a sub, some sort of underwater installation. Remember Conny is a Sea Wolf, and Jimmy Carter has a special section specifically for doing henky underwater stuff like cutting/splicing telecom lines. Maybe Conny was doing something like that?

Or Q wasn’t actually being clever and they managed to steal a Chinese sub. At this point this is all just spitballs.

Do we know how deep the water is where whatever incident occurred?

Because I’ve seen James Cameron dive all the way down the Marianas Trench, but the vertical wedge he was diving in didn’t really look like it would be that useful for sifting through submarine wreckage. Or attaching lifting cables.

Have they launched the Glomar Explorer?

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

That reminds me: wasn’t there a Venezuelan sub that went missing around the time Q started making “Red October” posts? Anyone ever hear what happened with that missing sub?

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Talk about the mystery submarine hit reminds me of this hp lovecraft story for some reason

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Or the two subs were playing chicken. Anyway, this Red October combination of nuclear sub/Alec Baldwin is for me one of the most significant Q proofs ever. So much so, I’m beginning to think the Looking Glass theory may be the real deal.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

I’m not sure what to think about the specifics of Looking Glass, but I know with absolute certainty at the very least probably DARPA hooked up a bunch of super-computers and tried to simulate reality specifically to predict the future. There is absolutely no way that at least one clandestine agency did not do this, and probably more than one attempted it.

Unless of course the whistleblowers are real and they really did reverse engineer a device from ancient times that had been lost to history. Would explain a lot.

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

China really seems to be suffering a breakdown in the quality of their PR / messaging / propaganda / psychological operations lately. It’s not that the quality is is so cringe-bad (though it is), it’s that they never seem to realize how insane and foolish the obvious lies and red-faced, butthurt bluster makes China look — as if it’s Americans are somehow insulting them by not believing the lame propaganda from their incompetent shills. Thing is, many of these shills used to be more rhetorically competent, but lately seem to have been forced to put out lengthy, tedious, ineffective, hostile, blatantly unbelievable propaganda. It seems to point to the mid-level mediocre-but-zealous CCP managers screwing up policy well beyond their grade.

2 years ago

<Flu season
So the flu exists again now? I thought its supposed absence was proof that lock downs work. No, it just saw us humans having a hard time with covid and took a year off for us, thanks man.

How people's minds are not snapping from the excessive mental gymnastics is beyond me.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

How far back do we have data on influenza? How far back does germ theory go? How far back would it be profitable to begin to cultivate and release a different strain of influenza every fall? If the answers to all of these questions line up, then whoever releases influenza into the environment every year to give nature a hand killing off seniors either didn’t bother, or covid is literally just a rebrand of seasonal influenza and not even in existence in nature any longer, if it ever was.

There’s apparently an accurate test arriving in December. Dave over at X22 is pretty sure that all of the vaxxed will set it off, and everybody else is just going to have regular influenza A or B.

They can’t hide the side effects any longer. Not when a bunch of European countries have banned their use in people under thirty specifically for heart problems. Japan has banned them altogether. Word has gotten out. Corporate news can avoid talking about it, but the info is even up on Facebook for friggs sake. They’ve hit their limit on people getting stabbed and poisoned. People are leaving their jobs instead of getting stabbed, so do you really think it’s a stretch that they will pull their kids out of school or even MOVE to a avoid their children getting myocarditis?

This is a PURGE. The English speaking countries are being wiped out. Whole bloodlines. We know at this point that it’s a CCP bio-weapon attack on the US mainly, but over the last several centuries it’s English speakers that have dominated the planet so maybe the CCP decided to take us all out – US, UK, AUS, CAN. What they’ve managed to do is prune the tree, not chop it down. Anyone who grows fruit trees knows that they produce the best fruit after that.

In America, the group least vaxxed are the blacks, who are the least capable of fixing the country. The whites and Asians are jabbed up and down. Our gray population is going to be decimated. They look like they are going to manage to start getting the kids, too. Sterility is going to be a larger problem than we were already looking at it being.

On the plus side, everyone left is going to be getting whatever their inheritance is within the next five years. The population reduction will completely ease the pressure on housing which will kick the floor out of the real estate market. And the used vehicle market, trailer market, power tool market, furniture market, basically there will be surplus used goods of every kind in every market. So those left will experience an economy where they can actually afford a forever home in their twenties, furnish it, and build a life. And under those conditions people have lots of children.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

FYI, Dr. Zelenko just put out on Gab a post musing about the possibility that seasonal influenza is the result of someone deliberately engineering and releasing different strains. I’m not the only one thinking that.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Dr. Zelenko

Influenza virus has 18 haemagglutinin (H) and 11 neuraminidase (N) subtypes.

That means there are 198 potential strains of influenza virus.

How does the cdc know IN ADVANCE what “this year’s strain” will be?

Since we know that COVID-19 is a manmade bioweapon, is it possible that the same technology is being used by the same devolved pagans to artificially produce the yearly flu?

Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

People’s minds are snapping. I work in the tourism industry and this year we had an enormous demand due to people being unable to travel abroad.

This was obviously a self-selected group of people willing to “risk” air travel, and even among them about half we’re thrilled and grateful to be here and be outside. The other half were neurotic nut jobs beyond anything I’ve ever seen in ten years in this industry.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I agree. I think tens of millions of normies are mentally exhausted from the past 2 years of Covid hysteria, and numerous statistical analyses show this.

Significantly higher rates of suicide, as well as drug OD’s. Of course, millions of people self medicate with OTC meds or recreational drugs, but the incessant gaslighting and lying creates an enormous amount of psychic tension, even in normies that superficially pretend to go along with the program and agree with its aims. On a subconscious level, they know something is not right.

Now, Cabal knows all of this, and they use that psychological pressure and mental exhaustion to push their agendas, but it is a very fine line, and this kind of experiment has never been tried on this vast a scale for this length of time before.

Cabal is perilously close to blowing the whole thing sky high, and not because all the libs and normies will see our light and join our side, but because they will just simply crack up or implode from the continuous psychic pressure and overload. Meds and drugs won’t cover it up.

I think Cabal knows this, which is why they are now pushing openly for not just boosters, but a 4th dose. The CDC is recommending it for immunocompromised people. The general pop. will be next.

Cabal is in overdrive right now. Very desperate.

2 years ago

Is 17 related to “be careful”, which they often use?

The warning is 9 letters. They probably don’t tell people twice. So 17 letters is one short of 18. Maybe used when they are setting up to kill someone? Or to signal a distraction before killing someone? Or a last chance warning before something bad happens?

Not necessarily a white pill on Q. Or could be, if good guys know what 17 means to cabal.

Something to think about.

2 years ago

> It is fascinating the local PD has no ability to tap into the domestic surveillance to find out anything.

(intelligence) Knowlege is power, and if you share any knowlege, you lose the power of it.

The USSR’s two main intelligence services were the GRU (military intelligence) and the KGB (Party intelligence.) Between them, they had the USSR, its allies, and its enemies pretty well covered. After the USSR fell and the KGB was selling access to its historical records, we found out they were *way* deeper into the Fed and the “military-industrial complex” than even James Angleton suspected.

Unfortunately, very little of that information ever got anywhere. Infamously, Beria decided not to pass on any of the information from Los Alamos – he had *everything* – to the Soviet atomic bomb project. Instead, the KGB hung on to the information and used it to check on the work going on at their Arzamas-16 site.

The KGB not only didn’t share with the GRU, the different departments of the KGB jealously defended themselves from each other as well. Information flowed uphill; the only time it went the other way was when it was being expended for some specific operation they were running.

The DOJ collects a ton of information from local PDs. The locals never used to bother filling out the forms, but when the Fed started offering funding to “help”, the reports became mandatory. The DOJ in turn hands them over to the FBI (officially) and the CIA and NSA (most likely).

If there are major drug dealers, arsonists, kidnappers, etc. operating in an area, the Feds are more likely to start their own operation to deal with them than to pass the information to the proper local authorities. Like the KGB, the Feds only pass information downhill when it’s of benefit to the agency involved, not the PDs or the citizens. (the employers of both)

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Very useful contextualization of the flow of intel information, thank you.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

A very nuanced and thoughtful comment. Thanks, T.
I agree with this analysis.

2 years ago

> Biden never gave this order. It came from above his pay grade

Truman had a sign on his desk, “The buck stops here.” Whoever gave the order, Biden took personal responsibility for it.

2 years ago

> longtime camera operator

It’s a perfect cover. They’re *right there*, up close and personal, and part of the entourage, yet nobody talks to them or interacts with them more the superficially. All the while, with video and audio running, legitimately as their job.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Mark,”….Some of these comments urging everyone to take action because “two more weeks lul” are very concerning….”

AC”…Bob…But there was just no dealing with him….those people are not savable, any more than bob was fixable….”

They can’t be fixed, ever. They are psychopaths and the ones that are not are so afraid of what the Spaths have on them they will do anything to keep out of our and the Spaths way.

“…John Durham has interviewed the Clinton Foundation whistleblowers…”

John Durham is not going to do a damn thing. Who will he get to enforce him doing anything???

I want to go on the record as saying the Clintons are a farce. The Clintons may even think they have power and are able to do some nasty things but the real reason the Clintons are still around is to act as a lightening rod for hate and shield the Jews from scrutiny. If the Clintons get to be too much of a problem some mind warped guy they will say is a Trump supporter will knock them off or they will get corona and die.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

There is no question that the Clinton’s are assets. High level assets, but assets nonetheless, and they operate at the pleasure of the real puppet masters at the top of the pyramid.

The puppet masters can pull the plug in any number of ways at any moment, and the Clinton’s know that.

As far as Durham, who the hell knows what’s going on there. As you said, who’s going to enforce any of this, no matter what Durham finds? The DOJ and the FBI? Give me an effing break. Those two institutions are riddled with corruption and cabal assets, top to bottom.

2 years ago

From the Daily SA, a newsletter I’ve found to be of interest (email only, as far as I know). The AC parenthetical is “Additional Content”, not Anonymous Conservative.

A Federal Communications Commission (FCC) said the agency must impose restrictions on Chinese drone maker DJI Technology because of national security risks. Commissioner Brendan Carr described the company as “Huawei on wings” and called for the FCC to prohibit the purchase of DJI products with federal funds. “They are collecting vast troves of sensitive data on Americans and U.S. critical infrastructure, including high-risk images, facial recognition technology, and remote sensors that can measure an individual’s body temperature and heart rate,” Carr said. The Department of Homeland Security and Defense Department separately affirmed the Chinese drone maker is “providing sensitive U.S. infrastructure & law enforcement data to Beijing.” (AC: Security researchers have warned about this type of surveillance since at least 2016. The Chinese likely have a map of the “human terrain” in the U.S. from exploiting surveillance cameras, drones, and social media applications which allows them to exploit social bases through gray zone warfare. – D.M.)

2 years ago

> ERs are now swamped with seriously ill patients — but many don’t even have COVID.

We’ll see how HillaryCare^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^HObamaCare holds up under the deluge of totally-not-COVID medical issues.

In my area, referrals that took a few days to a week have been taking *three months* since spring.

2 years ago

> Grandmaster Jay, head of the black militia the Not Fucking Around Coalition, indicted by a grand jury, faces 20 years in prison.

In the jurisdictions that use indictment, it’s an intermediate step in between the prosecution accepting a case referral from the police, and deciding there is enough merit in the accusation to proceed. Lots of people get indicted. The prosecutor might proceed with the charges, or they might drop the charges, or they might leave the indictee hanging for years, which could involve bail expenses and totally-not-parole limitations of rights.

In most jurisdictions, “indictment” is an almost-meaningless rubber stamp in the prosecution’s bureaucratic process. It wasn’t supposed to be – the step was intended to allow the public to have some control over what the prosecutors were doing – but the entire system was converged generations ago.

2 years ago

> Archbishop Viganò letter to US bishops says complicity with the COVID agenda is a ‘satanic action against God.’

I’m surprised the antiPope hasn’t ordered Vigano to retire, or reassigned him to some remote hellhole. His objections to Papal policy are starting to cross over into heresy.

Maybe they’re just waiting for a good time to Arkancide him. Unless they’re creating “evidence” of embezzlement and pedophilia, at which point the Vatican will suddenly decide Something Must Be Done.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Maybe he is protected by Someone more powerful than his enemies.

2 years ago

> Articles of Impeachment accusing President Biden of ‘treason’ have been introduced in the House of Representatives.

They impeached Clinton, and then Trump, and neither of them bothered to pay any attention to the circus.

Even if Nancy allows the bill to the floor *and* it’s taken up *and* it passes, nothing will happen.

2 years ago

China is fixated on a mysterious US submarine incident in the South China Sea and keeps accusing the US of a cover-up. I wonder if it was a Chinese sub they hit, and it didn’t survive the impact.

Or it did survive the impact, and the Chinese are letting us dig a deeper hole before they expose the evidence. (You do that with court testimony — If someone starts lying, and you know you have them dead to rights, you spin their lie out as far as you can before you drop the hammer with the impeachment evidence.)

2 years ago

“When I dealt with my narcissist, Bob, I knew how his brain worked. The more stable the psychology, the deeper the trench circling the mountain, and the more water it can carry without overflowing as it descends.”

What you are describing reminds me of neural plasticity. The brain daily forms new neurons based on the information it gets through our five senses. The same information received day after day eventually forms a neuron tree(a trench or a stronghold). That can be either good or bad. A person stuck in a negative way of thinking must receive constant new and positive information or else they will be stuck there. This is why the Cabal must censor truth and spew out lies through their captured media. A populace that knows the truth will change how they think and act. This is a danger to their agenda.

“Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.” Phil 4:8

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anon70
2 years ago

Interesting, the neurological implications of scripture. Or, scripture from the neurological perspective? Been reading Proverbs over and over because I felt compelled to, and you very aptly articulated the reason why. Thanks.

Reply to  Macaque Mentality
2 years ago

Try reading the Proverbs out loud. And the Psalms. The Gospels. Tiny, short books. Like, in a cycle. That was trad worship: you memorized stuff before literacy was a big thing. Egyptian saints would meditate on a single verse, while doing all that, until they reached blessedness.

Consider a rosary. All the big ideas- love, death, motherhood, fatherhood, glory, God, enough food, peace, safety, in really short, repeatable prayers. We know meditation of one silly sound- Om- changes brains. Well, the brains changed by daily readings of the scriptures- created the entire Western world. One made chopsticks. One made metal forks that became cars and rocketships. Materially speaking ” love God, and all this will be added unto you…” okay- that’s not an exact verse, but it’s what happens.

There was a woman who read the Sermon on the Mount daily for Lent, until she’d memorized it. I’d memorize the book of James, if I weren’t so brain scrambled. I mean, you read the Sermon on the Mount. He was saying all this stuff in the middle of a province of the Roman Empire administered by a wildly corrupt, violent, inbred ruler. It’s crazy counter-intuitive stuff. Peacemakers will be called the children of God? In a place that had a handy, convenient temple to a warmongering Emperor, supposedly descended from Zeus? Supposedly himself a God? Give, and it will be given to you? In the place that cooked up usury? Run by the people who preached usury?

You take up yoga to reach enlightenment. It doesn’t happen your first visit to a yoga studio. So, go to church, whichever church. Or join the choir. Or both. Show up. Don’t expect instant change, but you will change. Look around- do you want to be like the people around you?

I greatly admire the people at church. I don’t understand them, not their thought process, not their life story, but, wow, to have a chance to grow into someone like that?

And, goodness, can you imagine the rage of your overseers and eavesdroppers if every time they surveilled you, all they heard in the microphone was an acknowledgement of God?

Poland had people go all around the edge of Poland to pray the rosary together, at once. Boundaries. LIke, within this century.

Add on: I’m not Catholic, so do what works for you. Rosaries were kept in some Protestant traditions. The Orthodox have their prayer types, too. I’m not sure what the other major traditions, do. Presbyterians had daily devotionals with prayers. Both sides in the Civil War in America were using the same Presbyterian daily devotional.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Out loud works for many, though I’ve found internal reading to work best for me. Memorization is also helpful, but at this point I’m happy with developing a strong index of many of the more important parts of the bible (I still stick with the KJV b/c it’s the best I got). Though I understand why people are so drawn to tradition, I don’t respect most people who attend church and buy into churchian narratives. Extra minus points for those who believe reading books from famous pastors (John Piper, Tim Keller, John MacArthur, Francis Chan, just to name a few).

The most important thing in this age (the Church Age) is the gospel of salvation which Jesus gave to Paul to preach to us, the Gentiles (that we are sinners and Jesus Christ died and rose again for our sins). It truly is good news. I understand many focus on the four “gospels” as in the four books that feature Jesus Christ. It’s important to realize that most of those books are actually cannonically part of the Old Testament in the sense that Christ’s ministry was almost entirely pointed toward the Jews and “The Law”. This includes much of what Christ said. There are, obviously, many lessons we the Church (the body of Christ, not organizations that call themselves churches) can draw from the four gospels. But the actual New Testament (still not talking about how the books are grouped) begins after Christ’s death and resurrection, when Christ finally fulfilled “The Law” (much of Romans is about the exactly relationship between Christ and the law).

But first I would recommend a new believer read through Paul’s epistles, as the dispensation of the gospel of grace (for Jews and Gentiles both) was given primarily to him. So most who are new believers should first focus on going through Romans through Philemon over and over again. Paul writes in a highly logical manner and it is very important to keep passages in context. This should ideally be done while also reading Psalms/Proverbs/Ecclesiastes to understand the heart and mind of someone with a healthy relationship with God.

Reply to  Anon70
2 years ago

Fill up your buffers with the good, you eventually become the good.

The gooder the better. Like, Godly is best.

Vice-a versa, too.

Lately I’m thinking man I better spend at least as much time looking at good stuff as I spend keeping up to speed with world events or life gets sucky. And I do mean sucky.

2 years ago

> FCC votes to terminate China Telecom’s operations in the US over national security concerns. Not a very Bidenesque decision…
What this probably means is that China Telecom’s hackery is so blatant it’s A) certain to be discovered and B) likely to come back to *personally* affect the people involved.

Like some other agencies, the FCC’s upper levels aren’t career politicians; they’re board members of the corporations they’re supposed to be regulating. That’s because radio (well, in the old days) was sooooo complicated it took “special knowledge” to understand the issues involved in doing their job. So what would ordinarily be seen as “conflict of interest” became “minimum requirement for the job.”

As they rotate out of office, China Telecom would then be a direct competitor to their main employers. Apparently CT’s bribe money isn’t sufficient to cover the loss of their careers.

2 years ago

> I believe he was fully converted by his research for a movie, where reportedly a DHS Agent who rescued trafficked children showed him a video of an adrenachome extraction from a tortured child.

It’s fiction, but you might want to check out a novel called “Bug Jack Barron” by Norman Spinrad, from back in 1969. Spinrad was a science fiction writer (and not a particularly good one), but Bug Jack Barron was one of his few decent works.

The book upset a lot of people – it was briefly banned in England – and then was more or less forgotten. However, it dealt with a lot of things you bring up on the blog and you might find it interesting. You can find used copies online, or send a mail drop address to me and I’ll have the ‘zon send you one.

The Wikipedia entry for “Bug Jack Barron” criticizes the story and Spinrad’s writing (some justified, some not), but has nothing about what the book *says*, which was probably one of the reasons it got up the nose of the Brit censors so badly.

In the book, Jack Barron was a former terrorist, founder of a far-left political party, and a hugely popular talk-show host. “The right kind of people”, for someone like Spinrad, who was extremely Left. But Barron started uncovering something *far* worse, and took the ticket without checking too much about what it would cost…

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I think you even linked to a video of Caviezel speaking at an event last year where he recounted being presented with the evidence by some LEO.

Jim looked pained while talking about it, and said it was emotionally devastating to see and hear it.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

That reminds me of soldiers describing being “addicted” to being in combat situations. They found themselves living and doing everything possible to get back into combat again, despite the psychological and other damage to themselves and their most important relationships.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

The other noteworthy novel by Spinrad is titled “The Iron Dream.” That one is a novel within a novel and it all takes place within an alternate timeline, one in which Adolph Hitler becomes a science fiction writer after WWI instead of going into politics. The inner novel, allegedly written by Adolph, is titled “Lord of the Swastika.” It is a futuristic story of a great leader, an idealized version of Hitler, who leads a demoralized and impoverished people to victory and greatness. The book ruined Spinrad’s career as a writer and closed many doors to him; the fact he was Jewish didn’t save him from being labeled antisemitic. Not great fiction, but interesting to look at. It’s online for free.

Reply to  Donnie
2 years ago

I’ve been thinking about that book, lately. I never knew the backstory, so thanks for that.
There were a lot of anti-mutant stories back then, “Mutants must die!”
Even Heinlein killed off his mutants.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Reading the summary it does seem interesting. But if the writer is bad perhaps it’s not worth reading the book itself.

2 years ago

Regarding Cabal, PETA, and Fauci..

The only reason we are learning about Fauci’s puppy experiments is that someone wants us to know about them. They’ve tried propping up Fauci and making him a hero. Those efforts are clearly failing. So what do they do? Sacrifice him up and let him take the heat so people don’t pay attention to those really calling the shots.

Nobody who is the public face of anything, be it the President, the UN Secretary General, the surgeon general, the director of the CDC, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the Speaker of the House, the Senate Majority Leader, NONE OF THEM MAKE ANY DECISIONS AT ALL.

The system was taken over decades ago and they keep these people in place merely as a distraction so that people direct their anger towards the wrong targets.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I said this back when they were throwing Cuomo under the bus after boosting him as the hero during the first year of Covid.

Cuomo didn’t go down because of his demonstrable collusion in killing thousands of elderly people. They took him down by timing the release of some generic sexual inappropriateness, so as to distract from the scale of his Covid crimes.

Same is going to happen to Fauci, and maybe even Biden. These scumbags are assets, and when they have served their purpose, Cabal burns them with something unrelated to the actual agenda Cabal is implementing, so as to direct our attention away from the scene of the actual crime.

When working for Cabal, it’s all one giant circular firing squad.

2 years ago

Re: the conversation in the comments yesterday about the damage being done to good, normal Americans while it’s always “just two more weeks”

I briefly studied the “Law of Armed Combat” and one of the things that sticks with me still was the instructor explaining (but not giving the exact numbers) that JAG has specific equations for what is an acceptable number of civilian casualties given the value of a target, need for immediate action, potential damage of not moving on the target, etc.
It’s understandable to not leave it to individual snap judgments, but it is also a callously utilitarian calculus.

Which is to say two things:

1. If there are “white hats” and a “plan”, if the primary target is high value enough (prevent a totalitarian dictatorship of the whole world, say) the number of acceptable civilian casualties could be very, very high. Like, “getting close to but not reaching extinction” levels of high. If, for an example, the “this not a game” being played is 7 billion people living under satanic, baby raping slavery conditions in an inescapable techno-hell (or accepting the loss of 6.9 billion, who would at least have a chance at salvation by dying, so that the other 100 million can live free and build anew free of the Cabal, the “white hats’” equation may favor the loss of 6.9. In practice it wouldn’t much look like there were any white hats, and you’d be left taking their word for it that things would have been much worse had they not allowed those billions of deaths, and having to swallow (or reject) the “they had to die to be saved” message.

In such a scenario the “white hats” could both be correct that they took the right course of action and still be executed by the survivors for their tacit approval of billions of deaths- because how could survivors possibly believe that mass casualty was the best possible route?

2. If there are not white hats or they failed, no one is coming to save you. If there are white hats and a plan is still going, if you aren’t yourself a critical part of that plan, no one else is going to assure that you aren’t part of the “acceptable” collateral damage. Your plans A, B, and C will probably be similar in either case and should already be in place, and if they aren’t, get going now.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

This is worth considering because cabal will risk killing the entire planet to maintain control. But I think when we get to the end of this, if the white hats survive, there will be no problem in justifying themselves. The problem is going to be in simply rebuilding a workable social order an economic system.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Reminds me of the Tamil rebels in Sri Lanka. How they continued their willful nihilism to the very end, narcissistic determinism with no legacy.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Never underestimate the, uh, “operational capability” of the white hats.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The problem is that I refuse to believe those are the only two choices.
Kick over the table.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Kicking over the table might be an option, but only if someone in a position to actually do it thinks so, and is willing and able to act.

Unless one is in a position to kick over the table himself, and I’m not, he has to plan for how to avoid being a casualty of the battle.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Pretty much how I figured it. A lack of selection is our primary problem.

2 years ago

Good Information Inc.
There’s memes in them thar hills!

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

The CIA has always been controlled by the Vatican. It’s always been known as Catholics in Action. And Vatican is cabal.

NSA has been a largely Protestant activity.

The war between them is a continuation of the Counter-Reformation, which has never ended and continues to be fought to this day.

2 years ago

Q did imply that a small percentage will be lost forever, i think that that is an acceptable amount. I live in a small town, and from what i hear the vast majority are on the same page, albeit at different intervals. I would say 90% believe that the election was stolen, even if they wont admit it publicly.

People talk amongst themselves, in what would appear to be private. Lots of discussions have taken place in basements, kitchen tables and bars. Us peasants might be blind to the mechanisms, but we know when someone is trying to fuck us over. Have hope, guys. Thanks for highlighting my comment ac, i try and post whitepills when i can.

2 years ago

One of the really great things about being an immigrant, and in on the plan, is that you have a history that other people do not know about. Information is siloed by language. You can hide anything, even publish anything, as long as you do things like imply something is distant or boring or weird, or obscure. Or just go the direct route, and change how the translations spell things. Or change the Wikipedia article in America, Britain, and then whatever language.

All of you are champing at the bit for a ‘reset’ to deal with the problem. All of you acknowledge that this mysterious opposing presence is old, and from someplace else. Why on earth do you think you are the first people to want to be shed of your enemies?

I don’t know the Cabal, or the people in the Cabal, or the Deep State. I am by no means paranoid enough or wicked enough to predict what they do, or how they act.

However: you’ve heard of the Exodus? There’s an archaeologist paper about a rebellious governor trying to break away from the central government. It was so traumatic that the basically sunny, happy nation turned to a more bleak, more death obsessed culture. The first born son of the pharaoh? A mere speedbump to us? There was a temple for him, with prayers and sacrifices, for half a millenium. That’s about as long as America has been around.

The Civil War follows that template almost word for word: a certain group imported slaves over the resistance of the locals- Egypt was not a slave-holding nation until Joseph and his #metoo and his secret police entrapping his ‘relatives’- and the president of the CSA did not worship in a church alongside most of the soldiers, and his statue has not been torn down. And we are, what 150 years into a far darker, more traumatic national mythology?

There’s entire oblasts in Russia given to a certain tribe. Even today. Even though they had real estate given to them in French and English territory.

Now, the West: we were the poorest parts of the Roman Empire. The dark ages were from about 400 to 1400ish? While we were poor, and agriculture was uncertain- the weather was cold enough to bring down the surplus food supply- I mean, there’ s books about climate change- warm weather means expanding empires, cold weather means shrinking empires- in a cold, shrinking environment- why did these people build two story buildings? Why did they build castles? By hand? Why did they master metal locks? That is just a lot of labor. Why do you think they thought it was worth it? We have machines, and we don’t build castles.

Okay, this is where Wikipedia gets exciting: the medieval slave trade was beautiful western children stolen from their homes, shipped to processing cities- Lyons, Marseilles, Verdun- castrated or otherwise mutilated- and then shipped East. You have to kind of cross reference back and forth to put this together. Sheriffs were floating law enforcement, meant to track slave raiders.

I’ve read the articles and diary excerpts of the child thieves. They’d sneak in while the family was asleep to steal particularly lovely children. Rushes on the floor were a first alert. Two stories meant no easy access. Locks, the same. Castles- think about it- children and women of childbearing age were in the innermost keep- while men and older women fought on the walls, and each successive layer.

Did you wonder why Charlemagne had a problem with barons so severe he massacred them? They were profiting on human trafficking. That’s what Christianity brought to the table- an interest in not enslaving your neighbor. I mean, most people had a perfectly respectable “sky daddy.” Why would they flex and go for the strange one from far away, rather than the partying drunk from far away, or any other Eastern import?

Why do you think the Romanians are chill with Dracula? Guess who owns the media that blackens his eternal name? Maybe the people who were stealing his people’s children? Just a thought.

Eastern Europe never solved their slave problem. They had round churches so that the women could sit in the middle, and the men around the edges near their weapons hanging on the walls, because they never stopped having slave raids. They’d tattoo their daughters hands and faces with Christian signs, to make them less likely to be raided or stolen.

The raids into Russian territory kept going through at least the 18th century.

Or Greece: started its rebellion when an Ottoman overlord tried to take the son of a Greek noble. He told the Greeks his plans for the boy.

Oh- Justinian faced the “Nike Revolts”- the “blues and the greens”- did you ever wonder why people who supposedly lived in the greatest empire in history had sports riots? Do they sound ridiculous? Well, Justinian had just settled the Lazika War. Lasika, Lazica, (see, spelling) was a tiny, poor country that had three things for international trade: agricultural goods, maybe amber, and definitely slaves. All those “Russian women seek to be your bride.” Same regions. The slave raiders- Jews and pagans- were on one side of the sports- and Christians were on the other. They had their own mobs agitating. The end of the revolts was Justinian massacring the leaders of both sides, in all cities. He left John Chrysostom alive. Saint Chrysostom carried on a feud with the emperor’s wife, but he wasn’t getting into corruption, payoffs, or power. So, would you kill off televangelists and newspaper editors as well as pornographers and student loan lenders, if you could buy peace for ordinary people for a thousand years? I ask people that a lot. The answers no longer surprise me.

Okay, history, schmistory. Now, go on to the Chelmnytsky rebellion. There are options on spelling. Locals rose up against Jewish agents of the Polish/ Lithuanian aristocrats. You can read all about in Wikipedia. Not once does the article mention the yearly slave raids that killed, quite literally, millions of people. Inbred Muslims can’t breed healthy rulers. They need healthy Christian women to have healthy children. You’ve seen the Bellini portrait of a sultan? He’s got red hair because he’s from a nearly continuous line of Russian, Ruthenian, Polish, Christian harem slaves.

Okay, there are perfectly nice Jews in America, in government in America, where their version of the story is that “Suddenly, for no reason at all…….” white people rose up and massacred innocent Jews because they had a different view about their “invisible friend.” Not, the slaves got uppity and tried to break free. Why do you think Seinfeld has an episode making fun of Latvians?

After the Chelmnytsky rebellions, they had the various rabbis getting satanic in public, going Chabad, all the various things they do.

For the silo-ing, look up Sultana Roxanna. Or Hurrum Roxelana. She’s from Rohatyn. It’s a town with a timeline. It was a Christian, cathedral town that let in a Jewish trader- it’s on the timeline- and the timeline mentions she marries a sultan- but never points out- she was stolen, she was sold into the harem, and then she became the beloved of the Sultan. Guess who is the sort of person who steals beautiful children? Google Felix Rohatyn. He’s in America. You think he’s a poor Ruthenian?

The translated Turkish and Arab wiki is very different than the American one.

These people genuinely believe it’s better to steal your children and turn them into harem slaves, and singers and eunuchs with talents, than leave them as nice farm kids.

The harems kept going in the Ottoman Empire until 1918. Harem slaves came to America as free women. Their granddaughters wrote memoirs about them. Cleansed out of the library, these days, but I read them as a child. Armenian girls memoirs, too. Armenians are Christian.

You could look at who runs porn in America. Or Argentina, or wherever the current pope is from. Pope JP2 labored in mines. This pope worked at a dance hall associated with brothels.

I’m not sure about the Boxer Rebellion, except that a sort of Christian Chinese man led a rebellion against eunuchs, court followers, drug addicts and prostitutes in power.

Do you honestly think, after looking at all this, that anyone who knows anything about any of that history is going to carelessly get to rebellion? Slave revolts that succeed? What if you don’t know you are a slave, or a breeding stock for slaves?

The word for genocide, and the concept responsibility to protect, both came from educated, connected, Odessa Jews. They never mention things like the Ukrainian famine enforced against mostly Christian farmers.

I am not going to finger Jews, since they worked in concert with depraved aristocrats who did not care for their people. Poland whines that it lost territory, but never explains how it was mistreating people. France whines about the Revolution, and forgets how it oppressed its southwestern or southern people.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Chapter 11

11 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.

12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

13 The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and the adversaries of Judah shall be cut off: Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim.

14 But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west; they shall spoil them of the east together: they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab; and the children of Ammon shall obey them.

As a European I count as Ephraim since large parts of the lost 10 tribes mixed in there.
I do my best not to envy anything Judah has that they actually earned, but I am not about to overlook their vexation (which is worse than envy) until they stop it.
We must protect ourselves.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

That was epic!

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

> We have machines, and we don’t build castles.

We don’t build castles because one of those machines is artillery.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

“Locks, the same. Castles- think about it- children and women of childbearing age were in the innermost keep- while men and older women fought on the walls, and each successive layer.”

What evidence that those older women actually fought on the walls at all.

Otherwise I see that as another attempt to rewrite medieval history as gender equal paradise. Or somehow there is disproportionate numbers of Sub-Saharans where they don’t belong in history.

Reply to  info
2 years ago

I am saying that the most valuable people- the fertile women and the children, everyone sacrificed to keep them safe. How many old women do you think there were? Not many. That whole childbirth thing. But if they have four old women, three of them are trying to make sure their daughters and grandchildren are safe inside the keep.

This was important enough, and a desperate enough fight, that boys started formal training at age 7. Seven year olds are in second grade. Do you have second graders learning weapons and defense to repel invaders?

I mean, we are so peaceful that Angry Birds’ plotline is considered questionably violent, rather than historical memory.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

I thought it weird that the Angry Birds movie was political commentary on the European Immigration crisis.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

“Egypt was not a slave-holding nation until Joseph and his #metoo and his secret police entrapping his ‘relatives’- and the president of the CSA did not worship in a church alongside most of the soldiers, and his statue has not been torn down. And we are, what 150 years into a far darker, more traumatic national mythology?”


You mean Joseph that was appointed as a Visier?

Reply to  info
2 years ago

Okay, so Joseph, he of the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, whitewash?

Do you believe he is the good guy? We are told he is the good guy. There are movies and musicals about the good guy. Cartoons. Cartoon movies.

What if he was not the good guy? What if this is self-serving PR, about like what Miles Mathis says everyone “Phoenician Navy” does? I’m not saying Miles Mathis has taken apart Joseph, just, for all the Jews running around saying they don’t read the first five books, there are an awful lot of cultural artifacts about that guy.

He shows up. The slavery bit- did you catch that. It doesn’t matter what the motivation is, half-brothers selling off their sibling to slave traders is just……..grotesque. Everyone else got sold by enemies, or taken by their neighbors- Olaudah Equiano. So, if it’s true, this is a family of psychopaths. 10 of them are “differently-abled” when it comes to basic morality (family first!) Or is it a made up secret hero story? I don’t know. I know there’s at least one modern translator of the Odyssey who thinks it’s just a big ‘fish that got away’ story. I can apply that same irreverence to this story. What if he made it up?

Second, he’s Levantine. He’s hairy. He bathes differently than the Egyptians. He doesn’t have their refined manners. We think of the Greeks as the height of civilization- they called themselves bumpkins compared to the Egyptians.

So, he goes #metoo with the wife. He doesn’t speak the language easily, he’s hairy, and he’s a young guy. Do you really think a wealthy woman is going to hit it with a house slave? If so, why do you think that? Movies? Advertisements? Music videos? Who makes those? The people around her were confident enough in her virtue to go to court, and air it out in public. Do you really think a sweaty, hairy field slave who talks like, well, an unsophisticated foreigner, is going to turn the crank of anyone?

I live in a state with dirty, foreign, poorly spoken immigrants. Nobody is trying to do anything with them. It’s why the wealthier ones do pickup artist courses- they are failing to charm anyone.

Also, Egyptians back when? European. Joseph? Levantine. The lust does not run towards short, swarthy goatherders, ever. Egypt was the most ritualistically clean society ever. Animal handlers were dirty.

Okay, so he loses his lawsuit. He is in jail, saying he didn’t do nuffin wrong. And that she came on to him. Surprisingly enough, right now, we have jails full of guys that dindu nuffin, and she asked for it by, like, breathing. The rape gangs in England? They will tell anyone that English girls- even little ten year olds- asked for it. Or the German girls. Or the Swedish girls. Or boys, who are we kidding?

Then he does dream hoodoo. The pharaoh has a nightmare. He uses his connections to get in front of the pharaoh to introduce him to the exciting world of financial prediction- up, up, up, up, up,up, up, up, and then down, down, down, down…. I mean, make an arrow chart meme. Now, Egypt is an old culture. They are built around a river overflowing. Yet, we are supposed to believe that they have never had a famine, the river isn’t rising, and they’ve never stored grain? And the obvious solution is a tax and then slavery? The obvious solution?

I mean, America didn’t have an income tax and a Federal Reserve until ??1900s. Look at all the usual suspects ganging up around the White House (Pharaoh means house) It was to stave off starvation, instability, all that. We had not had that before. Do you feel more free than your grandparents? Great grandparents?

Then the weird thing with the family showing up because- ta da- they actually had a famine because they are goatherders on a plain, not civilized people who use math to measure out fields and water allotments from a reliable, gigantic river. And he does this weird thing with trickery, fakery, deception, throwing someone in jail on trumped up charges. Does that sound like a good guy?

I mean, seriously. Does your family reunion have anecdotes about your cousin throwing your other cousin in jail for a fake crime? To show each other how much they love each other?

I mean, to me, it looks like one group throwing the same scam, over and over and over, for centuries. They just silo it, information-wise, language-wise. I mean, do you look at, say, Janet Yellen, and think “Not from around here?” Do you look at Milton Friedman as ‘wise man.’ Do you think Alan Greenspan is hot? Rape worthy hot? His own wife would not consent to marry him for, like, ten years. And she definitely doesn’t think he rates bearing children with.

Okay, also, did Egypt have a famine? People went into slavery when they could not eat. Okay, they’d been collecting grain. Um- hi, the Ukraine and the Irish would like for you to know that hostile elites took their seed corn and then blamed them for their famines. This guy is not a farmer, and he is in charge of agricultural policy? In a family with no background in farm management? Do you think anything other than a politically motivated famine would happen?

Like, it’s like citing von Mises about anything farm. Mises was a court Jew in southeast Europe with a language barrier, and frankly, a class barrier, to the free-holding small farmers of Northwest Europe. The literate farmers of Northwest Europe- and they were all literate, thank you Protestant Revolution- wrote letters to each other about things like Turnips- and sheep breeding- and got food and clothing, no matter the climate. The parts next to them- administered by Jews – Northern Eastern Europe-were immiserated peasants tied to the lands- functionally slaves.

The Egyptian culture perked along for 3,000 years, more or less? I’m vague. Millenium. Obviously, they knew what they were doing. People wanted to live there- Jesus and Mary and Joseph certainly felt comfortable moving there to avoid ‘political violence.’ The Jews? Could not hold together a kingdom for, what, three generations? I am not impressed with their ability to govern anything successfully.

One thing I’ve learned: failures talk shade about anyone successful who is indifferent to the failure. To me? After Moses left, the Egyptians went right back to doing what they, themselves were interested in doing, except if that archaeologist is correct- they sort of had nightmares about the abusive jerks ever coming back. Like, their pharaoh went from nice guy hanging around with his wife at their farm, to a guy who has to fight the demonic serpent of death every night to keep his people safe. That’s trauma.

Who do you prefer? The bully, the rapist, the guy who sics the police on his own family for lulz, or the victim?

For what it’s worth, narcissists lie. They make the victim look bad and dangerous and crazy. They recruit flying monkeys to assist them in harming the victim. They assassinate the character of the victim. They choose the most beautiful and good to be the victim. Look at Egyptian art, and tell me they are not good and beautiful.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Okay, so the Joseph the Rapist thing: We know what Egyptians looked like. They had paintings and sculpture. The historians tell us they were idealists. Except, on a regular basis, the mummies look like their sculptures. They were beautiful.

The Egyptians encountered others: Greeks, Minoans, Jews, Hittites. They sculpted them. They drew their clothes so accurately that textile historians can match the pieces to the century in the other culture, in unfamiliar techniques and styles.

They had relief sculptures of Jews. The Jews had remarkably large hook noses in the relief sculptures. They were not attractive.

When explorers wrote about them, right up through the twentieth century, before the Holocaust, they wrote about the Jewish people they encountered as being licentious, avaricious and remarkably ugly. This isn’t anti-semitism, when the same explorers are also saying other people are flawed- varieties of homely, avaricious, domineering, licentious.

We know that Egypt did have rapists- we have the letters from workers. We have their version of police investigations. We have their court documents. Yet, somehow, this is the one case that was decided wrongly? About the same way that the ADL was founded to say Mary Phelps was killed by someone other than a Jewish factory owner? He dindu nuffin. She asked for it by breathing?

Do you really think the wife, who is married to a regular Egyptian high end guy- they own slaves, they have property- is going to risk giving all of that up- for a piece of tail that looks like, oh, the lead guy from Revenge of the Nerds? That’s their fantasy- they are so awesome that women they can rape a woman and she will like it. And that all the creepy weirdo losers in whatever society will be their best friend, unlike those big meanies who just happened to build the society? Would you trust that guy to tell you the truth about anything?

Egypt was a manufacturing powerhouse- textiles, glass- which was energy intensive high tech- medicines, sculptures, luxury goods, agricultural products. What did Israel have? They hired other people to build their buildings. They hired other people to make their textiles. Even today, the stories about their leaders are about what total rapists and creeps and molesters these guys are. Why would believe them when one of them says “It was all her idea?”

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

>Like, their pharaoh went from nice guy hanging around with his wife at their farm, to a guy who has to fight the demonic serpent of death every night to keep his people safe. That’s trauma.

What’s this in reference to?

Reply to  kid
2 years ago

Academic research papers. You’ll have to go search up on them. The Egyptians started pretty much the same as any other stone age group. The burials were pretty egalitarian. People would get buried with implements and tools for their next life. Then, a group came out of the desert, with a different DNA, they have the mummies, they’ve tested, with an idea that some people are ‘more equal’ than others. It’s not a native Egyptian idea. Then, later, much later, in a more specific change, the religion changes from this pretty happy view that things will sort of continue onward in happiness, to this nightly struggle that the Pharaoh has to wage against Set, or Seti.

The hypothesis is that the rebellious governor peeling off his rather large region with the help of immigrants, and by the way, a plague killing off children, including the pharaoh’s son, traumatized the nation pretty severely.

Did you see the desert people with the ‘more equal’ and ‘less equal’? Of course, America has never had an idea of ‘more equal’ or ‘less equal’ , now has it? I want to say that particular paper was written by someone who had read 1984 like it was a really cool book full up on technical language/sarc

Then you’ve got translation issues- names, and so on- and, honestly, the best philology on it was done by Germans, so we’re not going to be hearing about it much. They also have German and Austrian and Hapsburg era explorers, philologers, linguists, and so on, running around. You won’t hear much about them in the Anglosphere. The current year Chinese still use their work, today, reliably.

You can silo information. You hide it in translations, transliterations, it’s boring, it’s exotic, it’s silly.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

Outstanding. I’d like to hear more elaboration. Thanks.

Reply to  wooderson
2 years ago

“I’m not sure about the Boxer Rebellion, except that a sort of Christian Chinese man led a rebellion against eunuchs, court followers, drug addicts and prostitutes in power. ”

That’s the Taiping Rebellion, mid-19th c., and is about as kind a description for a mass psychosis / civil war that killed 40-50M Chinese as could be written. The Boxer rebellion was 1898-1901, with more like 100,000 dead (~2/3 killed by foreign armies) and was about throwing the foreigners out, especially missionaries. The “Boxers” or “Fists” were also insane, though — many believing they were magically bulletproof.

Then there were wars from ~1927-49, which certainly had some mass psychosis, as well, but perhaps not as notably, then the Cultural Revolution ’66-’76 …. and going back before the Taiping Rebellion there are many, many others, with major ones every few decades… if the past is a guide, China has a “psychotic break” every few decades, and another one is overdue.

One must hope the prosperity and historically good governance of the present has broken the cycle, but acknowledge that many of these rebellions were not about economic conditions, but Chinese that felt they were not getting the respect that they deserved, whether from high-status Chinese or from foreigners. Signs of high frustration from some Chinese aren’t hard to find, many blaming foreigners for everything bad, even, no — /especially/ as things have never been so good for most in China. This blame-and-shame shifting is being encouraged and fostered by Chinese government and government-supported sources, who apparently think blocking signs of increasing pressure is solving the problem, but like blocking the pressure-release on a pressure cooker, it risks a much bigger explosion just to stop a little venting.

2 years ago

>But they are not doing that. They have some vague plan which is supposed to unite everyone, but which probably won’t, and which may or may not have a path to putting Trump back in office
I can think of justifications, but they mostly involve diplomatic faux pas against non-terrestrials and/or ‘non-state actors’ scuttling the world economy in turbo-Soros currency speculation fashion (e.g. China revaluing gold unilaterally with most of BRIICS in lockstep), or mini-nukes. These putative ‘planners’ are almost certainly Boomers, which gives pause (then again, so is the enemy’s C&C).

>normies have been stuck in the matrix for too long, if you pull the plug too quickly, they reject
r-coom brained Joe Normie’s tacit consent makes him an acessory to the crimes; they require more than ‘ice bucket challenges’ and bitch slapping to invoke compliance with the necessities of natural law confronting us. Tell an anti-2A Last Man the leading cause of death is rogue government because of the last century, and his insect brain blinks. It’s not enough to tell, they must be shown. Relying on them as a ‘force multiplier’ in the ‘marketplace of ideas’ will only happen after the fact. Why bother.

>Once that narcissist’s brain figures out it can relieve the amygdala pain instantly, with no effort, just by rewriting reality in their mind, they can no longer grasp reality, and they are lost.
Very good. As Ken Wheeler says, “You are not your beliefs.” This sort of person only has the shadow play and temptation of their delusions, Harlow’s Monkeys actively choosing the wire mothers.

>and begin looking if anyone has a creative way to disrupt the system
The “Become a N—-r to the system.” meme has gained a hilarous amount of traction

>but it was actually his mom.
Bet they’d have a cam in every street light if cost wasn’t an object, especially those new-fangled LED ones

>The new guy was a longtime camera operator
Odd theme, with Baldwin’s cinematographer in the mix

>Cabal has infiltrated its operatives into leadership positions in PETA
There was a stunt they did years back that defaced the Nazca lines. Bet bulk animal rescue cargo isn’t inspected rigorously.

>when a fire started in one building could destroy an entire city.

>MI5, Libyan connection
Wonder if there’s any NXIVM relation, with one of the Bronfman US-Libyan Chamber of Commerce position holding sister’s Libyan business magnate husband; Foreign Office was a top contributer to the White Helmets (chief was defenstrated in Turkey a year or two back)

>a Chinese sub they hit, and it didn’t survive the impact.
Crazy Ivan shadowing in the rudder wash, oops, we just shredded your propeller and engine room, gl at crush depth.

>How people’s minds are not snapping from the excessive mental gymnastics is beyond me.
Motivated reasoning

>The KGB not only didn’t share with the GRU, the different departments of the KGB jealously defended themselves from each other as well.
Iron triangle. One or the other probably had more Gehlen organization spies than the other.

2 years ago

Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to Announce PROOF OF STATE-WIDE ELECTION LAW VIOLATIONS – Thursday at 11 AM

2 years ago

The double standard of Justice under Cabal I believe in regards to violent crime:

2 years ago

St. Kyle:

comment image

2 years ago

Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen confirms U.S. troops on the island

2 years ago

“Terry McAuliffe’s former law firm specializes in defending schools from lawsuits by girls who were gang-raped in the schools. Cabal-assaults to degrade non-Cabal girls who might become problems?”

Also why else would Mainstream Academia, Media and Liberals be so insistent on “Childcare” and “Childcare subsidies” which is codeword for Daycares?

Access to children in Daycare is very important too.

2 years ago
A guy
A guy
2 years ago

Check out a recent vid on Avi Yemeni’s b-choot channel from 4 days ago (of this writing: Oct 23) titled “Man instantly regrets picking a fight with me…”

A couple of groups of ‘random’ people sitting in a location begin mocking avi immediately on sight (while he is walking around the block), one with a prepared insult in a language only avi is likely to understand in company with 3 other really fit and exceptionally groomed men nearby to bandwagon on.

Seems a great example of harrasment to me.
Combine it with another earlier video (couple of months back) where Awzy police specifically and intentionally target and arrest Avi’s security (who was wearing SECURITY shirt and had credentials on him) at the tail end of a protest (once the superior numbers of people had gone home and the police then felt comfortable with their numbers to take action of course).
Seems to me Avi is on the action list and these might be great examples for you.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

> If so, great eye. And that is what quite a few look like, even down to the female being a dominant shit-starter in the relationship, and having a tattoo on her shoulder.

Wow. To me I would have just written it off as typical Australian culture/behavior as it’s just so common.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  A guy
2 years ago

@A guy on

Compare the way Avi is treated with the Aussie Cossack. Avi doesnt get plod storming his house or following him with incessant harassment. Yeah Avi is a great Australian, that’s why he joined the IDF.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Chris Yoon – Christ will strengthen you in this time

2 years ago

“Once that narcissist’s brain figures out it can relieve the amygdala pain instantly, with no effort, just by rewriting reality in their mind, they can no longer grasp reality, and they are lost.”

More, please. I’d like to understand this better.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

There is more to the Narcissism character.

It is duty and Rule of Law. In Sparta, they were known as the MOST obedient and pious people there were.

Xenophon said, he found that Sparta had the most handier and healthier people.

Duty is the opposite of Narcissism. The Virtue of Righteousness says, Duty to God, Duty to the Fatherland, Duty to the Family, Duty to one’s departed. Duty is outward looking.

Total obedience to law is important to. Because Law exists OUTSIDE a person. When a person decides “I’m not going to obey” any particular law, such as even a speed limit law, he becomes a Narcissist. He does what he wants, not his OUTWARD performance. America and Americanism creates a Narcissistic culture. Liberals are quasi Narcissists as they are gnostics.

The Spartans were great psychologists.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Excessive submission to external factors creates Borg slaves.
Balance is required.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

And that is why probably 95% of all Spartans are in heaven—and NO ONE in America is going. There are NO anarchists in heaven.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Get lost, Locutus.
Americans have some excess in both directions but our heritage is balance as I stated was necessary.

Almost all Spartans are likely in hell for murdering innocent children and helots.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“… it was a good cover for selecting/training operatives and getting blackmail at the same time….”

Blackmail combined with…fear, If they will do that to children what will they do to the initiates. Has to go through their minds seeing this sort of horror.