News Briefs – 10/28/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Mike Lindell reports on Bannon’s war-room, 20+ State AGs to file suit against the United States with the US Supreme Court at 9 am November 23, 2021, under Articles II and IV of the Constitution, using PCAP evidence from all 50 states confirming that China attacked the US November Election. 20 states are already on board, 18 are still examining evidence but are expected to join, and 12 are not on board and/or are obstructing.

Mike Lindell says he’s launching his voter fraud case with the Supreme Court 2 days before Thanksgiving so that every person in the world will talk about it for 4 days.

Mike Lindell says ‘Every person in the world’ will be talking about his multi-day Thanksgiving ‘marathon’ to overturn the 2020 election.

Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to announce proof of state-wide election law violations Thursday.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich) vetoed legislation that would require the removal of dead people from the voter rolls at least 45 days prior to each election day.

U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar is urging Arizona Attorney General Brnovich to follow through with indictments for election fraud in AZ.

Secretaries of state targeted by Trump election lies claim they live in fear for their safety and are desperate for protection. 

Jovan Pulitzer releases his long awaited Kinematic Artifact Detection Texts, *22 volumes, 600 pages-ish each. Going to AZ Senate, lawmakers and academia.

John Durham to call former FBI general counsel in the Hillary Clinton lawyer case.

An investigation of official ONS data has revealed that since the Covid-19 vaccine was offered and administered to kids in England and Wales there has been a 89% rise in deaths among male children against the five-year-average, with the most recent week seeing an increase as high as 200%.

Canadian Politician demands urgent investigation into rise of sudden deaths among teens following Covid-19 vaccination.

FDA Committee member admits he doesn’t know if the vaccine is safe for kids but approves it anyway, saying, “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.” Wouldn’t that be great fodder in future lawsuits?

A Louisiana mother is threatening to sue, claiming that her 16-year-old son was vaccinated for COVID-19 while at his Jefferson Parish high school without her consent.

US Army launches investigation after three service personnel ‘who went to get their flu shot’ were accidentally given dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine instead.

New study says an Antidepressant can help prevent hospitalization with COVID. I get suspicious when the machine tells us to take psych meds, given how much effort MK Ultra put into drug-based manipulation.

In the end, the Swedes really did have the last laugh with a relaxed Covid approach.

They are beginning to set the stage for a more infectious bird flu being prominent this year.

Daily Mail is left wondering, how did Florida end up with one of the best COVID-19 case and death rates in the US despite Gov Ron DeSantis refusing to implement mask or vaccine mandates? They finally got enough herd immunity that even the massive flood of infected illegals Biden was sending them couldn’t trigger an upswing.

Analysis of UK health stats on the vaccine shows the reduction in vaccine effectiveness goes negative, which when combined with the fact a booster can temporarily increase immunity, makes Antibody Dependent Enhancement less likely, and points more to a generalized reduction in overall immune system function, which if those negative values continue to increase, could point to increasing immune impairment being caused by the vaccines which might extend far beyond COVID to everything from other viruses to cancers. And there will be no shot to correct it. There was a doctor who reported massive increases in cancers at his lab.

California county shuts down In-N-Out over vaccine-verification defiance.

Covid variant A.30 ‘is heavily mutated and evades vaccine-induced antibodies with high efficiency.’ On the one hand, the establishment is thoroughly full of shit. On the other, them making a piss poor vaccine that only strengthens the virus’s ability to evade our immune systems is entirely plausible. It is tough if you have to bet on whether the leadership today is more prone to lying, maliciousness, or just rank incompetence.

Pfizer vax attacks human blood creating clots under the microscope. The cell membrane is an interesting structure. It is basically like a sheet, made up of small molecules. The reason the molecules form into a sheet is due to oil and water interactions. You know how you put a drop of oil on water, and all the oil tries to get away from the water, and forms a ball of oil on the surface? Oil and water repel each other, so they don’t dissolve. In a membrane, each molecule looks like a small, oil-like chain, attached to a water loving ball on the end. Since those two repelling parts are attached, they orient themselves with other similar molecules a certain way. The oil loving chains attract each other like magnets, and line up with each other, side by side,  and form a sheet, all oil-loving chains on one side, all water-loving balls side-by-side on the other side, all attracting each other. Then another sheet forms opposite it, creating a dual sheet, with all the oil loving chains on each side of each sheet pointing inside toward each other on the inside of the sheet. On the outside of each side of the now unified single sheet of two layers, are all the water-loving balls. That sheet creates a barrier between what is inside the cell and what is out, since water-soluble stuff floating around in the cell cannot penetrate the oil-loving-chain layer in the middle of the membrane. Proteins and receptors embedded in the sheet have an oil-loving part that sticks in the oil-loving chain part, and a water-loving part, often on each end, that sticks out of the membrane on the inside and the outside, spanning the sheet, and allowing a change on one side to travel through the molecule to the other. The forces which keep oil and water separate are what hold the whole thing together, and what allow cells to not stick, since they are just water-loving-ball covered cells floating in water. To get the mRNA through, they used lipid nanoparticles, like super small fat drops, which were able to get into the oil-loving chain part and get the mRNA through into the cells. But now I am wondering if the drops can somehow disrupt the oil-water forces holding everything in place, and disrupt the cell membrane structure, such as of blood cells, maybe making the oil chains to get exposed and make them sticky somehow toward other damaged cells. Or maybe the drops damage the membrane, letting stuff out as much as it lets mRNA in, which then triggers a clotting response. You see how biology is not like math or engineering. Nobody really knows how everything works. You get a general idea, but you have to try it out because even if you think you know everything, there are hundreds of things nobody could think of which could go wrong at the drop of a hat. There is no way, even for the highly schooled in each area, to predict exactly how things will work. But it is OK, that is why the FDA approves these things. If we didn’t inject billions of people with them all at once, we could never find out if they will kill and cripple massive numbers of people.

Thousands of Australians with unpaid fines for breaking Covid rules have their homes seized, bank accounts raided and licenses cancelled as government chases $5.2 million.

Green Pass compromised as Adolf Hitler gets a Covid certificate, and media speculate on whether EU security keys were stolen.

A new study looked at fast-food items from national burger chains McDonald’s and Burger King; pizza chains Pizza Hut and Domino’s; and Tex-Mex chains Taco Bell and Chipotle, all around San Antonio and found many contained industrial chemicals called phthalates (pronounced THA-lates), which are used to make plastics soft.

Immigration arrests in the US fall to 72,000 in 2021 from 104,000 the year before: Detentions hit the lowest number in more than a decade.

Biden expands list of ‘sensitive’ places where ICE officers cannot make arrests.

Biden pays off RINOs with Ambassador posts.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy is hiding information on the allocation of taxpayer funds to Illegal Immigrants until after election.

A senior advisor reveals NJ Governor Murphy secretly funneled $40 million in taxpayer funds to illegals and plans to give millions more. There is a reason he is not funneling these funds to corrupt campaign contributors, or buddies in Goldman Sachs. He was told to funnel these specific funds to the illegals, because they are assets, and needed to get paid by Cabal payroll. And the state and federal treasuries are Cabal payroll.

A Virginia utility company has been funneling piles of cash to a Democrat dark money group that’s posing as a conservative outlet upset by Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin’s supposed squishiness on the Second Amendment.

Authorities in Denver have ordered the arrest of Steve Bachar, a longtime Clinton operative, former co-chair of the Clinton Global Initiative,  and “socially responsible” investor who has been charged with felony theft and securities fraud.

The FBI told Indiana Republican Rep. Jim Banks it would not provide Republicans the same information provided to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked Jan 6th committee.

Minn. School board demands public commenters state their home addresses before speaking.

Now another Migrant caravan is growing in southern Mexico.

Mark Zuckerberg & Priscilla Chan’s former home workers sue over alleged failure to pay, harassment. This is what my friend with the service business for all the ultra-rich would describe. These people will drop $400 million on some cockamamie charity or something like election-rigging where they have no idea what the money is doing, but then turn around and make a big deal out of $400 on a massive construction project they can see every detail of, when dealing with a landscaper they have a personal relationship with, who is barely making a living and making his payrolls.

Mayor of Hazard, KY who is also the principal of Hazard High School, held an assembly with a male pageant where the male students came dressed in women’s lingerie and gave lap dances to the staff. And then they posted the pictures publicly. This doesn’t just happen. Straight males, confronted with homosexuality, experience brain activity similar to how normal people feel when they look at a bucket of squirming maggots. They don’t just throw on women’s lingerie and begin grinding on the local male mayor. This is done to them. Cabal can literally take over entire towns. I was not socially out and about around where I spent most of my time a year or two ago, but that place was clearly taken over. You saw it in the news, where local government had a rash of bogus corruption investigations that purged the entire old guard to make way for the new Cabal assets, road quality degraded noticeably in just a few year as local funds for road repair were obviously being embezzled, the surveillance kids were flooded into the schools, the poles around town became loaded,  foot surveillance began to get posted on street corners everywhere in town and in parking lots, and they had a permanent box of posted foot units set up all around the Post Office for some reason. Gangs, which had never been an issue in the news began to dominate, local cops were hogtied and you never saw them on patrol, and local news went from very shoestring affairs, to high production values with intricate sets and multiple anchors and personalities. And I began seeing news vans around me as I traveled. The area even suddenly became highly diverse, where it had been, for decades, non-diverse. I don’t really care outside of the surveillance implication, but if you see an area suddenly change in racial/ethnic makeup, that can mean some organization which is highly diverse (to promote the ability to infiltrate every possible social group to control everything), has moved into town, and your area is being taken over. And once it is, what will happen is only limited by the imagination, weirdness, and evil of those who run your local domestic intelligence operation, and their bosses above them. Because all it takes then, is the whim of a single person, and all sorts of weird things can happen that would otherwise be entirely impossible.

Local Virginia TV stations including ABC, CBS and NBC have refused to air an ad depicting sexually explicit materials that are widely available to students in school libraries in the state, citing federal law which prohibits airing pornographic images.

Journalist reads filthy porn book from school’s library at FL school board meeting and the board members call Police to have him forcefully removed for reading obscene content aloud.

Assistant director on ‘Rust’ set told police he didn’t check all the rounds in the prop gun before handing it to Alec Baldwin.

People genetically predisposed to mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and anorexia nervosa prefer to live in urban areas as adults, a study found. Interesting. Why would that be? You’d think if social interactions weren’t working out, or you were easily triggered, you’d get away from people.

Chinese scientists claim to have built the world’s fastest programmable quantum computers, which appear to crack problems that are currently not feasible for ”classical” non-quantum computers. I think Clinton had to get Cabal-permission to give China all that tech. I think Cabal thought it was going to simply move all its operations to China, but something went wrong. I hope patriots somewhere kept something for ourselves.

Taiwan’s President Tsai Ing-wen confirms U.S. troops on the island, says the threat from Beijing is growing “every day.”

China hints it stuck radio-controlled bombs on U.S. satellites’ exhaust tailpipes, so it can blow up all of them if a war starts.

Drink spiking at clubs is so prominent in Britain women are protesting by staying home. I ran into a guy online who was certain the Happy Face killings were just the tip of a nationwide operation. He believed the vast majority of the times it just drugged young men with promise, possibly videoed them in compromising sexual situations, and then dumped them unconscious in their underwear on the side of isolated roads. He knew a young college guy it happened to, and he felt those cases were not reported due to embarrassment, so all that got recorded were the times they over dosed the men, or maybe killed them for other reasons. In the case he related, it appeared the victim was set up by his college friends who must have been Cabal, and was handed off to an organized crew of other college aged people from out of town at a rock concert before his friends vanished. If all of a sudden there was an organized campaign of drink-spiking across the UK, I can’t help but wonder if these were girls who were going places, but who were not Cabal-kids who were in the network.

Twix candy releases a Halloween ad about a boy wearing dresses with his witch nanny and forgets to mention the candy bar.

Italy’s senate votes down anti-homophobic violence bill.

White male marketing Vice President at North Carolina hospital wins $10million ‘reverse discrimination’ payout after he was replaced by two women – one of whom is black – as part of diversity and inclusion program. These things can be SJWs, but more and more I view it as probably Cabal allocating lucrative positions to its own, under cover of this SJW bullshit. There are a lot more people in this conspiracy than you would think possible.

If EU ‘starts WW3’ against Poland by withholding promised funding, Warsaw will defend itself with ‘any weapons available.’

College enrollment notched the largest two-year decline in 50 years, due to Covid.

Democrats’ proposal for a new billionaire’s tax to pay for Joe Biden’s Build Back Better agenda is in chaos after Rep. Richard Neal (D-Mass), chair of the House Ways and Means Committee, said on Capitol Hill the tax is ‘out of the Biden plan.’

America’s troubled new aircraft carrier The Gerald R. Ford, will finally go on its first deployment next year. They really should have skipped Ford’s name, given the fact he could fall down a flight of stairs while laying in bed.

Jill Biden has been asking if there’s a process to remove a sitting VP.

Trump ally Marjorie Taylor Greene purchased between $15,001 and $50,000 worth of Digital World Acquisition Corp., the special purpose acquisition company linked to Trump’s planned social media platform.

President Donald Trump will be able to retain the ownership of his newly launched social media venture even if he chooses to make another White House run.

We are fortunate to be getting regular statements from President Donald J. Trump, which we can post here, straight from his News Aggregator on his website located here, complete with its own news stories. You can also get more statements from President Trump via email by signing up here.


Charles W. Herbster has been a tremendous supporter of America First and Make America Great Again, right from the beginning. He is running for Governor of the Great State of Nebraska and will do a fantastic job. A proud native of Nebraska, Charles is an extraordinarily successful businessman who will fight for our Farmers and Ranchers, support our Military and Vets, and protect and defend your under siege Second Amendment rights. With a Looney Tune Senator like Little Ben Sasse representing the wonderful people of Nebraska, it is particularly important that a great Governor (Pete Ricketts has been terrific!) be elected to help fortify the State. Charles W. Herbster has my Complete and Total Endorsement!


President Jair Bolsonaro and I have become great friends over the past few years. He fights hard for, and loves, the people of Brazil—Just like I do for the people of the United States. Brazil is lucky to have a man such as Jair Bolsonaro working for them. He is a great President and will never let the people of his great country down!


I hope everyone is watching the MASSIVE Caravan pouring through Mexico and headed to our Country. This must be stopped before they reach our Border, or before. Just nine months ago, we had the strongest Border in our Nation’s history. This should have never happened!


$7.59 gasoline in various parts in California—a record, and going higher. All over the Country gasoline is spiking. If the Trump Administration were in there, it would right now be $2 a gallon or less.


Chanting, “We love Trump” in Arlington, Va. Thank you, Arlington, see you soon!


What country will be the primary beneficiary from a “Billionaires Tax,” or Wealth Tax? Where will wealthy people and companies move to, leaving the United States high and dry? Most don’t need to be in the U.S. anyway. I know all of those very smartly run countries, and they are all thrilled by what the Radical Left maniacs are doing in Congress. I just wonder, will I be allowed to run for president again if I move to another country? No, I guess I’ll just stick it out, but most others won’t!

Invite other people to because the best hope in America right now is the MyPillow guy


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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“China hints it stuck radio-controlled bombs on U.S. satellites’ exhaust tailpipes, so it can blow up all of them if a war starts.”

Between stuff like that, the lead in children’s toys, the hacking, the extermination of Uygurs and Tibetans, it’s stuff like this that really makes people afraid of mainland China running the world.

comment image

Think about that. Stuff like this will be available anywhere Chinese power is dominant and Chinamen can get away with whatever they like.

Don’t fall for the 3rd generation warfare lines on a map, and what American military units are in Taiwan or the SCS. Think 4th generation warfare. Who controls the servers? Who’s trying to control the world’s chips. Are there more Americans in China or more Chinese in America? Who is the invader? Who practices and encourages birth tourism? Who is the bordercrosser? Who bribed American politicians with sex trafficked women and children? Who has lying built into their style of Warfare? Who is actively waging that war? It’s the Chinese.

America is a bifurcated society. One half is righteous, even Godly, the other half is Sodom. But let the Chinese hold sway, and there will be no firebreak between the innocents of the world and the Chinese State Moloch. The less-fortunate Chinese, and ALL non-Chinese will be subject to this crap

without any recourse from the Chinese Molochite nobility.

Do not take payment from the PRC, it is damned, just as all the gold used to make idols was damned- along with all who took it- in the time of Moses. Jesus Christ warns “Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Money from these people is mammon and if you take it and think it wise- then you cannot enter Heaven. The PRC and it’s rise was literally from one whole branch of the global “Pizzagate”, to be on the Alt-right/Alt-lite, ‘nationalist’ or any other right-wing group and support the Chinese, especially as a Westerner, is the the very height of hypocrisy. Do not rationalize it, you only condemn yourself.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Who bribed American politicians with sex trafficked women and children? Who has lying built into their style of Warfare? Who is actively waging that war? It’s the Chinese”

Actually, the first thing that comes to my mind is another tribe.

I’m hardly friendly towards the Chinese, but the CCP is far more humane than the lunatics running this country and the rest of the west. Far more. And the CCP isn’t humane.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

The Chinese are eating Jews for lunch. That’s why the Semitic branch of Cabal had to close shop there. Or at least has appeared to close shop there.

Alot of what I write isn’t for me, it’s for expats, and various countries in the Western Pacific who will find living under the Chinese boot very different than the worst pozzed western stuff.

In a Chinese run system I doubt we could even name our tormentors, and there would be so many of them, along with any IQ advantage they have (to the degree that exists).

Don’t get me wrong- I name the Jew, they have become a hiss and a byword among the nations- peddling and encouraging smut and all manner of perversions, as a group. But Jews have had bad luck throughout history- their golems keep turning on them. But just as America has cooled in it’s Judeo effections, China has too. Still, the Chinese government is a permanent major problem for the West, especially in technology. And this wasn’t something they developed, they stole it and were given it. Xi Jinping himself has explicitly stated that China will be a world power when every Chinese home has an American (ie. White) helper eunuch boy. You can’t be pro-White and pro-PRC, it is impossible. There aren’t even enough White Americans or even American citizens to accomplish that- So that probably means Australia, New Zealand and Canada are screwed too. Coupled with migrant invasion of Europe you are looking at a complete wipeout of Western Civ. Only the White part of L.America and Russia would remain, again under the Chinese boot. That’s not a pleasant world.

We don’t appreciate how bad things can get. We have the capabilities right now to realize this, under a Chinese or Chinese style system we wouldn’t. We are actually lucky to have incompetent mostly Jewish degenerates in the positions they are in. Replace them with Chinese, and you’ll be lucky to be living on something akin to an Indian Reservation.

And at the end of the day, the Jews exploit free will. You chose to eat the soy. You chose to take the vax. You chose to not homeschool your kids. You chose to keep the TV on with it’s degenerate commercials. Under the Chinese state there will be no such free will. Pick up that can citizen.

There’s also the silver lining- War with China will likely break the Globalist control over Western populations. Financial collapse and economic localization will speed up re-tribalization of the West, creating ethnically homogeneous countries faster than would otherwise occur.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Peking Delenda Est.

Fortunately, they are very close to collapse.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

The problem the Chinese will have trying to use Jewish tactics is that they can’t shapeshift and “my fellow whites” any of it. They will always be identifiable by everyone, and that is a fatal flaw.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

And that is why they want to kill us off.
In the end they don’t even want a remnant of us as slaves, they will use fellow Han for that.

Reply to  Phelps
2 years ago

“And that is why they want to kill us off.
In the end they don’t even want a remnant of us as slaves, they will use fellow Han for that.”

Huang Chao and his army did this:

“The Chinese rebels led by Huang Chao slaughtered Jews, Muslim Arabs, Muslim Persians, Zoroastrians (a.k.a. Parsees or Mazdaists) and Christians when they seized and conquered, according to Arab writer Abu Zayd Hasan As-Sirafi. Huang Chao’s army was in Guangzhou during 878–879.[9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Mulberry groves were also ruined by Huang’s army.[16] Only the Arabic source of Abu Zaid mentions the massacre; Chinese sources of the Tang dynasty history say nothing of the massacre and only mention Huang Chao occupying Guangzhou and retreating after disease struck his army.

Most of the victims were foreign and wealthy.[17]

The death toll could have ranged from 120,000 to 200,000 foreigners.[18][19][20]

Foreigners have at different periods settled in China; but after remaining for a time, they have been massacred. For instance, Mohammedans and others settled at Canton in the ninth century; and in 889, it is said that 120,000 foreign settlers were massacred.[21]

— the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, “The Baptist missionary magazine” (1869)”

The reason this didn’t get repeated in the 19th century was due to the gunboats of the British. And the cultural influence of the West later on.

But I don’t think God will allow this if that is their intention.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Predictive programming? Long ago, I read a science fiction novel that as I remember was said to have been what the old Buck Rogers in the Twenty-First Century films had been based upon. A world enemy, the Han, criss-cross the American skies, seeking out Whites who had survived the original invasion.

Has anyone read that? It was old even when I got it in the sixties, as a Ace paper back reprint, when about 25 cents was the price of a new paperback. (!)

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Predictive Programming II: here’s the overview of the novel and an image of its cover. Originally written in 1928 or 29.

Beware the Han.

2 years ago

“US Army launches investigation after three service personnel ‘who went to get their flu shot’ were accidentally given dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine instead.”
“””Accidentally”””….LOL…Pull this leg, it’s got bells on it. This is one reason I’ll never see the inside of a hospital or Dr’s office for the remainder of my days. Everything they stick in you, or touch your body with is now suspect. That IV push? Yeah, it’s in there. That capsule they just gave you? Yeah, that too. Blood transfusion, platelets, plasma, the saline, the needle, the salve or ointment… If you’re lucky, you’ll just die in the hospital. If not, you’ll have enough time to dig your own grave when you get home…because you just dug your own grave at the hospital.
What a world.

Reply to  millerized
2 years ago

There’s still good and sane doctors, you’re just not going to find them at a MegaCorp McHospital. Private practices are where to start looking, and give up on finding someone that’s convenient or cheap. Be willing to drive an hour or more and pay at least some out of pocket/out of insurance coverage costs and you can find people who actually give a fuck about doing no harm and advocating for patients.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  millerized
2 years ago

The happy news is that humans are designed to be Healthy, IF you avoid things that make you unhealthy, e.g. almost everything marketed by Jews, Inc.

And dis-ease is curable, unless you are one of those “incurable patients.”

See Dr Richard Schulze, Dr Jennifer Daniels, Dr. John Christopher, and others.

Also see what the Talmud says about health care and “doctors.” Oy vey!

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
2 years ago

I keep hearing these stories about China’s superior military tech. Now they say they can destroy our satellites. I wonder if all this is true or are they bluffing?

Reply to  Nobody Special
2 years ago

The idea of the alleged device is to hit a target moving at orbital velocity (over 16,000 mph) with millimeter accuracy (fly right up the booster rocket though the nozzle’s narrowest point), perfectly matching its velocity so as to do no immediate damage – and not even jostle the spacecraft, so it can’t even tell its been hit, then stick the equivalent of a high-tech space banana up the tailpipe. (Thus disabling the satellite without debris, supposedly, though it’s also supposed to be a molten explosive space banana.) It only “works” on satellites that stay attached to their boosters, and even then only simulates a plausible malfunction if the booster is fired again.

It’s totally absurd fantasy – winner of the double facepalm d’or.

Reply to  savantissimo
2 years ago

Seems to me, any added mass would noticeably interfere with it’s orbit, no?

Reply to  mobiuswolf
2 years ago

No, that, at least wouldn’t be a problem. Everything falls / orbits the same regardless of mass.

The problem is matching position and velocity exactly (6 dimensions of phase space). Even if you can do it, you have to creep up slowly relative to the target, just like a docking maneuver, which means ground radar has all the time in the world to see it. These things are supposedly 3.5 kg (also fantasy) but still that’s plenty big enough to track.

Play some Kerbal Space Program – even the old demo, it’s still out there somewhere, and you’ll get some idea of the mechanics.

Reply to  savantissimo
2 years ago

Ditto. It’s all about speed, not mass. Your velocity dictates your orbit.

It’s the alleged intercept that would be most alarming. The Russians just did intercepts on a bunch of our keyhole sats, and that was a huge deal. If they want to take out the seats they can do that with a small HEMP device without getting as close as the Russians did. (We are pretty sure the Russians were doing high detail imagery of our sats and maybe piggybacking the tightbeam commands going to it.)

2 years ago

> I get suspicious when the machine tells us to take psych meds, given how much effort MK Ultra put into drug-based manipulation.

“Take your meds, schizo” is such a common shill phrase. Could be more to it than simple demoralization I suppose.

2 years ago

>It is tough if you have to bet on whether the leadership today is more prone to lying, maliciousness, or just rank incompetence.

“Welcome to Wheel of Cabullshit. where you spin to find out if they are lying or just stupid”

Reply to  Atavisionary
2 years ago

“Cabullshit” Heh, excellent!!

2 years ago

Racine, Wisconsin County Sheriff’s Office to announce…

Again with the announcing what they’re going to announce. (face palm) Headlines such as those should be seen for what they are: Click bait.

Reply to  Bonanventure
2 years ago

Like that California DA who keeps announcing (every six months or so) he’s going to prosecute Harvey Weinstein Real Soon Now. Even though Weinstein is already in prison and not likely to survive to the end of his term given his age and health.

“News flash: Franco is still dead!”

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
2 years ago

“FDA Committee member admits he doesn’t know if the vaccine is safe for kids but approves it anyway, saying, “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.” Wouldn’t that be great fodder in future lawsuits?”

Logical extension from Pelosi’s “We have to pass it to know what’s in it.” Somebody really needs to meme this.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

Must be rabbit logic. I remember, “You won’t know until you try…!” going back 60 yrs.

ahhhhhhh…, NO

2 years ago

Breitbart News Headline::::::


NEWSFLASH: ALL OF AMERICA IS COMMUNIST! What do you think Political Correctness is?

Every Republican, not to say all Democrats, are Communists—they are into Political Correctness Diversity! There was a hearing on CSPAN right now on Intelligence Agencies reporting to Congress how they are implementing Diversity!

What is Diversity? Race-mixing! Race-Mixing IS Communist Doctrine. So here you have a Politically Correct Senator saying that this gal who wrote on Communist economics is disqualified because she is a communist—but sits there in his own Commie diaper and doesn’t know it!

There are pics out there from the sixties of WASPs holding signs in front of the Supreme Court or another Federal building saying “Race-mixing is Communism”. I thought I was the only one who figured that out—only to be beat by a few WASPs with that knowledge back in the sixites!

All of America is Communist. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion is a Communist (Jewish) Mantra, just like “I’m not a racist, sexist, homophobe” chant by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. Limbaugh and Hannity ARE Communists.

The Soul of Communism is the Soul of Judaism!

America is a Jewish State. Race-mixing is a core doctrine of Tikkun Olam and Jewish Messianism.

The WHOLE leadership of America, Democrat and Republican—-ARE Communist.

What is Sen. Daines complaining about? America is just an Idiocracy.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

The Republicuck Party was founded by Communists. In the early days, they used the same illegal alien voting tactics the Demonrats use today, except it was with Germans. After the 1848 Communist uprising across Europe was squelched, many had to flee and came here.

Lincoln actually ran on another ticket in 1864. I forget the name, but he was not a Republicuck in that election.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
2 years ago

National Union party

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Aja
2 years ago

That’s it. Thank you.

Reply to  Eric The Awful
2 years ago

Horace Greeley, editor of the New York Tribune, ran over 400 article by Marx and Englels.—-Abraham Lincoln must have read them all—he was a big reader of the Tribune and a friend of Greeley.

The book is The ‘S’ Word: A Short History of an American Tradition, Socialism. Lincoln’s favorite phrase was “Labor must control capital”. Lincoln was a Marxist and most of the Union generals, Sherman for one, was a Communist.

The “Republican” in the Republican Party was pulled from the European Red Republicans of the 1848 revolutions.

So, yes the Republican Party of America was THE PROGRESSIVE Party! The Democrat Party was the conservative party!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Eric The Awful
2 years ago

Republicans as originally “Reds.”

Yes. Taylor Cauldwell covered this in her historical novel, “Captains and the Kings.” Well worth a read.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
2 years ago

“US Army launches investigation after three service personnel ‘who went to get their flu shot’ were accidentally given dose of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine instead.”

Ahh, the Army is investigating itself. We can rest assured justice will be done, now!

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

“We told the grunts they had to get The Jab(tm) anyway, so nothing to see here, move along.”

2 years ago

“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich) vetoed legislation that would require the removal of dead people from the voter rolls at least 45 days prior to each election day.”

“Gov. Gretchen Whitmer countered that “the Republicans don’t understand that faith is belief without having to have proof or evidence. We have no proof there is a heaven, but people of faith believe they will go there when they die. Ideally, this is the kind of faith we need to have in our democracy. We need to believe our elections are legitimate without demanding evidence that they are. It is not the doubting Thomases that we should rely on, but the true believers. This is the only way we can have unity in our state and country.”

In other words, who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes? There is no logical reason to veto this type of legislation unless the powers that be want to keep stealing elections. They aren’t even trying to hide it any longer.
“FDA Committee member admits he doesn’t know if the vaccine is safe for kids but approves it anyway, saying, “We’re never gonna learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it.”

Sounds like Nancy Pelosi saying “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”
“Green Pass compromised as Adolf Hitler gets a Covid certificate, and media speculate on whether EU security keys were stolen.”

Hitler’s Coronavirus Helpline

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anon70
2 years ago

Please tell me that Whitmer quote is apochrophal/satirical.

2 years ago

If EU ‘starts WW3’ against Poland by withholding promised funding, Warsaw will defend itself with ‘any weapons available.’

The first thing that comes to mind is economic weapons. I suspect Poland would rapidly become Europe’s #1 source of designer drugs, porn, and illegal handguns.

None of those things would be circulating in Poland, but they would be fanning out in every other direction.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

Probably not in Russia, Belarus, Hungary.

2 years ago

AC, I read your comment on why we should still vote. I can see your reasoning, maybe I should vote.

So I have another question. Why should I vote for the Republican Party who did NOTHING in regards to the vote steal. This is bloody amazing. The Michigan Republican Party did nothing. Why should I reward the Republican Party with my vote?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Rest assured I’m that niggling pain in the ass. City of Battle Creek hates my guts. The Kalamazoo Catholic Bishop hates my guts. Aaaaaaaand the Internet hates my guts. At, when a leftist starts a discussion there about CRT or Tikkun Olam or something else, and I get involved—-they close down their discussion and disappear it.

I’m making noise. St. Samson was a great pain in the ass. I hope to emulate him.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Fortunately, it’s built into the breed.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
2 years ago

“Straight males, confronted with homosexuality, experience brain activity similar to how normal people feel when they look at a bucket of squirming maggots.”

Spot-on. But it makes me wonder just how pozzed 95% of western males are today, who can’t spout some knee-jerk qualifier like “not that there’s anything wrong with that” fast enough. Are most men cowards or conformists who dare not stray out of the cultural Marxist cognitive cage built around them; or has the constant pop culture conditioning succeeded in making them believe sexual deviancy is perfectly natural?

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

The average western man is a coward who fears the powers of this earth more than God, and that’s a direct result of Christian influence being propagandized out of society. The original psy-op was convincing people that this life is all you get, so doing everything you possibly can to stay alive and minimize suffering is the most noble of goals which obviously leads to conformity and avoidance as a primary survival strategy.

Islam is wrong because it denies the savior Jesus Christ, but it is a fantastic example of how religious conviction and pursuit of ideals higher than this world will give you the power to literally die before bending the knee to evil.

When you know nothing in this world can cause anything but insignificant temporary discomfort, and that you will be rewarded for eternity for standing to fight for the truth, it is much easier to commit to standing your ground. That’s why Christianity is constantly attacked, and why the average person is a coward with it’s absence.

Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

>The original psy-op was convincing people that this life is all you get, so doing everything you possibly can to stay alive and minimize suffering is the most noble of goals which obviously leads to conformity and avoidance as a primary survival strategy.

Tremendous insight.

2 years ago

> Biden expands list of ‘sensitive’ places where ICE officers cannot make arrests.

“We don’t want illegals to have badfeelz or stay away from freebies, so we’ll just make a rule against arresting them almost anywhere.”

Because the crimials *might* “feel unsafe”, Federal police aren’t allowed to arrest them… almost anywhere, unless they start snatching them off the street.

The bias is pretty strong in favor of the criminals. No wonder CBP people are walking away from their comfy Federal jobs in disgust.

2 years ago

> They really should have skipped Ford’s name, given the fact he could fall down a flight of stairs while laying in bed.

Almost all of the reports of Ford’s supposed clumsiness were made up out of nothing, and the handful of the rest were enhanced and distorted until they might as well have been.

The media had just taken down Nixon, and then they swing the cannon at Ford and tried to take him down too. The problem was, Ford had seen what they did to Nixon up close and personal, and made sure not to give them any ammunition they could use against him. So they resorted to the ridiculous “clumsy” stories, because in Liberal Land, if you repeat something often enough it’s true.

Ford made it through his term without getting anything stuck to him, which was a pretty big achievement. And while he operated in the Swamp, at least he tried to shine some light on the farce of the Warren Commission in his book, “Portrait of the Assassin.”

I don’t think Gerald R. Ford is anyone’s favorite President, but he wasn’t the caricature the media presented, either.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Gerald Ford was the closest America has ever come to having an ‘average Joe’ be President. That doesn’t make him a great President, but it is what it is.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Mr_Twister
2 years ago

Don’t be an idiot. Every Anglo-Saxon descends from a King.

According to British geneticist Adam Rutherford, it is “virtually impossible” that a person with a predominantly British ancestry is not descended from Edward III. He has calculated that “almost every Briton” is “descended between 21 and 24 generations from Edward III”

And here I am only descended from King Charles II.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

By right of Meritocracy. Let the best Patrilineal descendant of a distant King inherit the Throne.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Gerald Ford was a Mason, meaning he was a globalist.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Considering the Presidents who came after Ford, only Reagan and Trump are better.

And I should remind you it was 1st President “Mason” extraordinaire George Washington who warned specifically about “entangling alliances” aka globalism. Masonry hasn’t always been the clown show it currently is.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Cabal tried to take him out twice, using mind-controlled Manson girls. If successful, this would have put uber-globalist Nelson Rockefeller in the White House, a position which the voters had denied “Rocky” in the primaries several times before.

Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

Ford was the most athletic man to ever serve as POTUS. All-Big Ten football player, turned down an NFL contract to go to law school. Worked as a ski instructor for several years. But if the lefties call him “clumsy” enough times, I guess that perception becomes reality.

2 years ago

> Minn. School board demands public commenters state their home addresses before speaking.

Sure. As long as each school board functionary does the same.

It would be interesting to see how many actually live in the districts they’re administrating.

Marielle Redclaw
Reply to  TRX
2 years ago

“I’m Marielle Redclaw at 321 Asskick Lane, town of Fistinface”

2 years ago

> President Donald Trump will be able to retain the ownership of his newly launched social media venture even if he chooses to make another White House run.

When he was President he could have had the Fed stand up “social media” for the use of the President, and moved the data over to a personal server when he left office. In fact, I sent a message to that effect to after he got booted off Fakebook and Twatter, though it’s probable it just went to the bit bucket.

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
2 years ago

“People genetically predisposed to mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and anorexia nervosa prefer to live in urban areas as adults, a study found.”

I’ve long noticed (anecdotally) that large population centers breed and attract the most deranged scum for whatever reason.

Nothing new. Goes back to Sodom and the cities on the plain. And Babel.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

Predators go where the prey is.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago

And parasites go to where the food is.

Reply to  Machine Trooper
2 years ago

I wonder if Cities historically being population sinks due to disease is a good thing:

That plus regular Debt Jubilee as commanded in the Bible is a regular parasite cleanse. Of course with Full-Reserve rather than Fractional Reserve Banking is required alongside wholesale bans on Usury.

2 years ago

“People genetically predisposed to mental health disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and anorexia nervosa prefer to live in urban areas as adults, a study found. Interesting. Why would that be? You’d think if social interactions weren’t working out, or you were easily triggered, you’d get away from people.“

It is very socially taxing to live in a small town- everybody is interested in everyone’s business and has feedback on what you are doing all the time. You have to know yourself pretty well to decide when to take someone’s feedback seriously and what is 99% ankle biting busybodies to just let roll off your back.

Menntally unstable people aren’t built for remote, isolated homestead living- being all alone with themselves is worse than the constant judgment of neighbors. But they can’t withstand the scrutiny of a small town either.

Cities are really the best place to be left alone without having to be alone with yourself.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

heh! Good news for crazy hermits.

2 years ago

The information in the links today is excellent, but I want to draw attention to the Hazard, KY one, on which AC wrote a long and informative comment.

I did a google map search on Hazard, KY, and its a small Appalachian town in southeastern Kentucky. Its hard to get more in the middle of nowhere, and it may also be in the whitest area of the country, the sort of place where people answer “American” on surveys quizzing people about there ethnicity. Politically, the area was solidly New Deal Democratic, and then in the 90s swtiched bright red and then to MAGA, though the area is know for its corruption.

So there is a meme I keep seeing being pushed on conservative and prepper sites that you have to get out and living in some remote rural area, ideally mostly white. Well Hazard, KY is exactly the sort of place these people are talking about. And click on the link to see what is happening there. It is totally under cabal control.

The problem I have with these places is that you have to bug out, you run into problems. This place is probably a long drive from the nearest airport (likely a small regional airport), no trains, obviously no busses, and you will be driving, but on country roads patrolled by corrupt sheriff’s departments, and given the news story there is probably lots of vehicular surveillance. Really I think a working class suburb close to an airport is a much better option.

Reply to  e,D
2 years ago

Excellent comment but one false bomb threat and that airport is shut down.

Reply to  e,D
2 years ago

look for land in unorganized townships

2 years ago

How the last 24 hours became the moment of no return for Polexit

The Polish government has announced a new draft law that will double the size of the army from 150,000 to 300,000, whilst also modernizing its equipment and training.

After the changes, the Polish Army will become the EU’s largest.

Anon in Texas
Anon in Texas
2 years ago

I’m going to make a simple prediction. Nothing is going to happen on Nov. 23. I will follow this up on the 24th with either “I was right” or “I was wrong.”

2 years ago

The tradeoff between large dangerous cities and comfy small towns is anonymity vs. security. If you are looking to disappear, dive into a sea of sludge like Los Angeles where you become “just another freak in the freak kingdom.” Hunter S. Thompson wrote about this fifty years ago.

People in small communities have little to talk about except each other, and they are starved for new material since they already know the entire biographies of their neighbors. On the rare occasions when a stranger moves in among them, they immediately begin pumping him/her for information in hopes of getting a scoop and one upping their peers with fresh input. If you are living under a false persona or you just prefer not to reveal much about yourself, a small hamlet might not be a good choice. And if you go there anyway, expect to be interrogated daily for at least a year. Your story had better be complete and without any holes in it because they aren’t bashful about asking; they genuinely want to know. And if they’re wired into some higher authority, being a nosy hick with nothing to do is good cover.

Reply to  Donnie
2 years ago

That’s accurate, but don’t forget the betting on how long you will last.

2 years ago

A representative from Iraq’s Independent High Electoral Commission said that a countrywide manual recount of the Oct. 10 parliamentary election results would be impossible, Shafaq News reported Oct. 27….

2 years ago

Turkish officials said the country has deployed fresh troops in Syria to prepare for an offensive against the militant Kurdish People’s Protection Units, better known as YPG, Bloomberg reported Oct. 27….

2 years ago

>20+ State AGs to file suit against the United States with the US Supreme Court with PCAP evidence from all 50 states confirming that China attacked the US November Election.
the body politic has indigestion: we’ll believe it when we see it. it would be about damn time. possibly justifiable for a brute force of numbers sweep in midterm elections without having to bother with fraud — then again, we have Corn Pop.

>89% rise in deaths among male children against the five-year-average
the ones that are gelded by this and survive to have a cardiac event in their 20s or 30s with no prospect of family formation will be a problem

>16-year-old son was vaccinated at his Jefferson Parish high school without her consent.
propaganda legalized for direct domestic psychological warfare. informed consent precedent for compromising parent-child medical rights. they may as well go full bore on EMF entrainment and spiking the water fountains and cafeteria food at this rate.

>New study says an Antidepressant can help prevent hospitalization with COVID
could see this interfering with the virus’ propagation in the brain, for fewer sallies out of that immune priviliged fortress to top off viral loads. still sus

>Rise in H5N6 bird flu
this started with african pig ebola culling the chinese pork industry in the months prior to the Oct./Nov. lab release. followed up with a ‘confirmed’ crossover chicken virus start of this year. i’d avoid either as protein sources, given the choice

>It is tough if you have to bet on whether the leadership today is more prone to lying, maliciousness, or just rank incompetence.
hanlon’s razor is a corollary of “nice guys finish last” — seasonal ‘corona virus’ flu shots performed similarly worse than control, and with the HIV/Rabies/Nipah homologies that was only ever going to be compounded. Łobaczewski’s Peter Principle incompetents and diversity hire ‘characteropaths’ are the plausible deniability meat shield just following orders and incentives, like automatons, like golems.

>as AUS government chases $5.2 million.
chicago tribe types scalped 3 billion off american japanese fighting in Italy that volonteered despite the camps and question begging loyalty oaths. we’re on track for that to be bush league numbers, if they have their way world wide.

>skinflint Zuckerberg
ghey numerology probably figures into the haggling

>what will happen is only limited by the imagination, weirdness, and evil of those who run your local domestic intelligence operation
david lynch captured a sense of this in the follow up third season of twin peaks

>or you were easily triggered, you’d get away from people
more ‘signals interference’ with a compacted noosphere environ, aliens, ect.

>twix nanny tranny
soon to be twinx

>a process to remove a sitting VP.
Pelosi Rex was dangling COG dogwhistles with Schumer and Schiff around the time of the Floyd sieges of the White House. When does this stop getting more unseemly

>I keep hearing these stories about China’s superior military tech
hypersonic is a meme patented and operational in the US by the 60s/70s, especially that ‘doomsday’ Russian nuclear drone with the exposed reactor. all fluff to have ratcheted arms parity as an economic engine/sink. and if there is a ‘missile gap’ between decrepit Minutemen ICBMs through 2030 and over extended SSBN submarines, it’s probably with certainty that the actual leading edge of UFO-indistinguishable tech could deal with any conventional threat with ease.

>gerald ford
one of the former presidents with time-capsule letters in presidential libraries awaiting opening around now-ish, all with “X” designators. nixon as well

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

A timeline of Q-proofs for those of us that couldn’t remember even half of them with everything that had happened over the years, like me.


Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA)
Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA)
2 years ago

>>It is tough if you have to bet on whether the leadership today is more prone to lying, maliciousness, or just rank incompetence.

Most people just can’t conceive the possibility of malice or conspiracies at large. I’ve been trying to understand difference in world views between Team Narrative and Team Conspiracy.

The main difference between the paradigms is what each thinks as possible and plausible.

For Team Narrative it’s far too implausible and far-fetched to even consider conspiracies or for malicious evil to exist. They’ll peg it to trends in motion, do mental gymnastics or blame incompetence. Team Conspiracy thinks and knows more is possible and plausible.

It’s a real struggle to relate to normies. Nan C.’s comment on the linked New Brief does well to explain the sentiment – The more of the truth you ingrain and honed your mindset is the harder it gets. It’s hard to understand the perspective of normies but at the end of the day you need to. It’s TN’s limited thinking which is their downfall and why we seem insane.

Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA)
Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA)
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Even I don’t believe you about the magnitude of the intelligence. Intellectually, I do. The intel-pilling made me aware and I believe it’s possible and plausible. On an emotional level I just don’t believe it.

It just seems to far-fetched that within one block or in every office theres an agent somewhere. My mind rejects it.

And I’m someone who believes you. It’s going to take an exposure jolt to get us all onboard and motivated to fight this thing.

Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA
Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

“People want police. Cabal doesn’t care for said police and just wants intelligence.”

Great insight.

It helps makes sense that society could be in total carnage mode, like what we saw with BLM, and there being no active police present while intelligence is still operating right there, doing fuck all.

Another data point to understand the chaos.