News Briefs – 10/31/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

Leaked video conference between CCP party officials discussing the how the vaccine is a death sentence and it’s ultimate goal to have the entire US military vaccinated.
Jerome Bell’s Twitter was PERMANENTLY banned minutes after uploading this.

Mesa county Colorado election results were reviewed, and interestingly for some reason they created new adjudication and tabulation databases for all the elections ballots except for 5,000, and the new databases featured far lower adjudication rates. Did they rig things too much with too much adjudication on election night to match the electronic hacking, and so they came in and swapped the real physical ballots with newly generated fakes, and then needed to swap the databases at the same time to make sure everything would jibe? Why leave the 5,000 untouched?

Following the October release of the bi-partisan Legislative Audit Bureau report and the press release from the Racine County Sheriff’s Department on Thursday, Wisconsin State Representative Timothy Ramthun (R) released a statement on Thursday calling for the “decertification” of Wisconsin’s 10 electoral ballots in the 2020 general election.

Michigan police are hunting for a missing voting machine, and local officials point to GOP clerk who promoted QAnon theories, and tried to stop them from doing “maintenance” on the voting machines.

Trump-hating Virginia elections director says Tuesday’s results may ‘have to wait until Friday’ because of mail-in votes.

Virginia’s Fairfax county reportedly not requiring the last four digits of SSN’s on absentee ballots.

A lawsuit filed by a free-market think tank claims Fairfax County is violating Virginia election laws by approving absentee and mail-in ballot applications that do not include information required by the state.

In anticipation that he may well lose in the November 2 governor’s race, former governor Terry McAuliffe has hired the Elias Law Group, formed by Marc Elias, who formerly worked as a partner at the law firm Perkins Coie.

James Dolan, former Marine and co-creator of the whistleblower submission system SecureDrop alongside Aaron Swartz and Wired editor Kevin Poulsen, has committed suicide.

CIA black-site survivor testified in Guantanamo that even though he was judged to be unimportant to terrorism investigations and was ignored by interrogators, gay CIA medics repeatedly ass raped him in the black site.

The Alec Baldwin shooting is to be investigated by the law firm whose partners investigated the Kennedy assassination, Lehman bankruptcy and Citigroup settlement.

The word around Rome is that Biden’s meeting with the Pope was unusually long because Biden had a bit of an “bathroom accident” at the Vatican & it had to be addressed prior to him leaving.

US allies reportedly urge Biden not to drop the possibility of a preemptive nuke strike on Russia and China.

The guards at the Jan 6th prison are all liberals. A thread by one of the prisoners on the maltreatment going on there.

Responses to FOIs say MPs don’t have to take Covid tests or disclose their “vaccination” status.

The number of Covid related deaths has dramatically increased in post-vaccination Taiwan.

NYC firehouses shut down after hundreds of unvaccinated firefighters take sick leave to avoid being put on unpaid leave. 26 firehouses out of service.

A federal appeals court struck down a temporary injunction on Friday that had New York State health care workers able to seek a religious exemption to avoid getting their COVID-19 vaccinations.

72% of unvaccinated would leave job if vaccine required without testing option.

American Airlines cancels hundreds of flights during Halloween weekend. They have “staffing shortages,” after their vax mandate.

90% of the American vaccine contracts for the European nations is classified.

Due to COVID’s success, China is now working on integrating bio warfare with information warfare in the future.

Majority of voters say Fauci should resign in new poll.

Biden Administration fails to enforce Trump’s phase one trade deal with China.

The Biden Administration is flooding New York City and Long Island communities with thousands of unaccompanied immigrant minors captured crossing the Mexico-US border, often arriving here, as The Post recently reported, via clandestine flights in the middle of the night. From the article : “Four counties alone, Suffolk, Queens, Nassau and Brooklyn, took in nearly 5,000 unaccompanied children in just 11 months, from Oct. 1, 2020 to Aug. 31, 2021, according to HHS. With public education in the area costing about $28,000 per child, per year, that’s a $139 million hit on New York taxpayers to educate children arriving unexpectedly just in those four counties.” These are the children of Cabal assets, who will eventually follow them into the country later, and after you pay for their education, they will eventually be deployed against you on our own streets.

The U.S. announced it will provide an additional $144 million in aid to Afghanistan.

Biden brings out a disabled man named Brandon in an apparent attempt to co-opt the ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ meme and dilute search results for it.

Leftists stalk Kyrsten Sinema with a bullhorn at an AZ wedding she attended as the mother of the bride wept.

“In the entire history of mankind there has never been a political elite sincerely concerned about the wellbeing of regular people. What makes any of us think that it is different now.” – Christine Anderson European Parliament.

Lindsey Graham breaks with most Republican colleagues by supporting Biden judicial nominees.

Two major cities launch Universal Basic Income pilot programs to solidify welfare state’s hold over the poor. Chicago and LA.

Prince Charles will take a private jet to Rome to take part in the G20 conference before returning via private jet to the #COP26 summit in Glasgow to express his concern over climate change.

Police investigating an incident in Kiryat Motzkin, Israel, where two men, including the  leader of the so-called Georgian mafia, were found shot dead in a vehicle.

Poland MPs approve a Belarus ‘border wall’ amid tensions with EU over migrants, mostly from the Middle East and Africa.

New Hampshire and Pennsylvania join Ohio and Missouri and withdraw from the National School Boards Association over their letter labeling parents ‘domestic terrorists.’

The Supreme Court just took a case on the EPA’s authority, and its decision could undo most major federal laws, by mandating Congress cannot delegate rule-making authority to those agencies, but rather must make and approve all of the rules itself.

An election watchdog group is asking for an investigation into Democratic Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe over what it says are serious campaign finance violations, a scandal that could sink him for good.

Glenn Youngkin draws a huge crowd in deep blue Alexandria, Virginia.

Pilot reports other pilots are transmitting “Let’s Go Brandon” constantly on the guard frequency all pilots are forced to monitor for emergencies.

Donald Trump does tomahawk chop with Braves fans at World Series.

Invite other people to because being surrounded simplifies the problem (apologies to Chesty).


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2 years ago

Why leave the 5,000 untouched?

My first thought was an unnoticed file locking error. They tried to replace it but didn’t realize those dbs were locked by the system because they were open.

2 years ago

This is for Farcesensitive, and other readers.

This is a long video about a Christian group called the Hutterites. Swiss German Anabaptists. Farcesensitive took me to task, or always takes me to task when I bring up the Spartans and their communal way of life. Farcesensitive wrote back on Oct 27, “Excessive submission to external factors creates Borg slaves.”

So, I would like all and sundry watch the video, it is too long but start at the 3:33:00 mark. It is a documentary on the Hutterites that shows their communal way of life—They ALL give up their “wills” and this is a Protestant Sect that is a form of Anabaptist:

It was the Anabaptists and the Hussites that launched bloody peasant revolts that presaged the English Civil Wars, the Leveling. And the idea of all of that is not only by Jewish Influence but also the story in the Acts of the Apostles, where “all things were held in common”.

But the National Socialist who put together that video on the Hutterites thinks that that was novel.

It isn’t.

That paradigm also existed in the Benedictine monasteries since their beginning. They too had their inspiration from that line in the Book of Acts.

Monasticism and this radical Protestantism were fueled by the acts of the Jewish Church and it was Catholic Monasticism and radical Protestantism that fueled and inspired the creation of Communism! It was a radical Protestant that coined the term “Socialism” in 1825. Owen Benjamin.

The heart of revolution in the West is this line coming from the Acts of the Apostles.

And one can see in the Hutterite documentary what the Spartans similarlly practiced. The singing, the preaching, and while there is no dancing in the Hutterite communities, the Spartans were communal dancers; they were known as the land of cicadas.

The totalitarianism engaged by Communism and Fascism—ALL had their precedents set in the Anabaptists, the Hussites and the Levelers. Mussolini wrote a book on Hus—his inspiration. AND the Anabaptists carried a red flag into battle against those evil, anti-Christ, pagan, Catholics!
Please watch the Hutterite documentary—it is a window into the Medieval world, an ancient life.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Amish and Hutterites have a pretty good track record right now compared to others, in things that matter- like marriage and fertility rates. They’re doing something right.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

What’s your position? Protestant bad, Catholic good?

Reply to  Huck
2 years ago

I consider myself a true Catholic—Universal Christian; I consider myself Catholic, Orthodox and a little Protestant.

I learned a lot from Protestant preaching and their singing. Their theology and repudiation of much of The Faith is disturbing. They are Gnostic and Judaizing.

The Faith is The Faith—and it doesn’t change. Protestantism really doesn’t understand the core of Christianity—its a Greek religion—NOT Jewish. They had legitimate beefs about corruption, the need for national churches or a Patriarch for each nation, and extremes in Catholicism, but there is no legitimization to get rid of the clergy, nor statues, nor the sacraments, and the real presence of the Lord in the Eucharist.

Protestantism is based on the kabbalistic teaching of primitivism–returning to the “Primitive” church—that was done by Jewish influence because the early church in the book of Acts was Jewish. Jesus said specifically- “The Faith will be taken AWAY FROM you, and given to another people”. A lot of people miss that.

The Faith is One: “What has been believed everywhere, thru time, from the beginning”. Protestants need to return to The Faith, keep your services and singing and style, don’t attack Catholics. It should be fine then.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Adding a fact, not a value judgment, regarding RCs: of ALL Christian denominations, their leaders and laypeople alike have the lowest Bible literacy. Even Episcopalians know the Word better.

I’m seeing good men, Catholics is their 40s and 50s saying that they just bought their first Bible and are starting to read it. That encourages me. Hard times are good for us.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

Seem Protestant Reformation resulted in the distinct pathways of Totalitarian NPCism. And more Individual agency at the same time.

Catholicism had gone in a particularly bad direction too:

Monophorism bears remarkable similarities to Communism and Fascism both:

Reply to  info
2 years ago

Thanks for the links. I read them.

Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

In another documentary on the Hutterites on YouTube, I saw the inside of their “church”.

It was all White. No art. No statues (of course).

This is what readers here should know—That Hutterite church with its white walls is the same as Jewish synagogues and Muslim mosques—all white-washed walls (mostly) empty of art, empty of Nature, of contour, of plurality, of character.

Compare and contrast those with a Catholic Cathedral. Very very different. Art is the sign of culture. Protestant, Jewish, Muslim religious architecture are almost all the same. —Protestants following Jewish ideas and Jewish culture.

Nothing beats a European Cathedral for beauty and transcendence inside and out.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

“…English Civil Wars…”

Who funded this? It’s well known the Jews did and after the war was lost the Jews were allowed back in England which they had been banned from.

How Catholics with their satanic faggot pope can continue to say Protestants have a problem is beyond me. It takes a special form of ignoring the obvious to do that.×377.jpg

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Heretics within and without The Church do NOT define The Faith. The Faith is SEPARATE from the Marxist and the Gnostics.

If you know Christian history, Sam, HALF of the Early Church was Gnostic—It was a Miracle that orthodox Christianity emerged at all!

So the Pope is a Marxist—SO WHAT??? Does NOT Change YOUR duty to uphold the One True Faith.

Just because of the Velvet Mafia, the Marxist Pope, or the Gnostics galore in The Church DOES NOT abrogate the One True Faith.

The One True Faith exists. It is your duty to uphold it despite the heretics and apostates within. That is why they are there in the first place–to make people flee The Faith. The Evil within The Church proves its righteousness—if it wasn’t good and by God—they wouldn’t be attacking it from within, now would they?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

“…Heretics within and without The Church do NOT define The Faith. The Faith is SEPARATE from the Marxist and the Gnostics…”

If the people in the Catholic church are corrupt, and they are, and they they believe that the Priest should be the ones determining what the Bible says and they do(read…the faith), then what is…the faith. A Protestant can read the Bible for themselves. No one needs a Priest to interpret for them. Unless you are saying the Catholic Bible is somehow different you have to ask yourself with some of the demon worshiping nonsense coming out of the Catholic church just who is the “Gnostic”. Haven’t heard Franklin Graham (not saying I’m a fan or saying I’m not either) saying such silly blasphemous nonsense.

So don’t say nonsensical things and I will not reply.

Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

Yeah—reading the Bible—that makes sense.

So out of the 25,000 different Protestant sects—which one is the true one.

Sam J—Noah’s Ark is a metaphor, a prefigurement of The Church.

There was ONLY ONE Ark—so there is ONLY ONE Church, One Teaching.

Is not God Trinitarian there Sam J? So is the Clerical ranks of Bishop, priest, deacon—See how the Holy Spirit created a Tripartite paradigm within The Church itself! The Clerical ranks match the God that heads The Church.

And then Sam J, please dispute the Coptic Church, the Eithopian Church, the Armenian Church, the Orthodox Churches—they all have the same tripartite pattern as well, bishop, priest, deacon.

The Tripartite pattern/paradigm is a Natural Law.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

“…And then Sam J, please dispute the Coptic Church, the Eithopian Church, the Armenian Church, the Orthodox Churches…”

HHAHAHHHA failure. You can’t dispute the point so you change it by attributing things to me, I DID NOT SAY.

Isn’t it your job to dispute other churches except the “one true church”. It’s not mine.

I personally think you’re just trolling as no one could have their minds so full of mush.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

“…So out of the 25,000 different Protestant sects—which one is the true one…”

You of course miss the point entirely. It’s not the organization. It’s the individual who makes the church. ALL organizations that are monolithic will eventually be corrupted because they eventually have the psychopaths and power seekers move up until they are ruined.

“…Sam J—Noah’s Ark is a metaphor, a prefigurement of The Church.

There was ONLY ONE Ark—so there is ONLY ONE Church,..”

Not everyone was on the ark. The Satan worshiping Jews were not the only people who survived the flood. Funny you consider the Satan worshiping Jews the “one true religion”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  wlindsaywheeler
2 years ago

“…The One True Faith exists…The Evil within The Church proves its righteousness—if it wasn’t good and by God—they wouldn’t be attacking it from within, now would they?…”

So homosexuals are the “one true heterosexuals” and people are attacking them because they are really heterosexual.


You amuse me. Strutting around waving the “one true faith” flag like the naked King telling everyone how his cloths look so fine that the unworthy can not even see them.

2 years ago

“How can we reverse this huge rolling trend?

Improve social welfare and outreach

Find a way to mess with the fountains of poisonous “news”, from Facebook to TV to radio

Improve rural life and attract more people there, so you get more mixing; especially at state level

Decommodify housing, start with banning corporate home owners and proceed to tax heavily those who own many homes from both ends (profits too), something like r/LandValueTax/

Ban lobbying (it’s corruption) and cap campaign funds

Infiltrate and turn right-wing extremist groups on each other; it’s dirty work, so not for everyone, but without their lies to desperate people, they just turn on each other quickly.

In the US, you would need a 3rd party, as that’s the only thing that worked in your relevant past…

There are plenty more… but these are still reforms, not deeper changes.”

There exists deep hatred from left-wing extremists for us. They will never tolerate our existence.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Hey guys, things are going well, have a free moment. This is a perfect breakdown of Trump and his exact level of responsibility for the vaxx. As I said before, I think that he knew they would lie about the safety testing and took it anyway because it was the only way he could share the balance the cosmic scales. Q Group knew it would be a death sentence for a certain percentage of the population, and they were depending ON US, on Gab, etc to get the word out This is why I would get so irritated by people saying that Q was a way to keep everyone passive on the couch. In an information war, getting the information out is the most important thing:

Michael Ptasnik

Trump: “I took the vaccine, but it should never be mandated. And the FDA is owned by Pfizer. Pfizer controls the FDA, not Moderna, not Janssen, but Pfizer. Also, take preventative HCQ and Ivermectin & trust Dr. Zelenko and you’ll be fine.”

Zelenko: “Don’t take the vaccine. It’s dangerous and deadly and will kill you.” *develops anti-parasite protocol that successfully treats 200 members of congress & has a greater than 99.99% effectiveness rate

Shills: “Trump is pushing the vaccine! You’re emperor has betrayed you”

Black Pilled Defeatists: “Trump is pushing the vaccine! He’s Zionist!”

Observant Red Pilled Translator: “Take HCQ & IVT, not the vaccine, and research Pfizer’s role in vaccine development and explore potential conflicts of interest with FDA regulators”

Meanwhile the NWO plan for a Great Reset after a 5 year lockdown is ruined by the compression of that timetable, courtesy of Operation Warp Speed. The economy can survive a 2 year learning curve as the public wakes up to fear-mongering commie-fascist lockdown scamdemic. It would not have possibly survived a 5-year learning curve. And now the vaccine pushers are forced to “sell” without fraudulent long-term safety data that would have “proven” that they’re safe.”

Relentless Truth

Please…just stop with the “why is Trump pushing the vax?!” nonsense. I can’t listen to it any longer.


– Can Trump remove the vaccine from those who have already taken it? NO.

– Are there any people out there who are still undecided? VERY FEW.

– Is anybody listening to Donald Trump for vaccine advice? NOPE.

– Did Trump have to warp speed the vaccine to save the world economy from inevitable collapse and worldwide vaccine mandates due to a 5+ year lockdown planned by the Globalists? YUP.

– Did Trump make these vaccines? NOPE.

– Would Trump gain anything from coming out NOW against the vaccines he used to save the world? NOPE.

– Would the media absolutely destroy him for it? You betcha.

– Are the vaccines and big pharma being massively exposed regardless of what Trump says about them? YUP.

– Are we fighting even harder to expose everything because we feel like it’s up to We The People to save our country? YUP.

– Is it truly up to us to save the country? YUP.

– Are we exposing every damn traitor in this country who supports this communist nonsense? YUP.

– Has Trump always maintained that the vaccines can never be mandated and that its important everyone has the right to their own choice? YUP.

– Did Trump reopen our country and save our economy after the initial attack? YUP

– Did the stock market reach an all time high? YUP.

– Did Trump stockpile tens of millions of doses of HCQ at the beginning of the pandemic? YUP.

– Did Trump call out Pfizer’s booster as a money making scam? YUP.

– Is the military required to always have an antidote in the works in the event that we are attacked by a bio-weapon? Yes they are. Documents provided below.

– Could we have an antidote to the harmful effects of the vaccine already waiting? Possibly.

– Did Donald Trump save the world? I believe he did.

Remember…”The cure cannot be worse than the disease.”

The “cure” was mandated vaccines…leading to vaccine passports…leading to the Great Reset…leading to hell on Earth and full control by Globalists.

Half of the world is rising up against this madness. We grow in size every single day. We are closer to God than ever before and this tidal wave cannot be stopped.

It may be messy, but we are WINNING.

Keep the faith 🙏

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

May it be so! Thanks for this white pill

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Yes, this makes sense. Sometimes the only choice is the less bad choice.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

Agreed. Thanks Lowell.

Cary Kembla
Cary Kembla
2 years ago

“Trump-hating Virginia elections director says Tuesday’s results may ‘have to wait until Friday’ because of mail-in votes”.

Getting the feeling we’re going to see what’s going to be widely perceived nationwide as a *very unlikely* McAuliffe victory, engineered or allowed to happen by Q forces to prime the public ahead of and alongside an avalanche of 2020 fraud revelations. That tiki torch stunt, replete with identical Walmart clothing and a thoroughly dejected looking afro-american, seems lame even by Democrat standards and designed to draw further attention to how desperate and far behind Macca must be in order to attempt it. All of which will just put even more skeptical eyeballs on his mail in vote driven *win*

2 years ago

>China is now working on integrating bio warfare with information warfare in the future
It was objectively cheaper to glass them from the outset.

>disabled man named Brandon
Giga Chad: Yes, Brandon is retarded

>Two major cities launch Universal Basic Income pilot
“If we get caught, they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So, it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf, and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God, and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

>Hutterites, Hussites
Proto-Bolshevism in Czechia/central Europe in Reformation times. On the upside, the Renaissance not long thereafer.

2 years ago

The exciting thing about Protestants is that there are a lot of them, and they tend to all have different ideas. Which is, you know, sort of the whole federal idea- fifty different laboratories of democracy united in a republic? They founded America. Protestants founded America. One state had permissible Catholics. 1/13 is not much a vote, especially when weighted against, oh, Quakers, who also had a state, a much bigger, far more prosperous and influential state. I’m not even touching on all the spawn of Plymouth Rock.

This means there are always going to be Protestant weirdos. It comes with the territory. Which is, you know, fun. You don’t have a crystallized set of how everything is done, and some super-special dead language. You’ve got variety.

Owen Benjamin was a delightful European theorist. Americans invented socialism. Europeans cribbed, copied, plagiarized, take your pick, American inventiveness. Marx himself was plagiarizing American newspaper publishers.

German nutjobs were not considered sons of America. There’s just some howlingly anti-German sentiments from Ben Franklin, for instance. They just don’t really have a genius for government. Great chemists, fun duelists, good musicians, awful government designers.

The people who came to America- a lot of them got here because their government back there had decided to try and kill them. They had homicidal absolutist Catholic governments on one side and homicidal pagan Indian tribes on the other. There they were, in the middle, learning how to govern themselves. It took practice.

2 years ago

Death on Alec Baldwin Set with Colt .45 to Be Investigated by Law Firm Whose Partners Investigated Kennedy Assassination, Lehman Bankruptcy and Citigroup Settlement

2 years ago

Glad to see you’re back, AC.

On your first link today:

“Rumble — Leaked video conference between CCP party officials discussing the how the vaccine is a death sentence and it’s ultimate goal to have the entire US military vaccinated. Jerome Bell’s Twitter was PERMANENTLY banned minutes after uploading this.”

[Low-res video taken from a tweet by Jarome Bell @JaromeBellVA, unknown date, posted to Rumble 10/30/21 His picture appears to be a bald Black man]

[There is an older Chinese(?) man speaking in a larger window with some illegible TV station ID at the bottom, with six other smaller video windows to the side, videoconference-style. The smaller windows also seem to be younger Asians, three men, three women, but everything is low res. All are wearing suits and ties or office dress for the women.]

[Chinese transcript omitted, unknown if either is accurate, or if the language is even Chinese]
[English transcript displayed below the video:]
What the CCP wants the most is to have the US troops get vaccinated.
Once they get vaccinated, the US military will collapse.
and the CCP will triumph.
After the US troops are vaccinated, I tell you, the vaccination against the CCP virus will basically be near the end.
When the US elite society (is vaccinated)
because of fear, fear of death and lack of faith
and because these rogue, low-level politicians, opportunists
meant to evade responsibility
Especially when the Wall Street, Hollywood celebrities, the White House and the troops are vaccinated
I can assure you there will be no vaccination issue
The people who are implementing the vaccination are soon to be finished
Those who are pushing the vaccination behind the scenes
will likely have achieved their goals
Vaccination will no longer be pushed and the antidote will certainly be offered.
The antidote will pop up
[Higher male voice:] What is the antidote for?
[none of the six others on screen appears to have spoken]
It’s not to heal the damage brought by the vaccines
It’s to prevent you from transmitting the virus
Instead of a remedy for the vaccines
Those who were vaccinated are sentenced to death
The antidote for the vaccines is still in the hands of the CCP.
Since the CCP wants you to die.
how would they offer the antidote to you
The Lao Baixing (common people) of China
[cuts off at 1:01]

[None of the six on-screen show any reactions at any point, they may be from some other video conference edited in alongside some person being interviewed on TV. The cadence of the voice seems to plausibly match the video and the transcript, but the words of the transcript may be a fabrication. The video of the main speaker does not come from a videoconference, but a TV show. There is no reason to think the speaker in the video is a party official, and one would be unlikely to refer to the virus as “the CCP virus”, among other indications.

Analysis: misrepresented source, plus faked elements to give it plausibility, not credible]

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Video screams fake to me. (Well, inaccurate translation or a “skit”)

2 years ago

I have no love (other than Christian love) for Bill Maher, but I do respect him just a little bit for having a little integrity here and there. Zerohedge reports he’s pushing back against the Covaids hysteria (trivia time: Freud coined “hysteria” as an affliction cause by the uterus; see, e.g., “hysterectomy”).

Is there a shift taking place?

Reply to  JJ
2 years ago

He’s the left wing’s adorable little conspiracy kook, they allow him to state obvious truth every now and then because no one takes him seriously at all from either side. If he’s telling truth, it’s because his handlers have deemed it maximally effective to use him to discredit it with an endorsement.

Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA
Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA
2 years ago

>> Leaked video conference between CCP party officials discussing the how the vaccine is a death sentence and it’s ultimate goal to have the entire US military vaccinated.
Jerome Bell’s Twitter was PERMANENTLY banned minutes after uploading this.

A data point I can’t get my head around is if China is even partially behind the vaccines, why are they working with the American Globalists? This cooperation makes no sense.

Why would the Chicoms and Globalists work together to destroy America and the West, and at the same time be preparing for War against each other?

If China does happen to be behind the vaccines I imagine Vox Day will have to backtrack on his pro-china stances. Not that it discredits the things he points out about the Chicoms, particularly how they are moving towards supporting the Good, the Beautiful, and the True in their nation at least.

As a brief side note, the Unz Review recently had a good article ( that encapsulates the emerging sentiment about China that’s been debated in the comments here recently. This quote sums it up:

“I dislike Chinese authoritarianism. I dislike American authoritarianism and cultural terrorism more. The Chinese retain a more meritocratic system. They maintain a respect for their traditions. I’ve yet to meet someone from China who is ashamed of being Chinese.

For the sake of civilization and human advancement, I prefer China over the U.S., which seems entirely to be ruled and taught by the mentally ill. Soon, we will need to choose between the two.”

China is not great but China is better than American Globalists.

If it turns out China has a finger in the Plandemic pie this disproves the theory that COVID was a Bio attack aimed the US ( In my opinion, this makes the most current sense, and I originally thought this was China’s doing before it started to seem far more likely this is a Globalist plan. If that narrative is burned then it’s back to the “who did it” drawing board.

There are a lot of conflicting data points out there. It seems like there are three likely outcomes, as we can exclude the original pangolin-bat narrative quite confidently:

1. China was behind it.
2. American Globalists were behind.
3. China and the American Globalists were both behind it and are working together.

If someone thinks it’s number three, would they care to explain it? Or if they also believe it’s number one and not the American Globalists that makes no sense either, given how ready the Globalists were to take advantage of the event.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Listen to Bill Wood’s explanation of the unstoppable trajectory:

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser

#4 The CCP and Globohomo are both responsible. The plan was to destroy Russia and the US, leaving behind China as world hegemon. In the middle of the plan Globohomo began attempting to move to China, only to be rebuffed, leaving Globohomo to realize that China was not going to submit as US politicos had. The rsult is what it looks lik when Globohomo has to improvise.

The war that they had been planning to use North Korea to start has shifted to Taiwan. Now they don’t plan to have China survive either, and they want the US and Russia to nuke China as well as eachother. Plot twist, none of that is going to happen.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

This is a good analysis, but I think it goes a little deeper. Cabal and Globohomo are in a civil war. There are certain forces that even Cabal cannot adequately control and probably what outdid them was diversity.

To successfully manage the diversity operations they were imposing on the rest of us, they probably recruited from the ranks of the diversity itself. Unfortunately, that diversity probably attempted to use the same techniques to gain control of Cabal. So, instead of the usual klatch of Jews and Europeans that have run Cabal since time immemorial, Cabal has actively recruited from the other races, the end result being their organization has balkanized. The Q team is probably the result of this balkanization, either being a rogue branch of Cabal itself, or a group of White Hats who discovered Cabal as a result of the balkanization compromising Cabal’s operational security.

The Chinese rebuffing Cabal by preventing the move to China is simply the latest price of diversity that Cabal has to pay.

IOW, their golem turned on them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Lowell Houser
2 years ago

“…The plan was to destroy Russia and the US, leaving behind China as world hegemon. In the middle of the plan Globohomo began attempting to move to China, only to be rebuffed, leaving Globohomo to realize that China was not going to submit as US politicos had. The rsult is what it looks lik when Globohomo has to improvise.

The war that they had been planning to use North Korea to start has shifted to Taiwan. Now they don’t plan to have China survive either, and they want the US and Russia to nuke China as well as eachother…”

Yes, yes, yes!


4. Cabal China and Cabal Global were both behind it.

It’s important to understand Cabal is transnational and controls a faction in China and a faction in the US. Cabal China wants Xi dead and gone. Cabal US wants Trump dead and gone. Putin appears to have emerged from the wreckage of Cabal Russia and stands alone as a firmly established Nationalist. He’s a Christian and a patriot.

Sam J.
Sam J.

“…the theory that COVID was a Bio attack aimed the US …this is a Globalist plan. If that narrative is burned then it’s back to the “who did it” drawing board….

… It seems like there are three likely outcomes,…”

1. China was behind it.
2. American Globalists were behind.
3. China and the American Globalists were both behind it and are working together….”

No, no, no the evidence and all the data show the whole thing is incredibly simple. The Jews did it. They wanted to punish China because control of China slipped though their hands and they were somehow told or shown that they would never control China. As a twofer they could murder as many Americans and others on the planet that they could. How many times have they done this? Every single time the Jews get control of a country they immediately start murdering as many people as they can. They’ve done this for thousands of years. Nothings changed.

The only people who control so many of the assets needed to make, propagate and cover up the corona kill shot are Jews. What does it take before people see the obvious???

Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA)
Aussie Spook (Formerly Known as Xi Jinping the Aussie: FKAXJTA)
Reply to  Sam J.
2 years ago

I’m aware of the Jewish problem and their involvement. My conceptualisation of problem at the top is slightly more complicated than just the Jews. Jew is essentially synonymous with Globalist but every globalist is not a Jew, and every faction in Cabal in not Jewish.

This is why I used the umbrella term American Globalist. Also the Globalists are an inter-national syndicate. I used to the term to to keep the question of “Why would they use America to attack China?” simple and on point.

While I believe some of your points are correct I do not believe that it’s just the “Jews”. They are a major part of the problem, and need to be held responsible but it would be a conceptual and strategic mistake to think it’s that “incredibly simple”.

Sam J.
Sam J.

When it comes to the Jews people are always telling us,”it’s complicated”. No it’s not. They are the primary ones running the show. They run most all the media, the banking system and they are the primary beneficiaries of the blackmail system.

Now I certainly don’t believe that all, every last single problem we have is totally 100% Jews but I say, let’s get rid of them and find out. If there are others, and there are, then let;s get rid of them. I expect that eliminating the Jewish control in the US and the west would immediately leave the whole supposed “cabal: in complete and utter disarray. They’re the glue.

I have said many times the Jews are “dysfunction amplifiers”. They take dysfunctional people and push them up, far up, the food chain where they do not belong. Without the Jews not a few of them would be muttering to themselves on street corners.

“…it would be a conceptual and strategic mistake to think it’s that “incredibly simple”…”

It is not a mistake at all. If you wish to defeat someone you must defeat the center of their power. The Jews are it.

Let’s make this so plain anyone can understand. Do you think the Jesuits could hijack planes and blow up the WTC complex in NY, how about the Masons, or the Nobles of Europe or the payseurs or the Russians or the Chinese or or the Queen of England or any these other groups the Hasbara are always throwing up as being the problem??? No, hell no, but the Jews did it and so far have got away with it.

The Princes of England have to go to the Jews to get their rocks off. All these various groups are in some way, though sometimes remotely, controlled by the Jews.

The statement,”every single time” is a thing because, it is. It’s a fact. I have not been able to find much of any, I can’t even think of one, event with large implications that is screwing up everything that does not have Jews involved in either financing, legal, hiding or distorting the truth or propaganda. Can you think of any?

This silly notion that some nebulous group of…whatever can be taken on and it will make our problems go away is foolish and nonsensical. If you have a problem, any problem, any at all, you must first find out where the major impediment to solving the problem is. Whittling around the edges will not help and the source of most of the problems we have are the Jews.