News Briefs – 01/10/2022

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


Following credible reports from True The Vote, a clean-elections advocacy group, of the existence of ballot-harvesting, which is flamingly illegal in Georgia, several counties have destroyed their surveillance camera data.

Wisconsin State Senator who criticized constituents wanting an election audit won’t seek reelection because she knows she’d be primaried.

Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., defended federal involvement in elections, claiming elections “cannot be left up to the states.”

Joe Biden plans angry speech in Georgia attacking voting integrity laws.

White House worried Iran is plotting assassination attempts against Trump administration officials. So the Cabal White House worries a Cabal ally is planning to assassinate non-Cabal opposition officials.

Lawyers representing Ghislaine Maxwell, the former associate of the late financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, have possibly discovered yet another juror involved in their client’s trial who supposedly lied on their application about being abused, The Mail on Sunday reports.

Senator Mike Rounds (R-SD) said Sunday Sunday on ABC’s “This Week” that former President Donald Trump’s fraud claims in the 2020 presidential election are unfounded. Another enemy outs themselves. He will not even commit to support Trump in 2024 for President.

Federal prosecutors say a key FBI informant in the alleged plot to kidnap the governor of Michigan was a “double agent” who was “working against the interests of the government” by trying to destroy evidence and prevent arrests.

Jim Jordan tells the Jan 6th panel he rejects their legitimacy.

NewsBusters asks of the Jan 6th pipe-bomber, “Why hasn’t the FBI attempted to track the pipe bomber’s GPS movements via the phone pinging off the cell phone towers? We know the suspect used his cell phone at least five times since his movements were tracked by surveillance cameras such as in the one provided by the FBI below.”

From Mark Levin – “In 1954, Puerto Rican nationalists shot up the House Gallery, wounding five members of the House. Jimmy Carter pardoned them all. In 1983 the Weather Underground bombed the Capitol. Bill Clinton pardoned them.”

Queen ‘could be asked to help fund a settlement between Prince Andrew and Virginia Roberts in sex abuse suit as his lawyers refuse to rule out deal.’

ATF looks set to require all partially complete firearm receivers be serialized and treated as firearms, but they have hit a snag due to all the unserialized units presently in inventories, and they are trying to figure out what to do.

Over at Conservative Treehouse, a decent rundown of the early warning signs to look out for that indicate an impending food shortage. My default assumption always was, these things happened in places like Venezuela because Socialism is inefficient. Though a small part of it always triggered by skepticism, given how easy it is to bury a potato, or plant a tomato seed, or bean seeds, or carrot seeds, and end up with more vegetables than you can eat, and have a couple of free range chickens or ducks, or geese, turning out eggs, and be perfectly fine. Now I get the impression these shortages may be engineered by the socialists for some reason, perhaps to make the government the sole source of relief of hunger, discomfort, fear, etc, and affect psychology and compliance. If so, they may be engineering such a situation here now, and it will not be a byproduct of some random event, but rather part of a carefully crafted plan. Don’t assume because Americans are so capable, the shortages cannot be created here. It might also point to it being advantageous to get away from cities, and make sure you have at least an acre or so of sunny land in a good growing area.

High-level international banking officials and organizations last month gathered in Israel for a global “war game” exercise simulating the collapse of the global financial system. Wasn’t the last one of these a wargame looking at how a pandemic would play out?

Nazi archive on Freemasonry with trove of 80,000 items amassed by Heinrich Himmler could shed light on the secret society, researchers say. There is a Freemason watch with a triangular watchface, which has a small freemason symbol at the top that looks like the Illuminati eye of providence. Article says the Nazis hated Freemasons, and viewed them as a threat.

Biden administration cuts Florida’s weekly monoclonal antibodies shipment in half.

Health expert urges caution after blood-testing firm claims ‘pandemic is over’ in Alberta hamlet. “Be careful…”

CDC Director Wallensky corrects liberal Justice Sotomayor’s wildly false claim that ‘over 100,000 children are seriously ill with COVID, many on ventilators,’ noting, ‘3,500 kids are in hospital, not 100,000.’

AOC tests positive for COVID-19 after partying in Miami maskless.

A mind-blowing bar graph on myocarditis over the years, over at Red Ice’s Telegram.

Moderna is working on an annual ‘combination’ vaccine which could inoculate Britons against both Covid and flu as early as next year.

It looks like Alec Baldwin’s wife has seen her surveillance and is freaking out. Multiple possibilities. If it is as it seems, it is interesting he and she didn’t know this existed until now. Perhaps older Hollywood actors may have gotten in by chance breaks, and things were not as controlled back then, so a guy could be an A-lister without knowing about the surveillance. I’d think today those slots would only be available to active informants/surveillants. Alternately, she is a plant, Alec saw it, and she is acting out the freak-out to convince him she is not one of them. Interesting data point, whatever it means.

DOJ refuses to withdraw memo activating FBI Counterterrorism Division against school parents.

Ex-Michigan Speaker Lee Chatfield’s sister-in-law revealed as sexual assault accuser. None of what was going on was missed by his surveillance detail, and those reports are probably why his political star rose so fast.

Virginia Senator Tim Kaine says he’s ‘glad’ Gov. Ralph “Coon-man” Northam didn’t resign over his blackface scandal. “Why did they call you “Coon-man?” “You know, I don’t really remember…”

Congressmen say Biden is withholding a deportations report to cover up the extent of the border crisis.

New York City health officials have announced a plan to install 10 “public health vending machines” that would dispense sterile syringes, an anti-overdose medication and other “harm reduction” supplies to help neighborhoods that have been hit hard by drug overdoses.

NYC Mayor Adams appoints younger brother as deputy NYPD commissioner in move that raises conflict-of-interest questions.

Mayor Eric Adams says allowing non-citizens to vote for NYC elections is the ‘best choice.’

Up to one million noncitizens living in New York City will have access to the ballot box after Mayor Eric Adams (D) on Sunday approved legislation by the city council to automatically become law.

An Upstate New York wedding photographer has lost her bid to refuse service to same-sex couples after a federal judge dismissed with prejudice her lawsuit against the state.

Video of one of Rebel New’s videographer’s papers being checked for the second time in one night for being outside past curfew in Montreal, Quebec. They are sideways with Trudeau, so it is probably their surveillance calling up the cops and ordering them to stop them as a sort of harassment.

A former Iranian official who is a faculty member at Princeton University recently bragged in an interview about how his hardline government’s death threats against a former top Trump administration official had him and his family “trembling” with fear.

At least 164 killed in crackdown on protests in Kazakhstan, reports say. Cabal, BTFO. Their operational capabilities must be fairly degraded. And now Putin is in the mix, so it isn’t getting any better for them.

Prince Andrew was hip deep with the older, Cabal-associated government in Kazakhstan, which the recent Coup was trying to reinstall.

Kazakh President steps up purge of security agency after mass unrest.

Kazakhstan denies military laboratory was seized by rioters after Russia claimed a possible pathogen leak occurred at controversial facility. Cabal needs another pandemic for 2022.

More: Highly disturbing news coming out of #Kazakhstan. Social media reports claim unidentified men in CBRN kits broke into #Almaty’s bio lab & left with unknown substances soon after siren sounded & people asked to stay at home. Russian media alarms against possible terror threats.

One of the two fiber optic cables that run to the arctic island of Svalbard was mysteriously severed. The island has a very important satellite ground station node.

Alex Jones raked in $165 million over three years selling supplements and prepper gear. Does he really have that big an audience?

Sharyl Attkisson on the FBI continuing to dodge FOIAs on the Seth Rich case. The article mentions, “a “sensitive investigative database” that the FBI cannot so much as acknowledge.”

FBI LARPers ‘Patriot Front’ were heckled and rejected by both sides at a Chicago pro-life rally. Our side is getting enormously red-pilled, in ways which the machine cannot undo. Everything is going to be known in the near future, at which point it will only become a question of what we are going to do about it.

Spread r/K Theory, because the Lord does work in mysterious ways.

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Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Alex Jones raked in $165 million over three years selling supplements and prepper gear. Does he really have that big an audience?”

It’s conceivable that he could, some of his followers will buy thousands of dollars worth of stuff each year. I watched this guy, Canadian Prepper, grow his channel from a few thousand up to over 500k subscribers. The Canuck also has built (and shown) and entire warehouse full prepper gear, which he has shown on his channel. Canuck also does vids with the Atlas survival shelter/bunker guy. Are all these guys comped? Maybe. But they are over the target consistently, and that included Jones. And if Jones is comped it’s because he does things that get him sued, like breaking into the Bilderbergs or the Sandy Hook thing.

It’s true that everyman has his price (with alot of men it’s not money, it’s their family). Cabal knows these pressure points and has been exploiting them for millennia. Anyways, it’s like Derbyshire says “any organization not explicitly rightwing will become leftwing eventually”. So, every house (and man) can fall, be comped etc. and all men are mortal anyways. My advice, build your own stuff, grow it, understand it will fall one day (hopefully after you’re dead). Just like the Almighty, who also builds houses, you can build too. But unlike him, your stuff will fall, because you aren’t a Diety, so build a new house, teach your sons to build and continue that chain. And if you see a need for some building, go build that. Nobody is stopping you.

Anyways here is the Canuck prepper I was talking about,

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Let’s do the math…

Alex Jones found 165,000 people to spend $1000? Or 1,650,000 to spend $100?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Not to provide for data mining, but I easily spend over $1000 on stored food, supplements and other stuff annually. The average Infowars store customer could easily spend $500 there in a year. Some could be way higher.

I could see Infowars store as having 100,000 to 200,000 dedicated costumers seeing as he does have over a million regular viewers. So, $165 mill over 3 years is about $55 mil per year. $55 million / $500 = 110,000 dedicated costumers. All conceivable, also, just pointing this out, the source for this is Huffpo.

Eric The Awful
Eric The Awful
Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

Jones and Mark Dice had a falling out around 2013, and Mark ragged on him for a while, which was hilarious. “Alex Jones here for Info Whores dot com…”

Eventually, they kissed and made up, and Mark stopped doing parody videos of Alex. I remember Mark explaining that originally, Alex Jones sold DVDs, but then all of his stuff was on YouTube and nobody was buying $20 DVDs from him anymore, so he had to branch out into “supplements”. I bought some “Brain Force” or whatever it was called from him once, but it did nothing for me. I got more benefit out of a much cheaper Amazon Nootropic.

If you want a good laugh, look up the video “Alexa Jones” (should still be on You Tube). Somebody dubbed Alex Jones voice clips over an Alexa commercial.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

especially when you really get in to the numbers. AC, what’s your estimate as to % of readers/watchers who will get up and actually send $$ to a website/Alex Jones type, etc?

if the % of readership/viewership who will merely make a comment – which is free and easy!, many thanks, BTW – is all of… what… one-half of 1%? and THAT number is…. what…20X? 50X? 250X? the number who will part with **their money** ….

I know Big Tech/TPTB will alwats downplay/lie about how popular any & all unApproved content is, but is Alex Jones really drawing a billion people a week, or am I missing something here?

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

FWIW, I ran into another Airborne vet online who highly recommended some neutroceuticals from the InfoWars store to treat my Gulf War Syndrome symptoms. I would not have spent that money had he not recommended it.

It made no difference whatsoever.

I just remembered: about 2016 I contacted InfoWars to see if they’d carry my books in their store. Just blew me off.

I reached out to Mike Lindell’s team last year for the same deal at his online store. Got a response I still haven’t figured out. Something to the effect that they don’t want “duplicate” products.

I try to send business to (alleged) patriot entrepreneurs; but IW gouges bad, for products that don’t work. There’s another dude sells silver, and I gave him first shot at my business. He wasn’t nearly competitive–wanted more for rounds than I could get coins for elsewhere.

I don’t mind people making a profit, but gouging is not how you earn my loyalty as a customer.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Over at Conservative Treehouse, a decent rundown of the early warning signs to look out for that indicate an impending food shortage. ”

I know I’m probably speaking to people who probably have, at the very least, months worth of stored food, but if you don’t have deep, deep food reserves (years, plural, worth), then you probably should go fix that before complaining about raycism on right-wing forums and demanding acceptance in places that your ancestors don’t hail from or didn’t found. Just my advice. Buy the food, seeds and tools while you still can. You won’t be able to find any of it before long. And starving people… well, that one’s the same the world over.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

The most important thing is to not come to my house when you’re out of food. Running your car in the garage or drinking a bunch of antifreeze is a lot less painful ways to die than what will happen when you are in my front yard.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

Agreed. When all is gone the only people I’m feeding are those of my same kin AND faith who got burnt out by raiders.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago
Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“High-level international banking officials and organizations last month gathered in Israel for a global “war game” exercise simulating the collapse of the global financial system. Wasn’t the last one of these a wargame looking at how a pandemic would play out?”

Again, I don’t like to be the a-hole drill instructor, but this is the Internets r vs. K forum, and the elites really seem to hate r vs. K. If you aren’t stacking silver and gold, physically and securely, well you probably shouldn’t be here. It’s good to “stack” other stuff too, like chips, additives, lowers, tools and things like that. And again, people who complain about not being fully “accepted” somewhere, whatever the F that means, before getting their stacks straight, well those people weren’t K enough in the first place and are highly susceptible to Cabal influence. Just my 2 cents.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

I’m stacking copper and brass.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

Hey, don’t forget lead and matches.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

the guy who (allegedly) got through the Yugoslavian breakup & civil wars speaks very VERY highly of butane/Bic lighters. says everyone in a SHTF situation wants & needs one, and will pay the man who has them to sell.

also speaks well of cheap 10K or 14K gold wedding bands as bribes when needed. (“if you have a gold/silver coin to give them, they’re going to think, ‘this guy has more coins somewhere, we just need to motivate him a little harder.’ “)

Reply to  ardwoll
2 years ago

BTW, if you look on the internet for convenience store suppliers, you can buy mini bic lighters by the tray (50-count). Also, a quick look shows that amazon’s price isn’t a huge markup, especially with free shipping.

Buy mini lighters for trade. Someone who wasn’t thinking about this before things go to shit isn’t going to have the resources to make a fair deal on a full sized lighter. If they do, they are better off with two minis anyway. Two is one and one is none.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“DOJ refuses to withdraw memo activating FBI Counterterrorism Division against school parents.”

Which reveals the new Cabal strategy. 1) Do something outrageously bad. 2) Let the outrage over it die down (Republicucks patting themselves on the back before the job is done leaving Cabal’s target undefended), then finally 3) Hit the target again with overwhelming force, likely destroying it. The leaves the Republicucks divided, with many thinking the “battle” was won, when in fact, it was not.

This is a bad look. FoxNews has been exceptionally guilty of this over the last decade. Cabal owned Republicucks plant early ideas of “victory” as well, then the mewling begins in earnest. Right-wing media types, who have vested financial interests in not looking like they lost then contribute to essentially everyone letting down their guard so that a converged organization, in this case the DOJ, can strike back later, and continue doing huge damage. Remember the IRS scandal? What came of it? Nothing. Remember FastNFurious? Anything come from that? Nope. This travesty targeting parents who don’t want their kids RAPED is another long line of Republicuck failures.

At this point, if you call yourself a Republicuck, I’ve got some vidya you can play. Enjoy, worthless cucks.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“More: Highly disturbing news coming out of #Kazakhstan. Social media reports claim unidentified men in CBRN kits broke into #Almaty’s bio lab & left with unknown substances soon after siren sounded & people asked to stay at home. Russian media alarms against possible terror threats.”

Russia has only 3 Spetsnaz regiments that I’m aware of. If more than one have been busy in Ukraine (or elsewhere) then that could be a problem. Cabal is desperate to conflagrate any crisis involving Russia, that includes heinous biocrap in Kazakhstan. My advice would be that the A team should be in (and around) Almaty. If these reports are true it is a problem. Also view it in the context of weird variants of corona being released to compete with omicron and continue lockdown drama.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

“Virginia Senator Tim Kaine says he’s ‘glad’ Gov. Ralph “Coon-man” Northam didn’t resign over his blackface scandal. “Why did they call you “Coon-man?” “You know, I don’t really remember…””

Hmmmm. I think some interesting things happened to Timmy while he was “stuck” in traffic. Clinton people, amirite folks?

2 years ago

“Article says the Nazis hated Freemasons, and viewed them as a threat.”

And yet there were Freemasons among the NAZIs, just as there were Jews among the NAZIs.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

This is why heads vs tails arguments always fail in an intelligence driven environment. The coin flipper is invisible and some/majority/all of each (heads/tails) are compromised.

We waste valuable energy arguing our “side” is better. IMO, any duality choice is fundamentally suspect, because of what’s going on. A better place to focus is on who is pushing the duality.

Reply to  Bman
2 years ago

More importantly, you are planning on the results of coin flip when they are rolling a D20.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

So true.

2 years ago

The Lotus eaters have an interesting take on it.

Patriot Front: False Flag?

2 years ago

“White House worried Iran is plotting assassination attempts against Trump administration officials.”
Without Trump cabal are likel to be torn apart by mobs with their security details joining in. With Trump they will be sentenced to home confinement by sympathetic judges.

Reply to  Huggy
2 years ago

Are they going to take out Trump and a few others and blame the Iranians?

Joseph Snodgrass
Joseph Snodgrass
Reply to  Huggy
2 years ago

We’ve been warned to look out for a False Flag that involves POTUS Trump being assassinated when he really is not. This FF would not be implemented by Iran but by TPTB (FBI, CIA, MI5/6?, mossad etc..) This kind of communication emanating from the Biden camp seems to be a set up for the USA to “retaliate” against Iran in just the same way we went after Iraq for cabal’s 911 acts. Doing Israel’s bidding once again. Same story; different play.

Just Me
Just Me
2 years ago

AOC “tests positive” for Covid

NOW it all makes sense.
Here comes the “Lockdown Florida” propaganda.

2 years ago

Kazakhstan must be a Trump operation since no country or organization seems happy about it. (I’m not sure I’m joking.)

Nobody Special
Nobody Special
2 years ago

That Masonic/Freemason library story is weird. An attempt to rehabilitate their image by implying that if the evil Nazis hated the Freemasons then the Freemasons must be good?

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Nazis are bad because they killed so many people in Europe, the vast majority of whom were common White people just going about their lives in their respective White countries. Nazi expansionism weakened the West (and East) making these nations more demographically stressed so that immigration could be offered as a “solution” decades after the war. That Germany just got it’s sh*t pushed in at the end (they were losing 50-100k people a day in 1945) only contributed to the demographic winter inflicted by the violence. So it’s easy to say “enemy of Freemasons Good”, but in reality Cabal controlled both, managed both, including the useful idiots, just like in Communism, and demographically weakening the nations of Europe was the primary goal.

Reply to  Rex regum veniet
2 years ago

suvorov in his book referred to hitler/nazis as “icebreaker”. freemasons are generally controlled by jews and up to no good here. i know some who swore biden didnt cheat and was more presidential than trump. they are real quiet now. and as posted below – freemasons enemies of the vatican? geberally no. enemies of the nazis? generally yes. see this film – and then after you see that, look at this to see what happened to the guys who made the film after the “allies” were back in control of france.

2 years ago

Yeah, that crisis of legiimacy is a real drag.
Can’t disarm 100 million of us Patriots and our friends armed to the fucking teeth without instigating a tipping point.
A master mind James Bond script attempt to go bio-warfare on us isn’t fooling anyone worth fooling, besides its real sharp crippling and kiling off your useful dupes, cannon fodder and willing idiots. Kind if defeats the whole purpose letting a hundred million pure bloods see your world depopulation genocide strategy in real time crash and burn because it did not kill off enough people fast enough. Even the slowest wits start to wonder who is driving the clown bus.
Weaponizing food in a nation that is the worlds breadbasket is definately high class strategy for winning hearts and minds.
All those gangstalkers running around shit stirring and fucking with good folks and playing method actors in false flags op’s or as fake criminals commiting real crimes/mass shooters right on cue is another class act.
Never mind there is nothing like seeing your country taken over and run by elites who are all peedo’s and integral characters of a global organized crime syndicate that sucks up children and babies into its human trafficking conduit and use them up like toilet paper.
And who in this great country doesn’t love finding out your entire life everything you been told to believe in is a lie, from childhood to adult, being played for a sucker and mushroomed?

The funny thing, nobody needs to use their Rifles to stop this cabal and its minions, much as that is warranted and would provide the most satifactory vengeance that so richly deserved, the really funny part, buried in this clusterfuck of biblical proportions, its refraining from waving our rifles in the fuckers faces and calmly in the finest tradition of cold anger, employing the most excellent virtue of prudence, that psyc’s the fuckers out. So much so they resort to using gangstalkers and glowies running false flag events posed as wytte raycist supremacist terrorists, this boogeyman, an existential threat to democracy. Like huh? What democracy. It’s a Republic. “Democracy” is mob rule where cheating and corrupton and spying on everyone in order to maintain grip on the levers of power are the way of government.

Its really kind of funny watching it because its a joke, the whole thing, from the super globo=peedos to the skanks and skumbag gangstalkers, if the FBI showed up at my place i don’t know if i would bust a gut laughing or point a gun barel at them. I simply am too honest a guy to be afraid or be intimidated by what has usurped my government. Sure theu can LeVoy Finnicum me, or shoot my wife in the neck, use WV NG main battle tanks to breach my house and throw incindiary puke gas grenades so my house catches on fire and burns my family to crispy carbon critters. They can do that. Yet i really dont give a fuck because i have no fear if these clowns. Doing thats only going to make me try to take as many of the fuckers with me as possible. Thats just fact. Made my peace on that score long past with my ood ladie’s blessing, she expects no less. Its a given.

So you gotta scratch your head and really wonder what these jamokes and lickspittles are about. I’m certain my state of mind is by no means unique, i fully expect it to be quite common and nothing special, except we are a nation of such people who are no way victims of fear weaponized by clowns and armed badged legbreakers for a world wide criminal gang.

Its not about taking their evil capacities and criminal propensities for granted. Got no desire to poke the fuckers in the eyes with a stick. Really only just want to be left alone. Thats all. Yet you come looking to start shit well thats another kind of critter. Different rules. Last thig I want is 3rd world shithole criminal juanta bullshit. This is the kind of shit you choise your time and actions wisely and your dead nuts serious about it, the kind of it drops in the pot shit where you made your choices long before. Critical part of any sane man’s preperations and mind set.

So think about this, they peeping fucking pervert tom all of us, they hear see and catalog everything, ain’t no purpose playing cat and mouse with the pervs, except for fun and getting a hairy eyball on your coverage, refining ones tactical options and pose, you know, part of prudent prep’s. Right?
Now, this makes a lot of sense to me, no way to present it in cognitive clear terms, but the Ol’ gut instincts are saying they dont got enough shooters and scooters, wet work characters, direct action target hit people, for the numbers of dirt people like me for example who they know because they perv on all of us, would rapidly thru attrition alone reduce their cadre to a pathetic numbers, below that level of actors where things go into fail mode. Because the equation is not so simple, because as the fuckers start to take casualties and the bodies stack, which once that starts things most can not imagine take place, half who aint tits up are gonna take all that juicy dot gov mall ninjagear and weapons and head for the fucking hills. Nevermind, going after families is a two way street, going to heir homes and do unto others is fair play, you did not start it, and its been a ling row to hoe since Vicky Weaver had her brain splashed over tge back steps. Lot if water under that bridge, lot to consider. Nemisis is a dynamic character, takes some interesting forms, and nobody knows what form he shows up in. And cold anger. Its the sole purview of flyover nation and bitter clingers. Cold Anger is a thing, it never forgives it never forgets and its very cold.
Spread out over how much flyover territory? Not for nothing if the fuckers are really watching us, i mean microsoping our arses, they know all this, i’m not saying anything special or new here.

It teally makes you wonder too. Ever notice how all of them the whooe lot, from gangstalkers to glowies, swamp ratz to the banksters, they always come out to play but only when the risk has been micro managed down to electron microspoe level. Their targets are always the most vulnerable, the easiest prey, the lowest hanging fruit, and they come in larger numbers for sure, like ticks on a hound, safety in numbers, sure, you must use every advantage. But here’s the thing and its subtle but its an important thing. After they got their heads handed to them at Waco up on the roof, You never see them risk themselves, its particular. Take a good vop and you will see one who will risk his person to save somebody or stop something really needs stopping, men and woman who run towards the sound of battle. Its that Warrior Men of The West thing. The cops they set up in a false flag active shooter operation, ina saturated gangstaljer environment where everyone in and outside are gangstalkers and glowies. So you got to ask yourself they know what we say, talk about, comment on, all the perv ways they spy on us, its a humongus advantage tactically and strategically. Big time one up.
Whats stopping them? They are the superior force. Constant tac training, unkimited ammo budgets, latest weapons, greatest NV and optics, superb grade comms, support out the ass, combat trauma teams, emergency rooms standing by at a phone call, real time surveilance in all the spectrums, too shelf body armor, superb overwatch, and here’s me with my 80% built AR with a basic Aimpoint, used surplus battle rattle, totally outnumbered outclass gear and weapon wise, you know they will only assualt in when i amat my most vulnerable, on the crapper or snoring away. Right guys?

Then why, why in the fuck ain’t they already come for us? I mean they know all of us, i know absolutely they know damnwell who I am, for more than a decade probably a lot longer.
What are they holding back for or on?
Its a serious consideration here. Insights or answer is highly instructional, it leaves everything else for dust in the larger sphere of events and where they are pishing shit. Its where the rubber meets the road. Once it starts everything changes.

In some ways it seems like a great waffling. Like there’s this kind of secret or unspoken reluctance to do the hard shit. Whats the untold treasure spent on these glowies and gangstalkers, its got to insane dollars, if they are really under it all chicken to start shit with us good folks? Is it another jobs welfare program and nobody wants anything to disturb the gravy train? Maybe they understand somehow its realky a kind of special great place, old America, they would know, they been helping wreck it. I mean in dollars and cents, they fuck up whats left, those nice gravy days probably over, and if the peedos win the war how many loose those nice dot gov rice bowls.
Take it a another step. What if somehow thru some subliminal tribal cue the network is working a odds, stonewalling the machine, because none of them want to loose thise awesome paychecks and amazing bennies. I would like to think one would have to an idealog a true believer to not care about all that government gravy or not give a shit about losing it.

There is something going on. Some shit isn’t adding up. Helter skelter. Something inherently is malfunctioning within the institutional order.
If you think of it in classic totalitarian state terms, should have been lot of police state shit going down, people dissapearing in droves, campaigns of brutal terror and reprisal squads running around truly fucking up people. White Mice shit, Lubyanka Prison shit, Gestapo tactics, death squads, all the standard regime change and bannana republic string man shit. Never mind Mao and Stakin size pogrom and genocide. Some things dont add up, because theres only a couple ways you go full dicktater ship on a former prosperous happy nation state.
Is it as Mike Vannebough said about crisis of legitimacy was so destructive to a cabal or leviathan? Hiw Mike used The Chinese Mandate of Heaven as an example how legitimacy has an effect on tyrants and their tyranny. Because not for nothing after the covid bio-war got going and the election coup there’s no comprable time before where so much word and info and truth has got by the gate keepers. nothing ficks with apoearence of legitimacy like truth outing and good folks in common cause and thinking seeing how truly FUBAR’d the ones running shit have made things.

Joseph Snodgrass
Joseph Snodgrass
Reply to  D.C.
2 years ago

The feds on the WACO rooftop were shot in the back by other feds. The one who got shot must have gotten out of line. Gotta keep the troops in line…

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Joseph Snodgrass
2 years ago

Weren’t the dead feds at Waco ex-Clinton bodyguards, who knew too much about Bill chasing after street hookers when he was Governor in Arkansas?

Nan C.
Nan C.
2 years ago

The Fox Walensky interview is really worth 12 minutes of your time. I’ve never heard so much blatant propaganda and equivocating.

Joseph Snodgrass
Joseph Snodgrass
Reply to  Nan C.
2 years ago

The problem is that the sheeple are clinging to every word out of her mouth. They want to be led by their noses and this is the answer to their prayer.

2 years ago

>Article says the Nazis hated Freemasons, and viewed them as a threat.

The enemy of my enemy is also my enemy, plus the four or five other orgs luriking nearby who are also enemies.

2 years ago

Up to one million noncitizens living in New York City will have access to the ballot box after Mayor Eric Adams (D) on Sunday approved legislation by the city council to automatically become law.

And a million people who will be admitting to illegal residence in writing.

2 years ago

An Upstate New York wedding photographer has lost her bid to refuse service to same-sex couples after a federal judge dismissed with prejudice her lawsuit against the state.

I’ve videotaped weddings before. I’m not sure why they don’t take the money and then just do a really shitty job. No more queers will ever call them.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

Probably the best way to handle it.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

It’s a matter of principle. Faggots don’t get to enslave humans’ labor against their will no matter how much fake fiat they throw at them afterwards.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Well, you can die for your principles, but I prefer to make them die for theirs.

They made me shoot the video. Congratulations. Now, figure out how to get those memories back that I didn’t shoot. Isn’t winning great?

Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

You’re braver than I if you think you can take down the judicial system that has already proven they will try and two-footed flying curb stomp your God-given rights. The homos will just file another suit, you’ll lose because the precedent was already set, and you won’t have any argument whatsoever because you acknowledged the legitimacy of their false claim to be able to force you to work against your will by working against your will. Plus you’ll eat a couple hundo thousand in punitive damages for making the judge look stupid, and probably some hate crime damages and shit because clown world. When the rules are made up on the fly by evil people, so are the potential punishments they’ll levy on you.

Making a le epic style owned diss track is entirely irrelevant because you already lost by pretending they had any power to compel you to act. Imagine believing some pedophile in a judge costume can write words on paper that force a human to perform labor against their and God’s will. It’s a joke, and doing anything in response to it IS losing.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

I’m not here to worship Mammon.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Shooting a vid for 20 minutes is very different from mining diamonds or digging ditches. What are the LGTBBQP’s going to do? Whip you? Of course, we aren’t far from White slavery so if that’s your point Anon, it’s probably accurate. I do know people here could never be slaves, and even if they somehow put chains on us we wouldn’t do sh*t they told us to.

Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

They will just get sued again and get legally destroyed. It’s the “Blue Empire” Globohomo all along. Never the “Red Empire” or the so called Christendom.

Reply to  info
2 years ago

I’m not sure how you can sue over a “bad” wedding video. I showed up, I did the work, the contract was completed. I’ll even refund your money (which, by the way, is what my contract always says is the limit of my liability to you.)

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  info
2 years ago

All art is subjective. Even a fine and realistic portrait might be disliked by the client, for whatever reason. The light is too hard, too soft, shot from the wrong side, caught me sneering, or whatever. But it’s true, it may be better to tell the would be enslavers to shove it and stick to that. Just claim that you recuse yourself because you are prejudiced, and insert a clause in the contract so client waives all expectation of receiving results they find usable. Of course they must still pay the going rate for your time. That’s damn good work if you can get it, because it’s much easier to create an interesting abstract than to give birth to a masterpiece.

Black pilled types need to realize that a judge cannot mandate the creation of fine art any more than King Cnut could order the rising tide not to waterlog his feet.

Johannes Q
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

It’s a humiliation ritual. Imagine being forced to attend one of these gruesome events, let alone film it. Even if you think you’re going to do a deliberately awful job, it would be gruelling; and if the video was too shit the clients might be able to sue (maybe, I don’t know the law). It would make better sense for freelancers/self-employed on our side to ask the prospective client for a task order first, and then say yea or nay, with the nay being a bland “I don’t have experience so wouldn’t feel confident of my ability” or “Sorry, I just got a request from an old client for that date, so I can’t do it.” Or give a price range on your website with the proviso that it’s just an estimate, and then when they ask you to service them, charge five times as much as normal and say that due to various technical factors, and your own schedule, that would be your minimum price. I’ve used variations of these in the past, not for ideological reasons but just because the would-be client got on my nerves. I don’t see any point fighting these people head-on, not on this terrain.

Reply to  Johannes Q
2 years ago

Who is the one being humiliated when their “wedding” is all bad angles, out of focus and inaudible?

Johannes Q
Reply to  everlastingphelps
2 years ago

Maybe they would squeal with delight and acclaim the video as transgressive and daring, especially the 20-minute close-up of a fly drowning in the Prosecco.

Reply to  Johannes Q
2 years ago

Nah. No one wants that, in my experience. Those people aren’t getting married in the first place. In the wedding world, they want traditional traditional. Most importantly, they want the vows, the cake cutting, and the dance in focus and audible.

You can do the rest of it fine, fuck those three shots up, and they will never stop complaining.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Gee, it’s a good thing those Puerto Rican extremists only shot from the gallery and didn’t attack hand to hand with switch blade knives back in 1954. They might have KILLED somebody!

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

Wedding Photographers take a large deposit, before shooting an event. As artists, they make decisions about “in what light” they portray the happy couple. This is a rare opportunity to create some outstanding abstract photos!

As to any cake baker’s who are in the same boat, well urine is sterile, isn’t it? So how would it be malicious to include it as a secret ingredient, along with several cups oy yummy Jalapeno Pepper slices?

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

that’s actually a hell of an idea for photogs forced to work gay weddings. Alinsky + 4D chess + unconventional warfare Sun Tzu shit.

go all French New Wave Film on them. Lots of aimless closeups – bricks, car doors, birds in flight – mixed in with just a few blurry fisheye lens shots of the Happy Gay Couple followed by 2 hours of random yet still insulting montage: melting ice cream and used condoms in the gutter and pigeon shit and SF Gay Pride Marches featuring lotsa dildos and Uncle Leon getting drunk & puking and rice on the floor waiting for Eleanor Rigby to come pick it up. make sure to overdub Yakitty Sax in the ‘Here Comes The Bride’ (or whatever) part. Have a title card saying ‘Fin’ at the end.

charge em $35K. nonrefundable.

on delivery, tell em it’s “your vision of their special day.” use the word “symbolic” a lot.

when they squawk, accuse them of being small-minded rubes: “Why do you hate art? Are you so petty that unconventional art THREATENS you and your safe boring routine little worldview?” When they trash you on Yelp sue them for 1st Amendment violations.

the possibilities are endless, and any one of them has to be waaay more fun than litigation, right?

Reply to  ardwoll
2 years ago

The courts already fucked the photographer once; the homos will just file another suit and win again, plus probably insane punitive damages for trying to be a smart boy and circumvent the court order.

You can’t win by trying to le epic style own people, you have to completely separate from them. They want you broke, dead, your kids raped and they think it’s funny. Don’t give them an inch.

Reply to  Ghost Who Walks
2 years ago

RE: paragraph 2. You are assuming they wouldn’t like that.

2 years ago

Re: White House worried Iran is plotting assassination attempts against Trump administration officials. 

Anyone know the world record for how many clowns can fit into a car? I think this article may have broken it.

2 years ago

Enty has been on a little bit of a roll.
Sex Trafficking through the hotel chain.

2 years ago

Nazis hated the freemasons?

Just more reason to believe that the Nazis were heavily controlled behind the scenes by the Jesuits/Vatican. When an organization puts everything into slaughtering the enemies of the Vatican, it’s a good guess that it’s controlled by the Vatican.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

freemasons enemies of the vatican? geberally no. enemies of the nazis? generally yes. see this film – and then after you see that, look at this to see what happened to the guys who made the film after the “allies” were back in control of france.

2 years ago

“What if you talk back to the voice, in your head. And the voice answers.”

“Are you saying talk out loud, or talk in thinking?”

I wasn’t in the original “voices in your head” convo yesterday, but curious to tug on this thread a bit more. Because I’ve had this happened exactly once, a few years ago and never again.

At the time I was praying deeply, silently and alone on why I was where I was in life. The answers came from behind my left ear and a bit higher up, like where lines from my left ear, my left eyeball, and my left temple might connect- which is where all my “prayer answer” sensations come from. But unlike others this was not a thought or image or feeling experience. It was distinctly auditory.

I talked back to the voice in thought – not out loud- from the front center of my forehead where most of my conscious reasoning is done and it answered from its own spot on the left. It was a short conversation that went something like this:

Me: Why did the Holy Spirt lead me so staunchly away from [cabal-central job that would have landed me into the center of the mix at the Obama—> Trump transition.]

Voice: It wasn’t what you were made for.

Me: What was I made for, then?

Voice: Your faith isn’t strong enough for that yet.

Me: Fair enough. What should I be doing in the meantime?

Voice: Take care of your family.

AC, I’d be curious for your opinion in light of what you’ve seen and others have told you about directed sound tech and/or mind reading tech:

God giving me an honest assessment of myself? The voice was correct- my faith wasn’t and isn’t strong enough to go on the offensive or to be operational behind enemy lines. But I also have always known that I am here for a purpose that I’ve “forgotten.” My entire existence on earth from early childhood on has been set against a back drop of the same sensation as standing in front of the fridge thinking “I know I came here to grab a specific thing but what the heck was it?” And I know, can feel it, when I’ve taken a wrong turn (grabbed the wrong thing from the fridge) even though I still have no idea what it is I’m doing here.

Alternatively, Cabal tech conversing with me in my head to keep me out of the fight, might be possible given what others have said about their experience with tech capabilities. And of course, the commenters on the last thread quite rightly brought up the possibilities of negative spiritual entities as well- although I’ve had experiences that I would best describe as “demonic oppression” and science might call “sleep paralysis” despite my having been asleep, and those were very clearly something external to me trying to fight it’s way in. FWIW the Our Father and banishing them in Jesus’s name ended those interactions abruptly and apparently finally.

Off topic a bit- but I’ve never asked anyone else before. Is it unusual or normal to be able to feel where in your head thoughts are coming from? Another example is that I can tell that my third language, which I’m still learning and very poorly, is getting stored in a curved shape, from above the right eyeball curving along to the bump in the back of my head, along the same or similar pathways as my second language, and definitively not in the center front where I look for a “what’s the right word…” answer in my first language. I’ve never had testing done though to see if my sensations match brain waves or anything like that.

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

I’ve got a much simpler explanation and it is far more explanatory.

The usual suspects fake up a civilization and a history about every 200 years or so, until the people who live in it finally figure out that it’s a huge cock-n-bull story and that nearly everything they have been taught is false. When this awakening seems to be on the verge of achieving critical mass, they go through and poison/vaccinate the entire population. We’ve called it the Black Death once and other mass die-offs because that was the history we were taught. It’s just clouding the waters with sufficient confusion that they can teach whatever they want to us and account for a little bit of evidence at the same time.

They call us cattle because every two hundred years or so, we march right up the slaughterhouse ramp when they snap their fingers and ask for it. Just now, they vaccinated 90% of the populations of the West with scarcely a murmur of dissent. Can you blame them for thinking the g*y are stupid?

Occasionally we get a glimpse of what is behind the fake theater curtain and we think it is a visitation from “outer space.” Except there is no such thing. it’s not the world behind the curtain that is illusory … it is the world in front of it.

Reply to  Texas Arcane
2 years ago

This ^^^

2 years ago

From Martin Armstrong:

Some Mexican states have imposed a vaccine passport system. The Mexican federal government has stated it is opposed to this and is trying to stop it.

There is an interesting minor data point where someone’s vaccinated wife entered a normally busy shop and found it empty, but that is not the main takeaway. The main takeaway is that AMLO remains opposed to the cabal agenda, and they are trying to do an end run around him by getting their controlled state governments to implement it.

They did the same end run around Bolsanaro in Brazil, successfully, and were obviously set up to do the same to Trump if he had come out against the agenda. They also have had some success in getting blue localities in red states in the USA to imposedCOVID tyranny against the stated opposition of the state governments. At least DeSantis and Abbot seem to have learned that this is a problem.

I don’t think federalism really helps, since the Cabal control goes quite deep, to the local level, and includes some seemingly obscure and unimportant places. But its also worth tracking institutions that seem to have escaped or are breaking with the agenda.

2 years ago
2 years ago

Lawyers Robert Barnes and Jacob Freiheit run a joint stream on 7 PM on Sunday, in addition to other commentary on locals, in which they discuss the legal issues of the week. The way to find it is to go to their twitter pages (not sure if they are moving to gettr yet), google “Robert Barnes” or “Viva Frei”, and then scroll down to episode 95 for the last one.

The reason I was pointing to this is that the last stream, in the second half, discuss “swatting”, which is a term I have never come across before, but apparently is quite common. This is someone calls the police on someone with a fake complaint of criminal activity. Come to think of it, it has happened to me a few times. Barnes describes when he was present at a swatting and the best way to handle it, which I think would be useful for anyone lurking here.

Their streams are long, but the first part discusses the vaccine mandate cases, so for this particular episode probably the whole stream is worth your time.

2 years ago

Happy New Year AC.

2 years ago

With all the Ghislane Maxwell trial shenangians going on, and more and more finding out what sexual crazy is going on within the deep state, but the reality is that far more people than just even celebrities and politicians are “sex pests” to one degree or another, often involving acts that break laws. Not even talking willing participants in the blackmail networks, just ordinary people with emotional problems, bad judgment, stress, and frustration from inceldom from getting sex the normal ways (i.e. straight marriage), the normal but who aren’t necessarily evil, just a product of the long decades of r-selective environment. Plus those that make slipups and break a law almost by accident.

For example, homosexuals. This category is getting larger in a way, in that ordinarily straight men who aren’t getting attention from women are turning to trans and femboy chasing. A lot of laws being broken in this sphere, including with drugs in some of those circles. Smaller, but still notable category, all the teachers “the daily nice” getting involved with their students. Most of these people are not promoting, or may not even know about, the Satanistic Cabbalistic shit being pushed, but again, are a product of the chaotic times with uncertain morals.

And even with so much of that going on, the laws and sentences on sex crimes can be rather harsh for those few who do get prosecuted. The court systems right now and for a really long time have been a clown show to say the least.

How do you think this will be handled when Trump (or whoever) pulls the hammer? It looks like we are going to slip out of the covid mass formation and into another one against any sort of sexual deviancy (basically, the K shift you keep mentioning, only may be less rational and more emotional), and there will be calls to destroy all sorts of people for their past sins growing up in r-selection. Applying the current laws, perhaps 10% or more of the population could be charged.

A lot of the rhetoric on many places (such as the chans) leans towards damn near exterminating anyone who isn’t sexually pure. Granted, they may have meant the deep state types originally, but what happens when people find out their own loved ones and friends have been involved in bad sexual habits at one point or another? Methinks the country would be completely torn apart.

I guess I would need to learn what actually happened on the transition from Weimar to Hitler on this topic, as in the former, many many people were involved in deviancy. Did Hitler imprison just those that continued those ways after his reformations, or was there a lot of backwards looking?

Texas Arcane
Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

Are you trying to tell us something?

2 years ago

I once read the comment that Freemasonry offers goys the possibility of becoming honorary Jews. Whether they are or only think they are is irrelevant. Heinrich Himmler wasn’t wrong about everything.

2 years ago

@Machine Trooper
Your Timeless Authors membership has been activated and your Retreads series has been added to out featured books section along with links to your Amazon page and your site:

Please let let us know if you would like more of your old books added or if there is anything else we can do for you.
We await any activity on the site or new books eagerly. 🙂

2 years ago

Kazakhstan: CSTO ‘Peacekeeping’ Mission to Depart as Unrest Falls

2 years ago

European Parliament President David Sassoli dies of immune system dysfunction

2 years ago

Behold the Virtuous Pagans:

China Dismisses Official Who Speaks Truth About COVID Lockdown

Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

Do we trust events in China?

Would they not fake lockdowns in their own country if it justifies America doing so?

Reply to  map
2 years ago

That’s not very virtuous either, is it?

But we do know they are doing this kind of thing from sources they don’t control.

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
Reply to  Farcesensitive
2 years ago

“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.”

Jesus Christ, spoken in Matthew 12:30-31

2 years ago

The Project Veritas dropped mentioned on this thread or a day earlier seems to have actually happened.

If this is the one, they obtained documents from DARPA indicating that DARPA was approached first about doing the Wuhan lab research, and declined because it was dangerous and illegal (for those who don’t know, DARPA is the Defense Department research agency). Fauci then took up the research. He later lied to Congress about this.