Goodfellas – Tommy Gets Made, And Is Under Surveillance

Way back when, I really didn’t want to write about surveillance. I didn’t for a long time, as I underwent the shock and awe phase of this process. I endured it quietly partly because I assumed I must have some criminal investigation going on in my neighborhood, and it must have been law enforcement I had unwittingly pissed off, while on the lookout for the DNC private eyes I was expecting. I was also quiet partly because I wanted people to take r/K Theory seriously, and I knew I was looking at this firsthand, and I could not believe it could exist like this, be this big, be this above the law in America. So if I put it here, I thought nobody would believe it, and what little credibility I had tried to cultivate would fly out the window fast. I would become nothing but a kook, and r/K Theory would be lost to time, due to my failure.

Time went on, it became clear it was not law enforcement, and I began to realize I had been under its control and monitoring going back to childhood, and I had even seen it in my grade school.

That was it. I couldn’t not write about it. It was clearly the biggest threat to our nation in my mind at that point. If we were being taken over by some hostile, dictatorial intel op, which was destroying every facet of the Constitutional  Republic’s freedoms, and I knew at the outset and said nothing for my own benefit, it would have been too shameful.

I never thought in ten years, everybody would know intel was running the private sector of America, and giving orders to private sector businesses like Twitter or Facebook. Or that our Presidential election was 100%, absolutely rigged. Or that the FBI was orchestrating terrorist operations like January 6th, and Antifa operations.

We are now right at the point where none of this material here looks like kooky schizo ramblings anymore. Could the FBI and CIA have assembled a civilian informant network of citizen spies, on the scale of that which the Stasi did, just to spy on innocent Americans? If our elections are rigged – and they are – and our media is controlled by the intelligence agencies like Project Mockingbird sought – and they are – then the answer is, of course there could be a Stasi-like civilian informant network. Not only is it possible, it is probably more likely than not, given our intel agencies have more money and resources, and technical toys than the Stasi could ever have dreamed of.

But I remember myself, being unable to accept any of this could be possible as I was looking at it. So I never really know, can the readers here who have not seen it firsthand yet, understand how literal I am when I describe these things?

Or do they think I am exaggerating, or using hyperbole to try and make them think something minorly strange is really massive and outright bizarre in its overly-blatant presentation to each of us. Am I being crazy when I say an open car window in a car which passes right by you as you exit a dwelling can be taken as a potential sign of surveillance? Am I being paranoid when I say a dog walker, walking in front of your house as you exit can be a sign you have surveillance watching you? Was I pulling your leg when I said they put real-looking surveillance in the movies, even though no viewers know what it looks like, or what they are seeing, and it makes absolutely no sense to do so?

Thanks to Kentucky Gent, we have a great example of the movies showing blatant surveillance, with all the quirks I have talked about, in the 1990 movie Goodfellas. At 2:41 in the following video clip, Joe Pesci’s character, Tommy, is heading off to his Cosa Nostra ceremony to get officially “made.” He exits his house, and just as he exits, into the frame from one side comes the dog-walking female, and from the other side comes the car, driving slowly, with its window wide open. They could not have shot the scene to be more realistic – that is exactly what it looks like in real life, timed exactly like that:

And if that were real life, it would not just be like that for him on the day he was being made. When he took out the garbage, the car sitting on the house would pickup and do the same thing, and drive by. When he stepped out to mow the lawn, a jogger would come trotting by. When he got the mail, walked the dog, even when he went out the back door to his back patio which is not visible from the road, a car or two would go by, every time. Maybe even when he walked into a room in his house with a surveillance camera display of the road in front of the house, or just a room in his house near the road, a car would pass by outside.

My theory is that today, in addition to shooting video, at least some of those cars are spraying microwaves, or backscatter X-rays, or something out the side which lets somebody who is monitoring the feed see through your walls, based on the fact they drive by when I enter a room in my house by the road where I cannot be see, line of sight, and the fact they often disrupt over-the-air antenna TV reception as they pass. Either they are broadcasting something back to command with enough wattage to disrupt TV signal reception, or it is some sort of thru-wall tech they have developed to get a peek in your house from the road as they pass without anyone knowing. Maybe they even scan for things like guns that way.

And how do they time it to your movement so precisely? They are listening inside the house, and the person listening is triggering the drive-bys – because all of that is the procedure which they roll out wherever they are deployed – even on me, now, with zero criminal activity or connections.

And it is not just like that for guys like Tommy the Mafioso. I see a scene like this next video a bit differently, given how perfectly the jogger is timed to this guys exit from his house:

You get to see one randomly selected (by a bobcat) moment of this guy’s life, and this is it. The perfectly timed jogger, passing as he exits. Not 100%, but curious enough to be suspicious.

Why would that guy get the Joe Pesci, “Tommy” treatment? Because every neighborhood has a unit like this, and that neighborhood doesn’t have a high priority target moving at that moment. Those surveillance people are sitting around, doingnothing, in cars, in a house set up in that neighborhood as a neighborhood-specific observation/monitoring post They are probably bored out of their mind, with nothing to do. So the unit embedded there does that to “practice.” In reality, the “practice” in each neighborhood is the Stasi-like operation, cloaked under a rubric of “training.” Each neighborhood embed team is assigned however many people in their sector –  200, 300, 500 – and told their mission is to get an intimate, personal portrait of each of them for the archival files they build on all of us, and to get to know who each person really is.

I am sure they listen in that normie-guy’s house too, (which is how they timed that jogger), and they do that with every other normie in the neighborhood.

It is very reminiscent of how the Stasi would break into everyone’s apartment in an apartment building while they were out at work, and then wire them all with microphones, which they routed to the one apartment the Stasi rented in the building, and placed the local monitoring team in

. Only today the technology available can hear at a distance, through walls, from telephone poles, or even geophone microphones dropped in the ground, without needing to break in.

And all of that “training” material they produce, likely including private transcripts of conversations in his home, and even sexual data and bathroom data, goes in very real files maintained on all of us, with our most intimate secrets.

What fascinates me is the fact it is all a secret club, and there are those who know, and those who do not – and the secret keeps. When Goodfellas was made, somebody who knew, who was in the club, put that scene together. They told the woman walking the dog exactly when to appear, told the car exactly how to time the approach. They told the director, Scorsese, how it would work. Did the actress know just how insane it is in real life? Maybe she was surveillance growing up. I do not know.

Why they put it in there is a mystery to me. Maybe some anal-retentive commitment to realism by Scorsese? Maybe an inside joke among all of Hollywood, who spent their childhoods doing exactly that in each of their neighborhoods – and who find it amusing today that hundreds of millions saw that very scene, and had no idea what they were looking at. I have no idea. It is not like the movie needed it, given nobody knew what they were looking at anyway. Had Pesci simply walked out to the car and gotten in, without any of that, nobody would know the difference. But still, they put it in there.

It is nuts. Some of you guys know, some of you may be on the fence, and some may think me insane. I just present all this stuff because I think God used them to make me like this – and put me in this spot, kind of perfectly suited to filling this role, and accepting of whatever comes of it, for as long as God leaves me here to do this. This is why God has me here, and so I  honor that duty.

Keep an eye out, and many of you will see this. It is the force which is destroying the US for some unknown reason today. And chances are, it is keeping an eye on you, to make sure you cannot stop it.

If you see it, come back and tell us. Every bit of persuasion will help others to see it. And the sooner everyone sees it, the sooner we can get rid of it, and maybe actually elect a leader who will save this nation.

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1 year ago

top Kek poast. and yes…. I have surveillance. first noticed it in 2008. Thanks for all you do, AC! God bless you

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

People are less likely to notice surveillance activities in real life as being out of the ordinary if they see it in a movie first. It’s normalized.

Goybean Oil
Goybean Oil
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Cabal has obviously been around for a long, long time. It is even mentioned (or rather alluded to) in the book of Esther in the Old Testament. The Shah of Persia had a defense mechanism against unknown advances in his court.
All the king’s servants, and the people of the king’s provinces, do know, that whosoever, whether man or women, shall come unto the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is one law of his to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live: but I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.”
Esther 4:11, KJV

1 year ago

AC. You just had to use the Hubs vs wildcat video. I laughed so hard I cried. I know it wasn’t really funny for the Husband but dammit that video is priceless

1 year ago

Hi. Long time lurker, first time commenter. You said to “come back and tell us” if you see it. Well, I’ve seen it. I’ll share some of the suspicious activity I’ve noticed in my neighborhood over the past few years.

1) There’s a busy intersection in my city. On one block, there are two popular small businesses next to a busy bar, so there’s a lot of legitimate foot traffic from customers and bar patrons hanging around. I used to visit the businesses here regularly with my significant other. Over the course of a few years, I was befriended by this man who very conveniently lived behind the businesses and had a porch overlooking the busy intersection. I am 99% certain this man is part of the surveillance network.

Now this man I speak of is obviously not right in the head. “Retarded” comes to mind as a description, but he is smarter than he appears. The point here is that his obvious mental condition garners him enough sympathy that when he randomly approaches strangers and starts talking to them, people actually take the time to engage him in conversation. Even I fell for it. This man would approach my SO and I as we walked to the businesses and engage us in small chitchat. He did this to everyone on the block. Everyone knew him and he knew everyone.

Anyways, something changed last year. I don’t know what caused this change, but, suddenly, the “small chitchat” turned into longer and longer conversations as he kept asking me casual questions about myself, politics, etc. And the thing is, this man had a real talent for getting people to open up and talk about themselves. Despite growing increasingly suspicious of this man, he’d still get me to blurt out stuff that I should have known better than to say to strangers. I’m ashamed of it, honestly.

This finally ended when he tried to get me to smoke marijuana with him. I told him that I don’t smoke anything at all. He responded, almost like he was mulling it over in his head, “Hmm, I’ll have to think of something else.” It was so bizarre. After that, I decided that my SO and I were done with the whole situation. We stopped visiting the block with the businesses and haven’t seen the man since. 

Bonus: A few years ago, a dead body was found near the man’s house. Murder. As far as I know, the police never found the killer or even a motive. To be clear, I don’t believe that man is the actual murderer. However, who knows what was happening inside that house he was posted/living in.  

2) The lady in the mask. My SO and I walk to a nearby park 2-3 times a week. On the way home, every single time on the same stretch of road, we encounter the same woman walking toward us while wearing a medical mask. Doesn’t matter what day of the week or what time of day or if it’s raining, the lady in the mask always walks past us on the same road. Most people here don’t wear masks anymore, so it really stands out, especially outdoors.

That’s all I feel comfortable sharing right now. Thank you, Anonymous Conservative, for the work you do, and for providing us with a platform to share these experiences. 

Last edited 1 year ago by Mizuna
1 year ago


I’ve shared my thoughts on this a couple times before, but I think getting input from readers with different experiences, rather than only those personally experiencing surveillance, will likely be helpful. I don’t doubt that the CIA/FBI, etc. controls most social media or that they rigged the last Presidential election. I think all that has been publicly proven in the last year, which is amazing. Also, Tucker basically accusing them of having a hand in the Kennedy assassination was a shock! I’m sure there are shadowy interests behind them who work for the highest level of elites to maintain and increase their power and control. I believe your stories re: personally experiencing constant surveillance and I’m sure your site would draw many who have had similar experiences.

That said, I just haven’t experienced the same thing personally in terms of the surveillance, including my recollection of gifted programs as a child. Even if we had Stasi type numbers in this country, let’s say 5% of the US population, I’d have to think most of those people would either be organized crime (proven associates of the FBI/CIA) or informants brought in for specific tasks (“Your country needs you to report on this guy you work with who we fear is a dangerous right wing extremist”), rather than guys just full time surveilling everyone in their neighborhood for Cabal. I mean, for most people, even on the far right, there’s just not that much to surveil if there are few political discussions at home, and if intrusive surveillance became known the person would likely become far more radicalized. Also, I just don’t see how 5% (or even 10%) of the population could effectively follow even 25% of their fellow countrymen around all day. The numbers just don’t work for that. Out of the thousands of movies out there, finding one (or even a few) with evidence of surveillance (which if the guy is a top mobster like Tommy, it makes sense that he would be watched closely) doesn’t seem too compelling honestly.

I’ve watched with satisfaction as Vox Day has cited you more and more recently (“borrowing” quite a bit of your linked content for the subjects of his extensively read blog posts). You’re also mentioned on Gab a lot more in recent months as well. So I know your ideas about mass surveillance are spreading as well. That said, I’ve never heard Vox or other well-known people on Gab (including Torba) talk about personal heavy surveillance they experience on a daily basis. I’m just not sure how common it is. I’m sure there’s AI spying through whatever electronics they can and following web activity, but not sure how many people get the constant drive bys and multi-person following through stores and on the freeways, etc. Anyway, I retain an open mind and the recent revelations re: intelligence agency activities against patriotic citizens has been very eye opening. Maybe there is much more to come. Thanks always for all your work! You are the best dissident news aggregator out there (which I’m sure is why people like Vox follow you)!

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  biff
1 year ago

“(“Your country needs you to report on this guy you work with who we fear is a dangerous right wing extremist”)”

Goodfellas came out 33 years ago. The political climate was much different – there are things that the GOP has been supporting the last few years, that even no electable Dem would have promoted 33 years ago. Remember Clinton’s DOMA? Cabal uses the “frog in a pot” concept of how to boil us alive.
In other words, normal people were not considered “dangerous” or “right wing” or “extremist” in 1990, the way we are demonized now, yet this cabal thing already owned Hollywood. Also, it owned Hollywood waaay further back than 1990. When was Shirley Temple a movie star? Back in the 1930s, so almost 90 years ago. And at least one time she was separated from her mother, and alone in the office of a studio bigshot, who walked around naked in front of her, a 12 year old girl. This is what she said herself to Larry King on his national TV program!
33 years ago, if parents tried to stop stuff like CRT or LGBTQ in the public schools, they would be heroes, but they didn’t even have to because this degeneracy was not even acceptable in adult society 30 years ago, let alone around children. So that crushes your recruiting theory, even for as recently as 10 years ago, but this conspiracy goes back at least a century, when public decency and conservative morals were not just the norm, but they dominated society.

“I mean, for most people, even on the far right, there’s just not that much to surveil”

It is not merely surveillance, it is stalking and harrassment.

“and if intrusive surveillance became known the person would likely become far more radicalized.”

For God’s sakes, this is part of the plan! This thing WANTS to radicalize people. It WANTS them to flip out and shoot up a school, or gun down a low-level asset. They then use such incidents for their propaganda and to push their evil agenda further.

“Also, I just don’t see how 5% (or even 10%) of the population could effectively follow even 25% of their fellow countrymen around all day.”

That’s one of the problems with trying to expose this thing – lots of folks like you don’t know what you don’t know, so then you come up with faulty analysis like “I don’t see how it could be done”. But just because you don’t understand how to do it, doesn’t mean it can’t be done. Most people don’t understand how to make computer chips, or put astronauts in space for example, but those who do understand already mastered these things long ago.

“The numbers just don’t work for that. Out of the thousands of movies out there, finding one (or even a few) with evidence of surveillance (which if the guy is a top mobster like Tommy, it makes sense that he would be watched closely) doesn’t seem too compelling honestly.”

Well, it was in one of the Jason Bourne movies as well, and the covert super agent that Bourne killed was under the surveillance at his own house. Hollywood put that in your face, to let you know even the most covert operators who are in deep cover working FOR the government, not even for the Mob, are also watched closely.

“That said, I’ve never heard Vox or other well-known people on Gab (including Torba) talk about personal heavy surveillance they experience on a daily basis.”

Vox Day was gang-stalked on his own wikipedia page for over a decade, and has written about it on his blog. I am not trying to pick on you, biff, but you’ve really got to start asking yourself if you really know very much at all. NOT to doubt yourself, but to consider you might be missing something. And FYI I practice this myself. It is impossible to have wisdom without asking yourself where are the gaps in your knowledge and analysis. In fact, this might be the best way to ensure personal growth in knowledge and wisdom: don’t be afraid to re-examine your reasoning.

Reply to  biff
1 year ago

This is a good question. I definitely have been gangstalked, and run into something like that maybe once every two weeks, but I don’t have anything like the coverage AC has written about. But I am less of a threat to the machine than AC.

My thinking is that there is a combination of zone coverage and man to man coverage. Man to man coverage is only for a few people, and not all the time. There would be a team running surveillance in each locality, and then if a targeted individual enters the area, they are notified and focus on that person while they are there. As Jim Stone pointed out, they probably use the tracking devices on smart phones to see where a targeted individual is moving, and alert the local team.

I think there is a range of responses to targeted individuals. The most serious threats get killed by death squads and you never hear about them. Some people get harassed to the point of insanity, or where they can be jailed. Some people are blacklisted from critical jobs. In other cases they may put the target in a situation where they are always busy with bulls—, so they may steer them to particular jobs. People will also be moved up and down the target list, so there are long periods where they are just watched.

Also, there is a problem with well known people, since if they are targeted much of that gets made public. You would expect well known people to at least be Cabal vetted, but going off the reservation may happen, especially if there really is some sort of counter-cabal op targeting them, and then maintaining plausible deniability becomes a problem when the main Cabal deals with the issue.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Ed
1 year ago

My thinking is that there is a combination of zone coverage and man to man coverage. Man to man coverage is only for a few people, and not all the time.”
Ed, I think you’re “spot on”, as the Brits say.

Just Me
Just Me
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

IIRC, Vox mentioned once in passing that he’s been under coverage for about 40 years.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

I appreciate all the responses. Just to clarify again, I certainly believe in the existence of a Cabal and that many people experience intrusive surveillance/gang stalking. I’m just trying to figure out the big picture, what/who Cabal is and the extent of the surveillance, as I think we all should be.

I know Vox gets harassed and stalked online and I’m sure he’s gotten a fair amount in person, as many famous folks do. He’s talked about the likely existence of some kind of Stasi (linking to you). When he talks about his personal life, however, I just don’t see any mention of the daily/constant coverage I see described here in detail. I also don’t see others I follow on Gab discussing it, though they are already enemies of the machine, by virtue of their significant Gab presence, so it would seem they have nothing to lose by mentioning it if it were a big problem in their personal life (I’ve actually tried raising the surveillance issue there, only to have it largely ignored).

Interestingly, there are dozens of prominent commenters on Gab who argue that everything else is a distraction from the JQ. Meanwhile, it is hypothesized here that the JQ, and everything else, is meant to distract from the central issue of the massive surveillance state. It is hypothesized that this surveillance system has been around hundreds or thousands of years. With the JQ, there are dozens of major expulsions and much written that is a matter of historical record. However, I don’t think there has ever been a well documented discovery and dislodging of the surveillance state per se. So if it happens, that would be a huge shock to everyone.

For people not aware of heavy surveillance (seemingly the vast majority of Western dissidents), I think the main issue is that things are clearly getting worse in the West. If you have kids, you know they will have a really hard time enjoying a fruitful middle class existence the way earlier generations could. The current government/financial system is clearly not sustainable. So there are many on Gab waiting for a collapse, economic and political, which historically happens to all great civilizations eventually, and there are many signs that it is not far off. Meanwhile, you are waiting for a unique, first of its kind, mass revelation of the surveillance state. Maybe they will come together? I don’t know, but it’s all certainly fascinating to contemplate.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  biff
1 year ago

biff’s critique: “When he talks about his personal life, however, I just don’t see any mention of the daily/constant coverage I see described here in detail.”

I wonder if you didn’t just successfully counter your own critique, with this statement:
“(I’ve actually tried raising the surveillance issue there, only to have it largely ignored).”

Indeed. As someone who has been persecuted by this thing since at least 4th grade, I can tell you it is very difficult to talk to normies about this, without them just dismissing you outright.
You’ve probably read Vox Day posts in which he explains how difficult it is to communicat across a 2-sigma gap in IQ. This has been my experience as well. At some point, it becomes more beneficial to a person to just not cast their pearls before swine. My guess is, that’s the mindset where VD is now. And probably has been there, for a very long time.

1 year ago

I thought AC was a bit “out there” when I first started reading his surveillance stuff. During the summer months, I like to go out on my front lawn and just listen to music and watch the stars here in the Mojave Desert. One night, it occurred to me that EVERY NIGHT as I was doing this, someone from the house across the street would come outside with some random task, even if it was 11:00 or midnight.

One night I decided to do an experiment. So, I started texting my wife. She was asleep at the time, and I knew she wouldn’t see the texts until the next morning. I texted things like the following:

“Come outside now, I need to show you something.”

“Leave your phone, just bring a pen and notepad.”

“You’ll understand everything in a minute.”

Cryptic messages that could mean anything.

Within two minutes, the ENTIRE FAMILY in the house across the street was outside carrying out errands in their front yard. The wife was testing the sprinkler system in the yard. The husband was kicking the tires on their SUV. Their two young teen kids decided to play some basketball in the driveway. The boyfriend of their adult daughter drove up suddenly and parked, and she came out to his car on the curb for a conversation. This all happened at 11:00 at night.

I’ve never doubted AC since then. It was an easy experiment to run, and honestly, it freaked me out. Plus, my wife now knows it’s real too. When we first moved to this neighborhood, that same family were the first ones to stop by and offer us some food as a “Welcome.”

Reply to  @DangerousBob
1 year ago

What happen after that night? Did they kick your heart while sleep? Anything suspicious in your daily life?
I did experiment couple weeks ago. I go to local grocery shops – two times. Once at late evening, second was next day – other shop, but still close to home. In two minutes both stores were full of randomly looking people. After second time they kicked my heart when I try to sleep. First time in my life I feel something like that.

1 year ago

The Onion on government spying on schizophrenics. The funny thing is one can imagine people having these attitudes.

1 year ago

Several years back, I spent hours trying to ‘lockdown’ the internet at my home, syncing known devices and establishing certain time periods when access would be turned off. It lasted about a week until everything stopped working and I had to open it back up. I tried once again, same result. I thought perhaps one of my kids must be a hacking genius. Now I realize this is probably not the case. You are right. The surveillance is relentless.

Johannes Q
Johannes Q
1 year ago

With films, I think it’s normal to show “life” on the street in the background, even though realistically most people wouldn’t see a car passing and a dog walker in the few seconds it takes to exit the house. There are a lot of film tropes which feel normal within that context, but which aren’t realistic, e.g. guy exits his car, walks to house, doesn’t lock his car. In Goodfellas, it’s possible Scorsese also wanted to give a background sense of surveillance, as the FBI are in fact surveilling the crew. But the Fed surveillance is very blatant, i.e. a helicopter following Ray Liotta’s character.

Reply to  Johannes Q
1 year ago

speculation/opinion here:
I wonder if it might be normal for an entirely boring, sort of bureaucratic human-management type reason: to keep normies out of the shot. If you have a car (period piece car) as ‘part’ of the scene, maybe you can use that to get the permit to block off the street?
Or just use the car to help get cooperation from locals to _let you_ temporarily block off the street ‘just for that shot’. Same difference with the walker. I bet just out of shot on the sidewalks were all sorts of assistants ‘blocking off’ foot and street traffic. Normies see cameras. They don’t immediately extrapolate and figure out what is what. They see cameras, assistants with signs and such, and walker lady and think, oh, ok, they’re filming her —and that over there, and it’s all important. They don’t think, ‘oh this is just background across the street BS, screw them I’ll walk through the shot they can’t stop me.’ Lotsa people are suggestible, polite, nice. The walker and car might help with that. If no walker and car, normies might think, ‘wait, why are they jamming me up for something going on over there on the porch?’
But ok, you might think, even if that’s true, why the timing, why not have the walker start midway, in the middle of the background? It kind of answers itself. Because then you might see her or the car at a standstill. I suppose you could have them roll through the shot before having Joe Pesci but think about it, it’s a shot of them in action. Everyone is moving. The standing is left on the cutting room floor. So the easiest is to just start them up from out of the shot —action, they start, Joe Pesci starts, etc. etc. Viewed that way, it’s just an accident they all hit the shot as the door opens. But an ‘accident’ that could occur over and over in films for a totally benign boring reason.
Further to that, the walker and car could also serve as timing cues for all the other film workers on set to do or not do things.
All of that said, the ‘revelation of the method’ angle is interesting, especially given that, later in the movie the main character does strongly suspect he’s under helicopter and ground surveillance. So they might be playing there.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
1 year ago

“Those surveillance people are sitting around, doing nothing, in cars, in a house set up in that neighborhood as a neighborhood-specific observation/monitoring post They are probably bored out of their mind, with nothing to do.”
I wonder if surveillance ever sets up situations to relieve the boredom.
“Everyone get ready. Here they come. Cue the bobcat. Hilarity ensues”

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
1 year ago

“With the ability to provide surveillance both night and day, and a maximum range of 3,000 feet above the ground…”

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
1 year ago

“The 72-foot-long (22 meters) balloon is filled with helium and tethered to a 7.5-ton mooring platform. It has day and night-vision cameras for low-altitude surveillance, though the blimp can rise to 3,000 feet above ground”

“The federal government has been using aerostatic surveillance balloons at the Southwest border since 2013. Seventeen systems are deployed throughout the border”.

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
1 year ago

“From 2006 to 2011 the United States appropriated $3.7 billion for the SBInet system, intended as a high-tech network of ground sensors connected to integrated fixed towers mounted with infrared, high-resolution cameras and motion-detecting ground radar. Experimentally deployed southwest of Tucson, Arizona, the surveillance network aimed to provide the Border Patrol “complete situational awareness” through the real-time, automated integration of multiple sources of surveillance data. ”

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
1 year ago

“Contacts, call logs, messages and photos from up to 10,000 travelers’ phones are saved to a government database every year”

This one has a paywall 🙄

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
1 year ago

“Some localities, such as San Diego County, employ facial-recognition software to identify crime suspects…”….”police officials, as they sip coffee in some headquarters monitoring room—certainly are watching. ”

“Experts studying how the camera systems in Britain are operated have also found that the mostly male (and probably bored) operators frequently use the cameras to voyeuristically spy on women,” according to an American Civil Liberties Union analysis of nationwide public video surveillance. There’s little oversight of how the cameras and databases are used”

“The Santa Ana Police Department received bad publicity recently from the state auditor for improperly entering people into its gang database.”

Comment about a surveilled park near this article author’s home:
“The report noted that 10 to 15 officers will “remotely monitor the cameras,” and will employ loudspeakers to address people in the park. That’s a lot of people to monitor three parks.”

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🌲 🌲
1 year ago

Episode of “My Three Sons” where the family and the home is put under surveillance. At the end of the episode, “The security system that hovered over the Douglases turns out to be in our homes too, intercepting information before it can be heard on our televisions. It is difficult to describe this scene without it sounding deeply creepy, but the show presents it as perfectly benign.”

🌲 🌲
🌲 🌲
1 year ago

“…the Atlas of Surveillance, a collaborative effort between the Electronic Frontier Foundation and the University of Nevada, Reno Reynolds School of Journalism. Through a combination of crowdsourcing and data journalism, we are creating the largest-ever repository of information on which law enforcement agencies are using what surveillance technologies. The aim is to generate a resource for journalists, academics, and, most importantly, members of the public to check what’s been purchased locally and how technologies are spreading across the country.”

1 year ago

I thought you were a bit of a kook about the surveillance, until one day last summer when I took the dog for a walk, on a whim, at an unusual time. A couple blocks from home, a car comes to an abrupt stop up ahead, at a corner you don’t stop at, and the guy TAKES A PICTURE OF ME and turns the corner. Then a FedEx truck drives slowly by and stops but nobody gets out and then stops again on another street I was on. I guess it’s good I had read this stuff, because I was sort of detached and didn’t feel threatened (being female, a guy taking a picture of you is concerning).
Since then, I’ve seen people filming me parking lots twice. It’s just weird. What are they looking for? Are they just trying to be an irritant? I’m not reacting emotionally at all. I find this interest in me bizarre and somewhat entertaining. I’m a nobody from nowhere, with no influence or plans.
That said, my mother’s always been “paranoid”, thinking people have been in the house while she’s gone, moving things around. It’s been trippy to contemplate it all actually happened.

Anon Mum
Anon Mum
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

Another point- if you point out something that they want covered-up as I did you will see how their manner shifts toward you. Mostly they will tolerate you to your face and try to behave as before. Be friendly. But it will always look like their teeth are bared. Their jaw is set in anger and their eyes are burning. Another tell that this is not child’s play. I suspect they are miserable and want out. But can’t see find a way.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

That said, my mother’s always been “paranoid”, thinking people have been in the house while she’s gone, moving things around. It’s been trippy to contemplate it all actually happened.”

Your mother is not paranoid. She’s right.

Reply to  Kentucky Gent
1 year ago

I get that now. Even now, she talks about how the neighbor always goes to his (very) nearby shed when she’s in the back of the house. I haven’t broached surveillance with her, because I don’t think she could handle it, but I’m not dismissive anymore.
I think they might have tried to recruit her when she was in a teen home, but her religion didn’t give her flexible morality that way. That, or it was the communists. Hard to tell, from the stories. This may be her punishment. I don’t know.

1 year ago

One of the big ones for me: in Grade 8 the school system tried to put me in special ed for disruptive behaviour, and my parents demanded an IQ test. I was thoroughly tested for several days, and then the county school board went up to my teacher – a great guy, with 30 teenagers to deal with – and said “Congratulations, you’ve got a genius,” and that was it. No resources, no gifted program – just throwing the burden onto a lone, over-worked teacher.
And let me be clear, being gifted *is* a learning disability. Constant boredom, and on top of that you never develop study habits, because the High School coursework is so easy you can do it in your head. This seriously impacted me at University, where studying outside of class is necessary.
Later on I would take two optional math tests in High School – the Euclid and the Descartes – and got the top marks in my school, and the top 7% nation wide. Straight As in all of my classes. And what did I get out of that?
A $1000 scholarship, and then they booted me out the door. I also got denied my application for the military the first time I applied.
So: the government has a genius-level IQ kid, with military aspirations, law abiding, member of the football team – but also very eccentric and creative, moral to a fault and high in disagreeableness, and what do they do with him? Throw him in the recycling bin, too hard to control, not willing to go along to get along.
A girl I dated a while back – ten years my junior, but who went through the same school system, and was tested to be a genius as well – was given a full-ride through university, which ultimately led to her becoming a scam artist and a drug addict.
Pretty hard to look at our two cases, and think that there wasn’t deliberate manipulation behind both – denial of resources to me, enough rope to hang herself to her.
Since then I’ve dealt with a lot of Cointelpro’s social division. The whole e-celeb culture is very easy to manipulate, and I suspect most of them don’t even realize that they’re working for something bigger. For example, take your Cabal Kids in High School theory: you only need one of them to be explicitly cabal to organize an entire group to gaslight you. Same thing goes for e-celeb culture. One or two agents provocateurs to start the whispers, “Say, wouldn’t it be funny if…? Hey, that guy is doing X, you should fight with him about it…” can wind up dominating entire Discords or communities.
And isn’t it funny how – about two months after I cut off contact with a bunch of former friends, whom I suspect of being played like a fiddle by Cointelpro (not explicitly working for them, mind you, but merely susceptible to some basic manipulation techniques due to a desire for social validation) – my YouTube channel was taken down by a bunch of false strikes? It’s as if I shook my handlers so they shut off the engine of my car. Not handlers who were consciously in the employ of cabal, more like the ‘friends’ of a NFL quarterback who get him arrested for weed.
I found it reaffirming that – briefly – after Elon took over twitter, my tweets started exploding. In other words, I’m not a “failed writer” – rather, one who’s been manipulated and prevented from achieving success in a fair game.
Which is fine; I don’t mind working for a living, and I’m confident that God wouldn’t put me here if I couldn’t achieve a meaningful victory. I know my writing reaches the people it needs to reach, and while it would be nice to have Jordan Peterson money, I don’t need wealth to be happy.
As for physical surveillance – I can’t say that I’ve directly observed it (though I have my suspicions, one particular upper-crust Hillary supporting Catholic couple who showed a lot of interest in me while I was in Nashville) but I’ve got damned good reasons to conclude that there are extensive personality analyses of all of us, and agents disseminated to disrupt us and knock us off course, to open doors we shouldn’t go through, and close the ones that we’ve earned.

1 year ago

In my judgement, you are telling the truth and i believe you. But hard as i watch, i am apparently not one who is being messed with, i even appear to have anti being watched vibes. Streets clear out when i turn down them kind of thing. Although i completely believe you, i struggle with how on earth this is to their benefit? How is all that mass of data going to be filtered and used. Having worked with folks, most lack control and gossip like chickens, how is this not leaking like a sieve? It makes no logical sense to me, so i figure i am just missing a big chunk or using the wrong frame
what do you think this gains them? How is this to their benefit?

Anon Mum
Anon Mum
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
1 year ago

My surveillance has become very visible lately. And it seems to have a strong interest in my kids (who are all under 10). It lingers to observe their behavior in public spaces and studies them in our backyard.
Recently I had the opportunity to see a gang of children that were in this thing and all operating out of a local park. They were stationed in different areas – some throwing baseballs, some playing basketball – and they were able to redeploy and coalesce together when a target (us) entered their area. Much like the “zone” comment from a recent poster. They tried to start playing sports with my kids. The oldest who was in command couldn’t have been more than 16 and was probably more like 14. He was getting orders on a cellphone. The youngest in the group was probably 7 or 8. It was absolutely surreal and somewhat terrifying. What chance do young people have against this thing? The choreography of how they all swarmed to envelop us was impressive, particularly for young people.
I’ve speculated on these forums before about religious groups (like conservative Catholic sects) that behave like fronts for intel or mafia. If you do research on these groups as I have had to do you’ll get insight into how they operate. In the case of Opus Dei or Regnum Christi a new member is making a professed vow, proclaiming that they have a vocation to that religious community. And once they’re in – and they know what the group is capable of – how could they ever leave? Can you leave the mob? I imagine pressure to remain internally consistent with one’s religious vow plus the risk of social exclusion, psychological manipulation, shunning from close “friends”, stalking, and possible violence all from stepping out of line would be pretty strong deterrents, at least for the more well-disciplined folks. Omertà is the word for silence in the mafia. If you are on the inside – and you know how formidable this thing is – wouldn’t you rather stay in and keep complying for the protection? Once you’re out I’m guessing you’re a big-time target. The players that I know intimately must get paid for their involvement. And they’re “high-end” people who don’t need money. So the lower-level players probably get paid too.
They’ll also go after your children in school if you get out of line as I’ve witnessed recently. They send in their kids to beat up and ridicule and taunt your kids and try to turn all their non-cabal classmates against them as well. This is where I differ from AC’s recent reply to a commenter – that mostly all you’ll get from surveillance is the weird sensation of being watched. When they know that you know (as AC put it to me recently) they’ll swarm you and who knows what else. From my point of view, taking out adult conflicts on children is pathological. No group that handles disputes that way is remotely benign or religious. Any claims to the contrary are just a front.
I’m not sure how to handle it sometimes honestly. Sometimes I take pictures of them following us or just pretend to. As a woman I feel pretty exposed if I’m dealing with a man or men who’s following me. If you think about it, the silence around it, the lack of leaks is the biggest indication that the threat behind it is real. Only blackmail or threat of harm would ensure silence, at least from how I see it.

Kentucky Gent
Kentucky Gent
Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

i even appear to have anti being watched vibes. Streets clear out when i turn down them kind of thing.”

These two statements, back to back, clearly contradict each other. If your mere arrival clears a street, you are being watched.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

My gut reaction is that they consider you dangerous or toxic. For some reason they would rather keep it technical and not expose their people to you.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

“what do you think this gains them? How is this to their benefit?”

Well, here’s what we do know. Societies throughout history have had various kinds of “secret police”, a police that were beyond public oversight or judicial control. This is historical fact.

We also know that societies such as East Germany spent considerable resources on both surveillance and on gangstalking methods. Indeed, it appears as if most of the gangstalking tactics were developed by the Stasi.

So when skeptics of gangstalking and surveillance say, “Why are YOU so important? Why would people waste their time?” you have to answer with the obvious, “we KNOW that throughout history many societies have found this worth their time. There’s no doubt about this.”

Now, as to cabal specifically, why is surveillance important?

As any salesmen or professional criminal will tell you, the more you know about your mark the more success you can have with them.

It’s wrong to think about this in terms of “I’m not doing anything they would care about.” You need to change your outlook to, “Do I have anything that they want?”

Do you have an inheritance coming? Money in the bank? Real estate? Do you own a business? These are all things that people might want. Particularly if they can arrange a very sweet deal. Crushing your life and putting you in a desperate place where you need to liquidate your assets could mean getting a lot of things at a steal.

Let’s say you own a successful business. Like an transmission repair place. And you have extensive, satisfied clients. Two decades in the area. You own the land the business is on. You’re bringing in a few million in revenues every year.

Would anybody want that?

Their ability to get it from you depends on what they know about you and how they can manipulate and influence you. Surveillance plays into both: they can see how you’re reacting and they can make sure that people they sent to lead you astray or influence you actually carried out their task.

Trying to build a rival transmission repair business to yours could be very difficult. Why not just steal yours?

Honeytrap you with a hot wife. Who for many years returns the most detailed information on you. Out of the blue you come home and the house is cleaned out, bank accounts cleaned out, wife gone. You’re served divorce papers.

How’s your business going to do? Hell, you might have to sell that business and split the proceeds with your ex-wife. They might be able to pick up that business for half of what it’s worth if they can scare many rival buyers away. And the proceeds will go to paying off the woman who married you.

This shit happens all the time.

And it happens on a smaller level. The more they know about you the more they can exploit you, manipulate you, take advantage of you.

What’s kind of hilarious is that people really seem to believe that someone could only be interested in them if they uttered controversial opinions. Unless you’re a VERY influential voice, they really don’t care. What they care about is COMPLIANCE.

Surveillance is essential for compliance. If you’re a local cabal crime lord and you’ve let your people know that they shouldn’t patronize certain businesses or associate with certain people, how can you enforce that without surveillance.

Surveillance, the ability to detect events and interactions, along with the ability to inflict extrajudicial punishment, is really all organized crime is.

Reply to  Anonymous
1 year ago

Having worked with folks, most lack control and gossip like chickens, how is this not leaking like a sieve? It makes no logical sense to me, so i figure i am just missing a big chunk or using the wrong frame”

People are reporting it all the time. Places like Quora and Reddit are absolutely filled with people reporting gangstalking activities. People are reporting it law enforcement, to the media, and to mental health workers.

So I’m really not sure what you’re talking about.

If you can maintain leverage over the key chokepoints, such claims become just the rantings of “crazy” people.

Aussie Spook
Aussie Spook
1 year ago

Re:  “Some of you guys know, some of you may be on the fence, and some may think me insane.”
My circle of friends and I are all ‘surveillance aware’. We all read this blog and we are onboard with the possibility and plausibility of it being to the extent you describe. We haven’t seen it yet ourselves so it’s hard to believe. Our hindbrains won’t buy in until we see ‘it’. We are on the fence but we keep our eyes and minds open for this thing.
Between us there’s only two potential direct encounters with myself possessing one of them. In the past two years I’ve started doing volunteer work for a bunch of different causes. The volunteer tasks involve a variety of basic jobs. Some of it, on occasion, is handy work in busy public areas. It’s not uncommon for junkies to approach you politely ask things or mumble non-sense. Likewise for everyday people asking what’s going on.
Once day while doing some handy work outside a junkie-esque man in football shorts and singlet approached me asking in a odd manner, “hey mate, how’s it going”. He spoke in a slightly aggressive tone. Perplexed I replied curtly and ignored him.
Afterwards he lingered about two meters / 6ft away staring over my shoulder squared up on me. I kept doing double takes to monitor him in my periphery. The final pincher was when I saw his phone to his ear and heard him say, “Yeah, he’s here” before wandering off shortly after.
I was annoyed that someone would be such a suss freak but spooked by what I over heard. Had I misheard? From the awareness training of this blog I didn’t dismiss my self as crazy and ran the calculations. Was this a cabal approach?
I brought it up to the pals. It didn’t make any sense that they would expose themselves for no reason. Later I concluded that it was a test. The goal was not to expose themselves but to see if I would detect a Cabal approach. I fell into the trap: I immediately brought it up with the pals as a potential approach. They know we’re all surveillance aware and wanted to test our awareness out. Would I dismiss as just some nut or bring it up as a spook approach? It may or may have not been one but it was very odd and the possibility plausible

10 months ago

I gotta say that it can become dangerous when you spot them and they know you spotted them.
I was in my small town and noticed the same white pickup passing me constantly while running errands. Where I went, it went. I was pretty shocked so I decided to take a weird route for no reason to see what would happen, sorta try to shake it so to speak.. It found me every time.
But the worst part, I drove right thru a level train crossing, the kind with xing marked but no lights and drop bar. I didnt even look.
It freaked me right out that I got so pre occupied with this that I lost my concentration.
I believe it now, but I gotta maintain my concentration when faced with it.