Is There Anybody Here In Russia?

I need an account at Rutube that can upload videos that Globohomo cannot nuke. I want to back up a bunch of videos which keep getting wiped off youtube. Address is

There is a captcha which did using an online Russian keyboard, but to upload, it wants a Russian phone number to text a code to. I tried a free online Russian SMS number but they would not use that number. I assume it has to be a real number so they know who you are, and that you are not Cabal posting stuff to cause problems. All I got to was an account at [ac@ this domain] which can watch videos, but it cannot upload. If somebody here works at or otherwise has the power to give me the ability to upload it would be great. If not, I need an uploading-capable account.

I do not know the political situation in Russia but I would assume the government will get pissed at you, if you are a citizen or average person and give your account to a rando American to use their video system to post videos, even if the videos assail Globohomo. Obviously if you give me an account with your phone number on it, I will be posting stuff that is political, albeit not anti-Russian at all. However it is possible if you are a Russian citizen, or an American who needs to live there, it may piss off the government you did not get their permission, and it may not be advisable. I am picturing help from somebody in an office who can get a text off some system which will not cause them problems, and which the government will not focus on them due to it.

Do NOT do this if you even possibly may cause trouble with the Russian government. If you can’t read clearly between the lines I just wrote, please do not get involved. I am looking for something very specific, and expect who I am looking for will see this and understand who I am looking for immediately.

If you can do this, please keep posting the login and pass here via various means, until I say I saw it at the top of a daily news brief. Or email it to one of the emails associated with me around the web, and if I get it I will post that I got it in the brief. Alternatively if you work at Rutube and can just give my account the ability to upload, that would be cool too. The big problem will be getting me the logins without them being intercepted, because obviously I am being a pain in the ass here.

Thank you.

And stop fucking deleting my sidebar.

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Macaque Mentality
Macaque Mentality
10 months ago

Hey AC, regarding phone confirmation, I don’t think you can trust free SMS verification. You have to use a paid service like I’ve used this service before and they support Russian numbers.

10 months ago

In the #2 book of The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis, Satan harrasses the hero all night. Sure, Satan remembers being majestic, and can fake it, but if he’s just being himself, well….he calls the hero’s name at irregular intervals to wake the hero who is trying to sleep. Toddler level humor.

10 months ago

“I do not know the political situation in Russia but I would assume the government will get pissed at you, if you are a citizen or average person and give your account to a rando American to use their video system to post videos, even if the videos assail Globohomo.”
I honestly don’t think they’ll mind so-long as the content isn’t anti-Russian.
And hate to break it to you, AC, but you definitely aren’t a “rando American” to the FSB 😂
My apologies for that, if you want them…. I read your site daily while living in Russia under 24-7 electronic surveillance during the Trump years. They never cut off access or otherwise messed with your site.
By way of comparison, whenever my boomer left MIL even said the word “Putin” over video chat, the feed cut off.

10 months ago

Oh- also, as far as government bureaucracies go, the FSB is remarkably accessible. Had to request permission for something that my visa wouldn’t normally permit and was able to gain it quickly via email while I lived there. I can probably find the email address if you want it. Although that might be severely upping the ante vis a vis your stalkerazi and the beams or whatever

10 months ago

If all else fails, you might be able to buy an account from one of those shady brokers that sell social media accounts to spammers. Check the BlackHatWorld marketplace section of their forum.

10 months ago

July 1st news in brief not posted yet. Am assuming wordpress might be messing with you again based on what you mentioned happened a few days back with the post being delayed until someone sent email/ comment to notify you.

Reply to  Anonymous
10 months ago

It showed for me when I logged in.
He’s working on the caching program to make it work better.