European Migrant Madness Beginning to Turn

Sweden is enjoying its increasing diversification:

A 15-year-old asylum seeker living in a refugee centre in Sweden has been arrested on suspicion of murder after an employee at the shelter was fatally stabbed.

Alexandra Mezher, 22, was attacked today at around 8am at a centre for unaccompanied migrant children aged between 14 and 17 in Molndal, on Sweden’s west coast.

She was taken to Sahlgrenska Hospital but later died of her injuries.

The incident as a number of young girls said they had been sexually assaulted by young male asylum seekers at a public swimming pool in central Stockholm – while police have warned the city’s train station is ‘overrun’ by gangs of young, male migrants who are stealing and ‘groping’ women…

Her cousin described Miss Mezher as ‘an angel’ and told Swedish media: ‘It is so terrible. She was a person who wanted to do good, who wanted to be good…

She added: ‘It is the Swedish politicians’ fault that she is dead.’

Amygdalae are pondering the horrors, searching for a source which can be dealt with to stop them, as each successive horror produces an increasingly strong burst of aversive stimulus. Eventually they will settle on the elected leaders of Europe as the first, and easiest means by which to address the problem.

Meanwhile, a part of Britain has begun marking migrants with red wristbands:

Authorities have issued refugees in the city of Cardiff, the capital of Wales, mandatory red wristbands that “they must wear at all times,” reports the Guardian.

According to the Guardian’s report, asylum-seekers being resettled in the region by a contract company named Clearsprings Ready Homes are told taking off the wristbands will result in them being denied food…

“On the road we had to walk down there is often heavy traffic,” Eric Ngalle, a former resident at the city’s Lynx House for new arrivals, told the paper. “Sometimes drivers would see our wristbands, start honking their horns and shout out of the window, ‘Go back to your country.’ Some people made terrible remarks to us.”

Another person who lived at Lynx House, Sudanese human rights activist Mogdad Abdeen, told the Guardian, “We are made to feel that we are second-class humans. People in Lynx House are scared of meeting new people in case they see the wristband and give them problems.”

While that is happening, the EU has decided all further migrants who reach Greece will remain in Greece:

Theresa May yesterday tore into Brussels for being ‘more talk than action’ as plans were belatedly unveiled to try to solve the migration crisis.

At an emergency summit yesterday, EU leaders announced teams of border guards will be deployed to stop migrants leaving Greece for the rest of the EU, cutting the country off from the rest of the continent.

The scheme – which effectively suspends Greece’s membership of the Schengen zone – is designed to finally halt the free flow of migrants arriving by boat into mainland Europe.

European amygdalae are getting regular exercise all over.

You can see how amygdala is infectious. Once one person (or nation) is triggered, the triggering has a way of spreading, as the triggered seeks to trigger another to relieve their own strain. Greece was relieving its own amygdalae in between bailouts, sending all of its migrants on to greater Europe and watching Europe squirm. But then greater Europe was triggered, and as it looked around it saw Greece fat and happy, and decided to take action to ameliorate that. Now Greece is about to be triggered by all of the rest of Europe’s future migrants being trapped within their borders. That will probably come back to haunt the rest of Europe when Greece’s next budget crisis hits, and it announces it will not be paying any creditors because it has to spend all of its money on the Greek migrant crisis, which it will blame Europe for.

Rumble Rumble.

Apocalypse is on its way.

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8 years ago

[…] European Migrant Madness Beginning to Turn […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
8 years ago

And yet their “leaders” are still trying to bring in even more migrants … I mean “refugees”.

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

Hopefully, branches of Soldiers of Odin will soon be popping up all over Europe and taking to the streets.

It’s coming.

Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

Authorities have issued refugees in the city of Cardiff, the capital of Wales, mandatory red wristbands that “they must wear at all times,” reports the Guardian.

I just felt a flutter of sympathy for the immigrants. They have no idea about Nazi history or the symbolic significance of this sort of thing. Imagine the British peons handing out these bands, finally wrestling with the idea of what is coming.

Reply to  Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

This ^^^

You don’t have to precondition the Orcs to fight — it’s in their nature. You have to precondition the elves.

Aeoli Pera
Reply to  everlastingphelps
8 years ago

True to an extent. Whites are always up for an organized massacre, provided it is considered socially acceptable.

Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

I used to say 99% of human misery is caused by stupidity. Gonna revise that up to 99.9%. This whole thing is so fucking stupid.

8 years ago

They’re screwing the Greeks big time. You know they scream at the Greeks for borrowing all this money but nobody twisted the banks arms. They knew as well as anyone the Greeks financial state. They just thought someone would bail them out. As for the Greeks if the banks are churning money their way you can’t blame them for taking it. I’m getting a little tired of the financiers lending vast sums of money with nothing to back it up then blaming the people they gave it too. They’re supposed to know what they’re doing but have passed on all financial responsibility to others while they line their pockets.

The same thing happened in Detroit. Back in the day Roger Smith and his executives were stuffing their pockets full of cash as fast as they could. The unions saw this and said, “I want some of that”. Rodger gave it to them. He didn’t have to. He could have held out but he wanted to stuff his pockets. Now they say it’s all the unions fault the companies were run into the ground but the people that ran these companies were grown Men. The unions didn’t run these companies. The executives were paid for and ran the damn things why didn’t they stop it? We all know. Short term gain.