Hillary Outed The Names Of American Spies

I don’t see how this doesn’t get her charged:

Discussions with Intelligence Community officials have revealed that Ms. Clinton’s “unclassified” emails included Holy Grail items of American espionage such as the true names of Central Intelligence Agency intelligence officers serving overseas under cover. Worse, some of those exposed are serving under non-official cover. NOCs (see this for an explanation of their important role in espionage) are the pointy end of the CIA spear and they are always at risk of exposure – which is what Ms. Clinton’s emails have done.

Something strange is going on, though. The Democratic Party had to know Hillary stood no chance. I am certain somebody set her up for this scandal, by arranging for the company that was supposed to wipe her server to instead preserve it. Even beyond this scandal, the Democrat machine had to know she would never get elected. Now she might even have to drop out due to criminal charges.

Yet nobody in the Democrat Party’s leadership went to some successful governor, or fresh face like Corey Booker – whose image they could control through the media, and said, “Launch a campaign, so just in case Hillary goes down, we have a viable backup option.” There is no way the party would sacrifice any chance at acquiring the most powerful office in the land for their money men. There is no way all the ambitious jerks in that party would all opt out of the contest for the most powerful office in the land on their own. It is as if everyone knew Obama’s real legacy of destruction would begin in the next four years, and no Democrat was willing to be within a country mile of the White House when this ship of state went down.

Either that, or there is a plan in place to give the nomination to somebody else at the convention, after Hillary is forced to bow out.

Whoever ends up the Democrat nominee, the next four years will almost certainly be rocky.

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8 years ago

Maybe it is a Republican set up? I do agree something strange seems to be afoot.

8 years ago

Can rabbits even see the big picture well enough to intentionally put a republican in office for the collapse? I see no indication of that from the local warren.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
Reply to  mobiuswolf
8 years ago

who said the GOP are K …or even conservative?

8 years ago

This kind of goes back to what I was thinking in 2007-2008, and my thinking was borne out by events.

In that time frame, with Obama vs McCain, the only thing that made sense in that match up and the campaigns they ran was, “both sides are trying to lose.” They ran two senators with no executive experience at each other, one of which was a serial betrayer hated by his base, and the other a do-nothing affirmative action hire that was hated by the white blue collar of their base for his race. They both ran rediculously bad campaigns, and both did the exact thing that their base didn’t want when the financial crisis hit.

They both seemed to be trying to lose, and the only thing I could think was, “they won’t want to be in power when the shoe drops.” And then, in October 2007, the shoe dropped.

If either Hillary or Bernie is the nominee, then there was never a plan to have an insurgent nominee come in at the convention. The plan is to hand the White House to the republicans, and have them eat the shit sandwich. That’s what happened with Obama, but the problem is Obama liked the taste (because he’s a retard) and pooped out Obamacare.

Prof. Woland
Prof. Woland
8 years ago

Calling Joe Biden

Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

AC, you really don’t get it. None of the people who will vote for Hillary care about this in the least. They won’t even hear about it. The ones who do will assume it’s a smear job by Republicans.

The 5% of intelligent, well-informed Democrats will vote against the Republican candidate anyway. Better a crook than that awful Trump!

If she isn’t actually in prison, this won’t even affect turnout.