White Privilege Conference Too White – Fun With Liberal Triggers

You can’t make these things up:

Disaffected participants in the 2016 White Privilege Conference (WPC) have taken to Twitter to complain that the conference was, ironically, too white and was actually filled to the brim with white supremacy. She said Loewen’s rhetoric, which was solidly progressive throughout, actually entrenched white supremacy, partly because his speech allegedly lasted too long. When Loewen attempted to defend himself, Ashlee said that any defense was invalid and only further showed his white supremacy.

Liberal amygdala atrophy is reaching the point that lots of white people, showing up to agree that they need to be more subservient, is enraging to the people who want them to be subservient. Even the white person’s admission that they need to be subservient can last too long, making their very agreement with the liberal triggering. This is insanity, and it is growing.

Not content with Obama’s latest offering to political correctness, replacing a white man (Andrew Jackson) with a black woman (Harriet Tubman) on the $20 bill, some liberals are worried that doing so might mean that blacks are still like slaves and only worth $20.

But like a Shamwow commercial, it gets better:

The young person at President Obama’s town hall meeting with British youth here on Saturday was trembling.

“Now I am about to do something terrifying, which is I am coming out to you as a non-binary person, which means that I don’t fit,” Maria Munir said appearing before the president and 500 British young leaders. Non-binary people don’t recognize any gender. For possibly the first time in his presidency, Obama, who typically takes questions on a boy-girl or girl-boy rotation, fielded a query from a person who claims no gender.

“I come from a Pakistani-Muslim background, which inevitably has cultural implications,” Munir said before asking the president about a North Carolina law that limits protections for transgender, lesbian, gay and bisexual people and what he would do to protect those with no gender.

“We literally have no rights .?.?. I really wish yourself and [Prime Minister] David Cameron would take us seriously as transgender people,” the questioner said to Obama.

This girl has convinced herself, out of the blue, that she has no gender, and now she is shaking from the implications. “Oh my God! Why do I have a vagina if I have no gender?? God is making fun of me!” And she has no special rights on top of it all! The horror!

It is getting to the point a clever mind could have fun with this. Let the liberals get some bill passed, then make up a triggerable reason to freak out over the victory, and watch all the little rabbits melt down. If Hillary won the Presidency, you could just say, “Too many men voted for Hillary – it is like we can’t win without male support! The world is still a male dominated patriarchy!! It is so unfair!!!!” Then watch the little rabbits melt down.

A reader said you need to be careful about predicting this will lead to Apocalypse, since an apocalypse might not happen and that might harm the respect people have for r/K as a predictive mechanism. It is true. There can be contravening events. Trump could introduce enough confrontational stimuli that he would develop amygdala and reverse the tide, averting apocalypse. (Though I doubt even he could do that.)

But I know two things for sure. One, free resources of the type we have now, produces this amygdala atrophy and the resultant insanity. And two, that insanity will inexorably grow until it produces the Apocalypse. The above crazy is enough to destroy a nation, and we have much more to develop in the coming years.

For us, it may take two decades, or maybe even three. It may take much, much less. Very smart people are working very hard to pull every lever they can find in our complex financial mechanism to stave off the Apocalypse. But whether sooner or later, Apocalypse will come. You cannot look at current trends and not see that at the rate leftist insanity is growing, some sort of meltdown due to that is inevitable. Indeed, an apocalypse is the only mechanism affecting enough to have any chance of fixing this type of insanity.

When I see articles like these, I am thinking it will be coming sooner rather than later.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Economic Collapse, Liberals, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] White Privilege Conference Too White – Fun With Liberal Triggers […]

8 years ago

I constantly ridicule this progressive nonsense to my ten-year-old daughter. When she’s 20, I’ll walk into a room and see her laughing as all the 30-year-olds twitch unconsciously on the floor, foaming at the mouth. “Dammit Sally, I told you to stop triggering the Millennials!!”

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

Would your concept of the Apocalypse include some sort of right-wing backlash or civil war? I can certainly imagine it happening.

The big problem for normal people is that the present insanity is backed-up with State force. They are literally forcing it upon us.

Robert What?
8 years ago

Regarding the $20 bill, it was obviously suggested out of pure political correctness and virtue signalling. But I’m not sure the government thought this through: a gun-totin’, civil-disobedient, black Republican who blew away Democrats. I’ll take that.