Rabbits and Wolves Continue to Diverge

The stimulus to trigger is growing ever smaller, as the punishment demanded for triggering is growing:

It’s uncommon at Jesuit universities these days for someone to openly share a traditional Catholic viewpoint.

When it happened at Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles, the school was so spooked it called the Los Angeles Police Department.

Both the police and the university’s Bias Incident Response Team are investigating the stated belief that only two genders exist, male and female, as a hate crime. ..

Cosette Carleo, one of the students involved, told The College Fix in a phone interview that the hate crime under investigation is “denying transgenderism.”

Carleo’s account agrees in part with an email by the husband of the employee with whom she tangled.

The employee told Carleo, who identifies as gender-neutral, that only two genders exist, male and female, according to the student. Carleo told The Fix that statement was the hate crime.

Carleo responded that “you can have your opinion” as long as it doesn’t “deny my existence.”

Again, we are seeing things which would have been too ridiculous for even the most bizarre sci-fi dystopias just twenty years ago. Yet not only does the news report these stories as normal, we read them pretty much expecting what we see.

Bear in mind, these rabbits can’t honestly be viewed as aberrations, or defective. Rather they must be viewed as the leading edge of the new model of human our populations would evolve toward, were we to find a way to make resources more permanently free. Literally, if you developed a post-scarcity tech today, that model of human is what everyone would proceed to evolve toward, without fail. Strange people who espouse bizarrely delusional beliefs, with the specific subconscious goal of sic-ing “authority” and the mob on everyone else, while avoiding authority’s and the mob’s ire themselves. Huxley was tame compared to what reality would create.

It is weird to think about such defectives being evolutionarily superior in some environment, but there it is.

This entry was posted in Liberals, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance, Sexual Dimorphism. Bookmark the permalink.
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8 years ago

[…] Rabbits and Wolves Continue to Diverge […]

Jeff Pope
Jeff Pope
8 years ago

Great insight, as always.

Is Carleo producing ANYTHING? It seems to me that a society filled with this type of person would break civilization. Our entire infrastructure would crumble.

The very idea that money is spent on a “Bias Incident Response Team” is almost as unsettling as the thought-crime nature of the story.

As this becomes the “new normal,” I am becoming increasingly aware that I don’t belong in this civilization. Of course Huxley and Orwell come to mind, but Kafka may be as appropriate.

8 years ago

Can we get on with the war part of this?

These creatures need to go.

8 years ago

I think this is The Great Filter that Fermi speculated about; the reason we don’t see any aliens in our neck of the woods is because they abolished scarcity in their societies, became trans-fluid, tri-gendered weatherkin womprats, then died in their virtual-reality home ejaculariums, their bounteous geysers of alien-sperm never touching the vaginal opening of an opposite sexed alien.

Imagine a world where everyone has everything they want, and no one’s happy. It would be like that Twilight Zone episode where the criminal dies and is sent to a place where he has endless money, a luxury apartment and women. He thinks it’s Heaven, but soon he grows sick of having everything he wants and he begs to go to Hell only to learn: he’s already there.

8 years ago

I consider the observation in this post as one of your best.