One Man’s Genes Passed To Half Of Western Europe


Half of Western European men are descended from one Bronze Age ‘king’ who sired a dynasty of elite nobles which spread throughout Europe, a new study has shown.

The monarch, who lived around 4,000 years ago, is likely to have been one of the earliest chieftains to take power in the continent…

It is likely his power stemmed from advances in technology such as metal working and wheeled transport which enabled organised warfare for the first time.

The article included an artist’s representation of what the man may have looked like:

Some may not get that joke. It is Mystery, a pickup artist and “Game” guru who uses the ridiculous getup to get attention, and then pique female attraction by being uber-confident, funny, and carefree while wearing it. Sad to say, his technique works like a charm.

It is possible that this Bronze-Age guy was the first rabbit, who compulsively sought to amass the efforts of others more capable than he beneath him as he avoided danger himself, and he passed that trait forward. But it is also possible the individual was a K-strategist who passed some trait forward, such as increased intelligence, courage, strength, or skill, and as Bronze age weaponry facilitated mass Darwinian selection, it was his children who survived and reproduced.

The fact migration is involved would make me think high long form DRD4 carriage and rabbit though, which may mean the same study done in fifty years will find his descendants only comprise 1% of the population, if even.

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8 years ago

[…] One Man’s Genes Passed To Half Of Western Europe […]

8 years ago

I’m personally betting K. This is because I think Ganghis Khan was a K, and he is said to be the ancestor of 1/8th of the Asian male population. And while he had “game” his game was more of the, “I’m the conqueror, and to me go the spoils of war!” This is why we have to look at HOW the migration is occurring. If it is running from a fight, r. If it is because the warlord is bringing the fight K.

As to more r than K in 50 years, or more long form DRD4, I’m banking absent a breakdown of the ability to contracept, on more K’s than r’s. On the one hand r’s say “lets spread our genetics everywhere and hope for the best” on the other they want no consequences, no one ‘punished with a baby,’ and leave open ways of getting rid of the unwanted. It is what happens with r’ methodology is combined with human levels of intelligence.

8 years ago

Powerful warriors in ages past were polygynous with the conquered tribe’s women. Hence they sire a disproportionate number of patrilineal descendants.

8 years ago

It’s also possible that the key thing he passed forward was culture, which would encompass both the technology and the “why” behind it.

7 years ago

Believing Mystery’s marketing material about the success of his methods is like believing every psychic you see on late night television.

Reply to  higharka
7 years ago

There seem to be two camps in the PUA community. One says that the things Mystery does are effective now only because of this r-society, and that 50 years ago it was more effective to get a job and have a livelihood to attract women. In other words, being a beta male provider was the norm and worked, but now because of societal shifts wearing aviator goggles is necessary.

The second view says that the techniques of the Game are more universal, and can be applied at all times and places.

How does that fit into your view AC of attraction being based around r society or K society?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I would just like to note that women who go to clubs, whether in my native Poland or in L.A. clubs are not exactly representative of all women, and therefore, when the techniques work as a charm in clubs it does not constitute the prood that it would work every time, everywhere. Just look at the frustration of Roosh in Denmark.

7 years ago

[…] Conservative finds One Man’s Genes Passed To Half Of Western Europe. “How one bronze age king impregnated thousands of women with this one crazy secret!” […]