Rabbits Go r, As Wolves Go K

Rabbits show up to fight for more immigration of violent foreigners:

Hundreds of anarchists and black bloc activists have spurred unrest at the Austrian-Italian border storming the train station, throwing stones, flares and smoke bombs at riot police, who used batons and tear gas against protesters.

The demonstration on Saturday at the Brenner mountain pass between Italy and Austria came in response to the enforcement of stricter border control measures to tackle the influx of refugees.

About 500 activists gathered in front of the main entrance to the train station, holding banners that read “Close the door to fascism,” “Time to launch social revolution,” “Borders down,” “Destroy barriers” and others.

At least 4 officers and several protesters were injured in the unrest, according to La Repubblica.

These people are not seeking to import these violent foreigners because they want the world around them to be a better place. This is a strategy to tear down the happiness around them, as a way of dragging everyone’s life down. They are importing this threat to attack the successful citizens in their country.

This is the most dangerous aspect of the K-shift. As reality becomes unavoidable, K-strategists become ever more driven to meet it, and as a result become ever more K. At the same time, rabbits become ever more panicked in the face of the unavoidable reality, and this panic drives them ever more forcefully into rabbitism.

It is a collision course, which at the collapse, would seem to indicate the two will not be able to share the same space.

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8 years ago

[…] Rabbits Go r, As Wolves Go K […]

Robert What?
Robert What?
8 years ago

I had a conversation with a German woman living in the US. Very r. I pointed out all the raping and assaults going on in Germany. She excused them due their different culture. I asked her if she would be fine with it if the government set up a migrant relocation center near her. She acknowledged all the dangers: she wouldn’t be able to go out at night; the store she owns would be robbed continually. But she said she would still be fine with it. There is some mental disconnect going on that I am having trouble wrapping my brain around.

Robert What?
Robert What?
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

Yes, it was very disquieting and very educational. I used to think that if you could – by virtue of reason – bring it home to a rabbit personally they would grasp it. But I was mistaken. I told her there were plenty of Arab countries that could take them in but won’t, but that in any case my concern was for the safety of my family, friends and community. It is too bad because she is a very pleasant, likeable woman. But it is clear to me now that in a true SHTF situation, some rabbit friends would have to left to their own devices because their rabbit instincts would pose a grave danger to others.

That being said – I would probably open my own house – after getting approval from my neighbors – to a Christian refugee family for a short period of time for them to get on their feet. Christian refugees are being all but ignored by the US government.

Laguna Beach Fogey
Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

Civil war.

Reply to  Laguna Beach Fogey
8 years ago

boil, boil, toil, and trouble…. the witches think to keep the cauldron under their control.

8 years ago

If I could sum their mindset: if I can’t have civilization, nobody can! If I can’t succeed, I’m taking you with me.