Four Amygdalae – Paddock Brothers vs Weinstein Brothers

Here are the Paddock brothers. Look at the younger brother’s expression, especially what you see in the eyes. Then look at the older brother:

Here are the Weinstein Brothers. Look at the younger brother’s expression, especially what you see in the eyes. Then look at the older brother:

Both younger brothers have amygdalae approaching startle, which is an overload that resets the entire emotional balance in a neutral, emotionally blank state. You can see it in the blank eyes, as if they didn’t expect the photo, and the flash startled them. You can see the relaxed look of the older brothers, whose expressions didn’t change at all. It tells you everything you need to know about those relationships. In those younger brothers’ eyes are decades of walking around on eggshells for fear of precipitating an explosion. In the eyes of the older brothers are a sense of total control.

I wrote this yesterday, shortly before seeing this:

Bob Weinstein is opening up amid the scandal over sexual misconduct allegations against his brother, claiming he was a victim of abuse by Harvey Weinstein.

“I was also the object of a lot of his verbal abuse — at one time physical abuse,” the co-chairman of The Weinstein Co. told The Hollywood Reporter in a wide-ranging interview.

“And I am not looking for one bit of sympathy from anyone,” the younger brother of Harvey Weinstein added. “I do not put myself in the category at all of those women that he hurt. But it’s a complicated situation when it’s your brother doing the abusing to you as well. I saw it and I asked him to get help for many years. And that’s the truth. He avoided getting the help. We begged him.”

I point out that there are patterns which commonly develop in psychologies, and they are often rooted in the childhood-family environment, because the family was where the repetition occurred. I raise it because it was one of the major revelations I had. Previously I assumed everyone grew up unique. One of a kind life trajectories, produced one of a kind psychologies, so each person had to be approached as if they were one of a kind. Not so, not so at all.

Many adults are like wind-up dolls, endlessly replaying the behavioral scripts they were conditioned to perform when they were children in the family milieu, and those scripts are often nearly identical to others you have encountered in the past, because there are only a handful of different childhood family environments. Learn the scripts, where the triggers are, and what the triggers do when pulled, and you can much more effectively interact with people.

But to do that, you have to see the child, in the childhood environment. Where you get clues as to what that was like is in the brief, quickly passing moments where you say to yourself, “That was a weird way to respond.” “That” was a childhood trigger-response, and you need to quickly work back to the triggering stimulus, and work out how it evolved in childhood.

I first began to process that whole concept after reading “Games People Play” by Eric Berne. It didn’t sink in after that book, but the book planted the seed which grew as I saw the behavioral patterns repeated all around me.

Here are two younger brothers of evil men, and their brains were programmed in their youth to assume the exact same expression, when somebody said, “Hey, pose next to each other for a photo.” Notice it is weird, figure out what the trigger was, and then imagine how it was burned in, way back in their childhood.

Part of the problem with characters like Bob is they are human, and they try to see the evil around them as human. The evil are not human, and you can’t treat them as if they are. When you encounter them, no matter how they may pretend to be human, no matter what buttons they try to push, you need to recognize they are evil, commit to destroying them, and then follow through.

Bob has now crossed the mental Rubicon. He is simultaneously recognizing that Harvey is evil, and realizing he can be rid of him once and for all if he destroys him. What will happen now is that all the amygdala which previously kept Bob constrained and in line by pushing him back will now be redirected to drive forward action to destroy Harvey, because that destruction offers the prospect of freedom, and consequent amygdala relief. The mental signal that rendered those eyes blank will now make them unusually focused, and fiercely determined. And I’ll bet the payoff mentally for him will be immense, all based solely on the amygdala built up in those eyes.

I would not want to be Harvey right about now.

There is an analogy among the White Christian Male population. For now, we are Bob Weinstein. Amygdala created by the irritation of the SJWs is keeping us constrained, as people call us evil, call us the enemy, denigrate us and our culture relentlessly, and call for our elimination. Eventually, we will cross our mental Rubicon too, and then the amygdala which has done yeomen’s work constraining us will shift it’s force vector, and drive us to eradicate the many irritations which have so long plagued us.

Driven by the prospect of freedom and relief, I would not want to be the left then either.

Tell your friends about r/K Theory, and make them spread it too, because evil needs to be destroyed

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Faces, K-stimuli, Liberals, Narcissists, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

Yep, sooner or latter, by law or by force, the truth seekers will have to fight the leftist insanity and the muslim and low-iq invasion we are being forced to swallow while telling us we are guilty and deserve all the bad things that are being done by those groups (and coincidentally, all the reasons the enemy gives us to justify their anti-white, anti-West rhetoric is based on lies, and is nothing but a futile attempt to manipulate us via guilt induction).

6 years ago

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6 years ago

The stuff I heard about Jennifer Lawrence on the swinestains casting couch, that stops being Hollywoods fault at some point, (b/c are hollyweirds even really human?). Where was her father, the father of a 15year old girl? I would bet he shows that same kind of low T “startle” look.

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
6 years ago

Weinstein is among the most scary looking people I’ve ever seen. Most hooligans, violent neonazis, bouncers and so on look far more friendlier than that guy.

6 years ago

I wonder if narcissism is more common in elder siblings…? Definitely the case in my family