Muslims And Hispanics Feuding In New York

Yet one more benefit of diversification:

The killer who crept up behind an imam and his friend near a Queens mosque and shot both men in the head may have been settling a score in a feud between Muslims and Hispanics, police sources said early Monday….

Sources pointed to an ongoing feud between Muslims and Hispanics in the neighborhood, saying the shooting may have been payback after a group of Muslims allegedly attacked some Hispanics a few weeks earlier.

Cops have established is that at 1:50 p.m. Saturday, the assassin quickly approached Akonjee and Uddin and shot them both in the head at close range. The double killing came just moments after prayers concluded at the Al-Furqan Jame Mosque.

First, there is no point in doing that in a major city today, especially targeting a Muslim Imam by a mosque, almost all of which probably have at least loose surveillance. Have no doubt – cops had fifteen different ways to track this guy down, and I am not sure the bicycle guy wasn’t regular foot surveillance, who was ordered by radio via the Imam’s surveillance team to bang on the shooter’s vehicle as it passed him so he could claim it was an accident, and cops would have a viable cover story for how they got the plate and closed this out so fast. (There is no way NYPD intel – an intel operation of immense size and penetration – didn’t at least know about the feud at a Muslim Mosque – which was beating up residents – from informants in the mosque. And if they did know, full surveillance of mosque leaders would almost be a certainty, to figure out just how far the feud would go.)

DO NOT DO CRIME IN THE APOCALYPSE IN POPULOUS AREAS AND THINK YOU WILL GET AWAY WITHOUT ANYONE KNOWING. YOU WON’T. IT IS A DIFFERENT WORLD TODAY. Even outside of the cities you will be at risk, but doing it in the cities is just silly. Doing it in the one city which is target numero uno for terrorism, and has an intel operation that rivals the FBI is just plain stupid. Don’t drop any body unless you can stay and explain it.

One other observation before we transition to deep thoughts and lighthearted humor about the mayhem and bloodshed. This feels kind of like organized crime, which the city is trying to play down by portraying it as a mere “feud” like the Hatfields and the McCoys. It would not be surprising to find out the shooter was MS-13, or a secario for some drug cartel. Which makes you wonder if the Muslims may be forming organized crime gangs that are now fighting over turf with the Latino gangs.

Russian, Albanian, Chechen, Chinese, Vietnamese, even Israeli immigrant groups all have criminal rings that compete with the Italian mob. It will be interesting if one other benefit of the diversification will be the rise of radical Islamist mob organizations, operating out of the safe zones of Mosques, and using minority discrimination as a legal shield. Imagine the magical aspects if they meld their criminal strategies and tactics with all the wonderful wonderfulness of Islamic terrorism, and add in a little #BlackLivesMatters shitbaggery to demand special freedoms from prosecutions.

Now, back to our regular programming. We are always told it is the end of the line for whites in America, since they will be a numerical minority. However whites have two tendencies – they avoid wanton violence if possible, and if not possible, they kill everything.

When the apocalypse hits, I expect being a minority that minds their own business and avoids violence will be advantageous for whites, as all the aggressive non-whites form feuds and begin killing each other.

To this date, I have been seeing the cities erupting into criminal-savage on leftist-rabbit violence. Adding in Hispanic-Black, Hispanic-Muslim, Muslim-Black, and other racial violence, as well as the simple arson and property damage that accompanies the excitement of diversity, and you have a whole other level of Apocalypse. Even The Ultra-Orthodox Hasidic Jews have a whole class of burly aggressive guys who are known as the violent muscle of their communities, and who will probably be dropping bodies between exultations of “Mazel Tov!”

It is funny. I believe r-strategists evolved to like diversity, as a way of importing a foreign force to defeat their population’s K-strategists. But that urge evolved back when there was only one foreign force nearby due to geographic constraints. With globalization, the r-strategists, following their simple blind urges to favor diversity, have imported so many foreign forces that those forces will end up splitting their strength in a myriad of internecine feuds and bloody battles amongst each other.

Just as whites now demand almost nothing, when the apocalypse hits, watch as the minorities who complain loudest begin to grow increasingly enraged over the complaints and demands of other, less deserving minorities.

The article goes on to discuss the shooter’s proficiency:

The killer’s prowess got cops’ attention.

“This guy looks like he has shot a gun before. You don’t walk up behind someone, even from 5 feet, and just get two head shots. How many times you see cops fire 16 times and they hit the guy only twice?” a police source said.

Two head shots at five feet isn’t that difficult, if you have the right mindset, and have shot enough to be ready to recover from the recoil. The key is not overthinking things or getting tensed up. And sometimes, depending on the individual, ignoring the classical techniques people tell you to use to shoot accurately. With two headshots on reactive targets to do, you don’t want to be inhaling deeply and letting half out before gently squeezing the trigger.

Clearly our Hispanic brothers are Apocalypse-ready. Now we just need to wait a few days, and see if their Muslim opponents are up to the challenge, because you know they aren’t just going to let that feud die now.

What I want to know is how to we get the Bloods and Crips in on this?

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7 years ago

[…] Muslims And Hispanics Feuding In New York […]

the cruncher
the cruncher
7 years ago

> they avoid wanton violence if possible, and if not possible, they kill everything.

You got any WHITE MAN GOES GENOCIDAL AND BEATS ALL THE OTHER GROUPS examples? Cuz otherwise I call masturbatory self-soothing ‘When the Saxon begins to hate’ fantasy.

Robert What?
Robert What?
7 years ago

I knew immediately that the perp was not a white male because the news media did not report the race.

Reply to  Robert What?
7 years ago

That’s always the immediate tell, isn’t it? In trying to hide the truth, they make it obvious. The truth slips out from between their fingers like water in a cupped hand.