News Briefs – 04/11/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at

USCP Officer Billy Evans to lie in honor in Capitol on April 13. Family-endorsed fundraiser for his two young children is here.

Mainstream media is covering for or misrepresenting major problems with the prosecution’s case in the Chauvin trial. Cabal’s goal is to make blacks think the case is easily a complete conviction, perhaps only to have Chauvin acquitted for a shock effect. It is possible big things are coming, and Chauvin-riots are a backup plan they are preparing. If so, it could be a good sign for Chauvin.

Family member confirms rapper DMX was given the Covid vaccine days before his lethal heart attack, and say the heart attack that led to his death was not from a drug overdose. Even more amazing to me than the fact they killed him with their Umbrella Corporation vaccine, is the fact the Cabal propaganda machine, that is mainstream media reporters, immediately knew he had died from the vaccine, and knew they had to cover it up, and manufactured the drug overdose cover story (sullying his name in death, in the process, to save their mass experiment on the human race). Otherwise, if the story just came in he died from a heart attack, a clueless reporter would report he died from a heart attack alone, and then they’d have waited for more information. Ask yourself, how did the media know immediately that he was vaccinated, the heart attack was due to it, and they needed a made up cover story? Could it all be one unified intelligence/propaganda operation? Could his assigned team have had the whole story in real time happen before them, realized what happened and how it would look, and reached out proactively to manage the aftermath with the media wing of their machine? That they are so proactively protective of it, makes the vaccine look like a much higher priority operation to the covert infrastructure than we would think otherwise. The truth is, none of us have any idea what is in those needles. And I’m not assuming anybody is operating to help the US now.

Along those lines, lawmakers ask Biden to issue a waiver to make Covid-19 vaccination mandatory for members of military. And who are those guys? Good little programmable leftist SJWs who want to destroy America? Or evil freedom-lovers who need to be crippled with their franken-vaccines?

There are growing signs that parts of the country may be close to meeting demand for the coronavirus vaccine — well before the U.S. has reached herd immunity. If you follow likely events to their logical conclusions, you will see a period where a skeptical segment of the public decides to not take the vaccine, so nobody else is taking it despite there being a massive segment which are unvaccinated, and politicians being offered millions in laundered bribes to family members from Big Pharma to force all those millions of Americans to take the vaccine.

Jovan Pulitzer says he was offered $10 million to walk away from investigating voter fraud and assisting with ballot forensics.

In Montana, there were 6.3% more votes than there were envelopes, in an all mail-in election, where every ballot had to be mailed. Add in no dates and no signatures on the envelopes, and you have over 7% of the votes unable to be verified, and potentially ballot-stuffed. And on top of that, the video of the envelope opening and the vote counting, which had to be taken legally, and which could show if the missing envelopes ever existed, is missing, and they don’t know what happened to it, nor are they trying to find it. 6% is about what was swung in New Hampshire’s Windham County. I wonder if that was pre-calculated as a common amount of fraud required for rural areas to defeat Trump.

Michigan’s Secretary of State Benson is not complying with subpoenas and is delaying producing materials in hopes of running out the clock.

Conservative Treehouse notes – Another Tripwire Crossed – Pentagon Orders Updated Screening of Military to Identify “Extremist” Outlooks in Preparation for What is to Come. Sundance approaches it from the perspective that they are preparing to use the Military against any states or patriots who oppose what is coming, so they are beginning to purge freedom-lovers and free-thinkers. Probably. But I also see Q saying, “Think logically – the Military is the only way.” It may be the last uncompromised bastion which could resist the foreign takeover that is going on. That may be why we are seeing the focus on it now by Cabal. If Q failed in November, Cabal is now trying to sweep clean the last chance patriots had. Because I am not sure they need to meet us head on, given the success of their current covert program, which has all but eliminated our ability to resist already.

Liberals ramp up calls for Supreme Court Justice Breyer to retire after he panned court packing in speech.

Biden puts Susan Rice in charge of the effort to expand vote by mail.

Biden administration opening facilities in two crucial swing state to house illegal immigrants.

Biden sends unaccompanied migrant children to former Japanese internment camp.

Lower- and middle-class Americans will pay a fortune for Biden’s wind-power plan. At least when we got done with the Soviet Union they had tons of cool military equipment they couldn’t have afforded otherwise. We’ll have broken down wind farms and a bunch of Guatemalans with $17,000 checks from us laughing at us when we implode from within. The amazing thing is, between Unrestricted Warfare, and Sun Tzu, China already laid all of this out, and we still couldn’t stop it. The power of intelligence infiltration operations.

Biden DOJ prosecutors are placing January 6 defendants in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day – even though none of them has been convicted of any crime.

On Twitter – U.S. Supreme Court rules 5-4 against California’s Gov. Newsom’s limits on in-home religious gatherings. Roberts voted with the liberals.

Bill Gates, George Soros team up to create Orwellian nightmare, the Aspen Institute Commission on Information (AICI), which has been tasked with launching an effort to eliminate “misinformation” and “disinformation” from the internet.

Police officers show up at Twitter user’s home for criticizing Congresswoman AOC on social media, her spokesperson denies involvement. One of the interesting things about cops is they almost all put their job in perspective of their life. I would have assumed all were obsessed with guns, or wanted more overtime and to spend lots of time at the range. But no. Maybe psych screening weeds out guys obsessed with Policing, or maybe they get so much Policing and criminality that after a few years the novelty wears off. But one of the things which struck me about the Cops I knew, back when I was young and dumb and thought all they’d want to do was chase bad guys, was that for them a gun was just a tool for the Job, and their off time was reserved for non-cop stuff like family and recreation activities. So whenever I see things like this, I think of their Captain riding them about other stuff they have to get done while they are on the clock, and what it would take for two Officers to get routed off to something like this. Somebody pulled strings behind the scenes. Be interesting to find out just who called in Capitol Police on some unknown tweeter, and had the pull across the system to get this done. It may not have been AOC or any of her staff.

On Twitter – in Bolivia, a van carrying new presidential election ballots to a voting center is intercepted by civilians, who break it open, showing the ballots already marked with a vote for the candidate and current Bolivian president Evo Morales. Every nation is like this, and probably has been for decades. The elites would think it unimaginably stupid to let the plebes have any say in such a profitable endeavor as government. Looking back, I can’t believe I ever was such a rube I bought into the voting meme.

US Navy to send 2 warships to Black Sea as Russia-Ukraine tensions simmer. When I was younger I wondered how Smedley Butler ended up so anti-war, given there were so many hippies holding that position. I knew it wasn’t for nothing, but it still seemed extreme. And yet, it was Smedley Butler, who had to see some shit to get pulled to that position. Now I realize fully, he knew.

Daily Mail headline – Australia warned about arrival of Brazil’s super-deadly Covid variants – as terrifying new strains kill thousands of YOUNG people and threaten to destabilize the world.

Republican turncoat former speaker John Boehner calls Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz ‘political terrorists.’

An interesting video looking at a study of health outcomes of the unvaccinated which found those who were vaccinated as children had twice as many developmental delays, three times as many gastrointestital disorders, 50% more ear infections, and 273% more likely to have athsma. Another study produced eye-popping graphs that show once vaccinated, the graph of office visits for a ton of disorders goes skyward for the vaccinated, as it stays low for those who were never vaccinated. This phenomenon included such disorders as ADHD, behavioral issues, and especially Autism, which was miniscule in the unvaccinated. And these were not even true unvaccinated, but rather were “less vaccinated” as some took some vaccines, just not the full CDC schedule. A third study looked at the fully unvaccinated, and found where vaccinated kids had 27% with a chronic health condition, only less than 6% of the non-vaccinated had a chronic health condition. And where vaccinated had 6.66% with multiple chronic health conditions, only .94% had multiple chronic health conditions among unvaccinated. Eye alignment issues were 2.0% vs .16%, and none of the vaccine-free kids had cancer, and none of the vaccine free adults had cancer (many cancers do have an inflammatory component). This video will blow your mind, and is a pretty strong datapoint I’d factor in if I had a newborn. Increasingly, societal withdrawal to a wilderness environment with home schooling seems the only viable option to live a good life. And I am beginning to understand why Bill Gates didn’t vaccinate his own children. Website for the video maker is here, since I assume this will get memory holed pretty quickly.

Meghan Markle will not attend Prince Philip’s funeral on advice of her doctor. If you have ever dealt with a Narcissist, you see what this may lead to. This might become the beginning of the end of Harry and Megan, even though right now Harry would not be able to believe it possible. People like Megan are black holes that suck up the energy of people around them. They suck it out of you just by being in your general vicinity. Even the threat of bumping into them around town can degrade your energy and leave you feeling drained. Harry is drained and depressed and stressed right now. If you got transplanted into his body, for just a moment, you would be amazed. But he likely doesn’t know it. He feels that way all the time, and doesn’t really remember being energized. And what little he does feel, he will blame on anything else – the media, the royal family, or something else. But now, he is going to travel 4,000 miles away from that negative energy and happiness-sucking black hole. His body will relax in ways he can’t even imagine it is tense. His mood will lift, inexplicably, as if he had been given a drug. He will feel energized and exhilarated, in an almost refractory way, just as the high of heroin gives way to the agony of withdrawal. His walk will get a bounce in it and his body will feel lighter. If the Queen and the royal family are smart, they will focus everything on making Harry happy and content during his visit. Everything should be light hearted. Make tons of jokes and get him laughing. Organize some fun things to do, maybe even a covert fox-hunt. Get Harry’s military buddies there for some laughs and reminiscing. Make Harry as happy as possible, so when he goes home, he will suddenly feel the clouds descend all at once, the fog roll in, and he will be shocked as he realizes what it is like, and that it doesn’t always have to be that way. This will happen no matter what the Royals do. I suspect this trip may be the beginning of the end of Harry and Megan no matter what the Royals do. But if they are smart, it could be an absolute certainty.

Studies that make brainlike structures or add human cells to animal brains are ethical, for now, panel says. If there is a hidden, non-human power, I suspect they will not allow us to enhance ourselves to the point we surpass their intellectual capability. And I don’t rule it out at this point.

New CRISPR tech allows genes to be selectively turned on or off almost permanently, using persistent epigenetic modifications. Very, very huge for research, in a way which actually gives me pangs of concern. It feels like there is something in the air, a great reset, the apocalypse, a cataclysm of some type. Vault Co always said ten generations, and it all gets wiped clean, to begin again. And aspects of our biology haunt me, defying evolutionary imperatives as if engineered artificially – and existing as I would engineer them for a slave race of cattle. And just as some unknown climax appears to draw near, we are making advances which will cause more advances exponentially, which could allow us to take full control of our genes, our biology, the essence of who we are, and our own destiny. In short, it feels like we are just on the cusp of a freedom which we may not be allowed to attain. On its surface this is fantastic. But deep down, I’m not feeling like this is heading toward the utopia such a discovery should produce.

A black market in fake vaccination record cards is reaching epidemic proportions online.

Politicians are calling for putting the same fence at the border as we have ringed around the Capitol. Why isn’t there razor wire down there? Is that only for US citizens?

Florida legislature passes a bill to force colleges to perform surveys of viewpoint diversity to make sure no students feel theri viewpoints were discriminated against. Bad for censors, good for conservatives on campus.

Over 57% of marines at Camp Lejeune in NC have declined the Covid vaccine. Encouraging because it means Marines are getting intel from more sources than just the mainstream media and the censored Big Tech.

Trump predicts that the GOP will take the legislature in 2022, and the White House in 2024.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything we knew may very well have been lies.

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3 years ago

“Politicians are calling for putting the same fence at the border as we have ringed around the Capitol. Why isn’t there razor wire down there? Is that only for US citizens?”

I want land mines and automated guns.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

moat with alligators

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I want deportation trebuchets and piranhas in the Rio Grande.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

This, I laughed so hard.
“deportation trebuchets” is the greatest idea of our generation.

3 years ago

“Trump predicts that the GOP will take the legislature in 2022, and the White House in 2024.”

Then he had better hurry up and launch the storm.
Because if the left even smells that as a possibility there will not even be stolen elections, the “pandemic” will be used to cancel elections “until it is safe”.
They will do everything in their power to make us a one party dictatorship and only force of some sort will prevent it.

I still think there is a plan but I think it is an error to wait this long. (let alone longer)

He who seeks only victories without bloodshed will find only bloodshed without victory.

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Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

Trump accepted the Steal, and now he’s imagining that it won’t happen again, at every election?

Trump was inadequate. He’s an elderly Boomer Civ-Nat, so that’s no surprise.

We need an American Putin, but we won’t be able to elect him.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

They had the White House for 4 years and they consistently pulled their punches, or maybe the white hats, if there even are any, kept giving Trump the green light and he kept sitting on his hands or listening to his idiot son in law.

Whatever the case is, they had the perfect opportunity and let it slip away for 4 years.

I no longer have faith in Trump or his abilities. While he was President, I was willing to suspend disbelief and hope that all of his horrible and contradictory choices were part of some larger plan.

Well, if they were, his plan failed, or he failed the plan, or some combination like that.

We, as a society, are in deep shit right now, and Trump isn’t going to save us.

In fact, any number of his choices have actually worsened our position, the vaccines being the most prominent example.

Seriously, how can you guys trust him after fast tracking that shit and letting Fauci psychologically torture the public for 13 months?

How does using the population of the U.S. as a giant science experiment, and shaming and alienating vaccine skeptics, benefit any of us?

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

Trump listening to kushner is a stupid meme. Who is dumb enough to even repeat that dumb line?
Like stop. think. Do you think Trump of all people took orders from Kushner?
The only way I see that as possible is Handler/Asset arrangement with Mossad or something.

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Reply to  TommyEagan
3 years ago

In the end Trump accepted The Steal and walked away. Doesn’t really matter why,

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Reply to  Name (required)
3 years ago

Replying to your post below:
There may have been a plan to lose, and yours is a decent description of such a plan. I would really have preferred ending the charade with open violence, and openly ending the constitution. I’m quite sure that Trump never wanted to do that, and that’s a point in favor of your “plan to lose” theory.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

One of the things that I considered was, if Patriots were actually in control, and Biden can’t really do anything but say mean things, then the scenario could go like this:

Trump does 4 years
Biden does 2 years to the midterm
GOP wins midterms in supermajority and makes Trump Speaker
Kamela and then Biden (in that order) are either impeached or forced to resign
Trump does the remaining 23 months
Trump is reelected for 4 more years

End result is Trump gets 10 years.

If so, it’s a stupidly risky plan that puts an old man in office too long and doesn’t provide for orderly succession, but it’s a plan.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

Vivid imagination you have for sure dude.

3 years ago
3 years ago

QAnon “was all but confirmed to be a hoax by the person who ran the hoax,” writes Mashable, citing the finale of a six-episode documentary on HBO by Cullen Hoback.

“All of it leads back to the same place — that there are very few other people who could have and would have made the Q drops other than the person who ran the place where they were posted,” notes Newsweek:
Ahead of the first episode, Ron Watkins posted on encrypted messaging service Telegram stating: “I am not Q. I’ve never spoken privately with Q. I don’t know who Q is.” However, during the final episode, Hoback suggests that Ron Watkins slips up and inadvertently reveals that he posted as Q on 8kun

A BBC investigative reporter on disinformation tweeted that climactic moment from Cullens’ documentary, adding “It was so good it made the whole six hours worth it.”

Or as Mashable puts it, “Ron Watkins seems to admit he’s Q, in the dumbest possible ending to QAnon,” calling it “so anticlimactic it bordered on absurd.”

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

There can be no doubt that Q was an Administration insider. The most conclusive evidence is that Q presented themselves as clandestine spokesmen for Trump, and instead of denying it, Trump subtly encouraged it.

Letting some outsider represent the Administration, even unofficially, had potential for disaster. Trump could never have tolerated Q if it weren’t under his control – or vise versa.

Ending Q would have been as simple as tweeting “Who is this Q? He’s bogus.” Trump did the opposite.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Oh dear lord, are we still on this?


Here is the organization pointed at by a congressman as to he thought Q is:

United States Army Intelligence Support Activity (USAISA)

Finally drop this “AF1 Code Change > Q 0 > Q+” into any search engine. You will read about the time Air Force One changed it’s designation to Q0 flying through Missouri air space. The computer cannot display a “+” so a “0” was the closest they could get, because that’s where the plus is on a phone dial.

You have to be ignorant or lying to claim Q was a hoax, and if you believe something put out by BBC, there’s not a lot I can do for you beyond this post. Whether The Plan that we were supposed to trust has failed, is in the process of failing, or is in the process of succeeding is still up in the air.

Corn Pop
Corn Pop
3 years ago

“Make Harry as happy as possible, so when he goes home, he will suddenly feel the clouds descend all at once, the fog roll in, and he will be shocked as he realizes what it is like, and that it doesn’t always have to be that way.”

She will have him calling her hourly to check in or else..

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

Regarding the corona psyop, the not-vaccine and mass testing, etc, Owen Benjamin has a very plausible theory that it’s all about profiling billions of people in order to get matching organs for the billionaires and trillionares that want to live forever, and that the coreana psyop scam of crashing the economy (via useless lockdowns, etc) is about creating dependency so people agree to giving up their organs in order to be able to survive.

He articulates it much better than this, I will post an archive video later and give the time stamp for when he talks about it (it’s part of a 3 hour stream).

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen

It’s at 55 minutes and 10 seconds, very recommended:

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago
3 years ago

The elites would think it unimaginably stupid to let the plebes have any say…

Boy, was I slow to pick up on this. I remember razzing an old fart for not voting back in the ’70’s. Funny though, that I long ago lost faith in the majority sports leagues. I kept seeing thing that I couldn’t reconcile with their words. Then I realized that nobody would let their billion dollar business be run by morons that needed help getting through high school.

This is a very powerful persuader.

3 years ago

“The truth is, none of us have any idea what is in those needles.”

And yet Trump continues to brag about bringing it to us. Between the vaccine talk and his endorsing of Rubio he has lost me.

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Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago

Trump accepted the Steal and walked away. That’s when he lost me.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago


And yet, AC and any number of commenters here are still fully on board the Trump train.

How many times does Trump have to fail before you guys walk away?

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

I agree that it took an enormous amount of guts to stand up and take the endless barrage of sewage spewed out by the establishment. Trump took it and kept swinging, at least while the cameras were rolling.

He also delegitimized the MSM in the eyes of tens of millions.

No small task, to be sure.

Also, based on circumstantial evidence, Trump is a nice guy underneath it all.

There is an interview with a young Trump conducted in 1980 or so, and he comes off as quiet and thoughtful.
That Trump is still there, underneath it all.

All that being said, he made some glaring and rather conspicuous errors in regards to cabinet appointments and never seemed to get a handle on the traitors surrounding him, which was odd in that it kept happening for 4 years.

Again, I was willing to overlook that stuff and much more, but the vaccine insanity is too much, a bridge too far.

That, and walking away from the steal.

That stuff is hard to explain away.

I’m leaning on the possibility that Trump did have DS/Intel backing, but failed to effectively control the WH or his staff, thus convincing his backers that he was not the guy for the job, and they withdrew their support and abandoned him.

Something strange happened after the election leading up to January 6th.

I hope we figure it out someday, but I’m not holding my breath.

The only thing that keeps me going is that there are real white hats outside the U.S., primarily in Russia and Eastern Europe, and they have been consolidated power and making moves behind the scenes.

As someone stated above, we in the U.S. need a Putin. I agree, but I’m not sure the U.S. can produce such an individual.

Trump is definitely not a Putin, but at least we have the real thing over there, and he has made it clear, as have others in Eastern Europe, that they know the people of the U.S. are decent, but that the people running our government are unstable and trying to start WWIII, and Putin is trying to avoid it at all costs.

We need to look past Trump, because he’s not the one.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

Ok, but what about those vaccines?


Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

What you say makes sense. If Trump had easily won the election, most people would still be in denial about how bad things are. Now we all understand all too well — even normal Dems! All around the world. All the conspiracy web sites in the universe could not have proven that.

Sometimes, when the opposing force is huge, it’s necessary to give way a bit before you can proceed. Think Judo, but even more illustrative is trying to screw the very large threaded cap onto a fire hydrant. Ask a fireman. You must always give it a 1/8 turn backwards; the cap then falls into place, and next, you tighten it down. We will win! Or we won’t. Bitching and moaning doesn’t help anything.

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
3 years ago

“My support of Trump is based on the fact I think he is deep down a good guy.”
I think so too. Not evil, but not adequate to do the job that had to be done. It doesn’t really matter why.

Bad advisors, no support, no will – there is no end to the potential explanations, but in the end, he couldn’t/wouldn’t/didn’t do what it took.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

the despair op goes on

Reply to  lastkingofscotland
3 years ago

No way, bro. They are super cereal. They are hella concerned, dude. They are totes betrayed and you should take it personally, fellow conservative white Christian.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

How many times do you have to whine about Trump before you shut the fuck up? No one cares what a bunch of whiny little bitches think. Come back when you grow a pair.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

How many times will AC allow his comments section to be polluted with this foul mouthed, juvenile hack?

AC, you moderate these comments, which means you approve of this clown’s fake tough guy schtick.

By the way, he plays the same game at other conservative sites.

He circles a reasonable discussion on any number of conservative sites and then drops a load of verbal diarrhea on the other commenters, frequently threatening them.

Grow the fuck up.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

You are a coward and a liar, Dave. I have never threatened anyone and I rarely comment anywhere but here. I’m sorry my colorful language has your bow tie spinning, but we are in a fight to the finish with pure evil and we need all the morale we can muster. So I get a little upset when I see people trying to destroy it, which is ALL you do here.

Reply to  Dave, again.
3 years ago

AC doesn’t moderate. He just kicks out the shills and disrupters. Which one are you acting like?

Your concern is noted. Now fuck off.

Dave, again.
Dave, again.
Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

In reply to AC… the only reason people were terrified is because of a daily onslaught of fear porn cranked out by the MSM.

If we had stable, reasonable leaders they would have put the numbers in context, on a daily basis, and told people that weren’t in high risk groups to get on with their lives.

The MSM could do an about face tomorrow and calm the entire country down, but they still engage in non stop fear porn in order to force mass vax compliance.

The vaccines aren’t just neutral, inert therapies. They are a part of an agenda, and I think you know that.

Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

When will you stop worshipping Trumpstein like a little bitch?

Either Trumpstein failed or he was never on your side.

Reply to  E
3 years ago

AC could you explain exactly how the fraud happens in a way that voting doesn’t matter, and how did Trumpie win?

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Max Barrage
3 years ago

“How many times do you have to whine about Trump before you shut the fuck up? No one cares what a bunch of whiny little bitches think. Come back when you grow a pair.”

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The twelve steps of Trump and Q Anonymous.

1. The first step is to recognize that they were powerless over anonymous sources that keep promising,”any minute now” and recognize that they may in fact be a set up to keep you in suspended animation while they vax you to death.

2. The second step is to realize that once you’ve lost power to a bunch that have no problem using power while the people you supported did not…then you are in trouble.

3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of..well anyone would be better than some anonymous 4chan source.

4.Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of what exactly Trump and Q promised and what was actually delivered.

5.Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being that it may well be we’ve been had and Q and Trump were nonsense.

6.Were entirely ready to have all these psychopathic characters running the country removed at any cost.

7.Humbly asked Trump and Q to actually follow through and remove these animals destroying the country.

8.Made a list of all persons that harmed our country and became willing to hang them from light post.

9.Make sure those transgressing against us got what they deserved.

10.Continued to take personal inventory of all these crooked characters and set them up to hang.

11.Sought through prayer and meditation to get God to destroy these devil worshiping, child molesting demons.

12.Having had an awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to people obsessed with the idea that Trump and Q will save us and get them to realize that in fact there may be no one coming to save us.

3 years ago

Those vaccine studies were truly scary.

3 years ago

“Trump predicts that the GOP will take the legislature in 2022, and the White House in 2024.”

He had that for two years and they got boo done.

FFS, Trump has gone full on Boomer ‘tard. He’s just another psyop now. Something happened and he buckled under in his 4th year. Or he always was a psyop, but why give us such a taste of success for three years? Nothing makes sense.

We are well and truly doomed to eternal hellworld. My children are going to grow up as a persecuted minority in their own homeland, or just slaves. Eff Boomers, eff the GOP, eff conservatives and every other feckless surrender monkey that pretended to be righteous. Eff the fags in the military for abandoning their post against domestic enemies. Eff the whole human race, really.

And eff God. If there is a God, he will need to beg for the forgiveness of all good people for allowing an enemy that cannot be defeated. You can’t beat pure evil because it will always cross one more moral line then anyone fighting it. What’s the point of this? What’s the point of tossing good souls into the unrelenting, irredeemable cesspit of filth this world is? We might as well just be given a tour of duty in Hell to learn whatever lesson was intended. Clown World Earth is superfluous.

Reply to  Pointless
3 years ago

Your concern is noted. Collect your shekels on the way out.

Reply to  Pointless
3 years ago

Shut the fuck up, you pussy. Take your whinging somewhere else.

3 years ago

Harry is drained and depressed and stressed right now. If you got transplanted into his body, for just a moment, you would be amazed. But he likely doesn’t know it.

If you have ever had chronic pain that was suddenly cured (most often a chronic toothache) you know exactly what this feels like. When I had a bad tooth that I didn’t get treated (almost a year, thinking back), I had no idea what a drag it was on me mentally and physically. I figured, “eh, I can deal with it.” In fact I could (it’s pretty fun seeing doctors reactions to my pain tolerance) but I had no idea the price I was paying to deal with it.

Getting that tooth pulled rolled my clock back almost 10 years.

Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

The exhilarating feeling of being relieved of a pain that you weren’t aware you were suffering from.

3 years ago

Get Harry’s military buddies there for some laughs and reminiscing.

Triple this. If you have been in the service, never let go of your service buddies. They are a resource you cannot replace, and they need you as bad as you need them. Make a formal plan to meet up regularly, ideally once a year, and stay in touch.

3 years ago

In short, it feels like we are just on the cusp of a freedom which we may not be allowed to attain.

And maybe should not. Remember the Tower of Babel.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Phelps
3 years ago

The Tower of Grabel : D

Johannes Q
3 years ago

A/C, I just finished your r/k book, noticed a few typos and formatting errors. Would you like me to email them to you, for when you do a new edition? I could post them here in a comment, or via email, if you’d like. Book was great, by the way.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago

Torba is right. Jews who are not subversive hate the ADL even more than non-Jews:

3 years ago

I came very late to the Q stuff, pretty I became aware of it during the election steal, after Q stopped posting. I have never heard of Ron Watkins. So today I went to the Wikipedia page to Ron Watkins to catch up.

So this how Wikipedia describes the Q theory as of April 11, 2021:

“QAnon is a discredited far-right conspiracy theory alleging that a cabal of Satan-worshiping pedophiles running a global child sex-trafficking ring is plotting against former President Donald Trump, who is battling them.”

I suppose this is fair enough. I actually agree with the “cabal of Satan-worshing pedophiles running a global sex-trafficking ring part”, since i had figured it on my own years ago. That part actually became pretty clear once the Epstein stuff became public. You don’t need a high level security clearance or insider information, neither of which I have, to figure it out. At the most, you need a willingness to read “discredited conspiracy theory” sites and find them as credible, or more credible, than the mainstream news, which I think people should have been doing after the weapons of mass destruction scam.

The dubious part of Q theory was always the part about Donald Trump battling them. I find this very unlikely. I’m skeptical even if there is a sort of counter-cabal or opposition, though it is hard to believe there is no opposition, and presumably without any opposition the cabal could just reveal itself to the public and operate openly, though they may also prefer the secrecy for satanic cult reasons.

Presume both the cabal and some sort of counter-cabal existed, as a thought experiment. In this world, what happens if the counter-cabal, which is weaker, gets one of its own agents elected President of the United States? The cabal would move quickly to eliminate this person, and the Vice President if needed, likely not even bothering with impeachment and going to assassination. Likely in this world, the counter-cabal would not try this, aware that the President is now a figurehead (this became obvious in November 2020 but was less obvious before). What they might try is to take a Cabal asset who was not supposed to become President, say a politician charged with running in the Republican primaries to disrupt them in support of some Cabal scheme, and get him into the White House. Neither he or the cabal would be prepared for that role, and Cabal coverage of the White House would not be as strong as normal.

The Wikipedia article, despite its slant, makes clear that Watkins has strong IT skills, so he may have figured things out and and even (illegally) gotten access to classified info. According to this theory, Q would be mostly a LARP to make sure that dissidents don’t abandon Trump, after a weak administration, because it is in the counter-cabal interest for Trump to still get as many votes as possible in November 2020, getting so many votes that it leads to exposure of how fraudulent elections are was a bonus. Mission accomplished, Watkins stops posting as Q and moves to Japan.

They are not going after Watkins yet because he left the country, and there is no law about pretending to be a Deep Throat type. At the most he may have gained access to come classified info he wasn’t supposed to have, and it would take time to both build that case and to extradite him. Look how long the Assange persecution is taking.

I’m guessing is that Watkins probably was Q, that Trump was not part of some counter-cabal movement and even thought he was on the cabal’s side, the general gist of the Q stuff was correct and Watkins was even drawing it from mainstream media accounts, and the jury’s out whether there is even a counter-cabal, or if there is one it is strong enough to halt the movement towards totalitarianism.

Reply to  e...D
3 years ago

q is a team of mil intel. keep guessing.

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  e...D
3 years ago

They tried to assassinate Trump on many occasions. Wikipedia? Really? Why not just go to the Washington Post or New York Times?

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago
3 years ago

Cabal’s goal is to make blacks think the case is easily a complete conviction, perhaps only to have Chauvin acquitted for a shock effect. It is possible big things are coming, and Chauvin-riots are a backup plan they are preparing. If so, it could be a good sign for Chauvin.

—>What was the plan behind the Cabal making everyone think Trump would win the election, only to have him lose?

3 years ago

DC capitol area is full of sandbags…

Rex regum veniet
Rex regum veniet
3 years ago

“In Montana, there were 6.3% more votes than there were envelopes, in an all mail-in election, where every ballot had to be mailed.”

I had to look it up, but Trumps margin of victory in 2016 in Montana was 20.4% and in 2020 was 16.4%. A lot of people did move to Montana (mostly from California) but it wasn’t 4% of the electorate. That margin should have been 25 or 30% in 2020.

This signals a few things to me, first our side (right wingers, republicans etc.) just are not active in civic voting processes. We just don’t do it. I don’t know where all of these opposition volunteers come from (of course Cabal is a good answer) but they are just everywhere. Even in Montana they are deep, and in greater numbers than one would be aware.

Second, it really was “all hands on deck” for Cabal last year. Whereas in 2016 maybe some ballots were tampered with in Montana, in 2020 is was significant.

Third, the “all republicans are leaving Cali” meme doesn’t appear to be true. From basic first principles we know that migrators are long-form DRD4 holders and these people tend to vote left. So we are being lied to about right-wingers leaving. These people leaving these crappy states are left wingers, economically burned out, who go right back to their bad old leftist habits once they are in Green Acres or small town Happyville. If confronted they lie about it.

These are pretty much the only ways to explain the 2020 Montana results. Biden was such a weak candidate, but for him to better Hillary from 2016 is farcical.

3 years ago

You know about Smedley Butler and the Plot to Steal the White House, right?

HUAC, Prescott Bush, et. al.

3 years ago

Remember when I said truckloads of equipment showed up at Mar A Lago last month. Well it’s in place now. 😉— GuidoFawkes (@GuidoFawkes1976) April 10, 2021

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Farcesensitive
3 years ago

I have a feeling that Trump offered to pay Torba for a significant upgrade to gab’s capacity, but Torba rightly refused because it would have given control of gab over to someone else. I am NOT happy about both Trump and Lindell firing up their own twitter clones, but IF something is going down this Summer it might be a more efficient way to get the word out without crashing gab in the process. Of course it means that gab will not get the Trump-bump it deserves, but the trade is worth it.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Okay, this is Bootstrappy ep03 with corrected audio. I hope it’s loud enough. I don’t really have much to test it out on right now.


Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Better. 🙂

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

It’s watchable but it needs to be louder still next time.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I can’t believe this is still being debated, honestly.

Okay, here goes – Q is exactly what it was repped out to be, an unofficial invite-only group that investigates/polices US intelligence. That’s why they have it all. Very likely, they cannot use the information in any court because it violates 4th Amendment rules.

So they recruited a guy that wasn’t a total shitbag who could win big enough to defeat the cheating, with a little inside help. Once they had him in place they set to building the infrastructure needed to survive the crash and subsequent reform of the entire system, which we are watching happen in real time. Every part of it, economic, political, legal, academic, entertainment – all of it has now been exposed as hopelessly corrupt. There is no fixing it. Still with me?

Okay, on January 1rst Trump signed something that as of yet is not known exactly what it is, but all indications it’s the key to what’s happening now. It could be bankruptcy proceedings for the UNITED STATES corporation, it could be an order giving FEMA full control, your guess is as good as anyone else’s. But that’s when the anomalies began. CircleBack Jen has admitted that Bidan and Harris are not flying in government aircraft, they fly private, that’s why national security rules of POTUS and VP flying on the same plane can be ignored, according to her.

So where does that leave us? The dollar will probably crash by end of Summer. They couldn’t let it crash while Trump was in office because he would be able to shape the new system, and Trump couldn’t let the crash happen because he needed to get re-elected. So instead Cabal papered over the economic troubles and Trump warned everybody about the cheating and did more rallies than anyone thought possible to drive up voter turnout. The voting machines then cheated Trump out of the win live on international television. This is all still part of the plan.

Q said back in 2019 the next big push for Trump was VoterID, because it was the only way to fix the system. THE PEOPLE had to get involved, not just casting a ballot, but running for offices at every level. You see, WE ARE THE PLAN. Q starts the awakening, the awakened public then goes to action in numbers that cabal systems are not designed to deal with. After all of that, FEMA, or the secret military government or whatever can help out.

The PEOPLE have to do this because if anyone else does it the whole thing gets put right back in place once Trump is gone. That’s what Q meant by safeguarding elections 2020+. Only a fully engaged populace can get fix this at the local level, then the state level, then the federal level. THE PEOPLE HAVE TO FIGHT FOR THIS, otherwise what’s the point?

So you can bitch and moan about Trump(who was Q’s weapon, not the other way around), or you can thank him for playing his part, support those like Jovan Pulitzer who are actively engaged in proving the election fraud in an official capacity which will absolutely domino from Arizona and Georgia to most if not all of the fifty states.

Bitch and moan, or get to work installing America First candidates in the school board, the city council, the county government, the state house, etc. Start getting groups together to grow food while it’s still spring, because the second half of the year is going to be rough. And finally understand that the 2020 election isn’t actually over, as long as audits are being conducted. Those will undoubtedly show that the entire voting system is hopeless and must be torn down and replaced while also showing that Trump is the rightful winner.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

And before you respond with “You said the voting system is HOPELESS!”

It is, currently. If your state puts up the slightest resistance to a full audit of the election totals you know it’s because they are worried you will find the fraud. As it stands right now, your vote is meaningless. However, that MAY NOT BE THE CASE DURING THE NEXT ELECTION, and if you do not have an America First candidate to vote for when the time is right, you can’t vote to install one.

It’s a leap of faith.

God has said that America is NOT going into judgment, but instead shall be DELIVERED at the last moment, and restored to a place of high honor from which the Gospel shall be sent across the Earth much as though it were a bombing run. So you go the place needed and you CARRY ON. You play YOUR PART of The Plan, and PRAY that the others do theirs.

Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

I hope that we are delivered from judgment, but we certainly deserve judgment and are showing no inclination (as a country) to repent. If we are judged, I hope that the folks here are in the remnant.

Bid3n Didn't Win
Bid3n Didn't Win
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

This is a really excellent recap and a great post, thanks, Lowell Houser.

3 years ago

Iran’s atomic energy organization spokesman reportedly suffered an “ankle and head injury” during his visit at the Natanz facility, while Mohsen Rezaei, former IRGC commander just tweeted a new fire has broken out at the nuclear facility.

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser
3 years ago


I happen to find most intriguing the possibility that extraterrestrials are neither aliens nor demons, but an Antediluvian branch of hybrid humans that managed to get off world using tech from the demons. As in the days of Noah takes on a whole new meaning if the Watchers from Heaven to Earth Came set up a space program. It think it’s likely that all the dinosaurs and mythical creatures have as an explanation some sort of hybridization/genetic engineering, so why not aliens? Hoping that full disclosure sheds light on Antarctica, too.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
Reply to  Lowell Houser
3 years ago

Wouldn’t the space mutts be unable to go very far because of the firmament thou?

I remember reading some theories literally more than a decade ago that claimed (or hypothesized) that the aliens (whatever they are) came from the depths of the oceans. Kinda plausible too.


The firmament is the atmosphere:

Chapter 1

6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.

The pre-flood world had a water/ice sphere surrounding it to protect from excess radiation, much of the water for the flood came from that water/ice sphere.

I don’t know if space craft could penetrate the water/ice sphere but it is also possible that pre-Babel advanced technology was used after the flood.

I also wonder just what the builders of the Tower were building it for and why GOD considered it such a threat to his plans that he scattered and divided the people because of it.

I think that pre and immediate post flood people had a mix of technology and what we would consider magic so you have to think beyond our current paradigm and even current sci-fi concepts.

Ghost Who Walks
Ghost Who Walks

There is also a theory that the Aliens have really been huge plasma formations entering our area when the ice sphere degrades from time to time, allowing in the huge plasma activity from the other side of the ice shell, causing world wide chaos, destruction, and death, resetting things back to zilch. Existing world-wide petroglyphic depictions of “aliens” resemble these plasma shapes. Interesting idea, whatever the case, as is the concept that the safest real estate during one of these plasma extinction events is along the 33rd parallel.

Look too at vast, ancient underground excavations in the 33 area, some of them cut from rock and yet melted and fried from many exposures during the ages.

There is a guy, with a girlfriend named Mia, who has laid the whole thing out as to how and why it works and when to know for sure an event will happen. Who knows, but it’s fascinating and certainly possible.

The elites/cabal retain some control between extinction events.

Known as EMPCO, I think.

The couple in question sell the full info, but the basics are available for free and contain enough for intelligent people to figure out all the rest, or so they say. They are also probably wrong in some details, since who is perfect? His name escapes me, but probably easy to find. Maybe Tex knows.

Any ideas on this?

Lowell Houser
Lowell Houser

Offworld doesn’t have to mean other planets. There are other dimensions, after all the text speaks of the first and third heaven, meaning that there is at least three of them. If there is three why not four, or forty?

Machine Trooper
Machine Trooper
3 years ago

Being able to turn on/off certain genes fits one theory for the Mark of the Beast. If they think they can turn off the aging/death part of the code, then he will be able to offer people immortality. “You shall be as gods.” That would be why, possibly, one day people will seek death, but can’t find it. And why those who accept the Mark will not be destroyed in hell; but will suffer torment for all eternity.

LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
LembradorDos6Trilliões. Legio XIII Tubicen
3 years ago