News Briefs – 06/04/2021

Here are some news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Don Jr’s twitter feed embed:

No Q. You can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


National Review confirms Maggie Haberman’s reporting, and says, “Haberman’s reporting was correct. I can attest, from speaking to an array of different sources, that Donald Trump does indeed believe quite genuinely that he — along with former senators David Perdue and Martha McSally — will be “reinstated” to office this summer after “audits” of the 2020 elections in Arizona, Georgia, and a handful of other states have been completed. I can attest, too, that Trump is trying hard to recruit journalists, politicians, and other influential figures to promulgate this belief — not as a fundraising tool or an infantile bit of trolling or a trial balloon, but as a fact.” The writer then cucks in typical National Review style, and calls it a delusion of Trump’s, but they confirm Trump is telling people this. Never forget, William F. Buckley was a full fledged mentally ill degenerate of astonishing proportions, so his operation was comped from the start. But this is good news from Trump. Also, it will raise the question of if he will have been technically elected, meaning maybe can he run for a third term.

Mike Lindell suing Dominion and Smartmatic for ‘weaponizing the litigation process.’ In another interview, Lindell said this will be separate from a “Supreme Court Case” he has coming for later. Complaints are easy to file, all it takes is a filing fee. IMO, the system has been being penetrated for too long, by too sophisticated an operation to be even remotely fair. The best hope you can have is using a variety of the mechanisms out there to try and box in compromised actors so they have to be fair. But even then, perfectly done, nothing is certain. I suspect the real plan is not this, but rather something more complex, coming from a position of force. But we will see. Maybe that already played out behind the scenes, and this is just a show, playing over a system which was already un-compromised somehow, in which case this will just cruise to victory.

Lindell’s complaint is here, and features this evidence of 555,864 votes being switched in five states, which would have yielded a 1,111,728 overall change in the outcome, since Trump lost a vote AND Biden gained one for each vote changed. Byrne says he will vouch for the evidence as solid:

104. In addition, Exhibit 12 showsa subset of 20 documented successful hacks through the election management system in the states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wiscinsin, and Arizona resulting in a total 555,864 votes switched from President Trump to candidate Vice President Biden in the 2020 general election. These hacks came primarily from within China and are identified by the date, location, and the network from which the hack orginated and the location and network that was the target of the hack. The network packets of information flowing from these hacks was capturedand recorded in real time as discussed in the documentary, “Absolute 9-0.”

Mike Lindell presents a new video, Absolute 9-0.

Pennsylvania lawmakers are hopeful for their own audit after touring the Arizona election review.

Yale’s move to rig board elections reveals the bankruptcy of US elites. Every election for anything of power, all over the world was likely fake. The people who got in power in this world were never going to leave their grip on power to whim and chance. No politico of their’s was going to lose power because normies didn’t like them, and no billionaire was going lose control of a business sector because some clever guy built a better mousetrap. Pick a ‘leader’ anywhere, and it is almost a certainty they were appointed. As for Yale’s endowment, it was probably long ago hijacked by the Cabal, for use in its operations, fueling entities it needs fueled, and affecting investments it needs affected.

Vermont Republican Governor seeks to give non-citizens voting rights in local elections. Again, this is just a cover. I don’t think any of the votes counted, at least for the last twenty years. But they were having their leaders give us less and less of what we wanted as time went on, and they needed a cover for why we were getting such shitty leaders who were not what we wanted. Non-citizens voting makes that look perfectly predictable.

An interesting article that features Arizona Secretary of State Hobbs making a big deal the auditing company sent a copy of the Dominion data to a contractor in Montana for analysis. The article also claims that the claim a database was deleted from the voting machines was debunked (it wasn’t), and features Hobbs saying of the data sent to Montana, “These things are all very concerning, and really undermine whatever results they might come up with.” Can you feel the panic?

Jeffrey Epstein prison guards who slept while he ‘committed suicide’ planned to tell court that falsifying records was routine before striking plea deal.

A private security firm hired a high-ranking U.S. Secret Service agent as CEO one week after he ran an intervention on Hunter Biden amid an alleged drug and prostitute binge at a Los Angeles hotel room. It is just a massive network out there, and if you see somebody elected to any position of power, or running some impressive company, chances are they are plugged into it.

US military says UFO sightings by Navy pilots could be aliens or new hypersonic technology from Russian or China but are definitely not from a secret project run by US government, in classified report for Congress. A leak from the coming report. Probably not Russia or China either, which means a covert human splinter-government/society of elites, or “others.”

Scalise and Comer say Fauci must testify about published emails, and the COVID-19 origins. It looks like information is coming to light, brought by an intrepid FOIA activist working against the machine. But that isn’t really how things work. This info is out there on everyone important. I’m not important, and you would be astonished to see how much there is on me and my family in the archives. I had a relative a decade and a half back, lng before r/K, who went through a period of burping prodigiously for long periods while at home, which they would suppress when out in public. I remember them telling me puzzled, they just had strangers around them loudly talking about burping prodigiously for long periods while on a quick jump out to the supermarket. They were surprised by this, but I was clueless at the time, and assumed there might be some new pathogen in people’s GI tracts which was spreading through the population, and it would have everyone burping prodigiously in a few months. Now I know better. I have no idea if that burping was a byproduct of tech deployment screwing up their stomach, but I am certain (based on other times the same relative would tell me of things strangers were talking about in front of them which were specific to their life and recent events) that was Cabal using confidential info from the audio inside someone’s house to screw with them gratuitously while they were out in public. Why, I don’t know. That person was harmless, and wasn’t even a threat in politics or power, or business. If I had the power Cabal’s ground coverage has, I would tread lightly around normies, and be aghast to screw with somebody minding their own business. But regardless, Fauci’s whole story is well known to the machine. None of it will make it into the public domain, unless whoever is holding the marionette strings decides he is going down. None of this is spontaneous, or chance, or one dedicated activist. It is a script the script-crafters decided upon. It might mean whoever is crafting scripts now is on our side.

Rand Paul calls for an independent commission to investigate Fauci and his criminal ties to COVID.

10,000 new Fauci FOIA emails dropping imminently.

U.S. State Department tried to block the investigation of the lab leak at Wuhan.

Former Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield said that after stating his belief on CNN that the virus originated from a lab in Wuhan, other scientists threatened his life. He said these were prominent scientists, some of whom used to be his friends. Not everybody you think is a friend is operating according to their own urges or beliefs. More than you think, are taking orders.

In 1977 a flu broke out in northeast China which eventually spread to Russia and then around the world, killing 700,000 people, and it appears now to have been a lab leak.

Arkansas offering $2 million in incentives for getting COVID-19 vaccine. They really want people to take that vaccine.

Glenn Greenwald, in an article questioning the warehousing and development of deadly diseases, reminds us FBI appears to have slow-walked the Anthrax investigation, and then pinned it on a guy who committed suicide, with possibly erroneous scientific evidence. I used to think somebody wanted to do a test of mailing Anthrax, and they grabbed a flask of Bacillus subtitlis, or some harmless sentinel strain, to use as a proxy for real Anthrax, to see how the spores would spread in the mail system, but they either grabbed the wrong flask, or grabbed a mis-labeled one, and accidently cooked up and sent deadly Anthrax. It would account for the different grades, and the pure grade being of a nature which could only be assembled in a weapons lab, with lab support, and not even by Ivins, alone. But now I wonder if the flask wasn’t mislabeled, or switched on purpose, just to justify bigger budgets and less oversight for intel to watch all Americans. Things were always more nefarious than we would think possible.

Moving truck is seen at Hunter Biden’s $5.4million rental home in Venice Beach as he appears to have moved out of the waterfront property in an area that’s been overrun by the homeless. Even they are not immune to the fucked up nature of what they have created in the country.

George W. Bush Center says amnesty for illegal aliens is ‘essential’ to securing the southern border.

FBI investigate US Postmaster General DeJoy for ‘illegally forcing employees to donate to Donald Trump’s campaign.’ Except the article notes he didn’t, and his employees were only encouraged to donate, usually by other employees. The significant part is he is Trump’s guy, in control of the Post Office, which may be a front for significant surveillance operation, even monitoring citizen’s Social Media posts. And they want to get him out and take that control from him, and give it to a Biden flunkie. But they haven’t yet.

Adult migrant apprehensions in Arizona border sector jump 290 percent.

An extremely rare wildflower that grows only in Nevada’s high desert where an Australian mining company wants to dig for lithium should be protected under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Thursday. It is all planned to weaken us for China, and all these people are getting paid.

Pentagon OKs Chinese drones previously banned over espionage concerns.

Gov. Cuomo’s $2.5 million in legal bills could be paid for by New York taxpayers.

How did a Russian spy ship get advanced notice of a US missile defense test? The article says they were probably tipped off to the test by notices of air and sea closures designed to protect civilians from military activity. However I am wondering if they had some sort of countermeasure they wanted to test out. What are the chances we go 0 for 2, all on our own?

Power companies run by billionaire friends Bill Gates and Warren Buffett have chosen Wyoming to launch the first Natrium nuclear reactor project on the site of a retiring coal plant. Of course that is just the cover story. The reality is more powerful actors than them told them to do it.

European Union unveils plans for a digital identity wallet funded by the EU post-Covid Recovery Package to digitize all European citizens.

Muslims migrants from North Africa are illegally entering and flooding Spanish territory. This is not chance, or natural. There is a highly sophisticated hidden hand behind this, with an agenda.

Iran’s failure to explain uranium traces is a ‘big problem’, says IAEA chief.

House Agriculture Chairman David Scott objected Wednesday to President Joe Biden’s proposal to change the capital gains taxation on inherited property, signaling growing opposition among farm-state Democrats to a change Biden hoped would help to fund sweeping domestic spending proposals.

Denmark already has one of Europe’s harshest stances on immigration, but the wealthy Scandinavian country is set to adopt legislation on Thursday enabling it to open asylum centres outside Europe where applicants would be sent to live.

Republican Rep. Mo Brooks is avoiding a lawsuit from his Democratic colleague Rep. Eric Swalwell over the January 6 Capitol riot — so much so that Swalwell’s attorneys hired a private investigator to find him. If you spend enough time under surveillance, dodging process servers is no problem. Interesting Swalwell can’t just dial up his handler in the network, and get a location on Brooks.

Gun sales continue to surge amid a fear of violence and crime.

Georgia RINOs are in a panic as 500 influential Republicans demand a forensic audit in official letter to the Governor.

With emboldened Republicans at the helm, Texas steers hard right.

Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin therapy at a higher dose improved survival by nearly 200% in ventilated COVID patients.

58% believe ‘it is definitely or probably true’ the Chinavirus originated in the Wuhan lab.

Former White House coronavirus testing czar Admiral Brett Giroir says the Chinavirus was most likely part of an offensive bioweapons leak. He also said there is “no data” to support Dr. Anthony Fauci’s claim of the coronavirus evolving from nature.

Even Daily Mail says, “If COVID-19 did leak from that Wuhan lab, then Trump was right, China needs to be severely punished for mass manslaughter – and Dr. Fauci’s reputation will be destroyed.”

President Trump demands China “pay the world ten trillion dollars” in biological war reparations.

Republican leaders to summit with Trump over conservative agenda. Thank God he loves the country enough to not return to his old life and enjoy it, and he is willing to keep slugging it out.

President Trump will headline the ‘America UnCanceled’ CPAC conference in July tackling ‘Silicon Valley censorship czars and woke school boards’ alongside his rallies.

Spread r/K Theory, because everything is more sophisticated and purposeful than you would think.

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2 years ago

“Every election for anything of power, all over the world was likely fake.”

In the seventh grade, at a small Catholic school that is completely un-noteworthy, the principal pulled me aside on my way into the gym to give a campaign speech, running for student council President. The principal flat out told me that if I went forward with giving my speech, he would ensure that I won, and he looked forward to working with me for the year.

I remember having a weird mix of emotions- appalled at the idea of a rigged election, sure that everyone would know because I wasn’t popular, still wanting to run to try to win on my own merit, and personally offended that the principal both thought I would cheat and that of all the students in the seventh and eighth grade he thought I would be able the most controllable. I didn’t give the speech, awkwardly letting my teacher know I was dropping out of the race and mumbling some silly excuse as to why.

I’m not even sure now how I ended up running. I was aware that I was not one of the cool kids and can’t imagine I had the idea myself.

Fake election thirty years ago, and it was a position of absolutely minimal power. I’d like to think it was a one-off thing, but I’ve been offered other tickets and had other anomalies since. Now I find myself wondering if that principal wanted to me run and join the cheaters club, or if he gave me the out of not delivering the speech because he wanted me to bow out to get out of the way for someone else.

Reply to  Anonymous
2 years ago

In the southern United States, SEC Football Country, there is a database that tracks the progress of youth football players starting at age 5 years old: height, weight, 40 times, number of pushups, and all kinds of metrics no one outside that world would think about.

Thus, if they are doing it for football, why not political potential too? There’s more more money in the political rackets than in sports.

Skip Town
Skip Town
2 years ago

Darn Mr. AC, this below quoted from your brief today is beautiful far as I’m concerned due to how utterly accurate I personally see how compromised and controlled everything is now in cliwn world, you composed a little mini masterpiece of succint wordsmithing that defines so much in such a brief form. It could not be overstated no matter how often it is shared and posted around. And thats what I resolve to do with all and any other good folks. It is one of those things that strikes a cord many can identify with.

Everyone with a care should read this, it could do wonders to bring a consenses in unified perspective across a broad spectrum.
I believe also it resonates in that kind of way which catalyzes the formation of a unique manifest critical thought, a keystone if you will, for people who are not comfortable or have issues eith the approved narratives and cloak of plausible deniability and institutionalized gaslighting, we have as good folks have suffered at the hands of the machine’s social engineers and its network’s hogging io all opportunity and natural discovery, its monoploy of the blessings of our civilization of ordered liberty, over the course of decades, really for many of us, over the course of our entire lives.
They essentially turned us into unwitting slaves, condemned to lives where our merits and energy’s only allowed to blossom to a stage where we could be milked like cows, forever condemened to fenced in horizon’s we are inhibited at every turn thru a myriad of obstructions, controlled by the minions of the network via their petty controls and little phifes and kingdoms within the machine’s domain of corrupt power and influence, the machine, we call our governments at every level and institutions we long trusted.
What suckers we been played for.
Very much, not unlike how in the Matrix regarding Morpheus’s remark to Neo about it being all around us, this control, this system it being so invasive and insidious it is a matrix holding everything we do in a suspension of controls, and how for all who sense something not right and struggle to pit a finger on what IT is, “like a splinter in your mind”… “a prison for your mind that you can not smell or taste or touch”


The peeping perverts are going after my wife and her friends on faceborg these days for the mearest infractions of badthink, just about in realtime, warnings for associating with known badthinkers, minimal faceborg jail times of days, threats of enforcement of thoughtpolicing at the tiniest intimations of resistance or daring to commit the crime of defiance now.
Its quite remarkable to witness my wife’s indoctrination by the machine of the very thing the machine and its network is. Her journey is transformative, its also created a kind of monster, awakened an inner audacity, the very crux if the thing that cabal whishes to genocide in our K Strategist Civilization we call The Republic.

And what you wrote here Mr. AC is just the ticket, at the right moment, to broaden horizons and provide food for a higher level of critical thought process.

You have maintained it is the survieliance state which nust be vanquished, that undermining the machines institutional intrusions and coverage of every facet in the sphere of our activities is fundamentally the prerequisite to winning freedom for our people and ending forever war waged on us to keep us in check and repressing our natural native motive power.

Next to the institutionalized blackmail and the pervasive culture of child slavery and trafficking and its inherent sexual deviation and perversion, as basis for the entire machine’s generational control, nothing as you rightfully contend is more important for us to grasp in its extreme, to comprehend at the least that it is this almost incomprehensible construct infecting everything.

There aren’t many ways to do this.
That too is a feature of the machine and its network. Its just beyond capacity of normative thought, and the programmed state of gaslighting we all no matter how intellegent or not, we are effected by at some level, the trick is how to boost everyone up a notch where things click, and the idea of this machine, operating along the fringes of the shadows of darkness, corruption on a scale, a level most good folks never think about and simply would never consider, well, because we are good folks, and the great paradox is we are as good folks a vast plurality, the machine’s entire purpose now, how its consumed with repressing and ultimately, liquidating our great plurality.

I’m not jawboning here at length for shits and giggles. This is critical to the plurality, it must not just recognize the emmencity of cabal and its evil, the plurality must recognize it is one, and up against the machine, the contrast which is revealed is part and parcel of waking up to the truth of the machine. Kind of it takes a majority to recognize another majority. Paradoxical? Yeah, sure is, when you bend your mind around it all, But it is that little leap in critical thinking thats everything, and once is starts it spreads and the machine can not stop it.
Hearts and Minds.

And the way to it is like your most rxcelkent observational insight, to the point how you crafted it, its composition, that across the bast wild of the open source alt-media universe, ain’t nobody I have read their words sum’s it up so well in digestable form.
It can not be over emphasized.
It can not be over emphasized.
It can not be over emphasized.

Its not for those who have a grasp on the machine and its insidious state.
It is for our brothers and sisters, for the birth and nurture of solidarity, for the creation of preference cascade, evolution of consensus, the bulwark of consent or to be precise in classical reference Anarchy, to the world order and its power, the secession of hearts and minds of The Plurality of American’s.
Seriously. It matters its everything no matter what they tell us no matter how they gaslight us regardless of the false flags and false narratives, it certainly fors matter, for why else does the machine go to the lengths it does to subvert undermine and destroy free thinking and critical thought? Why the machine is so vast, how it infects everything. Its the beast literally come to life writ huge, in the form of the bodies who are the network, the cabalites and glowies who comprise the managerial control, the iron fist power of the machine, which works for the construct, for cabal, yet in itself has become evolved into a beast all its own, a monster in its own right with an agenda organic to it, that it fights to survive as a singularity because it has morphed into its own entity as the servant of cabal.

So here is a Rossetta Stone in plain talk. It applies equally with sublime aplomb to the forrest and the trees.
Something is needed as a universal touch stone, a reference point in the fog of war waged upon us we barely grok:

“Every election for anything of power, all over the world was likely fake. The people who got in power in this world were never going to leave their grip on power to whim and chance. No politico of their’s was going to lose power because normies didn’t like them, and no billionaire was going lose control of a business sector because some clever guy built a better mousetrap. Pick a ‘leader’ anywhere, and it is almost a certainty they were appointed. As for Yale’s endowment, it was probably long ago hijacked by the Cabal, for use in its operations, fueling entities it needs fueled, and affecting investments it needs affected.”

This supposition infects everything around us. It is that simple, the notion which applies from the lowest gangstalker fucking with peoples heads to the senior most actor of the conspiracy deciding the methods of genocide to be employed to murder millions of us good folks simply in their way.

Vox Veritas
Vox Veritas
2 years ago

AC, would you reconsider your use of the Leninist Anti-Sex League use of “they/their” as an all-purpose, de-gendered pronoun? It makes it almost impossible to read your anecdotes, such as your burping relative, and follow the story. Seriously, using that accursed politically correct language strips vital information from the host sentence.

You’re not much younger than me, if my suspicion is correct, and I was taught to use the masculine singular gender as the all-purpose objective/subjective gender unless one specifically refers to a female subject/object.

It really is easier to read and comprehend, allowing an informed mental image. Even if your purpose is to anonymize the subject, that goal is accomplished using the universal masculine singular pronouns.

Besides, men are under assault by globohomofeminazi. We should not erase ourselves from the noble English tongue and a thousand years of its engendered, successful usage.

Example: be aghast to screw with somebody minding [their] (his) own business.

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Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Using he/his when the person’s sex isn’t specified is correct English.

Vox Veritas
Vox Veritas
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago


And thank you!

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Vox Veritas
2 years ago

great comment. I’m guilty of the same thing.

2 years ago

News 2021-06-04 Fri | COVID19: VD suckered; lab leak = limited hangout for bio-attack; Fauci’s fucked; Trumpians rayciss? | Surveillance state | USMIL tribunals continue: Comey’s guillotines | USMIL in Taiwan for WW3

Another Jim
Another Jim
2 years ago

Natrium reactor, back to the future. The Femi sodium cooled reactor south of Detroit was an early nuclear accident.

Reply to  Another Jim
2 years ago

Yeah, I was taking a pretty solid look at their website, and I couldn’t figure out wtf a “natrium” reactor was. Gen IV sodium cooled. OK. So it’s just a brand name?

2 years ago

> George W. Bush Center says amnesty for illegal aliens is ‘essential’ to securing the southern border.

Funny, as I remember it GWB had “do something to stop illegal aliens” as part of his election platform. Maybe that’s why he never actually did anything…

The Uniparty *really* wants illegals.

2 years ago

Fisking VD’s latest COVID19 folly — US autoconspiracy and CCP malice aforethought

Max Barrage
Max Barrage
Reply to  Littlebook
2 years ago

Why post that here and not on VD’s blog?

Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago

> Why post that here and not on VD’s blog?

I did, and the mods censored it, as they usually do when I criticize him.

VD hides behind the gamma excuse, but the reality is that he is too old and busy to even follow the topics he writes about, much less defend his belt like he used to.

This is the “cashing in” period where he’s coasting on old credibility and SEO/brand seniority. And why not? Compare to what else is popular…

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

When King David swooned in battle, his soldiers insisted that he cease to fight personally. I will stop calling VD senescent when he stops saying ridiculous things such as that it’s absolutely certain that COVID19 is actually an influenza virus. VD can continue to provide his usual commentary without personally braving the fog of war, and will thereby preserve his credibility and moral authority. That is how an elder ages gracefully.

By criticizing VD, I can criticize you all, because he is the strongest example available. Don’t think I seek to isolate him and appeal to you; I condemn you as far weaker through him.

Reply to  Max Barrage
2 years ago

Secret king HAS to post it somewhere doesn’t he, the world needs to know that VD is old, busy and full of folly, and Leo is the man to tell it.

2 years ago

FYI on the election reversal stuff, and I have posted this before.

The normal remedy for courts finding fraud in an election is to order a new election. This was done during the Trump administration for a Congressional election in North Carolina. It is not to simply declare the declared election night loser the winner. New elections would apply if the Arizona Senate and two Georgia Senate elections in 2020 were found to be fraudulent, and there are a number of congressional races where this would apply.

The problem with doing this for the election of the US president, as well as the vice president, is that neither official is really elected. The president is chosen by an electoral college which is assembled for that specific purpose, and disbands once Congress certifies that the electoral college has been selected and voted properly under the relevant state and federal laws. Its been customary in all states, starting in the 1880 presidential election, for voters in every state to vote on that state’s slate of electors, but this is actually not necessary. The electoral college is not an ongoing body, unlike a legislature, and only exists legally when it votes.

So there is no way to reverse a fraudulent presidential election. People keep thinking this way because they think the president is elected by popular vote, though you would think that in the 21st century people would know better. You could order the electoral college to vote again, but Congress already certified the results, and this doesn’t change the makeup of the electoral college. Since the electoral college already voted and the results were certified, you can’t order a revote for the electors, who do not need to be elected in the first place. The only remedy for a fraudulent presidential election is to refer the evidence to the House of Representatives, so it would consider impeachment. Taking the oath of office when you know the election was fraudulent is reasonable grounds for impeachment.

Reply to  e,D
2 years ago

If the Electors were selected in fraudulent elections then the EC that chose Biden was illegitimate and so was Congressional certification.
Current law says that Electors are elected so the fact that they don’t have to be selected that way is irrelevant.
The obvious solution is to reconvene the true Electors and certify the real result in Congress.

Reply to  e,D
2 years ago

So there is no way to reverse a fraudulent presidential election. People keep thinking this way because they think the president is elected by popular vote, though you would think that in the 21st century people would know better.

There is a mechanism, but it is convoluted. Trump has to be made Speaker, and then Kamala and Biden (in that order) have to resign or be impeached.

I think a coup would be easier and less messy.

2 years ago

“An extremely rare wildflower that grows only in Nevada’s high desert where an Australian mining company wants to dig for lithium should be protected under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said Thursday.”

Potential code here…desert plant described as buckwheat which is six inches tall whose population was mysteriously reduced by a rat infestation during last seasons extreme drought and cannot be moved for a lithium mine because it has very specific soil conditions.

“Water” is a common code for “flow of information”. Examples would be articles about sea levels rising (information being gathered), ice bergs melting (frozen, or classified, information being released), comets and their vapor trails (timed info release….remember Atlas comet at the outbreak of covid). Coffee refers to fake news (info which is brewed), etc etc. And who can forget Trumps famous gulps of water? In this case, we have a “drought” event and “desert plants”

“Plants” are a common code for “assets”. The kind of plant or tree often has additional info. Think of Obama’s presidential portrait, six fingered surrounded by plants (six being a cabal identifier). In this case, we have “buckwheat” which is a “cover crop”

“Soil”-conditions to grow “plants”

“Rat”-to snitch or otherwise betray.

“Lithium” is also the name for a drug used to treat “bipolar disorder” (flipping) and reduce “suicide risk”

A decision was “six” months overdue, but the company, Ioneer, issued a public statement that it is committed to the plants protection.

Quick dig into Ioneer…their logo design manages to say a lot. Green to Blue color code (plant-water = asset-info pipeline), with the “o” as a diamond ring (rings=cooperation, alliance (wedding)

Company also mines “Boron”, a mineral which is essential to building and maintaining cell walls in plants.

Article seems to be part of an ongoing conversation, following up on earlier stories on this topic from the past year around the mystery of the missing plants, noted as numbering “17,000”. Well, well, well….

“Learn double meanings”-Q

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“US military says UFO sightings by Navy pilots…which means a covert human splinter-government/society of elites, or “others.””

If it’s aliens, why can we see it on radar or visually?

We can right now block radar and we have some materials that bend light around objects(meta-materials) so aliens with at a minimum of thousands of years of advanced tech should be able to be invisible at the very least to radar. We even hear the Russians can defeat the radar of Aegis ships so why would the aliens be so inept.

Because it’s not aliens.

I’ve said over and over that there’s many different types of reactions in more than one type “device” that seem to give off “inertia waves” that can push against the universe without expelling matter and drive vehicles.

Could be this is the easy part and they could get a few scientist to cobble something together but the radar part and making it invisible take a lot more work so they haven’t mastered that yet.

Why are they zooming around…to let the military know they are a threat they can’t stop. Blackmail. If the military has any sense at all they will have break neck program to build a “inertia drive” interceptor with a super fast gun to blast these people. I bet this thing has no defense at all except it’s fast.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Sodium cooled reactors are stupid. If you’ve seen a tiny amount of pure sodium react to water, huge blast, then you know why. Look at the end of the video.

If even the slightest leak of the reactor sodium reaches water the whole thing will explode. It’s dumb to count on something never going wrong if when it does there’s a spectacular explosion.

Talk about tech canceled to degrade us or make us poorer there were reactors called Molten salt reactors.

These use a fluoride salt that operates at atmospheric pressure so there’s no big pressure in the reactor to blow up and even if the whole thing is destroyed and the salt runs out on the ground it would freeze as soon as it got out of the core and stop reacting. They ran these in a reactor for aircraft and in a ground based reactor for years and then cancelled the whole program for…you guessed it a sodium reactor that could explode. Meaning it would never get built in large quantities as any fool can see it the water lines broke and water mingled with the sodium, huge explosion.

So the monopolist in oil and coal could never be threatened.

The idiots that did this of course gave every bit of research to the Chinese. The son of the President of China came over and toured Oak Ridge and they showed him all this stuff but at the end of the tour he said, well that’s fine but can we get copies of all the molten salt reactor test, and they gave it al to him. It’s all they wanted.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…So there is no way to reverse a fraudulent presidential election..”

Yes I agree according to the rules this is a done deal and I said so after the Congress and the VP betrayed us. They could have refused to certify the vote as it was fraudulent.

The best way to change this is for Trump to be elected in the house, impeach Biden and Kamala and put him in the presidency.

2 years ago

Bibi admits that all Western “right-wing” political parties are nothing but Israeli assets, engineered to serve Israel first, and not the Western people:

In other words, traitors.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

“…certain people have what he called a divine spark, which I took to mean some weird combination of luck, divine providence, psychology, and natural ability,..”

Immediately came to mind Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus in Rome,(good show)

Caesar said they should be kept close or something to that effect because the Gods favored them.

Sam J.
Sam J.
2 years ago

Looking around I found a link on the worlds oldest existent joke book. Philogelos (from the Greek “Funny”) – a collection of 265 jokes divided into specific fields eg: teachers and sages, eggheads and fools or jokers and drunkards. The book was written in Greek in the 4th century CE. here’s a few.

I really liked this one.

#43. When an intellectual was told by someone, “Your beard is now coming in,” he went to the rear-entrance and waited for it. Another intellectual asked what he was doing. Once he heard the whole story, he said: “I’m not surprised that people say we lack common sense. How do you know that it’s not coming in by the other gate?”

Even way back then intellectuals were known for having no common sense.

Some provincial man has come to Rome, and walking on the streets was drawing everyone’s attention, being a real double of the emperor Augustus. The emperor, having brought him to the palace, looks at him and then asks:
-Tell me, young man, did your mother come to Rome anytime?
The reply was:
-She never did. But my father frequently was here.

– Macrobius, Saturnalia, 2.3