A Commonality Between NeverTrumps and Liberals

NeverTrumps make one last stab at derailing Donald:

In a brief period of excitement (especially for completely unbiased John Harwood), Republican factions trying to stop Donald Trump’s nomination noisily disrupted a vote on party convention rules. But, as The Hill reports, the Republican National Committee ignored the outcry from the angry delegates and adopted the convention’s rules by a voice vote, rebuffing shouts by those looking to mount a last-ditch effort to sink Donald Trump…

The disruption Monday on the first day of the convention was the first sign of fracturing within the party ahead of the presumptive Republican nominee’s appearance in the hall Monday night to introduce his wife, Melania.

Former Senator Gordon Humphrey says he filed requisite signatures from nine delegations to force roll-call vote on Rules. Humphrey, a New Hampshire delegate, said he’s not confident RNC staff has “courage” or “independence” to “stand up” to pressure from Trump organization to disallow or ignore petitions.

Humphrey, who opposes Trump’s nomination, called the presumptive nominee’s supporters “brown shirts” during an interview with MSNBC.

“They act like fascists,” Humphrey, who represented New Hampshire for two terms in the U.S. Senate, said.

Then we have the Bushes:

For the first time in 40 years, and only the second time since 1956, not a single member of the Bush family is taking part in the Republican National Convention.

Neither of the two former presidents, George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush, nor former Florida governor and 2016 candidate Jeb Bush, are in Cleveland for the party’s convention now underway. Even the rising star of the Bush political dynasty, Texas Land Commissioner George P. Bush, who first spoke at a convention at the age of 12 in 1988, is skipping.

The thing which is most galling, is how many times the Bushes handed advantages and compliments to the Democrats as they refused to fight with them, as a way of demonstrating their magnanimity and bipartisanship. However when the conservatives they claim to support and represent choose to nominate somebody other than a member of their family, they snub the entire affair. Then they publish op-eds in commie rags like the Washington Post, stabbing the chosen conservative nominee in the back, in a way they never attacked any liberal. It is very telling. They obviously align philosophically more with liberals than conservatives.

What I notice most about the NeverTrumps though, is that in every election, when the Cuckservatives effectively stuck us with an establishment candidate, the conservatives accepted that they were beaten within the system. They respected the rules which they had fought under. When McCain or Romney got enough delegates, conservatives may not have been happy, they may not have thought those candidates could win, but they respected that they had fought under the rules and lost. You never see a conservative try to upend the rules of the game to get what they want. Conservatives never cheat.

Liberals are different. To a liberal, there are no rules or honor, there is only what irritates their amygdala, and what might relieve it. If they fight and lose under the rules, but could break the rules and win, they will. They will sue, perform vote fraud, lie, cheat, steal, and manipulate the system in any way they can. What is paramount, is getting their way.

It is hard to deny that through their willingness to disregard the rules of the competition, the Never Trump people show a strong tendency common to liberals – the desire to get what they want, no matter what their techniques would indicate about their lack of honor, integrity, trustworthiness, and basic fairness.

The problem they have is that as K-selection takes hold, the K-selected party is going to demand those attributes more than ever.

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7 years ago

[…] A Commonality Between NeverTrumps and Liberals […]

7 years ago

The Bushes are liberals who are willing to openly start wars on behalf of Israel. That’s why the 2000 election had to be adjusted for Bush, instead of Gore–because Iraq had to be invaded, and even though the moron voters tried to elect another Clintonian democrat, there needed to be a “conservative” in the White House upon whom the blame for the actual invasion could take place.

The Bushes will hold hands with the Semitic Saudi rulers, wear cowboy hats, and invade whatever Israel says needs invaded.

Mudak Pizdobol
Reply to  higharka
7 years ago

What a retarded comment. What does Israel have to do with any of this? You Jew-haters are absolutely insane.

Reply to  Mudak Pizdobol
7 years ago

We can observe here how the trained reaction to being willing to see Semitic ethnic cooperation elicits a reaction similar to that of an r-strategist contemplating the elimination of welfare to drug-using single mothers. The behavior in question is abundantly clear in either case: if you feed, house, and entertain single mothers and whatever offspring they may produce, there is very little motivation (for some kinds of people) to ever change. That government check continues showing up, and the welfare-recipient is able to continue paying rent (sometimes), use EBT cards to buy crap at the convenience store, get treatment at the ER, and never face the prospect of “working or starving.” Questioning this system–the right of the government to force hard-working people to subsidize non-hard-working people–is typically met with an ad hominem attack.

Israel’s involvement in American politics is similar. Billions upon billions of dollars go from American taxpayers to Israeli recipients every year, subsidizing not only a military, but the domestic housing and infrastructure development of this tiny country half the globe away. America’s bridges, roads, and train systems crumble, America’s power infrastructure is outdated and vulnerable, and still, Israel receives those multi-billion-dollar checks every year, spending American taxpayers’ money on its own brand-new buildings, heavily secured power facilities, military checkpoints, and walls.

China has a billion people, India has a billion people, Russia has 143 million people, and each of those nations covers vast swathes of the globe, and Russia and China are rich and very powerful, and yet, whenever American politicians are trying to get elected, they’re forced to shuffle in front of Israeli lobbyists and profess undying loyalty to this tiny little welfare country that can’t hold together its own borders or feed its people without endless mountains of American cash. Our court system, national legislature, university professorate, policy advisers, and corporate boards are riddled with dual-citizenship Israelis living in our countries, who routinely provide military secrets and technology to Israel, then ensure that those of their spies who are convicted get light sentences, pardons, and are released to Israel where they are welcomed as heroes. The Israelis inside our government enact policies that protect Israel at any expense, often pissing off the rest of the world. In the case of George W. Bush’s presidency, his administration’s exorbitantly high ratio of Israeli Zionists engaged in a years-long fabrication of another war with Iraq, just as Barack Hussein Obama’s administration did in Libya, thereby infuriating many of America’s non-leeching allies, exposed America to more than a decade of terrorism, and opened the rapist-floodgates to Europe.

More than 1/3 of our judicial system is headed by Israelis, and European American majorities cannot pass laws protecting their children from child molestation without being “overruled” by Israelis interpreting our Constitution. American voters are denied the right to pass anti-discrimination laws against affirmative action, or to pass pro-discrimination laws against homosexual adoption, by Israelis, who then support the opposites of those laws in Israel, preferencing Israelis for jobs and barring interfaith marriage.

It’s impossible to speak too much about how much influence Israel has over its welfare-host America. And yet, like the welfare single mom pumping out her seventh child from a faceless baby-daddy, pointing out the parasitic nature of Israel’s treatment of the U.S. causes many Americans, conditioned by years of Hollywood and Department of Education propaganda, to squeal like little piggies and demanding that you stop noticing how many dozens of neocohens surrounded Dubya.

Reply to  Mudak Pizdobol
7 years ago

Condemning any critic of Israel as Jew-hating might have once worked on me, but not any more.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  higharka
7 years ago

Jew-haters hate Jews because Jews do hateful things. Jews have been thrown out of every single country they’ve been in substantial numbers. What he’s talking about is 9-11. A specific example is building #7, not hit by a plane, that fell the same speed as a rock dropped in mid air. This means the lower floors of building #7 had the same density as air. We all know this is not true so the only logical explanation is the lower floors were demoed out from under the building.

“Any people who have been persecuted for two thousand years must be doing something wrong”-Henry Kissinger