Debate Prep – Hillary’s Best Amygdala Hijack

Trump is watching videos of Hillary’s debate performances to prepare for the debate.

Mr. Trump is largely shunning traditional debate preparations, but has been watching video of Mrs. Clinton’s best and worst debate moments, looking for her vulnerabilities.

A reader emailed, pointing out he likely looking for triggers that hit her in the past, intending to hijack her amygdala, rather than focus on facts and detailed arguments. I agree completely, and knowing how masterful Trump is in psychology, he will find them.

There is one case I am aware of where her amygdala was hijacked in public, producing a emotional snap reaction, and I hope Trump’s people are reviewing it.

After being pressed today by Republican Senator Ron Johnson to explain how it was that over the course of weeks, the Obama Administration stood by an absurd story claiming that four Americans were murdered in Libya due to a spontaneous protest gone bad, outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton played the indignation card.

Because she obviously had no answer to justify the ongoing White House deception, Secretary Clinton chose theatrics over a straight answer and clarity:

“With all due respect, the fact is we have four dead Americans. Whether it was because of a protest or because guys outside for a walk one night decided to go kill some Americans. What difference at this point does it make?”

Hillary immediately saw the mistake the moment the words left her lips, and backtracked with a statement about how important it was to figure out how it happened, and make sure it never happened again. But for a moment, she lost control.

That was the one time I have seen Hillary’s amygdala burn explode into a conflagration which she could not contain. Everything which preceded it must be considered as among the additive stimuli which produced that cumulative overload.

I was watching video of Hillary several months back, when she was on stage with Bernie. She was in much better health and you could see her mental function and amygdala operation was far superior. I have no idea if her health was always going to deteriorate on this schedule, or whether, as would appear to be the case, the moment she began to face Donald her health collapsed. But I have no doubt that her amygdala is in vastly worse shape that is was when she made that critical faux pas.

The stimuli which set Hillary off will be very simple, in the end. First, is criticism. Her father was a harsh judge, so any alpha male showing her, gratuitously, where she made mistakes and failed will be immensely triggering – all the more so when the examples will clearly demonstrate that failure to the crowd of observers. Her documented involvement in the Arab Spring that has savaged the entire Middle East would be a good example. Playing up her “stupidity” in destabilizing the region, and the unarguably apparent destruction such incompetence produced will drive her nuts.

Envy triggers will also be of immense use. Melania being young and beautiful, and effortlessly being a popular First Lady will drive her crazy. Obama having stolen her real shot a the Presidency and spot in history, back when George Bush just left it hanging there will also work. Trump’s perfect health and vitality at this crucial moment will drive her nuts. Donald’s popularity and bullet-proofness with the public is also “unfair.”

Lack of power. Nothing will abort the narcissist’s amygdala hijack like any imagery conferring power or potency upon them drifting through their amygdala. This can be as simple as their opponent appearing upset or frustrated, or as complex as referring to them as evil – a word which carries with it some air of power. Narcissists must constantly be reminded and focused upon their impotence, and all imagery which flows through their amygdala must reinforce this. Everything Hillary has done, all the money she has spent, and she is still being effortlessly defeated, time and again by a man who has spent almost nothing, and who the public will support even despite the media’s non-stop attempts to destroy him. Her fainting at the 9/11 memorial service, being dragged to her van in a state of paralysis is another example of something which will enrage her, if it drifts through her amygdala as an image representative of who she is.

Interruption – among the most potent. Place her on a path of trying to focus on coming up with something in her mind, and interrupt her minorly – not enough to shift her focus completely from the task, but enough to divert her focus in such a way as she cannot think clearly about it – and do it again and again, and it will be immensely irritating. Rabbits are not designed for difficulty.

Violation of expectation. What does Hillary expect? Easy resources, and effortless ascension to power. Respect, deference, idolization, control, and an active effort by everyone to not trigger her amygdala. Violate those, and she will expect shame, embarrassment, contrition, apology, and so on. If she is denied that, she will expect the crowd to turn on her enemy, and punish them with failure. Violate all of that with a crowd cheering her opponent when he does those things, and what you will get is what we have seen – Hillary unable to cope, and physically breaking down right in front of us. Trump’s success is a reality she cannot deny, and it must infuriate her. Emphasize its unfairness.

Add in the physical triggers, like eye contact (very important), physical touching, bright flashbulbs from cell phones, sudden loud noises, strange smells (such as if somebody smeared something smelling horrible on their shoes, and then walked around her podium, leaving it on the floor), still facing, even happiness and laughter, or any other amygdala triggering stimulus, and you will get the full amygdala hijack.

I wanted to say that Trump will need to tread lightly. Hillary is very damaged, and I would not push her over the edge in the first two debates. He should watch her hands – I think her problems may begin there before moving to the rest of her body. If she made a strange fist, or held the wrist at an odd angle, began to tremble, or began to look too glassy eye’d or panicked, I thought he should back off on the conscious attempts to trigger her and simply passively dominate her on facts.

Then again, Trump will open the debate with Gennifer Flowers in the front row, so obviously Trump intends to follow a different path – beginning the debate with a nuclear amygdala hijack, and going on from there.

It will be fun, even if Trump is not prone to seek out the easiest path to victory.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Anxiety, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Debate Prep – Hillary’s Best Amygdala Hijack […]

brick house
brick house
7 years ago

> shunning traditional debate prep

I’ve heard that he spent 5 hours with Rudy Giuliani peppering him with tough questions.

7 years ago

How medicated do you think team Hillary will have her?
Seems a fine line to walk, enough to keep coughing other problems from occurring low, yet not enough to dull her too much. How much of an effect on triggering her can medication have?

DD More
DD More
7 years ago

In view of your request – “Please consider helping to spread this theory by telling others about this site. ” I have posted to several blogs, my ideas for Trump.

How to Debate the Crooked.

There is some limited evidence that individuals process incoming information differently. It has been shown that those with low dopamine function tend to show high levels of activity in parts of the brain associated with self awareness, social behavior, and perceptions of environment, and that this is different from those with high dopamine function, who tend to be more task-focused and rule oriented in matters of competition. If, as we assert, Liberals exhibit lower dopamine function, this would explain our inability to reach consensus in debate, even when facts are clear, and conclusions inevitable.

If true, Conservatives will instinctively fail to meet the Liberal on the correct elocutionary battlefield, for it will not be enough to simply be correct. One must also focus upon preventing the Liberal from feeling as if they are amassing consensus around their false premise.

By combining these strategies, one will acquire the support of both those who base their decision upon logic, as well as those who base their decision upon the consensus of the masses. It will be only through these means that one maximizes the support within the populace for Conservative principles and values. It is my hope that this distillation of Liberal debate techniques, and the purposes they serve, will aide in this.

Take an expample of “Mike Wallace Debates a Marine” –

First,.. Colonel Connell goes straight for the Liberal jugular, and simply describes his gut emotional reaction to Wallace’s position, and implies it should be every other individual’s response as well.

Second, and even more important, Colonel Connell “out-groups” Mike Wallace. Wallace isn’t in the in-group anymore – he is a traitor on the outside of our group. Liberals are innately programmed to fear this.

This is devastating to the Narcissist’s necessary self-image of being the superior individual (a similar trait to the Liberal’s need to feel superior to the Conservative in some fashion, despite their laughable patheity). Notice, Colonel Connell presents this with no debate, as almost an irrelevant afterthought to another, more important issue. Most people wouldn’t even register it, but Wallace did, and even worse, he never even got to argue with the portrayal. Deep down, every Liberal ideologue knows they are a psychological pansy in a species which reviles such – and the characterization hurts them far more than we can imagine.

Colonel Connell also reinforced this effect through his use of the word contempt. The words angry, saddened, infuriated, etc all portray to a Narcissist (and a Liberal ideologue) their own power to evoke such emotions in their adversary, as well as their adversary’s ability to be emotionally unbalanced and controlled.
Always denigrate the Liberal’s importance and power within the social environment, and never imply they are important enough to warrant a real emotion.
In the language of Heartiste, this would be referred to as “frame.” You are so awesome, and the Liberal such a pathetic peon, you really could care less about them, beyond a passing feeling of contempt when they cross your radar.

Many have noted that Narcissists are like children. Offer them two options to explain their behavior, both bad, and those are the only two options they will see. “Either you are [bad option one] or you are [bad option two]? Which is it?” Whatever it is about their personality quirk, this will trip them up quite reliably, especially if you offer some fact, however tenuous, supporting the idea that one of the two bad options must be true. I have used it, and it is incredible how they will limit their thought processes to the two options, and panic if neither is acceptable. They actually do not have the ability in the midst of debate to find their way to a third option which would rescue them from their conundrum.
Of course, Colonel Connell’s’ delivery, totally unemotional, with slit thin eyes delivering a death stare of hatred, was perfect. It even carried just the right amount of a subconscious air of violent conflict. Not so much Wallace could portray Colonel Connell as an extremist who might kill him, but enough Wallace knew that a battlefield execution for such disloyalty might be a possibility in Colonel Connell’s world.

The ‘Tell’ it is working. since it is established that those with amygdala damage cannot make eye contact, or even examine the areas around another person’s eyes to gather emotional cues.

Hope to see DJ put to use.

DD More
DD More
7 years ago

And an earlier restated idea.

Is Hillary Having Seizures, Due To Amygdala Insufficiency? – Posted on July 23, 2016 by Anonymous Conservative
Then she was placed under the mild amygdala strain of the interview, invasion of space and cameras. Once her amygdala was so loaded, she experienced a startle stimuli, involving noise, suddenness, and surprise which startled her, surged her amygdala into action, and triggered what appears to be a minor series of uncontrolled muscle spasms.

So how could Trump use this? There are two major ways, the white hat methods, and the black hat methods.

The black hat methods to trigger her amygdala would be more along the lines of stuff Roger Stone would do. This would involve organizing the audience to take pictures with smart phones at unexpected times, just as Hillary looked at them, to hit her with sudden and unnerving flashes of light. Knowing Stone, he would probably alter the cameras with flash strobes that were fifty or a hundred times as bright and more focused, to really hit the unexpected and extreme buttons. Sudden and unexpected sharp outbursts of organized applause and cheering could also hit the loud noise and surprise buttons. Weird movements in the crowd, explicit hand gestures, uncomfortable eye contact and still facing by the audience, and other things done by the crowd that are designed to split Hillary’s focus as she is trying to concentrate, would also trigger and overload her amygdala. Few things can trigger the amygdala of a focused person like splitting their focus with some seemingly meaningless stimulus as they try to concentrate on something they see as important.

Pre-tested by PETA. Crooked Freeze Frame rally. Thanks for the conformation.

A complete debate tactics based on Liberal emotion responses. Preface to a 7 part series, with examples and Strategies for freezing and out-grouping a liberial.