European Rabbits Begin To Wake Up

Austria prepares to build a fence:

Not holding back! Austria begins work for HUGE fence along length of Hungarian border

AUSTRIA has begun preparation work for a fence which could quickly be erected along its border with Hungary.

The fence could be put along the crossing that hundreds of thousands of migrants used during a wave of arrivals a year ago.

The preparations, which involve burying vertical pipes in the ground into which fence poles can be inserted, began on Monday but a decision whether to put up a fence has not yet been reached, a police spokesman said.

The decision wasn’t even finalized, and the construction has already begun, meaning they allocated the monies first, figuring once it is up, getting approval for it will be easier. Wolves are taking charge.

It is amusing that Europe will come out of the migrant crisis even more fractured than it was before the formation of the EU, with actual walls separating the nations.

Meanwhile in Germany there are signs that Merkel’s amygdala angst is beginning to be attached to the migrants:

ANGELA Merkel has taken Greece to task over its failure to process thousands of migrant claims and reluctance to send failed asylum-seekers back to Turkey.

More than 60,000 asylum-seekers are trapped in overcrowded Greek camps where they are forced to live in squalid conditions and are in constant danger of violence and exploitation.

Clashes between refugees of different nationalities have become commonplace in shanty towns on the eastern Aegean Islands where migrants making treacherous journeys across the sea from Turkey usually land.

Mrs Merkel is reported to have raised her concerns with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras when they met at a migration summit of European leaders from ten central and southeastern countries…

One diplomat present at the summit told the Financial Times: “She was tough. She has had enough of the excuses.”

Meanwhile the more wolf-like are getting even more wolf-like:

HARDLINE Hungarian leader Viktor Orban has insisted HUNGARIANS alone will chose “who they want to live with” and that it’s none of Brussels’ business.

Mr Orban showed no signs of softening his stance on immigration as Hungarians prepare to go to the polls in a referendum on the EU’s controversial refugee quota system.

Voters will be asked: “Do you want the European Union to be able to mandate the obligatory resettlement of non-Hungarian citizens into Hungary even without the approval of the National Assembly?”

And Mr Orban, a longstanding and fierce critic of the EU’s response to the migrant crisis, expects the answer to be an overwhelming No.

Everything in the political system is self-balancing. Yin has within it the seed of Yang. The more the left tries to force rabbitry upon everyone, the more they will hasten the splintering and the ultimate arrival of K. Had they left the migrant issue alone, the populations of Europe would be much less in-grouped, much more wealthy – and the arrival of K would have been much farther off.

The rabbits just couldn’t leave well enough alone, and now there are walls, hostility, xenophobia, and a rapidly approaching economic apocalypse.

And the real fun is yet to come.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Economic Collapse, Europe, Immigration, In-grouping, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Politics, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Splintering. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] European Rabbits Begin To Wake Up […]

7 years ago

“It is amusing that Europe will come out of the migrant crisis even more fractured than it was before the formation of the EU, with actual walls separating the nations.”

So the EU really just delayed the inevitable?

DD More
DD More
7 years ago

Hungarian leader Viktor please keep channeling Vladimir the Impaler and keep your people safe.

roger locke
7 years ago

Times are changing, German Mayor beaten after welcoming migrants:

But Merkel stays the course:

What would happen to Merkel if she did not have all the security?

Reply to  roger locke
7 years ago

A. What SHOULD happen!