Gun Ownership Still Rising

Every time we set a record, it is broken in another month:

The number of gun-owning households in the United States appears to be on the rise.

At least 44 percent of American homes now have guns compared to 51 percent without, according to research released Friday by the Pew Research Center…

Requests for FBI background checks have reached record levels in 2016, indicating demand for firearms will also continues to rise.

In 2014, just 31 percent of households reported having a firearm, tying with 2010 for the lowest numbers in the past 40 years, revealed a 2015 research by the NORC at the University of Chicago.

There is no way gun ownership was at a low in 2014. Trust in government was at a low with Obama in office, so lying on surveys asking if you own a gun was at a high. Notice also that each low occurred 2 years into an Obama term. That makes the current numbers even more encouraging, because it indicates the rise in ownership is all newbs who haven’t yet learned that you always lie to big brother. I myself am among the most ardent antigunners who would never own a gun – this is just my impression of the gun culture.

I’ll bet if you had the real numbers, at least 55% of households have a gun, and the number could be as high as 75%. This is human machines detecting what is coming, and remolding their cognitive processes to function in the new reality.

Of course, for consideration in the apocalypse, 4 or 5% of those gun owners could be criminals, gangbangers, and others who also know that you don’t admit to anything if you don’t have to. Of course they are probably concentrated in liberal areas, surrounded by unarmed rabbits.

They are somebody else’s problem – and what a big problem they are going to be.

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7 years ago

[…] Gun Ownership Still Rising […]

7 years ago

Could it have been more than a month ago when you cited an article saying gun ownership was declining – and you flat out called it a lie?

I can’t even believe they tried peddling that nonsense in the face of the greatest gun run up in human history.