Hillary Declines To Comment On NYC Bombing, Trump Opens With It – Mortal Salience Stimulus

Both are making copious uses of the science behind political associations:

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said late Saturday night that it is important to “know the facts” before drawing conclusions about incidents such as the explosion in New York City.

Clinton told reporters in the back of her campaign plane en route from Washington to New York state that she had been briefed on the episode, which she referred to as a bombing, wanted to be supportive of first responders and was praying for victims.

Asked what she thought of her Republican opponent Donald Trump immediately referring to the explosion as a bomb earlier Saturday night, Clinton said: “I think it’s important to know the facts about any incident like this.”

Donald opened with it at his speech, and highlighted that, “nobody knows what is going on,” because he knows that threat and mortal salience stimuli make people tend to view conservative policies positively – even policies unrelated to threat, like abortion and a desire for freedom. Hillary knows this too which is why she wants to change the subject.

Another observation. Hillary looked unusually dull, slow, sleepy, and a little ill in the tape of this I saw on TV, and she kept her hands strangely clamped together, in front of her pelvis, as she spoke. She also had a little bit of the strange mien of a crazy angry person trying to be artificially calm, as if by silently repeating the mantra in her mind, “I am not angry about any of this. None of this is angering me…” I suspect they have upped her anti-seizure medication, because either she feels as if she is closer to having another episode, or she has had a breakthrough seizure we have not been told about since her last episode. I think I may know something about her situation, and my guess is she isn’t feeling well at all right now. I’d say more, but the observation might help her.

Update : Video Below

Beyond that, these are bad times for Hillary, with Trump now up by almost seven points in the latest poll, and the debates a week away. I do not know if Trump wants to have her break down in the debate. But if I were going to do it to her, there would be no better dogwhistle than to say something like the following:

People are tired of how things have been run by Obama. Over these last eight years, he has used up people’s good will toward leftism, and left the country wanting change again. We saw the same thing eight years ago. After George Bush, the people knew government under him wasn’t working right, and as a result, people would have elected anybody, just to see change. Obviously the stage was set for history to be made, and that was good because Obama took that opportunity, and we elected the first black president, which was good. But he didn’t really change anything, and now it is eight years later. And people are still clamoring for change, only this time it is because the other side of the establishment, the democrats, had their free shot at power, and used it up. That is why people are supporting me. Now in this election, I’m the change people have been looking for. Face it, both sides of the corrupt establishment hate me. I’m the only candidate today who is change. Hillary is the same old status quo which has had it’s chance eight years ago. It is too late for that. Her time has passed. Now we want change, and that is why all the polls say I am winning this thing easily, and why everyone is showing up to my rallies, and why everyone will elect me. So it looks like this time I am going to take this thing, but we will see on election day.

Everyone would see a simple argument for why Trump is a good choice on this go around, and would change things in DC.

However, at the same time, this is designed to flash a few twig-snapping images through Hillary’s amygdala, including free resources, George Bush, and her defeat last time. But mostly it is designed to trigger her envy circuits, in that Obama took her easy shot at the Presidency in the last go around. To this day, I am sure among the most enraging thoughts she can hit upon is the idea that she had earned that Presidency. After George Bush it was just there, free for her taking, until this young upstart stepped in, and just took it from her without asking. Now she is too old, too broken down, and too sick, and it is as if Obama stole her whole life’s purpose. I’m sure there is even a racial angle in Hillary’s head, as well, making it more infuriating.

The key is to slip it to her, without other people noticing. If you were to drop something like this at the beginning of a debate, that would put her amygdala in such high gear, it would take very little to finish her off by the end.

Of course, after seeing her today I only think she would have a 50-50 chance of finishing this election out, even if there were no debates to get through. If say, Roger Stone, rented a suite near Hillary’s the night before the debate and held a raucous party that kept her up all night (sleep deprivation triggers seizures), and then tried to light her amygdala up at the debate with flashing lights in the crowd (Camera Phones, flashing LED broaches on people), sudden clapping at unexpected times, etc., then I would put her chances of finishing out the campaign in the single digits.

As it is, she is probably the best candidate to face, however I doubt she will make it. It is probably best to simply stay strong, hit her with everything, and be ready for Bernie to take over.

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