Liberal Debating Strategy – Rabbit Bluffs And Threats Of Authority

The Narcissist page had a comment by a leftie looking to rebut the analysis of narcissists:

The irony – your picture of a narcissist is the very epitome of your “K-psychology” individual. I know that having people coming to you for advice feels good, but you don’t have a clue about these individuals lives… For all you know, THEY could be the narcissist. Stick to the pseudo-scientific political theory or I WILL follow up and report you to the relevant authorities.

Notice that “will” is in all caps, and he will take the time to find the “relevant” authorities. This dude means business.

Several themes you will note when dealing with liberals are demonstrated here.

Nobody can deduce the truth, so nothing should ever be done, and nobody can offer any sort of analysis.

This is rooted in liberal amygdala dysfunction. The amygdala is the structure that relevance weighs all the data and is supposed to guide you to the truth, or as close to it as you can get. If your’s functions, you use it regularly to get as close to the truth as you can, and then you make a decision and do the best you can. That is how life is supposed to work.

But what if it didn’t work? What if studies showed that your amygdala couldn’t read faces or perceive threat, as studies show of liberals? Suddenly, you live in a world where you can’t know anything – nor can you imagine that it is possible to know anything. Suddenly, nobody can know anything, and the world is completely unknowable. To this character, this is a totally viable criticism.

Second is the rabbit bluff. If I don’t stop, he will report me to the “relevant authorities.” Not he will show me where I am wrong. Not he will track me down and we’ll have it out. Rather, he will report me to someone who will initiate a conflict with me.

I love this, because I am still functioning in a K-mode, where I am thinking in terms people describing reality. My initial reaction was, for a moment, to wonder what authority he thought would care about some random person’s analysis of narcissists. Then I realized, “Oh, that is just the rabbit bluff!” There is no authority – he is just probing for the reflexive flight from conflict that rabbits are prone to.

r-selection is about avoiding all adverse consequences. Because of that, rabbit social status fighting is all about trying to generate threats of creating adverse entanglements for their adversaries, and hoping the adversaries will reflexively retreat.

At its most extreme, it looks like this. You post a comment on a web board they don’t like, and they immediately threaten to notify the relevant authorities. The only thing funnier is that there are actually rabbits who will flee in the face of that – and they are often the ones who use the strategy.

What is interesting is you can begin to see the genesis of this strategy in the rabbit’s childhood. This was a rabbit who, as a child, adopted this strategy because it worked. As a result, he never actually had to fight. He lived in a pseudo-r-selected environment of free victories, where every time threat arose, he screamed, “I’ll tell!” and the threat went away.

Kids grow in closet proximity to, and most frequent consistent contact with, siblings, (thus this type of consistent conditioning is most likely to arise in the sibling environment, as opposed to the intermittently transient chaos of school where associations change with each class each year, and interactions will be less consistent).

Because he was so quick to go to this, and because it was so ridiculous (and thus not logically generated, but rather reflexive and blind to logic) I would assume this was a sibling (who would probably claim to be the bullied sibling in his mind, but who was probably an authority-tattling bully himself). He was probably a younger or smaller (he couldn’t fight his siblings physically) brother to maybe one but more likely two or more stronger and maybe smarter older brothers (more brothers equals more opportunities for conditioning). There would also have likely been a triggerable parent (I would guess mother, due to lack of discipline and masculinity in this offspring), who was a bit of a nasty harridan that the other siblings feared (to make the threat with authority frightening).

That he appears a liberal, and thus a bit of a triggerable narcissist who sees the world as unfair, might mean there is one other younger brother (losing status as “the baby,” to a younger brother who you must then watch enjoy the benefits and maternal favoritism which you feel would have been rightly your’s, had the little interloper not have intruded on your world, is a theme I have noticed develops envy very effectively). This brother is substantially younger than him (because he needed long enough to be “the baby” and develop his threaten-with-authority reflex with his older brothers), and likely smarter than him, to help trigger his envy and disdain for those with superior ability (substantially younger would rule out physical ability).

In that environment, the threat of “telling authority” can often arise as a programmed behavioral pattern, after daily repetition and exercise of the related neural pathways. [On rereading that prior to posting, I recalled having seen a similar analysis of an individual in my early twenties. Feeling I was smart enough to know without experience, I dismissed it as a shot in the dark, because I didn’t understand fully how conditioned and reflexive such behavior was. If you live long enough, and encounter enough cases of such reflexive behavior with their relevant family histories, you will find such ridiculous urges tend to be conditioned, and they tend to be conditioned by a very small number of highly similar circumstances during a short window in childhood in those predisposed to such conditioning. The analysis may be off about the number of older brothers (one could be enough) and there may not be a younger brother (he could be a rarer natural/genetic narcissist with high-envy, absent the younger brother who stole mom’s attention/favoritism), but the overall outline is right, and probably the highest probability circumstance. Behavior can often be understood in such a manner. If you don’t believe this now, at least file this possibility away, and see if as the years go by you do not discover the same insight on your own.]

Always watch out when you run into the programmed robots. In my experience, they are among the most dysfunctional individuals. Their behavior is reflexive rather than logical, and thus they often end up acting illogically when their reflexes are triggered by stimuli which may not in reality call for the reflex. Then, as things go south, they trigger even worse, they behavior becomes even more panicked and illogical, and before you know it, they have infected your life with their crazy.

As this commenter shows, by threatening to tell the internet police that I am pontificating about narcissists without a license, their behavior will often have nothing to do with reality. It will have everything to do with child-like urges toward vengeance and sibling rivalry that have wrapped themselves in reflexes which more often than not end up making their lives a non-stop tornado of chaos and anarchy.

In short, treat them as if they have a toxic radioactive waste symbol tattooed on their forehead.

If I wrote the laws, they would.

If you want to destroy liberalism, point them here, becasue the reviews on this page will seel anyone on r/K Theory

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Liberals, Narcissists, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Liberal Debating Strategy – Rabbit Bluffs And Threats Of Authority […]

7 years ago

My first thought on reading the quoted comment was, in fact, “what exactly are the “relevant authorities”?

Then I remembered how much I miss the old blog.

Ann K.
7 years ago

It also reveals that they consider truth and authority to be subjective, and that pain avoidance is humanity’s highest consideration. They will be stunned to confront a return to human history prior to the ’60s.

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
7 years ago

“I WILL follow up and report you to the relevant authorities.” – Wow. That guy sounds like Heiko Maas, the german minister of the interior, who censors

Michael Kumpmann
Michael Kumpmann
7 years ago

I’ve encountered such people far too often. These guys play the moral card on other people and like to tell you how evil you are, threaten you with authorities, tell you that everything they do is superior and at the moment, they are in groups, these “moral authorities” suddenly start to use the most vicious insults and swear words. (While still playing the “wounded gazelle gambit”)

These guys are so annoying.

7 years ago

Too bad for this rabbit and his amygdala WE are the authorities now! Hail Trump!

the cruncher
the cruncher
7 years ago

He – his
It – its
Your – yours

John C
John C
7 years ago

I have seen this with girls more so than boys. I will tell on you seem to be a thing that kids who are not liked do. Either out matched, out numbered. But can i ask, the rise of single parent homes mainly single moms does this type of behavior happen more often?

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

It is interesting I was thinking about this all day on the question. I looked up some videos and run into this one I wonder if the young generations growing up with no, to little contacts with parents causes this behaviour to rise. I remember Stefan talking about Romanian child from Foster homes that got adopted by foreign families after the Soviet Union fell and have many intellectual and emotional problems some which including the children attacking pet animals in horrible ways including torturing them. I found two great articles on the subject if you ever get time since I think it relates to the r/K

It would make senses in the regards to why some adults do not debate but demand and will throw fits if they don’t get their way. In a r world kids don’t matter and how they are rise is of little concern since they can always reproduce more later. If not having parent contact around causes this behaviour, and a person concern only of their feeling and no concern (or the opposite in enjoying) of other people’s feeling.
Then it would not be surprising that societies over time after bringing things like single household (ie less time to spend with the kids), day care, foster homes, more time spent in classrooms, homework and feminism (in the regards that they tell women that her needs matter more than the family) that we would see not only more r’s in the population but an increasing of psycho r’s such as Hillary. As the society grows more r you start to have less jobs available, money is worth less and foods become harder to get. Families are not some much as brought together during these time but force to be together for survival. This will not by choice bring more K’s into the civilisation since child spend more time with parents and also many parents would in times of short be more concern about the rising of their child since they can not afford to rise another.

Also Bio history talks about experiments with rats that mothers that have their Calorie Restriction are more concern about their offspring and spend more looking after them. Also they develop sexual later on. This in part might explain the John Calhoun experiment would always fail. The mother rats needed the lack of food at times to rewired their brains. Having no need to worry about food (or predators) brings little concern on caring for offspring.

7 years ago

Over the next 5-20 years it is going to become both socially and scientifically obvious that what Leftism really is is the mind of a child in the body of an adult. It isn’t a philosophy, it’s a stunted ability to think through cause and effect. They never leave the “mimic the people around you that seem important or popular” stage of emotion and thought.

Which is why you are going to see a LOT of people start parroting what the alt-right has been saying, but without actually understanding it. This is going to cause the alt-right platform a lot of problems. Those of us who have been pounding the liberty and freedom of association and race realism and gender realism etc trees before Ron Paul had finally broken through the narrative just a little will have to stay focused on the foundation as the public narrative gets VERY messy for the next couple of years while all these children try to rapidly suck up to their NEW “I wanna be cool and in power like you” cool kids to follow.

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
7 years ago

The family dynamic about which you speculate is interesting, but not necessarily accurate, as I’m sure you’ll agree. For instance, if there are two siblings and the maternal monster favours the older, over-dog (‘her baby’ forever), over the bullied (unwanted) younger sibling, what then? There is no authority figure to which the younger one can appeal, that is what. And, the over-dog, if prone to the lie, will have the lie constantly reinforced by the maternal monster.

The younger one? He will develop a life-time, what is the phrase, ‘oppositional defiant disorder’ (or some such) with respect to authority. Or, as a realist would term it, a very healthy skepticism about the motivations of those wielding power in society’s institutions. Just a hunch. Nothing autobiographical here. 🙂

7 years ago

[…] Liberal Debating Strategy – Rabbit Bluffs And Threats Of Authority […]

7 years ago

You should look up triangulation and reaction formation.
eg. You should pick a fight with that guy, not me! I’m not racist, I can’t be racist, in fact, I’m anti-racist! the criticisms ping off them like bullets to Superman, they imagine
I assume you already know about gaslighting. Recently if the Nazi thing doesn’t work they just call everyone crazy. But apparently real crazy people are to be lauded.