Men Go To China To Target Ivanka’s Clothes, And Disappear

The world is becoming a lot more dangerous for troublesome little pricks:

A man investigating working conditions at a Chinese company that produces Ivanka Trump-brand shoes has been arrested and two others are missing, the arrested man’s wife and an advocacy group said Tuesday.

Hua Haifeng was accused of illegal surveillance, according to his wife, Deng Guilian, who said the police called her Tuesday afternoon. Deng said the caller told her she didn’t need to know the details, only that she would not be able to see, speak with or receive money from her husband, the family’s breadwinner.

I strongly suspect when you travel outside Europe, especially to non-rabbitzed regimes, every foreigner will get at least a cursory intel/background check and maybe light surveillance. It is in support of national security and regime protection, and it is good practice for their spy trainees.

Notice the video of Otto Warmbier pulling the poster of Kim Jong-un off the wall in his hotel. Those were Nork Spooks actively monitoring foreigners. You might be surprised how often that happens in nationalistic nations like Russia or China these days. Just because the US lets anyone in the country and its surveillance ignores them doesn’t mean it works that way in other, more sane countries.

I would also assume that when they put your name into their database, it is possible that they could see exactly what you have been doing online. It is entirely possible in a nation like China that they have detailed files on your activities online from some backdoor they have spread widely through the technology you use to go online, and that backdoor has actually been feeding them files off your system on a regular basis that have filled their database, or even off your online backup in the cloud. Or an American spy could just have fed them the US’s master civilian database. Anything is possible these days. Your whole history might pop up from just putting your name into the computer.

The point being, be cautious about overseas travel if you are in the alt-right. As we approach the high amygdala of K-selection, you may find that a history of normal alt-right comments may not be as appreciated for their brilliance in some areas as you would think – and some of these regimes, especially the Muslim ones, may be all too willing to act on that intel, even covertly.

Spread r/K Theory, because you have to start acting like they are killing people now

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