More Venezuelan K-selection

Sad photos of children starving at the link:

Food shortages in Venezuela, South America, has caused a dramatic increase in child malnutrition.

In the capital of Caracas alone, the number of cases of severely malnourished children is reported to have at least doubled.

According to Dr Ingrid Soto, chief of nutrition at children hospital J. M. de los Ríos, so far this year 65 kids have been admitted, whereas in all of 2015 the total was 35. And across the socialist country seven children under the age of 14 have died from simply not having enough to eat…

President Nicolas Maduro stated recently that ‘the ‘Maduro diet’ makes you hard’.

Notice how they quote mothers and the pictures have females in them, but nowhere do you see fathers. If there is a major depression, and then the US government begins to break up at the same time, you will see this in the inner cities among the welfare moms who have ten kids by nine different fathers. As we see it unfold, it appears simple child starvation is even more of a selective pressure culling single mom’ing, than the lack of a protective father figure.

I didn’t like animals starving. When I was a kid, a deer starved outside the front porch one winter. I found the body, and it was incredibly sad to me. He had apparently snuggled up against the foundation of the house, to try and get a little warmth, before he let go. I thought about him a lot that weekend, and wished I had been able to grab him up, drag him inside, and get some carrots or something in him.

I briefly thought about putting out deer food, but deep down I realized you could never stop the starvation. If you put out 100lbs of deer food each week, deer would learn to come to your house, and soon there would be thousands, and they’d begin starving in larger numbers. Put out 1000lbs each week, and soon you’d have tens of thousands, and so on. Even if you stayed ahead of them with food, sooner or later you would see disease rip through the dense population, and kill almost all of them.

I realized a fundamental point. In being kind, one deer passing in the night could have turned into tens of thousands, all due to interventions designed to help. Mother nature will not be denied her due, and if you try, she will return and take interest on her debt.

Venezuela tried to deny mother nature. They had resources, they had investment, they had infrastructure, and they had to try and eradicate that last little bit of unhappiness, by guaranteeing everyone perfect happiness and complete wealth. Now mother nature has returned, and she will make what would have happened had Venezuela stayed capitalistic look like paradise, which in this world, it really was.

You can balance K-selection. Nobody has to die. But if you insist on trying to completely thwart mother nature by pushing things completely r-selected, you will end up with complete K-selection, and people will die. It would be nice if leftists could only realize this before people began dying.

This entry was posted in Economic Collapse, ITZ, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] More Venezuelan K-selection […]

7 years ago

“Kindness is the beginning of cruelty.”


7 years ago

This might be one of the fundamental tenets or r/K theory. That if you push too hard for r, you’ll get a hard k reaction. Is this opposite force true. If we k-selected people push too hard for extreme k, will the trigger an r reaction?

Reply to  onezeno
7 years ago

K-selection leads to individuals of greater capacity, leads to steady growth, leads to resource surfeit, leads to r-selection, leads to individuals of reduced capacity, leads to collapse, leads to K-selection.

Its a cycle.

7 years ago

“Maria del Carmen Chourio, who lives in Maracaibo, Venezuela, with her family of 11 children”

And here lies the end of socialism/communism: full on r-selection with the assumption that the tribe will take care of its own. Not realizing the cheapening of human life going on by having a family so large you can’t sustain it.

7 years ago

Back when Massachusetts was the first state to legalize gay marriage, someone commented that the lack of burning sulfur falling from the sky was evidence that God was OK with this change. A much wiser man said 2000 years ago, “The divine wrath is slow indeed in vengeance, but it makes up for its tardiness by the severity of the punishment.”

7 years ago

Getting close to animals has never prevented me from making a meal out of them. After having a vet check the deer, even my own mother would’ve tried to save it solely for the ready access venison. In fact, dogs are probably the only animals I wouldn’t be quick to eat as they’re useful in a variety of ways that can help a guy stay fed. To be honest, a dog tends to be more useful than most people.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

I wonder if we have the whole story of what happened in Venezuela. Is there economic warfare being waged against them? They after all are going against the central banks. I think the former President of Brazil was also going against the central banks and look what happened to her. In Argentina the Western banks looted the country and turned a middle class country to destitution very quickly. It was not just the Argentinians screwing the country up. They didn’t commit suicide they were pushed. Could the same thing be happening in Venezuela? You might think it’s those foolish Venezuelans wanting something for free but that may not be even close to the whole truth. Be careful gloating at their misfortune don’t be so sure it can’t happen to you. We could be next. I admit I don’t know the truth of the situation. I do know that Goldman Sachs went into Argentina and opened bank accounts promising to peg them to the dollar. They then unpegged those accounts, kept people from closing them by limiting withdrawals then inflated away most of the capital of the middle class in a very short time frame. They stole their money but in the press it was sold as those foolish Argentinians who blew up their country. A lie.
It’s hard to believe that things can be so mismanaged children are starving in the streets. It’s also hard to believe that a Women has eleven kids these days with no means of support. What was she thinking?

6 years ago

It is some of column A, some of column B.

There isn’t a single root cause to all of this, in terms of a single, digestable statement. It is a system, and systems have balance points, feedback mechanisms, and so on.

Ultra Wealthy people want to continue controlling the money supply, so you get downward pressure on anyone who would disrupt that,

Socialists cooperate with them because you can’t enact Socialist policies without tricking people out of their resources, which is just what they are doing.

Resource starvation happens and the system collapses, creating starvation and war, until the population rebalances to sustainable levels.

This is the cycle they have trapped us into, unfortunately. The Ultra Wealthy have a strong vested interest in propping up socialist policies… as long as they control the money. If they don’t control the money supply, all their plans could go to shit, and THEY could end up poor and starving.

It’s not one thing.. it’s many things all at once. I have barely scratched the surface.