Muslims In America Terrorizing Churches Now

From FOX:

As Father Josiah Trenham prepared to read the Gospel, several parishioners discreetly scooped up their babies, retreated up the aisles of St. Andrew Orthodox Church and out into the spring air, so as not to allow the crying of little ones to disturb the divine liturgy.

The time-honored tradition was shattered when a car passed by the Riverside, Calif., church, slowing down as the front passenger leaned out of his window and bellowed menacingly through a bullhorn, according to witnesses.

“Allahu Akbar!” the unidentified man repeated several times as the unnerved parents drew their infants close and exchanged worried glances.

Members of the church were gathered under the main archway when the car passed slowly by, its occupant allegedly yelling “Allahu Akbar!” over a bullhorn.

Witnesses were able to give Riverside police a description of the green Honda Civic, but not of the three occupants. Some told police they believed one or more of the men may have been taking photographs, according to Officer Ryan Railsback. Although Trenham insisted multiple congregants heard the Arabic phrase, Railsback noted no mention of it was in the police report.

Whatever the case, no law was broken – even if an unmistakable message was sent and received.

Think this will draw out the K in the population? I wouldn’t be surprised to find out California ends up in play for Trump, between immigration, and Muslim Terrorism. In harsh times, you want a virile man, not a frail geriatric woman who can barely stand without a walker, and who keels over at loud noises.

I view these as good things, because they are beginning to adapt people to be more K in their mindset. The worst thing in the world would be to plunge a fully rabbitized population into full on K-selection, without any amygdala-hardening.

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7 years ago

[…] Muslims In America Terrorizing Churches Now […]

7 years ago

They’ll be wanting to arm up, I suppose.
It’s too bad…
Kali is the destroyer of unreality. They should have been more careful in their namesake.

7 years ago

Trump needs to come out and say that killing terrorists is not a crime, and that anyone doing so will receive an immediate Presidential pardon. Whether that includes all Muslims, the families of terrorists, or BLM rioters shall be left to the listener’s imagination.