r-selection vs K-selection – Rabbits Freak During K-Shifts

Rabbiting is tough business. You have all this amygdala irritation, and no ability to lay hands on the problem yourself to fix it:

The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence (CSGV) is a radical gun control group with a long history of considering gun ownership to be near treasonous, and who routinely refers to gun owners as “insurrectionists.”

Twice this year they called upon their followers to “SWAT” gun owners.

The delusional world of the modern liberal is hilarious. In the article Karen Stafco tried to tap the breaks on the facebook messages by frightened rabbits, telling people to be sure not to SWAT “people of color” if they aren’t actually sure they are carrying a gun, because it is highly likely that if they are unarmed the cops will kill them anyway when they show up. Teresa McKown Anthony freaked out and said she didn’t care what color people were, she was calling the cops, because her safety mattered. That black dude shopping for apples in the grocery store with a cell phone on his belt that she thought was a gun? Not so much.

Meanwhile, the signs of the K-shift are everywhere:

A new ABC News/Washington Post Poll puts asks people whether the best way to respond to terrorism is stricter gun control or letting people carry permitted concealed handguns for protection. A majority of Republicans and Independents, moderates and conservatives, as well as those in the broad middle class view permitted concealed handguns as the preferred solution (see below).

That is not even actually the K-shift. That is the smidgen-of-a-hint-that-maybe-something-maybe-bad-might-possibly-be-coming-someday-shift. Once the bottom drops out of the economy and the daily commute each day is like a Mad Max movie, then the real K-shift begins. Those numbers will make Donald Trump look like a mealy mouthed moderate traitor in search of a compromise with total losers, just to be nice.

ITZ coming.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]