r-strategists Are The Same The World Over

Now they want to blow up Mount Rushmore:

More than ever, old monuments to famous white American men are being threatened in the name of progress. Naturally, this has become a rallying cry on the far right, with plenty of encouragement from the most powerful man in the world. At the same unhinged press conference in which Donald Trump again blamed both sides for the deadly violence in Charlottesville last weekend, he also painted a picture of a slippery slope where those fighting for the removal of Confederate statues today might be destroying tributes to more mainstream slave-owning icons like George Washington tomorrow. He lamented this prospect once more on Thursday, opining on Twitter that “the beauty that is being taken out of our cities, towns and parks will be greatly missed and never able to be comparably replaced!” Far-right sites like the Daily Caller have been running with the theme, publishing alarmist takes with headlines like, “It’s Time to Blow Up Mount Rushmore.”

Which made me wonder: If Rushmore ever did get “blown up,” what should those dudes be replaced with? Fact is, I’m not sure there is any American president worthy of being etched into the side of a 60-foot mountain with explosives and jackhammers. I mean, every single one has at least been partially complicit in horrific atrocities.

I visited Mount Rushmore in the summer of 2015, and it’s nothing like Abe Lincoln squatting on his (recently vandalized) throne or George Washington’s phallus towering over everything in DC. Instead, Rushmore is a testament to the human ability to conquer nature in our own image. Standing in front of it conjured feelings of both wonder and disgust in me. Obviously, Washington and Thomas Jefferson were remarkable individuals who helped usurp British rule in America and, eventually, establish a new empire. But they also enslaved their fellow man, committing special kinds of inhumane acts that should never be confined to footnotes. Unfortunately, that is exactly how those troublesome truths are treated when you face the awesome grandeur of Rushmore, a monument so incredible it obscures the multifaceted nature of these old dudes, transmogrifying them from individuals with a capacity both for greatness and evil into pure American deities.

They are tearing down statues, demanding iconic places be renamed, and it is all because their amygdalae cannot stand the slightest stimulation. Notice the similarity to radical Islam in the form of the Taliban, or ISIS. Radical Islamic thought was designed as an amygdala hack, to draw aggressive behavior out of the amygdala-addled r-strategists. Even as it produces a willingness to fight and die through the promise of the ultimate r-selection in Paradise, it still leaves that rabbit neurosis which cannot tolerate even minor adversity.

Every victory they score will only make their condition worse. When your amygdalae is adapted to a world where you have no food to eat, your house is about to be foreclosed, every day you have to run a violent gauntlet of savages who are trying to kill you, and your relatives are dying because there is no healthcare, a statue in the park is the least of your concerns.

When your amygdala has nothing bothering it, it will look for things to focus on and freak out about. Remove those things, and it will adapt to that even-increased ease, and find other things to freak out about. As the process continues, you move ever closer to textbook insanity, where there is no mental peace and you are constantly freaking out over imagined stresses.

Unfortunately, there are two potential endings. Either the leftist will have every possible physical irritant removed, at which point they will focus on eliminating all people with any form of ideological opposition. Or they will have to experience some form of pushback that makes their behavior unpleasant to them, so they will adapt to dealing with higher levels of stress and better tolerate the lower level stresses of things like statues and the idea that not everyone agrees with them.

If the media was smart, it would have begun the pushback now to begin to moderate the presentation of the violent left. But instead the media has sought to take their side and make their behavior rewarding to them. As a result, they will push the envelope further. Mark my words, as we speak, there are violent leftists thinking that what will be really rewarding would be to plant a bomb, or organize a mass casualty event that kills hundreds, or even thousands of right-wingers – or better yet, to assassinate President Trump. Because of the media, they think that now is their time to strike.

Yet already a southerner on Free Republic said his diehard Blue-Dog Democrat friends are now virulently anti-Democrat Party, and they are not going back. He is already predicting a southern bloodbath in the next election, and the left has not even reached peak craziness yet. The divide is continuing.

What I find interesting though is the intolerance of iconography among r’s, be they radical Muslims, or radical leftists. Especially in light of how Christianity is filled with disturbing images like this, of the worst and most amygdala-stimulating idea ever – Hell:

r-strategists try to avoid amygdala stimulation to make themselves feel better, K-strategists seek to use it to improve themselves and their world. Embrace the amygdala-burn, and use its pain to improve your brain and your world.

Tell your friends about r/K Theory, because the rabbits are losing it

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Decline, Liberals, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Splintering, War. Bookmark the permalink.
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6 years ago

When you shift to a fully K paradigm, you start being thankful for all the adversity you faced in the past. You’ll see it as a gift bestowed upon you so that you can better deal with the coming Apocalypse and life after it.

6 years ago

As Molyneux would say “pulling down a statue is not an argument”. Leave it to rabbits to be so triggered by inanimate objects to then destroy them. Its because deep down they know the men the statues represent where better than them.

6 years ago

Lets get antifa labeled as terrorists, official white house petition here:

For those who don’t know what antifa is, it is a far-left domestic terrorist group (only considered so in 1 state, for now) that is part of the alt-left and promotes killing cops, destruction of private property, anti-white racism, open borders, islamic terrorism and the implementation of communism thru means of violent revolution.

Read more here: https://farleftwatch.com/2017/07/26/far-left-militia-training-for-guerrilla-warfare/

Share this message pls!

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
6 years ago

From a GenX working class perspective, the Boomers in power appear to be insane. It is inconceivable that these people (and their Antifa shock troops) could be drawn from a class that ever had to worry about losing the house, losing their jobs, paying their bills, etc. etc.

The vanguard left has always been drawn from the indolent cossetted spawn of the idle rich because those spoiled trust fund babies have spent their developing years in a comfortable bubble. No adversity; no crucible. Only sheer misanthropic rage when confronted with the word “No” or its political equivalent: “I disagree.” [cont’d]

Maple Curtain
Maple Curtain
6 years ago

It is readily apparent that “the leftist will…[soon] focus on eliminating all people with any form of ideological opposition.”

They have now moved onto the Jacobin Reign of Terror, rule of law is ending, and they would have had the guillotine out this week if they could have gotten get away with it (you know, if HRC had won).

The “academy” and the MSM have gone into full-on hate-the-white-male mode and are no longer pretending to disguise it. Jew after Jew in the MSM is openly hating on the white male goy and the race-baiting “academic” blacks are bashing away. But the power in this society lies with a handful of old Yank families (and their carefully-selected toadies) and with the Jews, not with the 95% of white males being vilified by the judenpresse.