Teen Girls Are Smoking To Shrink Their Babies

You cannot understand the r-strategist if you are K:

In a disturbing new trend, pregnant teens are taking up smoking un order to reduce the size of their babies out of fear of birthing a large child.

According to the Daily Mail, new research shows that Australian girls as young as 16 have started smoking while pregnant to give brith to smaller babies. The practice comes with other serious risks for the children, however.

Associate Professor Simone Dennis of the Australian National University said that she was “stunned” by the findings of the decade-long smoking study conducted at the university.

“They [teenage girls] had read on packets that smoking can reduce the birth weight of your baby, which is obviously not how the public health message is intended to be taken,” Dennis said.

Dennis told Broadly that she “wouldn’t call it a trend,” but said that “it was definitely common enough for me to pick it up as a pattern.”

“In every place I went, I’d find at least a few girls talking about it,” she said.

Dennis said that many teens had taken up smoking for the first time in order to reduce their baby’s weight, but others who already smoked began smoking more to achieve the result.

These are girls who are using chemicals to try and reduce rearing investments. A K-woman would want her baby as big and healthy as possible, and the pain she endured would be viewed as a badge of honor, marking her sacrifice for her baby.

But to these girls, the baby is something almost inhuman, and all costs related to it must be minimized by any means necessary. It is funny to think that it is a more painful, harsher world that would produce the different form of girl who would sacrifice for her child. But that is just how the human machine is designed.

Notice also, you have mention of early age at first intercourse, and use of nicotine as a neuropharmacological amygdala-crutch.

These are the rabbits, and this is r-selection.

Spread r/K Theory, because without it we will all be overrun with little deformed rabbit babies

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7 years ago

[…] Teen Girls Are Smoking To Shrink Their Babies […]

7 years ago

instantly reminded of these people-

7 years ago

There’s a lower class Millennial woman at my workplace, 25 or so, smoking while pregnant with her second. It had only struck me as highly irresponsible to negligent previously. This makes more sense.

Yes, very r-selected.

7 years ago

These are children who should NOT be allowed to give birth to begin with. Do you think they will raise successful children? Abortion should be not only legal but mandatory for people this dumb…

7 years ago

I’d heard stories like t his out of the U.K. 10 years ago.

7 years ago

r-types in a word: selfish. K-types tried to instill kindness in children by teaching from a young age e.g. play fair. R-type teachers turned this into ‘play nice’ – which makes their job easier. The personally selfish decision is always the r-selected one, as a handy rule of thumb. They got pregnant on purpose for the money. Stupidity is genetic – and epigenetic, but fitness isn’t always smart.

7 years ago

““They [teenage girls] had read on packets that smoking can reduce the birth weight of your baby, which is obviously not how the public health message is intended to be taken,” Dennis said. ”

That’s what you get when you teach people who shouldn’t be allowed ro read, reading.
They are not made for information processing.