Trannie Invades Battered Woman’s Shelter

Both unbelievable, and completely predictable:

Oregon women seeking shelter from homelessness or abusive men are being forced to share sleeping and bathroom facilities with men who “self-identify” as a woman. State anti-discrimination laws in that state require these women’s shelters to take in men who “self-identify” as a woman, a sheltered woman reported.

Malka Davis was trying to find shelter, like many other women, from living on the streets after running out of options, she wrote in an opinion piece in The Oregonian. While returning to the shelter one day, Davis noticed several of her female shelter companions in distress. She said one woman had “left the shelter in terror.”

Why? The shelter admitted a man to the facility who “self-identified” as a woman. The realization of a man in their midst brought shock and fear to the female residents of the shelter.

It is happening all over:

On May 25th, an AAN source reports that a Muslim supremacist using the women’s bathroom in the Dulles Airport in the Washington DC area, was told by women in the bathroom that he was not welcome, comments which he condescendingly brushed aside.

A new meme, based on this story:

There is nothing quite like one of these cocksuckers saying smugly, “The laws have changed. Now the law gives me the right to be here, and there is nothing you can do about it.”

The tranny issue was a liberal miscalculation. Unlike imposing other issues, this one doesn’t demoralize the opposition. It triggers our threat circuitry, and our drive to protect loved ones, which is more powerful in many cases than our drive to protect ourselves.

When I read about taxes, or government regulations, or something policy-related, I am frustrated. When I read about battered women being victimized by some freak, I want to act out in ways that shouldn’t even be talked about in passing on a public forum. Picturing daughters in locker rooms being victimized, teenage girls in bathrooms being peeped upon, and battered women traumatized by freaks, K-strategists experience fury.

At some point, the critical mass will have been reached, and the tide will turn. At that point, expect the fury to swing the pendulum quite some distance in the opposite direction.

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7 years ago

[…] Trannie Invades Battered Woman’s Shelter […]

7 years ago

The Law of Unintended Consequences always comes around to biting the Left on it’s collective ass.

John Morris
7 years ago

Most of our problems trace back to Progs making one of their first fights about giving women the vote, knowing they would tend to vote with them. Wonder how many women are getting frightened by this? Will they frightened enough to vote the other way until this threat goes away?