Two North Koreans Die Of Sudden Heart Failure In Russia

Don’t mess with Russia:

Two North Koreans have been found dead in separate rooms in the same Moscow hotel amid reports they both suffered ‘acute heart failure’.

The men had complained of severe chest pains and shortness of breath before they died on Saturday at a hotel in the west of the Russian capital. Two other North Koreans aged 34 and 41 had a ‘fever of unknown origin’ – and were taken to a Moscow infectious disease hospital. Their condition is not known.

Initial reports in Russia mentioned a viral infection, but later reports said the two North Koreans had died from ‘acute heart failure’.

Jong-un has been pretty aggressive with the foreign adventures. You have to wonder if there is a Nork defector in Moscow, Jong-un sent these guys to do something, and SVR figured it out and took them out to send a message. Might point to Russia being a good safe-haven for a tactical pullback if things get hot in the US before the Apocalypse takes down the government. There’s nothing wrong with staying safe until the festivities begin, especially if the government is trying to take you out while things are still r.

What is difficult to fathom if you are doing things like this, is how advanced the technology is. If you are still thinking in terms of them placing a device in your phone, or needing to place something in your room or car, you will be hopelessly outgunned. If these Norks were not up on state of the art, they would have thought they were totally undetected right up until their hearts stopped – and by that point the Russians knew every word they said, every detail of their communications, every movement they made in the rooms – everything.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the Russians shouldn’t be the only K-strategists around

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6 years ago

[…] Two North Koreans Die Of Sudden Heart Failure In Russia […]

6 years ago
6 years ago

Russia is a nice place, and Russians are nice people but two points of advice. If you’re not ethnically Russian, or a Russian-allied slav you’re going to have a hard time there. They in-group very heavily and it can be very expensive for a foreigner to get by with bribes being a daily part of life. Also, you have to speak Russian and it helps practicing orthodox Christianity. Its a good model for how to maintain a culture. For Americans tactical pullback is in red states, with pro-2A/non-cuck governors. Americans there will be standing up armies to fight the Democrat mercs and corporate robots that control the coasts and blue states. The goal will be to disassemble the networks that liberals rely on for all of their degeneracy. Any Dem who runs is a traitor- any dem who stands still is a well disciplined traitor.

6 years ago

“Jong-un has been pretty aggressive with the foreign adventures”

Could you possibly name one? I mean a single one? And please don’t cite the made-up fake news joke that he had his brother killed with sarin. I like you AnonCon, but sometimes you literally make things up from whole cloth and attempt to pass them off as facts. Its very incongruous and it vitiates the good work you do.

Reply to  Carl
6 years ago

Korean Air 858
Park Sang-hak
Choi Eun-hee and Shin Sang-ok

Those are previous regime adventures, but there is nothing to indicate that he is breaking with tradition.

6 years ago

CIA heart attack gun shoots frozen crystals of Digitalis. 1970ies tech,

6 years ago

Oh, and, Islam critic Robert Spencer poisoned with MDMA (spiked drink) in Iceland, google it. Survived.