ACLU Supports Female Genital Mutilation

Again, a pre-integrated, preemptively appeasing migrant psychology that doesn’t know it hasn’t migrated:

The American Civil Liberties Union launched a vocal opposition this week against a Maine bill criminalizing female genital mutilation (FGM), Mainely Media reports.

Republican Rep. Heather Sirocki is sponsoring the bill, saying that it would classify performing FGM as a Class B crime in the state, punishable by up to 10 years in prison and a $20,000 fine. The bill would also punish the parent or guardian of the victim.

However, the Maine ACLU staunchly opposes the protection. ACLU spokesman Oamshri Amarasingham said that the risk of mutilation isn’t worth expanding Maine’s criminal code. The Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault also supported the ACLU, arguing that FGM is not happening in Maine.

Sirocki, however, pointed to a 2012 report from the Center for Disease Control, which found 500,000 victims of FGM in the US. Furthermore, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement found that 400 individuals have been arrested and 785 deported for FGM violations nationwide since 2003.

Maine, Sirocki said, is one of the eight highest-risk areas in the US for FGM. The practice has proven to be so rampant in the state that it has received special federal funding to combat it.

It is the leftist lack of child-protective urges, mixed with the leftist migrants desire to preemptively appease out-groups, as a means of avoiding conflict.

This might also confer advantage on the r-trait as a whole, by making immigration of r-strategists as alluring as possible to foreign r-strategists. The more they can do that, the more they can flood the zone with r-strategists. It is like taking a new species of bacteria that cannot compete in an ecosystem as well as the native species, and using it to drive the native species out of the ecosystem by flooding the environment with spores from the new species. Even though when on equal footing the native species would be better adapted, once there are a million spores of the new species for each individual cell of the native species, the native species just cannot keep up in consuming substrate, and it will starve.

The r-strategist’s desire to live in r-selection produces a certain animus toward K’s, and a sort of kin-selection-type behavior toward r’s. It is interesting, because it really is as if there is a war between r and K that transcends evolution and Darwinian competition of ancestral lines. As it plays out, it really seems like a battle between good and evil, which will either take our species to its greatest heights, or destroy everything from IQ to technological advancement entirely.

Spread r/K Theory, because mutilating little girls is beyond the pale

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6 years ago

[…] ACLU Supports Female Genital Mutilation […]

6 years ago

I wouldn’t call it the ACLU because it’s not really American. ICLU would be more appropriate. And the CL is actually code for rape and taking stuff. And U is code for pinko-commie infiltrators.

Reply to  Pitcrew
6 years ago

“Oamshri Amarasingham” – good ole’ fashioned American name right there. Also they’re targeting Maine because its the Whitest state in the country. If this was really about a cultural belief or practice it would be in Dearborn or Minneapolis.

6 years ago

I’m taking bets on whether Oamshri Amarasingham still has her clit intact.

6 years ago

” or destroy everything from IQ to technological advancement entirely.”

Looks like the IQ 105 average Chinese et al are having a handle on it. I wouldn’t worry about civilization per se. Only about the West.