News Briefs – 02/07/2020

I always see lots of r/K related stories I think might interest the readers here, but I only have time to blog about a few, so here are some additional news stories that might be of interest. Most articles will be more or less summarized in the headline. For unknown reasons, in some browsers the tweets in these posts display best if you click on the post instead of viewing it on the main page. You can skim the headlines and summaries, and click the links if they are of interest. Keep in mind, many of these reports are products of the Fake News, so although they will be what people are hearing and talking about, there is no guarantee any one of them is necessarily correct, and we have had cases of outright lies make it onto these pages, especially about President Trump.

Q is going again. The format for Q’s posts will be a screenshot image of Q’s post, and immediately below each post will be any links reprinted as text hyperlinks so you can click them, and then my comments in bold. As always, you can see Q’s posts aggregated live, and new ones which may have gone live after our print deadline at


The hot mic video:

I am not an expert, but my initial take is Putin offered Cabal a deal through Obama. Putin wanted the Crimea, a warm fertile region, unlike the rest of Russia proper, which would guarantee Russia the ability to supply it’s people with crops each year (maybe precipitated by a belief an Ice Age is coming, and Ukraine might keep the food for itself if times got hard), as well as a port Russia needed. In return, Cabal could have the rest of Ukraine, as well as it’s energy possibilities, and Cabal and Obama and his crew could enrich themselves freely without fear of Russian exposure of their corruption operations. Putin may have even thrown in an offer to let them use Russia’s isolated banking system for money laundering, as well as maybe the Uranium One deal. Obama told Medvedev to tell Putin he needed to wait until after his re-election, when he would have more flexibility, and they got caught on the hot mic. Some have postulated the plan included a piece which involved turning Iran and/or Syria into a nuclear version of North Korea, in the Mideast, which maybe without Putin’s knowledge was to form the basis of a new World War, so they wouldn’t need to work with Putin as an equal again.

But I am not an expert. Somebody here may see it differently.

 It is bigger, because this was an operation to crash the US, and probably the world, as well as trigger an extinction-type event be it plague or World War, (and probably kill off the problematic ones under the cover of the chaos). Probably more to it even than that, but I have not seen clearly discernable blueprint to date.

 It is true, but I still wonder how you bring back the leftists. I cannot imagine going forward in this nation with people this clueless and programmable, and totally brainwashed. And I do nto see them realizing the error of their ways, because admitting how far they were tricked implies a lack of intelligence and emotional balance, and I cannot see the fragile egos which led them to leftism ever allowing them to admit all of that. What do you do after you expose a conspiracy of pure evil, and there are still citizens of this nation who still cling to it? Can you expel them? If you did, where would you expel them to? It seems a problem without a good solution.

The tweet:



A title from the New York Times – Biden and Warren Seek Revival, With Two Very Different Strategies The article is meaningless, just pointing out they both got “Schlonged” in Iowa, and now have to try and fight back. But is this an indicator that Q was posting the “Revival” music video to let the Times know he was in on the secure communications which led the Times to include this word in their headline? Might their use of the word be some sort of public code to Cabalites out there, which the Cabal told the Times to use, and which means Cabal is about to try and revive itself? Or is this word’s usage here just coincidence?

James Woods is back on twitter. It is funny how in a sea of voices, a single person a world away, who you have never met, can make life tangibly less amusing merely by not shitposting to twitter on a regular schedule.

From here:

        Millimeter wave imaging currently uses radio waves in the frequency range of 24-30 gigahertz (GHz). 5G will use spectrum in the existing LTE frequency range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and also in millimeter wave bands (24–86 GHz). ***24 GHz***

There are a lot of retards claiming that 5G is going to microwave everyone alive and they are wrong. Introductory research will tell you that this is not feasible. What you don’t hear about is the potential to use 5G towers for 3D image surveillance. Consider body imaging scanners which use the same millimeter frequency. How do they work? They scan around the target and construct an image based on the waves being reflected.

High radio frequencies 5G uses aren’t able to travel as far as current 4G wavelengths. This means 5G will require an enormous expansion of current cell tower infrastructure in order to function. Now consider the requirement for 5G towers to be in close proximity to one another. The same principals can be applied to construct a 3D image of an area between several towers.

The technology itself is not inherently bad, but like surveillance cameras, there isn’t really an opt-out. Since we can only talk about this as a hypothetical application for now, we can’t examine whether this would lead to privacy invasion issues such as providing imagine within a private business or residence.
In case you are not already aware, the US is in fierce competition for control of the 5G spectrums. I’m trying to keep the scope of this topic narrow, but this is just scratching the surface of how life can radically shift through the use of 5G technologies.

He is right. They will not flood that radiation out, and then your local observation posts just decide to not exploit it for Marquis of Queensbury rules. You will see no difference in 5G. Your phone videos will look the same, and everything will be indistinguishable to you. It has another purpose. None of the new tech that is released today is being done simply to make your life better, unless you are one of the very few at the top of the pyramid. Everything is about getting control over you, by watching you every moment of every day and trying to commit anything you want to be private to your permanent record so if you ever begin to really succeed it can be used against you.

This next video is the kindergarten-level ability to map things in static form from incomplete scans. I will bet the actual tech can give much higher resolution, in 3d, on moving people, and maybe even add color to different materials like human hair, cotton, flesh/skin, polyester cushion fill, etc. Wait until 5G is flooded everywhere.

The FBI was lying about Seth Rich?:

An interesting peek into a little-seen world here:

This next tweet is no good. I was hoping anti-virals were going to be a temporary fix, or even prevent a pandemic. It also means this thing is adapting fast, and could get much worse much quicker:




Corona Virus stats : 31,505 confirmed cases, 26,359 suspected cases, and 639 deaths. What bothers me about this is both confirmed cases and deaths have been declining from 20% per day toward 10% increase per day at the same time. If cases had a steady fatality rate, newly confirmed cases would peak and begin to decline, and then a week or two later, deaths would peak and begin to decline, since the deaths should be a set percentage of the infections from a week or two earlier. That both are being ramped down at the same time, as presumably hospital space is at capacity, makes me wonder if what we are seeing is the “Not-admitted-to-hospital” effect, where those who don’t get into a hospital don’t get counted, so it looks like it is no longer advancing as fast, but all that is really happening is the excess is being sent home. I suppose it is possible they are developing superior treatment modalities.

Chinese man, 56, catches the killer coronavirus ‘within 15 seconds’ of standing next to an infected woman at a market. He was one of the earlier ones, before the officials said it had adapted to infect people more easily.

Coronavirus tests U.S. medical system’s unhealthy reliance on China for drugs, supplies. So if China shuts down as the virus peaks, so goes our supplies of critical medical supplies.

Japan finds 41 more coronavirus cases on quarantined cruise ship.

Chinese patent a potential anti-viral treatment for Corona, but efficacy seems unknown, and it may be adapting so fast it could adapt right past it. The patent says Chloroquine, a malaria drug, might work as an adjuvant to the effects of the anti-viral. What I immediately wonder is what Tamiflu plus Chloroquine might do.

Doctor who sounded alarm on coronavirus not dead despite conflicting reports, hospital claims. Mixed reports on this, truth is still murky. Supposedly the Hospital confirmed it according to BNO, but Fox says no.

Someone in Sheffield is altering the O’s in signs to Q’s, and nobody knows why.

Romney says he expects ‘unimaginable’ consequences after impeachment vote. He can’t run for office. So he votes to remove Trump, “on principle,” and now any prosecution of him becomes a political vendetta. Clever. A reminder here that Mitt Romney was created by Ghilsane Maxwell’s dad.

Amid irregularities, AP unable to declare winner in Iowa.

How Biden helped an Al-Qaeda leader come to the USA and apply for disability for bullet wounds. Meanwhile, Cabal killed Brian Mancini.

Joe Biden’s brother Frank owes dead man’s family $1 million for ab 80mph car crash – but he has never paid a cent in 20 years. Claims he is broke.

Women of color quit Elizabeth Warren’s campaign in Nevada due to a toxic work environment which made them feel “tokenized.”

There were naked photos of Huma Abedin in Hillary Clinton’s emails. There was one on Q’s board of presumably Huma on all fours, from behind, though her face was not entirely visible so it wasn’t 100% her. Interesting is that she appears to be wearing some sort of leather restraints, binding her hands together from behind, as if a sign of submission. There are two possibilities. One is that Hillary and Huma were a couple, and these were lover’s photos. But it is also possible these were blackmail pics, and something expected of Cabal members, almost like a routine induction ritual. I also wonder if a Cabalite in the investigation released the ones that got out as a warning to her, because there is much worse stuff in there. Supposedly she was being pressured, because she was close to the action, and if she and Weiner got sent away, their kid would have nobody.

Hillary Clinton expressed an openness to running as Vice President with the eventual Democratic Party nominee. She is setting herself up to be a political opponent to Trump, so everything that happens will be part of a vendetta against her because of her principled politics.

China to halve retaliatory tariffs on hundreds of US goods.

Strzok-Page drama ‘FBI Lovebirds’ to be 1st play ever performed at CPAC.

Matt Gaetz says ‘there will be an ethics investigation’ into Pelosi for tearing Trump speech.

AG Barr requires FBI to obtain his approval before investigating 2020 Presidential candidates.

‘Goose stepping’ ‘black mamba’ Trump ‘cult’ ready for ‘violent purge,’ screams Chris Matthews. Is he right? Are we really ready for a violent purge?

MSNBC’s Nicolle Wallace says Trump’s GOP defenders are a ‘mafia family.’ Liberals are sensing threat in the air.

Trump expands drilling in Utah two years after POTUS cut the size of Bears Ears National Park.

New U.S. jobless claims fall 15,000 to 202,000 and return close to a 50-year low.

CNBC’s Jim Cramer points out, President Trump is ‘great for the stock market.’

Rasmussen Poll says a plurality of voters say Trump has made America ‘stronger.’

Trump’s beautiful celebratory speech following the failure of the Impeachment:

Spread r/K Theory, because Impeachment was all bullshit.

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4 years ago


4 years ago

The media problem seems intractable to me. I tried discussing the corona virus with a friend who has a genius level IQ but who gets all his news media from places like NPR. He was convinced that this is no different than the seasonal flu, and that dumb Americans were out panicking everywhere over nothing because low brow media was telling them to do so. Such a view has no basis in reality. He is essentially in a state of hypnosis and short of NPR and other such outlets no longer being available to him, to give him the dopamine rush of feeing smarter than everyone else because he listens to what they say, I have no idea how to fix this problem.

I bring up this example because it’s not like this guy is a midwit who listens to NPR to feel smart; he is legitimately one of the smartest people I know, but he refuses to consider the possibility that he’s entirely misinformed. It seems to me that this is the crux of the problem we have.

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

The enemy media will have to be destroyed.
And still may will remain unsalvageble, I don’t think Q is correct about how many cn be salvaged.

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

Regarding the “media problem:” May I give an example of a man who single-handedly forced the best and the brightest in the oldline media to deal with their own failings?

About twenty years ago, Jeff J-arvis, an ad guy in NYC, began to talk to journalists about the future — their future, that is, the future of journalists. He did so through his blog which many younger journalists and J-school students eagerly read. I can’t recall the original name of that blog, but his current blog is called Buzz-machine. I was one of those younger journos.

Jeff was a bit of a futurist, a definite left-winger but rational. He was into the truth for the money … a typical NYer. To make money, he played the role of the prophet Jeremiah at Columbia J-school, Poynter and other cabalish media places. He was the bearer of bad news. The harbinger of future judgement. The prophet that made them weep.

I spent many hours on many occasions watching and listening to Jeff. As a conservative, I was able to enjoy the scene without trying to “work it,” so to speak, for even then, I wasn’t really part of them. So, I sat back and watched Jeff gently lead the oldline media (yes, it’s singular) toward a new way of thinking. No longer were they “the” media, but one of many media(s), he said. Their money would continue to dry up; nothing would replace it. Fewer people would be willing to subscribe when they had access to good, free sources.

His approach was incremental. He dropped one wee drop of bad news after the next. Slowly. Little drops. Big drops. Whatever they could handle he dropped.

Their resultant howling was delicious (in my ears). But — note this — Jeff was compassionate, for in his heart, he was one of them. He felt their pain while making millions off it. Thus, he knew how far he could go. When they couldn’t or wouldn’t accept the truths he was telling, he cleverly switched angles: I remember being a part of a group that was imagining new funding sources — government and non-profit, of course: Jeff patiently waited for us to burn through this exercise. He knew we’d eventually figure out that there weren’t enough Benjamins out there to save us. Defensive postures like paywalls wouldn’t work, he said. Offensive postures wouldn’t work either. And then, like a snake, he slithered back to where he had left off. Days later.

Why was he able to do this? Two reasons; no, three. First, he was right – his analysis of the situation proved true. Second, he was one of them. Third, and most importantly, was money. They never would have listened to Jeff, except the money was drying up. Oldline journalists were forced to reckon with people/viewers/listeners who didn’t want to pay for their stuff. When ad-money shifted online and subscribers didn’t renew, oldliners had to deal with their competition, to admit that other POVs were making money, and that their beloved and expensive overseas bureaus (CIA fronts, often) weren’t providing the value for which readers were willing to pay. On top of that, new upstart journalists, often independent and sometimes conservative had angles and information that came from a different set of sources which were more believable to readers. (In retrospect, those sources were populist, not top-down or elitist.)

Had the oldline media remained financially viable, I doubt they would have introspected. Even when broke, their denial was palpable. But … and here’s the point, they were forced to rethink only because there wasn’t enough money to pay for all of them. Their world was fast shrinking. They had competition for the first time. Everyone knew that a sizeable percentage of the newly-minted journalists from Columbia J-school weren’t going to get jobs or make a viable living.

“This is toooo Darwinian … toooo capitalist,” a woman-journo once told me. When I suggested she ply her trade in a non-Darwinian, non-capitalist place like Nicaragua, a wee light went off in her head.

So, what’s my point? To have hope, be patient and stand pat. As Trump slowly re-gives ordinary people the “right” to filter through, pay for and generate information, oldline journalism will keep shrinking. It will never go away, as institutional dollars take generations to burn through and many people remain who want to hear from this POV.

Reply to  Rob
4 years ago

Occams razor. How many times have dumb Americans panicked over something completely stupid (like several times a year) compared to the actual global epidemic that wiped out 90% of the world population? It sounds like a clashing of wills….like we all need to harbor the possibility we’re being misinformed everywhere we look.

Rhapsody The Blue
Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

My main complaint about the Q plan is the utter lack of anything being done with the media. It’s a propaganda industrial complex, and it’s more relentless than ever. The endless tidal waves of lies has to be countered somehow. Rhetoric is everything. Like you said, how do we handle the low grade moron leftists? It’s the media that feeds them.

They don’t watch OANN or read Breitbart. Trump tweets are not going to reach them. A Trump tweet crowing about low black unemployment and more opportunity zones for urban areas is answered by a torrent of “U HITLER!” responses.

I don’t have an answer as I’m just a lowly meme soldier. Maybe they need to use some of that evidence to force retirements and get good people into these news organizations. Hell, that’s one reason I thought they picked Trump for this- his media relationships, especially after The Apprentice success. I thought Weinstein going down might have been the start, but that petered out.

Gone Fishin'
Gone Fishin'
Reply to  Rhapsody The Blue
4 years ago

This completely,
You can solve problem after problem after problem, but the main issue always presents itself. A free society is only as good as its information and American information sucks.

If MSM is not held to account for subversion, sedition, supporting enemies of the United States, fraud, revealing classified information, threats against Trump loyal Republicans, libel and slander, all clearly crimes, then what are we even doing? The liars and traitors are above the law. Remember U.S. citizens Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose? The 1st Amendment doesn’t protect MSM language, which is the same as shouting fire (impeachment) in a crowded theater, despite the squealing of the cucks.

We are all out of business, Q included, come Jan. 21, 2025 if this isn’t solved. A society has to be able to talk about it’s actual problems.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Gone Fishin'
4 years ago

A good “kill shot” way to do this would be to release all CIA pay records for any journalist that were paid by them. Trump could do this. It would be a bloodbath. They would freak.

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

Crimea was likely of interest to Putin for its Black Sea port. I’m pretty sure that Russia has already upped its food growing capacities from other regions of Russia to the point that they are now a net exporter of agricultural products. Interestingly, they are very strict about growing organically and not using GMOs, glycophosate, etc.

Anna eppa
Anna eppa
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

The Russian navy’s home base in the west is Sebastopol, in Crimea, on the Black Sea. Once the coup d’etat took place in Ukraine Putin simply didn’t have any other strategic choice.

4 years ago

“What do you do after you expose a conspiracy of pure evil, and there are still citizens of this nation who still cling to it? Can you expel them? If you did, where would you expel them to? It seems a problem without a good solution.”

Mexico, we expel them into Mexico.
It will be in a state of anarchy soon enough, it’s already a leftist hellhole and if they and Mexico decide to hate us for it that may actually be a K selection benefit by giving us an enemy with a land border to worry about.

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

IMHO, if cartels get terminated once and for all, Mexico will be able to stabilize, and the US needs cartels to be terminated for national security reasons. So at the end of the day, I guess the US and the US lefties would greatly benefit from having lefties go have first hand experience about Mexico and what happens when lawlessness is given almost total free reign (something they want to legislate into law in the US). Then after they see what a shitstorm it is, perhaps they can help fight the cartels when the time for war comes (and cartels won’t be going away without killing their members dead, top to bottom, IMHO).

New Name
New Name
4 years ago

Off Topic:

An update from Jordan Peterson’s daughter on the state of his health. As you’ll recall, he was hospitalized for problems associated with the use of benzodiazepines. The report below indicates he had run out of treatment options in North America and had to seek treatment in Russia.

Here’s my guess: cabal felt he was getting too popular and too infuential and decided to medically torture him. I also wouldn’t be surprised that is why Rush Limbaugh has cancer. They get rid of people they view as a threat. The thing that scares me is that as this Q operation goes on, more and more people will be regarded as a threat.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

There might be an additional possibility here. With cabal, I don’t think they view people as for them or against them. I think what concerns them is potential in somebody, and them losing control. So this means that they will let some people rise and obtain some stardom, but they don’t want it to get too big.

If the entire Q narrative is correct, and we are heading for a “great awakening” we are also going to have many people who are plunged into a spiritual crisis. Does spiritual awakening ever occur without a precipitating disillusionment or worse? What happens when you lose trust in all of the sources you are supposed to be able to trust?

We are simply not heading towards a simple issue of some arrests, perp walks, tribunals, and executions, followed by everyone living happily ever after. Q is deliberately downplaying the disorienting trauma that’s likely incoming by all of this. It will be a time in need of leadership.

Cabal despises people capable of leadership.

And this is a dangerous time for cabal. Therefore, people like Jordan, or Rush, or many others in the limelight, are suddenly much more threatening. I’m sure many will be offed as a warning to others.

In the person of Jordan Peterson, no matter what anyone’s views of him and no matter what his past red flag employment positions, is a very human being who is the kind that people would turn to after a great social upheaval. Jordan certainly has his flaws, but these almost make him more human and relatable.

The fact that he has what appear to be Cabal or NWO connections doesn’t really surprise me. ANY academic in the fields of humanities and psychology has run into the machine. And Cabal has thoroughly penetrated clinical psychology, academic psychology, and psychiatry.

I wouldn’t be surprised if a cabal physician misled him on benzos and got him addicted just as a kind of insurance policy. And I’m sure that Jordan knows his industry well enough to know that over here he can’t possibly know which doctors have his best interests in mind and which ones don’t.

There’s all kinds of books I could write and other media I could create. But I simply won’t do it. In this day and age it’s putting a massive bullseye on your forehead.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

This man is a CHARLATAN! He is Cabal. Follow him at your own risk.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  Chad Bigly
4 years ago

He is not a charlatan. Does he hold some things back that would lead cabal to destroy him? Yes, of course. So does ANYONE that is reaching a popular audience.

I really don’t understand what it is with you people. Jordan isn’t requiring us to be obsequious followers. He’s not asking people to join an army. He’s offering very good fatherly advice that one helluva lot of people need to here.

I don’t know why it is that people are unable to adopt an attitude of “take what is useful and ignore the rest.” Because I read Jordan and listen to his videos doesn’t mean that I feel compelled to believe everything he says. No one is becoming Jordan Peterson disciples. Nor is he asking for it.

If Jordan was cabal, if he was a tremendous asset for them, there is NO WAY he’d be seeking medical care in Russia. He’d have the best available to him her and they’d be doing everything possible to keep him alive and get him in front of more people.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

He didn’t reach popularity, his popularity was granted to him, and engineered (just like Shapiru, whom Juden Peterstein was tight with).

>”I really don’t understand what it is with you people.”
Simple: Juden is a zionist leftie gate keeping shill who manipulates his audience which is made up of mostly White young males who lack a father figure.

>”He’s offering very good fatherly advice that one helluva lot of people need to here.”
Wash you penis and clean your room is not something nobody needs Juden Peterstein to tell them. Anyone with a mother hears that, and fortunately, mothers don’t tend to add to that message the message that “Whites can’t have in-group preferences because they turn evil and Hitler 2.0 comes into being”, which is what Juden Peterstein does.

>”If Jordan was cabal, if he was a tremendous asset for them”
The operative word there is WAS. While he was one, sure the cabal would tend to him and protect their asset, now that he has been exposed for the charlatan he is (which only adds more strength to the message he is against regarding Whites having the right (if not the moral and ethical obligation) of tending to their in-group preferences), what interest would the cabal have in wasting resources on him? I don’t think you get a severance package once the cabal is done using you for whatever end they want to use you (reminds me of the commie revolutionary useful idiots who were the first to be executed once the commies grabbed the power).

It also reminds me of the whole Tommy Robinson thing, it seems like things only started to go awfully wrong for him once his narrative started to have its cracks exposed publicly (how can someone be against the MSM and against the Islamization of the West and then defend the main force behind those 2, which is Jewish collective power?). – “Jordan Peterson – Zionist Shill”

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

My guess is that he failed the cabal (he was literally a leftist who was against the SJWs because they were going to extreme to fast for the normies to accept their bullshit (he said it so himself), and he literally did narrative building for the UN Replacement Migration plan, Juden Peterstein is also against all kinds of identity politics except for Jews, and is a gatekeeping shill for all things related to Jewish subversion), so he got thrown under the bus because he was no longer useful.

Voxday has exposed that traitor big time (as have many others, but Voxday has a special talent of utterly destroying those he sees as enemies of the West, so I always liked his approach towards Juden Peterstein better).

JD is no friend of the West or the Western people.

Proofs: – “(Archive) E. Michael Jones on Jordan Peterson and the Jewish Question” – “The myth of Jordan Peterson’s integrity” – “A reply to Jordan Peterson” – “Vox Day Concludes His Work On Jordan Peterson” – Big graph on the subversion of Jordan Peterson – “Jordan Peterson a UN Globalist: Edited a Report for the High-Level Panel on Sustainable Development” – Image of article above, with archive link included – Image about Jordan Peterson curriculum (source of image: ) – Image from the UN document on the replacement migration project that Juden Peterstein helped with

New Name
New Name
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

Jordan is a good man with a lot to offer and a lot of useful things to say.

Ideologically perfect? Absolutely not.

But nobody obtains the professional and academic experiences that he has without in some ways bowing to the machine.

The way the game is rigged, if someone is ideologically pure you can be sure that they never made it through relevant academic or professional experiences to make them an authority.

Of course Peterson has in some ways submitted to cabal. Or is at least aware of their presence and knows to keep his mouth shut about certain things.

still, I think he does have a lot of useful things to say and so many people do need to hear him.

Chad Bigly
Chad Bigly
Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

No he is not, you are a fool.

New Name
New Name
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

btw, it’s reasonable to assume that EVERYONE in the north american mental health racket has in some way come in contact with cabal. And if they aren’t serving it they know not to cross it.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

I don’t think he is a good person at all, I think he is just good at getting people to trust him and he uses that as a tool to help him push for the zionist globohomo agenda (which is what his MO was), and AC and Voxday have 6 million times the leadership potential that Juden Peterstein ever had. So I respectfully disagree with you on that.

What I do agree with you on thou, is that the mental health industry is comped to the 9th degree.

Also. Voxday made another very interesting post on his blog regarding Juden and the shame that comes from getting taken for a ride by a master manipulator (as always, the comments are worth taking the time to read):

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

I don’t follow Jordan Peterson nor do I hold water for him but I don’t necessarily think he is some sinister cabalist. He could be just a simple Liberal lame brain like a lot of them but thinks more like an old fashioned liberal. I like Vox Day but I think he tends towards absolutism. Everything is black or White. I’m not necessarily against this but it but it isn’t always correct. [I can particularly be accused of this on my attitude towards the Jews. So few Jews are helpful, and most are enemies, it’s wiser to just consider all of them enemies as any leaning towards any position they offer usually ends up in tragedy for anyone cutting them any slack.]

I’m biased though. I got banned for saying something along the lines of,”There is no difference between a bunch of Jews moving to your country and a tribe of psychopaths”. I believe this is the reason. I keep track of some comments I make and that was one of the last ones there before I was banned. In my mind if you add up all the things the Jews have done to the US, their behavior, and compare them to a standard psychological test that statement holds up very well.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
4 years ago

I think Juden is too smart and interested in politics and history to not know exactly what he is doing.

>Wash your benis.

Reply to  New Name
4 years ago

BTW, Voxday has just posted about this, kek:

4 years ago

BREAKING: Carter Page revealed on John Solomon Reports podcast that special Spygate prosecutor John Durham’s team has not contacted him for an interview or asked him for any docs or records, even tho Durham is believed to be investigating FBI officials who illegally spied on Page

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) February 7, 2020″


Are all of the DoJ people we know about just decoys?

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

Could be, having the true prosecution team being unknowns negates the enemy the capacity to fuck with them as much as they would like.

4 years ago

Farcesensitive says:
February 7, 2020 at 10:40 pm

BREAKING: Carter Page revealed on John Solomon Reports podcast that special Spygate prosecutor John Durham’s team has not contacted him for an interview or asked him for any docs or records, even tho Durham is believed to be investigating FBI officials who illegally spied on Page

— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) February 7, 2020″


Are all of the DoJ people we know about just decoys?


Since Carter Page was never any counduit to Russia for Trump and in fact has a case history of cooperation with the government for the express purposes of law enforcement there may be no need to gather any more statements from him. His prior recorded statements and the internal government paper trail may be sufficient to make the case they wish with regards to him.

Secondly, he has a habit now of running to the cameras/media to promote himself with Spygate storylines. So if any contact with him is neccesary best to put it off as long as possible since he’ll rush to be on Hannity immediately following which may not be to the investegators’ benefit.

4 years ago

Doctor Warns Up To 30% Of Medical Staff Working In Wuhan Hospital Now Infected With nCoV

Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago


29% of patients are infected staff

29% — that’s the % of the 138 #coronavirus infected patients who are actually infected medical staff in one Wuhan hospital. Almost 1 in 3 patients being hospital healthcare workers is just insane. New case series report in JAMA:
— Eric Feigl-Ding (@DrEricDing) February 7, 2020

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  Farcesensitive
4 years ago

This is insane. If what I read was true, that even if you get well you are still shedding this virus then IT”S THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE with walking virus spreaders infecting everyone.

Reply to  Sam J.
4 years ago

Fortunately it seems to only be killing large numbers of asians, we may soon be a planet without asians.

4 years ago
4 years ago

The next Tiananmen Square? Chinese citizens are demanding increased free speech after the death of a coronavirus whistleblower doctor. China is censoring their calls.

4 years ago

Chinese reporter disappeared by government for reporting on Coronavirus:

4 years ago

>”All that misogynistic game theory is crap, but it’s kind of half truth.”

If one ignores the stuff that is out there related to game that is inacurate and put together by buffoons that just want an easy buck, then the accurate theory is not misogynistic per-se at all, it’s just observation of human behavior. For example, one of the most important aspects of game is to know how to read body language, there is nothing pro or anti-women in that. Another example is the fact that supplication and putting women on a pedestal is a pussy drier; that is a simple observable fact that is not pro or anti-women per see at all.

>”In times of social media isolation and rampant autism, we’re not acting like normal humans who constantly interact in groups taking in each others pheromones. Sometimes it’s nothing you actually did that made a woman attracted to you. It’s an animalistic urge to procreate with someone who has the right mix of genes to create superior offspring, or at least ones that aren’t defective. That’s how it works in normie-land. That….and it takes good character to keep the relationship going long-term.”

Sure, there are things about the human mating behavior that nobody can control nor change (pheromones, etc), and there are times where you do nothing or purpose and someone gets attracted to you (this goes for both sexes), but if you think that behavior can’t be engineered in order to elicit attraction in a women (and the same for men, women put on lip stick to simulate arousal (related to their ovulation cycle) which elicits attraction in males), then you’re simply wrong (and if you think like that, I won’t be able to change your mind, that was one of the things that took me years to accept, and I didn’t accepted it until I put effort in and managed to pull it off consistently).

And this is not a question of normie land or sperg land, I have no problem going into social situations and acting 100% like a normie (although that took me some training, I have a tendency to go on never ending rants when talking about things that interest me), it’s a question of human nature and certain things being hardwired into humans. BTW, this does not mean at all that a high level player can get any woman he wants, it doesn’t work like that, think of it like getting good at sales, the better you can play the game, the higher your close rate goes, but you won’t be able to close anyone you want just by wanting to do it and playing. People aren’t robots, but they have hard-wired mechanisms in them, and those can be used for different ends.

>”Maybe I’m too different. Game theory seems like it might work for certain kinds of people, and if you want to throw your genetic lot in with them, go for it.”

Accurate game theory is just sets of principals and facts that when applied give you an edge when trying to initiate a romantic relationship with another person. Most women naturally have game (and part of their game is to deny the existence of game itself, in order to filter the inept, this is hard-wired behavior), and most of them love the feeling of being properly gamed when they are open to it (who doesn’t like feeling attracted to someone, and as you get to know that person better, to get to find out that they find it more and more attractive over time?). Those principals and facts about human behavior can help you get along with all kinds of people (including with yourself, learning who to keep your emotions under control is one of the cornerstones of good game), it is up to the player to choose who he wants to relate with (take the example of Roosh, he was a player who was big on banging r-selective girls, then he choose to walk with Christ and he teaches game as it related to getting into a K-selective relationship, game is just a tool, you can use it for different ends). And btw, one of the most anti-game things one can do is to talk about game with a woman, talking about game makes the woman self-conscious and sends her into her own head, which is not what one wants when trying to get to the close ASAP.

As for you being different from other women, maybe you are. At least you have great taste in blogs, kek.

Reply to  LembradorDos6Triliões
4 years ago

The whole ‘walk with Christ’ thing is telling and is like talking about game. Sure, people grow up (a lot don’t) but I met a lot of guys who partied, then ‘walked with Christ’ for a bit, then went right back to being a skeever. That was one of the first human nature lessons I learned early in life. If you choose to find religion, make sure you’re giving testimonies five years in. That’s fair. What, do they say the average person sticks with a church for three?

What’s fun is coming to blogs that are men dominated, then also visiting blogs that are women dominated to get the big picture on everyone’s psychology. Both complain about ridiculous crap, but both also have valid complaints about each other.

Reply to  Kharmii
4 years ago

>”What’s fun is coming to blogs that are men dominated, then also visiting blogs that are women dominated to get the big picture on everyone’s psychology.”

Sounds sensible.