900 Migrants Accepted In Port At Sicily

Not encouraging:

An Italian coastguard ship carrying more than 900 migrants was allowed to dock in Sicily on Wednesday, shortly after Italy controversially turned away a foreign vessel with rescued migrants on board.

The Diciotti ship arrived at the port of Catania and the migrants began to disembark, an AFP photographer saw.

What a coincidence. There just happened to be an AFP photographer right there as the ship docked and the migrants debarked. It could have been a coincidence, but it feels like somebody arranged this to be public to damage the new government.

There is a temptation to say, vote the bastards out if they can’t hold to their word. But you have to be careful, because that can play into Cabal’s hands.

Remember Ace Lyons’ statements on Reagan ordering an attack on Iran, twice, and nothing happening, because they killed the orders two different ways:

This is the depth of entrenchment of a very organized enemy, who has taken key positions in government, so no matter who is elected, they can issue the orders. Look at the power that affords.

Suppose you are Cabal, and by some chance the loyal nationalists get their guys elected. You can simply order actions by the government which, to the masses, will appear as a betrayal. You can even call up the media you control, to make sure they document the betrayal.

That will destroy future support for the real nationalists, and get them voted out. And you can keep doing that until you can get your guys into office, at which point you allow the government to do just marginally more than the honest loyalist candidates, so your people appear the best available. Think George W. Bush.

Another reason I think a lot of what Q says can be believed, is I do not think Trump could have gotten elected himself and accomplished as much as he has by himself. I think if he was a guy who just decided to run on his own and happened to win, he would have found himself powerless. Even worse, immigration would have skyrocketed worse than Obama, taxes would have been hiked, strict gun control would have been forced through, and America would have begun the final decline into Apocalypse.

As that happened the Cuckservative media would have fed the narrative that Trump was never Conservative, and he was just a New York liberal who hoodwinked all the dumb Trump supporters who voted for him, who henceforth should have no credibility. You could even see people like Jonah Goldberg setting up that narrative just before the election with his comments about how in his darker, masochistic moments he almost hoped Trump would be elected so he could destroy everything and we all would see how damaging to real conservatism he would be. My guess is the Cabal’s plan at that point was that if Trump won, they would have forced the government to go even more leftist, using all the control points like Admiral Lyon’s talked about.

And all along the way, we ourselves would have derided Trump for being ineffectual and maybe even a leftist traitor to our cause. I believe all the machinery to do all of that had already been assembled and installed by Cabal.

The only way I see Trump accomplishing as much as he has, is if for decades before he was elected, intelligence professionals were quietly mapping out the networks of Cabal within the government, identifying all the points where the powers of the elected President would be neutralized and countermanded, and planning how best to counter all of the powers of Cabal in a methodical, stepwise fashion. Reagan never had that.

The bottom line is, I just do not think anyone outside of the most elite intelligence organizations can acquire the intelligence necessary to fully understand the enemy, and figure out how to counter the myriad of powers and fail safes they have amassed. I am not sure anyone outside of intelligence could even have figured out who the enemy at the top is. Whatever this is, it has been playing this game a long time, and it had learned the power of hiding so completely that nobody could figure out who or what it was.

I do not know if Italian intelligence officers have had the foresight or the fearless recalcitrance necessary to risk everything to slowly and patiently determine a path to restore the power in their nation to its peoples, despite the risks that would pertain should their investigations be noticed.

That the anti-migrant party has already seen its core premise countermanded publicly in this way may mean they will have to be watched in the future. If this continues, then either the officials elected are not who they say, or the machine they were elected to lead has been so thoroughly corrupted that real change will not be possible until the intelligence professionals decide to take action.

It does highlight one thing. Those who are loyal to their nation and want to serve cannot do better than to either migrate into intelligence work themselves, or raise their children to migrate there. Because as Sun Tsu said, you cannot just know yourself to win a thousand battles. You need to know your enemy too.

And the real enemy we face today knew that, and had hidden themselves unusually well.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because some intelligence needs to get disseminated

This entry was posted in Cabal Inc., Conspiracy, Europe, Immigration, Intel, Nationalism, Q, Treason. Bookmark the permalink.
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5 years ago

You’re forgetting something else that is strong in Sicily: the Mafia. They’ve been earning shitloads of money with the migrant scam, but haven’t yet realised that they are importing their younger, and far more brutal, competition.

5 years ago

5 star is owned, Lega is real nationalists. Don’t ask how I know, capisce?