Is Hillary Having Seizures, Due To Amygdala Insufficiency?

There is a lot of buzz about this video:

This was not a traditional grand mal seizure, but rather more of an involuntary tic in response to the startle produced by all of the reporters suddenly barking questions at her at once. At Free Republic, a neurologist speculated it was an absence seizure, though it might be something more specific to Hillary’s amygdala deficiency, rather than a commonly diagnosed malady.

[ UPDATE: This would appear to fit the diagnostic criteria for “Startle Epilepsy.” ]

To examine it, turn off the sound so your amygdala can focus on her movements, and watch it full screen. There are two rounds of head jerking. My impression is that the first was not voluntary, and reflected a genuine tic/seizure in response to a startle response, which she tried to cover/control with a second round of humorous and playful head jerking, to keep it from looking as unusual as it would have if she had tried to ignore it.

Notice how controlled and aggressive the first round of jerking is, and how there is so little counter-movement of her whole body. Basically just a few neck muscles contracted repeatedly, moving her head in one plane, forward and back, as her body stayed static. Then it stopped.

The second burst of movement was her attempt to make the first look like a voluntary attempt at comedy, and cover up the tic. Notice how it is slower, more hap-hazard, more gentle, and how she slowly rolls her entire body in one direction, as she more gently rolls her head in the other, before rocking her head from side to side slowly. In the second round, she did not jerk her head along a single axis and stop, but rather gently rolled it along in a circular fashion, before gently rocking it from side to side. It was a totally different movement.

A sign it was something serious is the fact that Hillary immediately ceases answering questions, holds up the cold drink to divert attention, and her handler immediately moves out of the left side of the frame saying, “All Right…” to cut everyone off as he grabs her shoulder and spirits her away. Her handlers know there is some sort of problem, and when it hits she needs to be evacuated quickly.

Now, I have said for a while that I see things in Hillary’s mannerisms that indicate to me an extraordinarily deficient amygdala. I strongly suspect that her famous fall was in fact due to a brain shutdown triggered by a decently sized amygdala hijack from something related to the Benghazi scandal. She was admitted to the hospital right around the time Issa delivered a documents request.

My own Narcissist, Bob, had among the weakest amygdalae I have ever seen, so my observations of him inform much of my practical understanding of the disorder. There are two main things he taught me, that I believe are applicable here. One is that the amygdala can be overloaded, to the point of shutting down entirely and taking the brain’s function down with it.

The second is that such an overloading appears to be related to a structural and physical inability to supply sufficient blood to the structure, to fuel it’s operations with glucose and/or oxygen. Perhaps the amygdala is so excitable that a normal vascular structure can’t keep it fueled under load, or perhaps an insufficient vascular structure renders the amygdala vulnerable to exhaustion, or perhaps it is a combination of factors. Regardless, in such cases I suspect the amygdala is like a muscle which has never had sufficient cardiovascular training, and as a result it shuts down after only the most minimal use.

I’m going to post a few comments here from Free Republic’s discussion of the subject, because I have mentioned these themes before, but I want you to see others are saying the same things:

Possibly a “petit mal” seizure. I’ve had two happen to people standing right next to me. The head jerking is the clue…

She held up her iced coffee drink as if that was the reason. Maybe a seizure triggered by brain freeze from drinking something cold?…

I see nervous disorder and diabetic jumpiness… My mom was just like this…

I work with a guy who has the same thing. His head will bobble like a doll when he has to talk and is stressed. Early Parkinson’s onset according to him… [ed. note – Parkinson’s is an immunologically mediated dopamine deficiency]

watch the reporter about 13 seconds in— she asks hillary if she is ok.. you can read her words…

If anything it would be stimulus-sensitive myoclonus. “It is triggered by a variety of external events, including noise, movement, and light. Surprise may increase the sensitivity of the individual…” [ed. note – sudden noise, movement, light, and surprise are all amygdala stimulants, and Hillary was under the lights of the cameras, with phones invading her space, as the reporter on the left locked eye contact, and suddenly she was hit with surprise and noise.]

So Hillary may have restricted blood flow to the brain mildly with an iced drink. Then she was placed under the mild amygdala strain of the interview, invasion of space and cameras. Once her amygdala was so loaded, she experienced a startle stimuli, involving noise, suddenness, and surprise which startled her, surged her amygdala into action, and triggered what appears to be a minor series of uncontrolled muscle spasms.

So how could Trump use this? There are two major ways, the white hat methods, and the black hat methods. White hat would be to simply focus on triggering her amygdala in debate. These stimuli would be out-grouping, violations of expectation, splitting focus (carving the attentional pie), denigrations of stature, boxing in to prevent a response, uncomfortable physical contact, invasion of space, uncomfortable eye contact, still facing, slamming a table that both are sitting at for emphasis unexpectedly, uncomfortable imagery such as mortal salience, relative inferiority, envy, and unfairness (like Obama unfairly taking her ability to easily win the Presidency), conflict stimuli such as aggressive and demeaning body language, presentation of sad, fearful, or angering thoughts, talking quickly and sharply, use of hand gestures while speaking to distract attention, and so on.

These will all light up and load the amygdala under the already stressful milieu of a debate. Trigger her enough consistently, and box her in so she cannot relieve the stress with an outburst, and you would stand a good chance of triggering bizarre neurological symptoms that you could exploit, to argue she is unfit for office.

The black hat methods to trigger her amygdala would be more along the lines of stuff Roger Stone would do. This would involve organizing the audience to take pictures with smart phones at unexpected times, just as Hillary looked at them, to hit her with sudden and unnerving flashes of light. Knowing Stone, he would probably alter the cameras with flash strobes that were fifty or a hundred times as bright and more focused, to really hit the unexpected and extreme buttons. Sudden and unexpected sharp outbursts of organized applause and cheering could also hit the loud noise and surprise buttons. Weird movements in the crowd, explicit hand gestures, uncomfortable eye contact and still facing by the audience, and other things done by the crowd that are designed to split Hillary’s focus as she is trying to concentrate, would also trigger and overload her amygdala. Few things can trigger the amygdala of a focused person like splitting their focus with some seemingly meaningless stimulus as they try to concentrate on something they see as important.

However all of that would probably be superfluous anyway. Hillary is a leftist with a severely atrophied amygdala, that may have been damaged even further by a stroke, heading into a Presidential contest against a candidate who is a master of the amygdala trigger.

I really see no way this can end well for her. Hospitalization due to mental breakdown is at least a 50-50 possibility before November comes around, especially given how she has to bottle up the rage-aholic inside, and pretend to be happy all the time.

What a great time to be into politics.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Liberals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry, Trump. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Is Hillary Having Seizures, Due To Amygdala Insufficiency? […]

7 years ago

I have epilepsy: complex partial, left temporal lobe. This part of the brain contains the hippocampus and amygdala and involves memory, primitive emotions (fear, anger) speech and memory. So when you have TL seizures (which are basically disordered electrical surges) all of that function is disrupted.

Speaking from personal experience, some parts of the Hillary incident look like a focal seizure. Right before the bobble she’s having speech issues, then she goes blank. Possible simple seizure, which often precede a larger one (complex partial). The bobble? It’s not a typical symptom but that would depend on where the seizure starts and where it spreads. Then she makes a joke and they take her away. The postictal period after a seizure is a brain reboot. You’re retarded as hell. No way would they want her talking.

Your theory about the fall is a possibility. Even a person with partial seizures can sometimes experience a generalized brain shut down. I’ve had 3 episodes where I’ve turned blue and dropped, no convulsions, just out and gone. These occurred amidst hundreds of episodes of uneventful partials. It’s a dangerous unpredictable illness.

Another thing I see with Hillary is she looks like she’s on something. Anti-convulsives work by slowing down brain activity, which is why they suck. I’m having really good luck with Keppra right now but it’s like smoking a giant bag of weed every day (sadly without the euphoria) and I see in her the same kind of “hey mon!” mush mouth. Maybe whatever she’s taking she keeps the euphoria because she smiles and laughs like a maniac. Have you noticed? It’s odd. Something else to keep in mind is that they give anti-convulsives to patients with psychiatric issues such as bi-polar.

BTW, you might find it interesting-I seem to be getting more conservative or “K” with the continued seizure activity.

7 years ago

To clarify, a petit mal (aka absence) seizure is not a partial seizure. Petit mal and Grand mal are both generalized, which means they involve the whole brain. Persons having those don’t retain consciousness (although in the case of petit mal they appear to because the seizures are so brief). A partial seizure is one where a person will actually be aware of the experience.

Here’s what a typical (mine are very typical) left temporal lobe partial seizure is like (and remember all this involves the amygdala): sudden burst of déjà vu. If this had a sound effect it would be the slasher sound from Psycho it’s so scary (brain fear, not real) it’s accompanied by confusion, a shift in reality and a memory or false memory, “oh my God, I just dreamed this moment, I totally dreamed this! No! Wait I AM DREAMING, oh f**k, I’m still asleep!” This is actually a simple seizure but it’s often called an aura because it precedes the next section, the complex partial, which starts with another big burst of fear. This is a much more physical experience because it involves more of the brain. The closest way to describe it is, it’s like a 30 second car accident in your living room. Your car spins out of control (horror!), it plunges off a cliff (intense chest/stomach pressure like a roller coaster), a lot of input you can’t process (comes in waves), higher thinking is out, you’re rigid, you can sort of move your limbs but not your head or eyes (mine are fixed lower right hand corner), you can see, but not really. It’s vaguely painful. Can’t explain. Then it stops suddenly. World gets bright (pupils dilate) and you’re shaky, sick and don’t know what the hell just happened. Whole shebang lasts less than a minute. The longer it goes on the closer you come to passing out. A lot of times you have amnesia about it. For two hours after, you’re really stupid, and depending on how bad it was it can take a week or more to get back peak mental capacity.

They are the most common type of seizure and the hardest to treat. Also the most damaging to memory and speech.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I wouldn’t be surprised if there were a GI connection. B vitamins are important (I’m prescribed B6). Blood sugar issues, stress, lack of sleep, or erratic sleep, illness, sounds, lights and alcohol, even aspirin are common triggers for people.

Say Hillary had a brain injury with bleeding. Blood contains metal. Metal screws up electrical activity, which is why the brain can’t tolerate it free floating in there. Even a dried speck can create a seizure focus. And seizures beget seizures. She now has a trigger-happy brain.

Controlling seizures in a raging narcissist would be a nightmare. I can’t even imagine the level of meds it would take! If this is her problem, expect plenty of “deer-in-the-headlights” moments in the debates which she may try to cover with “coughing” (because she can’t talk, reason or understand what the hell was just said) and yeah, passing out.

7 years ago

Just more evidence to justify my prediction of months ago: she will pass out in one of the debates with Trump.
One of the routes that leads to her removal at he top of the ticket when polls are going badly.

7 years ago

I don’t think it’s a seizure. I think she is just really doped up on some concoction of pharmaceuticals. At this point she’s just a meat puppet, a political bobble head.

I really can’t imagine her in a live debate with the Don, I wouldn’t be at all suprised if they find some excuse to back out of it. Wouldn’t be much of a debate anyway, it would be a roast. Like witnessing a lamb being sacrificed.

7 years ago

“As I watched Virginia Senator Tim Kaine speaking after his introduction as Hillary Clinton’s running mate, I realized the Democrats made a big mistake.

They should have put him at the top of the ticket instead of Hillary.

Her husband Bill was the best public speaker in recent national politics.

She may be the worst, at least in this century.”

sez all.

7 years ago

No, Hillary is rocking out to ELP:

7 years ago

Could it be alcohol or alcohol withdrawal related? Hillary is rumored to be a boozer.

Reply to  reluctantreactionary
7 years ago

Things are not always cut and dried. Dx may be amygdala problem (myoclonus, stroke, vascular insufficiency, etc.) exacerbated by alcoholism and other conditions, such as her hypothyroidism, creating a syndemic (multiplied symptoms, secondary symptoms, etc. that complicate or hinder treatment.

7 years ago

Could this be another case of liberal amygdala hijack?

7 years ago

Part of my practice for nearly two decades involves caring for patients experiencing seizures.

Is it a seizure? Nah this is a bit of a stretch IMO. Nervous tic? Quite possibly. People these days manifest all sorts of involuntary movements and reactions that range from largely unconscious to purposeful to mix of both. I’d say the likelihood of this being seizure-like activity is extremely low.

“At Free Republic, a neurologist speculated it was an absence seizure”

Seriously? I work with neurologists on a daily basis. I am a colleague. I suspect if I showed them this vid and asked them if this was a seizure they’d laugh. Lay folks with no medical training are understandably quite ridiculous with their speculations. But this physician at the Free Republic MUST have an agenda beyond simply practicing medicine if he is speculating wildly like this. Besides this, it just flatly an inaccurate assessment – an absence seizure by definition exhibits no motor activity. It is largely a blank stare state.

You have to understand that there is a difference between involuntary movements and seizures. Obviously not all involuntary movements are the result of seizure (abnormal brain wave activity) and not all seizures involve involve involuntary movements (some exhibit the absence of movement).

So bottom line, is her reaction weird? Absolutely. She’s a freak and I agree with another commentor…she is probably on a ton of meds for who knows what. She clearly has an exaggerated startle response. Seizure or not, it IS a huge red flag about her fitness. Leader of the free world? I think not.

Harry Tassitus
Reply to  hashtag_agitated
7 years ago

“Visual phenomena are often accompanied or followed by “conscious” tonic or, rarely, clonic eye, or eye and head deviation, usually toward the side of the initial visual symptoms. Clinically, it may be impossible to determine whether eye and head turning is a manifestation of the seizure or whether they are attempts by the patient to follow perceived images and hallucinatory figures.

Eyelid fluttering or forced blinking with a dragging sensation in one eye represent other seizure manifestations that have been correlated to occipital localization of seizure discharges. Visual phenomena, both positive and negative, may spread to involve the entire visual field.”

Can you please comment on this? Is this Neurologist speaking of external visual triggers like the bright red fingernails of the reporter, the bright red LED lights at the debate and the red balloons at the convention?

Harry Tassitus
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

Thanks for the response and just to clarify, when a neurologist speaks of the above named phenomena, he is speaking of a subjective affect vs an objective affect? Can I conclude that all photogenic seizures are subjective triggered? Some articles I’ve read seem to imply that some epileptic individuals need to avoid those patterns or colors they know will cause problems and even put their hand in front of one eye to block the stimuli from flooding the entire brain i.e.(“you all need to try the cold Chai”) Thanks again, its nice to know that someone on this board has had substantial medical experience in this little talked about field.

Harry Tassitus
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
7 years ago

I have been using the wrong terms when referring to the visual affect in some types of epilepsy. I had been using the word “Photogenic” when I should have used the term “Photosensitive”.

“Photosensitive epilepsy is a type of epilepsy, in which all, or almost all, seizures are
triggered by flashing or flickering light. Both natural and artificial light may trigger
seizures. Some patterns, like stripes or checks, can also trigger seizures for some people
with photosensitive epilepsy.

Various types of seizure can be triggered by flashing or flickering light. These include
tonic-clonic, absence, myoclonic and focal seizures. The most common is a tonic-clonic
seizure.1 The seizure(s) will usually happen at the time of, or shortly after, looking at the
trigger.2” taken from the PDF of Epilepsy Action website

Harry Tassitus
Reply to  hashtag_agitated
7 years ago

“Photosensitive epilepsy is a type of epilepsy, in which all, or almost all, seizures are
triggered by flashing or flickering light. Both natural and artificial light may trigger
seizures. Some patterns, like stripes or checks, can also trigger seizures for some people
with photosensitive epilepsy.

Various types of seizure can be triggered by flashing or flickering light. These include
tonic-clonic, absence, myoclonic and focal seizures. The most common is a tonic-clonic
seizure. The seizure(s) will usually happen at the time of, or shortly after, looking at the
trigger.” taken from the PDF of Epilepsy Action website

After looking at the Hannah Chanpong un-edited video, HRC actually does sip from the cold chai
tea drink just immediately prior to the beginning of the seizure. Wondering if her type of clot could impinge on one of the nerves in that area (r ear) and cause the frequent coughing or some type of vaso-vagal response or maybe a glossopharangeal disorder?

Harry Tassitus
Reply to  hashtag_agitated
7 years ago

Have you ever treated patients with seizures secondary to Neurosyphilis? Most, if not all of her symptoms (including the supposed incontinence) can be attributed to Neurosyphilis. Eye, tongue, balance, photo seizures, falls, coughing etc. Her Drs could have eliminated this thru a microscopic of her first spinal tap. My understanding is that Tabes Dorsalis is treatable but left untreated can be fatal. Given her husband’s numerous escapades this is not an unreasonable question. Also the fact that many women are symptom-less until it is too late. I remember the press crucifying the dictator Idi Amin because he had been eating human body parts from his refrigerator. (but today there is no reference on the internet to that fact) I understand that she did have a fall and CVT but maybe it was caused by a more sinister and chronic condition.

steven davis
steven davis
7 years ago

Morgellons Disease is most likely the cause. An emerging public health problem that the medical field refuses to deal with. It is estimated that one fourth of the worlds population has it dormant or not, meaning active. Its in water, food, drugs, air and is a form of bioterrorism
Morgellons. Look it up and ignore the CDC entry. NASA is the sprayer. Big brother is killing us. Or programming us through parasite infestations in our skin. Buy a cheap microscope and see….

7 years ago

When she does debate Trump she is going to be on a cocktail of pharmaceuticals to help her pretend to be a normal human. Beta blockers for stressing, maybe some anti-seizure parkinson’s stuff if doctors think she migth have regular epilepsy and not a screwy amygdala, and something to lift her mood a bit.

Sam J.
Sam J.
7 years ago

There’s a much better video where you see he from the front. From the rear it looks odd but from the front is much more pronounced.

The exaggerated startle response I believe is because shes a psychopath and doesn’t quite have the smiling thing down. She raises her eyebrows to smile. Nancy Pelosi does the same. When she smiles it looks like her face is under strain.

Robert What?
7 years ago

I have been saying for some time that I can’t imagine the drugs and meds they are going to have to keep her pumped up with to drag her across the finish line. Even Liberals have to see she is unfit to be President. Don’t they?

7 years ago

Look at the Hannah Chanpong video that is on Twitter and in the New York Daily News (Diana Crandall) June 10, 2016 article. At the six second point of that video, Hillary Clinton’s open eyes do not track together.

7 years ago

[…] Here, once caught the thief’s amygdala went into ultra-high-startle/freeze, and oddly the same muscles that were spasming in Hillary when she her amygdala was startled, locked up in the thief, pulling is head back and exposing his neck. Interesting how deeply these […]

7 years ago

[…] possibilities are endless, if Roger Stone wanted to get involved. If I were doing it, given Hillary’s propensity to have a seizure when exposed to sudden loud noises, I would create a recording beforehand containing alternating periods of quiet, unpredictably […]