A Narcissist’s Face Masking Stress

I’ve said before that the Narcissist under high stress pulls the corners of his lips outward, folds his lips under, and makes a smile like Stan in the old Laurel and Hardy Movies (The thin guy):

Here is another:

The only difference is there is a little glassy eye’d blankness behind the Narcissist’s smile when they make this face.

I thought of it when I saw this:

And this:

I think what I am seeing is how they roll the lips inward, which is a subconscious expression of guilt, and then they try to smile while still making that guilt mouth-expression.

Here is Rod Blagojevich making a guilt face without the smile:

Here is Clinton’s guilt face, without the smile:

The TV show Lie To Me actually had a picture of a chimpanzee who was caught trying to steal a banana from another chimp, making that exact same mouth expression.

You can see how if you try to smile, while making that face, and while under a level of stress unlike anything normal people feel, you end up looking like Schneiderman.

It is funny how much of what is going on inside the heads of these guys leaks out, even when their profession revolves around masking the degeneracy that is inherent to their psychology.

Spread r/K Theory, because we want the left to look like Stan when they smile

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Anxiety, Faces, Narcissists, Politics, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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Cynic In Chief
Cynic In Chief
5 years ago

Lie To Me is what opened me up to the world of facial reading. The ability to read faces can give someone fighting for the Light the ability to detect those for the Dark, no matter how hard they try and blend in with everyone else.
The main caveat with it is one of the issues explored in the show, just because you see an emotion doesn’t mean you know the reason behind it.

5 years ago

Can’t hide that you’re a cluster B from the AC :DDD




Repost of the interview with the Republican Human Rights Activist Patrick Little who is running for Senate in California:


June 5th on California, VOTE LITTLE – WIN BIG!

>Who is Patrick Little?

Patrick is a United States Marine Corps Veteran who served with honor in Afghanistan. Patrick is running as a Republican and is in 2nd place behind Dianne (((Feinstein))) in the California Senate race. 2nd place is a VICTORY in the June 5th California Primary.

>What is Pat’s platform?

-Merit-based employment in all government agencies and ending affirmative action.
-Nationalize Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all other natural monopolies in the IT industry.
-Limit representation of Jews in the government.
-Outlaw lobbying of foreign governments.
-Death penalty for any politician introducing a bill for foreign aid to Israel.
-Reparations to families of the victims of Jewish terrorist attacks on the US.
-Give descendants of slaves a one time payment funded by diverting aid from the original slave traders: Israel.
-Repeal the 1965 Immigration Act and restore the policies of the National Origins Act.


Patrick Little tells you what he thinks about the terrorist state of Israel

http://www.LittleRevolution.us -> His website. Visit now!

Read his AMA’s here:

ZOG and mossadpedia already trying to unperson Patrick Little.
The deep state fears Patrick Little.

See here:


5 years ago


You have to see this AC:

5 years ago

Eliot Spitzer’s face sure stood out when his scandal came to light.


Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Love this stuff. So useful! You’re great at describing things, but nothing beats photo examples.

This reminds me of your book on narcissists, which I read cover to cover and which has helped me recognize the condition in several people I know.

In the book, you explain how we should react to various narcissist stimuli. I wish we also had some examples of what things to say and do in each case.

Perhaps such could be a source of articles. Bring up a way to counter a narcissist, then give an example of what it might look like in action. I’m good at avoiding feeding these people after I recognize them, but I’d like to learn how to strike back.

English Tom
English Tom
Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

Jaded Jurist

A.C. describes the methods in his book. The Amygdala Hijack is primary.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

This absolutely works, I do it regularly to my father’s wife when I feel like watching her head explode.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Okay, that’s a good summary. I can do the amused thing pretty comfortably.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

Genius isn’t an IQ rank and actually the theft of the term for a rank refers to a middling category of above-average. It’s a person who advances their field greatly, no more or less. So Tesla was a genius, Edison was not. Read Genius Famine.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

This is exactly how we (my family) dealt with a narcissistic PASTOR! This skill must come naturally to us, as I am only now reading up on these evil people after the fact. I am going to send your little snippet of advice on how to deal with narcissists to my oldest son. My son was the one that had to deal with the guy the most. No wonder the “pastor” was trying to drive him out. My son will be very amused when he reads this. I am VERY amused to say the least. I will probably be chuckling about it all day.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

OT: I read Cracked.com now and then to get a sense of the enemy psyche. This one article of reader submissions was so pathetically rabbity I had to share:


Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
5 years ago

agree and amplify works really well in this case especially if one finds his own particular failure or weakness very amusing to himself. narcissists wish that they could do this so you now switch them to envy which they will now think of every time they notice some failing in you or others.

my favorite technique for making their heads explode is word pairing. if you are extremely consistent, you can make them completely avoid you or their favorite way of attacking you. the rub is that they cannot get the attack on you out of their heads, so they automatically get the pairing. i am sure that i shortened one’s life significantly by doing this. it helps if it rolls off the tongue and is helpful to be mildly vulgar. you say it to them directed at their attack on you, boldly i.e. fuck up disciplinarian, lazy taskmaster, or single words or phrases that are paired exclusively with their attack such as parasite, poor moral character. this is most often used in direct attacking, but can be used when you pretend to be speaking about someone else.

another thing to do is to have a running commentary somewhat directed at them about failings of example people, topics which include their failing which they give to you by what they like to criticize. i call it the Dr. Phil technique. it has to be platitudes with an authoritarian edge.

it really works and can put them on the defense for a lifetime and they often stop attacking you both directly and behind the scenes. often they do not dare broach the subject ever again and let you ride roughshod over them. a client drove his narcissist wife mad doing this. he would also criticize women by working the word slut in as a modifier for other actions or words. she would say that Kim next door must be going out because she has heels on. he would say that it must be a job interview as he planted other seeds that women were lazy. she replies that they are not those kinds of heels. his response, “oh, slut heels.” he mentioned a female on CNN slutting it up. she actually broached the subject with him to stop using the word slut as it bothered her. she asked very meekly and quietly. he broke her as she was facing her own self every time he said it.

this can be so much fun that you want a narcissist around just to play with it.

Jaded Jurist
Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

One more anecdote:

There’s this certain man I see regularly, and I always felt like something was off with him. He seems to want to remind me in every conversation that I’m a mere grasshopper compared to him.

Almost a year ago, the light bulb went off, thanks to your instruction: he’s not a hunchback, he has classic narcissist posture.

Just now, I recognized that even his face looks like Schniederman’s does in these photos.

Good thing I warned my wife about him months ago.

Reply to  Jaded Jurist
5 years ago

As kids we called that the Um…. face, pursed lips, rolling, nose droops, chin juts, eyes cast down. Easier to see in children. Fear mixed with false contrition. Look closely and they almost laugh.
Pedos have a weirdly triangular face, large fish-like mouth, long but too thin nose, greedy eyes. Cannot unsee.

5 years ago

@Jaded Jurist (or AC): /what/ book on narcissism?

Chris Stevenson
Chris Stevenson
5 years ago

some smile like this because we are in excruciating pain and try to hide it. thinking of pain could it be that the narcissist’s entire existence is a form of mental pain often made manifest physically especially when they hunch over. perhaps they are trying to punish themselves by inducing pain and its expression. i have never met a more miserable species.

5 years ago

In conjunction with Chris, above: Narcissists may smile when they think they’ve got one over you, but the victims of narcissists also smile, to disguise their pain. Victim’s smiles, too, have a deep nasal fold and tense, downward trajectory.

I know the victim’s appearance because I own a mirror.

5 years ago

Did you see the CDAN old hollywood posting about how he (stan) might’ve been a rapist/murderer attached to the mob in a cold case? Tendency to drag his feet always struck me, while shuffling the shoulders.

Reply to  disenchantedscholar
5 years ago

Kinky, too. The woman who was strangled with her nylons.