“A Quickening Of The Whole World Coming Unhinged”

Just a quick quote found over at Free Republic. It was on an article about Glenn Beck who has been getting particularly unhinged of late. Wilderness Conservative observed:

This morning I tuned into the Blaze for the first time in almost 2 months. I think what we are witnessing is a quickening of the whole world coming unhinged. It’s not just Beck losing it. It’s everyone. The time to hunker down is coming real soon. I just feel it in my bones.

I feel the tremors too. Sadly Beck seems to be cracking.

The key to amygdala strength is to assume the worst, believe it will happen, and steel yourself to it. The weak amygdalae tend to be optimists, because if they think things will work out, they find it easier to cope. Beck keeps telling himself he will make a difference, and when he sees things not change, he gets worked up. It is a violation-of-expectation amygdala hijack. As a result Beck is talking about just going away now.

This is partly my failure to spread r/K as far and wide as it needs to go. If you understand r/K, and just a little bit about the system you will realize two things.

The good which we love about America cannot be saved. However, the ultimate savior of that good lies in its destruction. Nothing will change until resources clamp back down and harshness returns. The idea that anyone can save the system is a fallacy. What makes us want to save it – the niceness, the safety, the comfort, are the very things which create the r-strategist’s evil deviancy and our own apathy in the face of it – the very things which will destroy the system. Apocalypse cometh™ and nobody can stop it.

That said, after the collapse, things will change fast. We will all get pissed off. we won’t hesitate to act. Savages will be everywhere destroying everyone, and we get to decide who gets savaged. See Vox today?

We will see things like that. Then we get to drop the criminal with two to the noggin, or we get to watch the criminal run off, turn to the woman and calmly say, “You need to be grateful I’m not beating you into a bloody fucking pulp for supporting democrats and contaminating my country with that filth.” We are even allowed to laugh at her. It will be magical.

The key to amygdala strength is to either know exactly what is coming and be ready for it, or just assume the worst, and then be pleasantly surprised if you manage to elude it.

But being like Beck, getting up each morning thinking you are about to change things, and watching as it all goes down the drain – that is a prescription for madness.

Apocalypse cometh™ – Mazel Tov!

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8 years ago

[…] “A Quickening Of The Whole World Coming Unhinged” […]

Max Wylde
Max Wylde
8 years ago

When I talk about some of the failures of America, one of them is that we like our comforts more than we like our freedoms, because most people, from across the political spectrum, but mainly liberals and libertarians, do not know what freedom is. For them, it is oriented toward a pleasure, like sex and drugs, and so confuse a privilege with a right, which is what happens when you don’t believe in God (if Rights come from God, why would He give you a Right to Intoxicate or Debauch yourself?).

Conservatives, on the other hand, enjoy other comforts, and so are not quite able to adequately articulate what freedom is. Indeed, like liberals and libertarians, conservative Americans have embraced the true national motto: Conduct Over Creed. Which means that you can believe what you want, so long as you’re a nice person. That’s not a Christian belief, but a Masonic, Lockean belief, that we’ve internalized to the degree that as much as we may resist, we intuitively, reflexively respond to certain concepts in a certain way. Like, for instance, the notion of telling people not to sin, to turn away from sin, and turn to Faith. We may know this is right, but at the same time our internalized Conduct Over Creed motto tells us we shouldn’t be judgmental, shouldn’t care about what others do in the privacy of their homes, so long as it doesn’t hurt me.

Freedom is Power, and all Power requires Objective Morality to support it. Meaning, that if you are not grounded in a belief in Truth, and Morality that comes from that, gathered from Judeo-Christian Faith which built Western Civilization in the first place, you will never be free. You will squander your power, and abuse it. You will hurt others and perhaps yourself, and your bad issues can be influential upon the impressionable, especially if you seem to get away with it and are having fun. Power requires one to be responsible to the One who has granted it, and the more one takes this responsibility with the seriousness that it requires, the more corruption will be avoided and resisted.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
8 years ago

What do you have to say to people that religion is an opiate of the people. A memetic toxin that destroys a person’s ability to think for himself and enslaves that person to illusions?

8 years ago

And to think I consider this to be an optimistic blog.

8 years ago

Glenn Beck in my opinion is a Rabbit. Given the way I have seen of him attacking Trump.