ACLU Leader Quits When Daughter Encounters Tranny Pervs In Bathroom

Rabbitism is all about amygdala.

Playing the role of Judas Goat, leading people to be oppressed in the name of liberalism worked just fine for Maya Dillard Smith right up until it was her daughters who were asked to accept deep voiced men in their lady’s room.

Backing every socially destructive scheme the ACLU could conjure up was a comfortable way of life for Smith, who was the interim director of a Georgia ACLU chapter. Making landlords rent to newly released vicious prison inmates, forcing employers to hire incompetent lazy and counter productive workers and forcing “Heather Has Two Mommies” type books onto 2nd grade reading lists was just fine with Smith; but having some of the disgusting positions she stood for forced upon her own daughters was finally too much, so she resigned.

This selfish woman explained her position this way, “I have shared my personal experience of having taken my elementary school age daughters into a women’s restroom when shortly after three transgender young adults, over six feet [tall] with deep voices, entered. My children were visibly frightened, concerned about their safety and left asking lots of questions for which I, like many parents, was ill-prepared to answer.”

Liberals have not encountered adversity, and thus their amygdala has not grown practiced in flagging threat. This liberal’s brain literally had no ability to flag the threat of perverts entering female bathrooms to accost little girls. If you proposed it to her, she would have denied the very possibility of that. Her brain literally lacked the circuitry to perform that predictive cognitive function, and without that circuitry she was physically unable to predict that outcome.

Once this liberal encountered the reality of her daughter feeling afraid when encountering male perverts in her bathroom, her amygdala stimulation was so great that she immediately broke all ties with her their prior life.

This is the cognitive mechanism behind the saying that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged by reality. The human brain requires that negative experience in order to be able to foresee adversity in the future.

The only way to counter it practically is to find a way to tie some other negative cognitive sensation to the liberal’s assertion of their argument. You have to create a framework of perceptions in the liberal’s head that will cause the liberal’s amygdala to feel bad if they assert the liberal idea. If you can portray the public assertion of a liberal idea as a sign of inferiority, stupidity, weakness, disloyalty, or if you can create the perception that support for a liberal idea would make the supporter unpopular or inflict some other negative consequence, you can mimic the cognitive process in a conservative, where contemplation of the idea elicits bad feelings from the amygdala.

Until the collapse begins and bodies start dropping, it is probably the best way forward.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, K-stimuli, Liberals, Morals, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry, Rearing Differences, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] ACLU Leader Quits When Daughter Encounters Tranny Pervs In Bathroom […]

7 years ago

This story also happened in the 1960s, when a Washington Post writer took his daughters to the public bathroom at the DC zoo and they reported back to him that they had been confronted by negoes. He could have quit his job at the Post. But he went on to cover the MLK shooting.
Today one of his daughters covers the local crime beat for the Chicago Tribune.
His other daughter was impregnated by a Detroit rapper, now deceased.
Sometimes it takes additional shocks for the amygdala to awake. By then an entire country is gone.
Hence apocalypse.

the cruncher
the cruncher
7 years ago

Point out that the left is for losers and the weak, huh? It’s a good bit true.