Alex Jones Is Sued By Chobani Founder

Now the Chobani founder tries to silence Alex:

Greek yogurt giant Chobani is suing far-right radio host Alex Jones, accusing the conspiracy theorist of publishing false information about the company.

Chobani alleges that Jones and his InfoWars website posted fabricated stories earlier this month that linked Chobani owner Hamdi Ulukaya and the company to a sexual assault case involving refugee children.

The complaint says InfoWars released a video on April 11 falsely claiming that Chobani was “importing migrant rapists,” with the goal of causing customers to boycott its products.

So they come here and then they use our own legal systems against us. I would never sue somebody over what they said. The American principle is that in free speech the answer to bad speech is more speech, not less. But these foreigners come over, and their first goal is to have the state control everyone else for their comfort and happiness. If Alex said something wrong then correct him, and argue why he is wrong. But not a foreign rabbit. They go straight to the lawyers and look for a court order.

I am not a lawyer, but it would seem to me that given the rape stats in Europe among Muslim migrants, you could make the case that anyone who supports mass migration from Muslim areas, even just by arguing for it in public, is helping to import “migrant rapists” based on a simple statistical analysis. I’d try to argue that if you support mass migration, and specifically mass migration of Muslim immigrants, I think you have to bite the bullet and admit you will have the effect of importing rapists in a higher percentage than they exist in normal American society. In Germany Angela Merkel supported mass migration, and you see how many Germans have been raped my migrants. That is importing migrant rapists by my definition.

I would also argue that high carriage of DRD4 7r is common among migrants, and that it is associated with high sexual drive, promiscuity, infidelity, addiction, and conduct disorders involving aggression. I am sure it is also associated with rape, though I doubt any researchers have delved into it that far, so you probably wouldn’t be able to produce a peer-reviewed study. But it might pay to look.

Then again I am not a lawyer, so I have no idea how well that legal defense will work.

Regardless, lawsuits are a double edged sword, so Alex will now have access to discovery, which could produce linkages between the Chobani founder and the left-wing machine which seems to be presently targeting the right-wing media with lawsuits as a tactic to attack President Trump. I would be very surprised if there wasn’t a commie hidden somewhere behind the origins of this lawsuit.

Fortunately for any online right personality who has effectively monetized his operation, all publicity is ultimately cash in his pocket. I wouldn’t be surprised if Alex made money on this, so long as the rest of us use the opportunity to send his site,, traffic.

The cold war continues, as we wait for the Apocalypse to turn it hot so they can all be sent back.

Spread r/K Theory, because they all have to go back

This entry was posted in DRD4, Europe, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Muslims, Nationalism, Out-grouping, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Alex Jones Is Sued By Chobani Founder […]

7 years ago

Chobani may have some really high up Corporate defenders that can impede discovery. The Saudis/Qataris may even be providing legal/intel support we just don’t know. With regards to DRD4-7r I suspect it works in tandem with another gene in exceptionally violent migrants. This gene is called the “Warrior Gene”. The “bad” version is present in 59% of native Africans, and the “really bad” version in an additional 5.5% of native Africans. Considering Islam’s history/proximity it wouldn’t surprise me if Arabs were very similar. This compares to 34% of native Euros with the “bad” variant, and 0.1% with “really bad” variant. This gene appears to play a role in Anti-social behavior according to studies of prison populations. I would wager that DRD4-7r + the bad or really bad Warrior Gene would consistently produce violent psychotic behavior. In conjunction one could imagine low IQ/impulse control, childhood abuse and even T.Gondii produces a type of Human that is behaviorally unfit for any civilization. It is very well studied as well.

7 years ago

There’s also the question of why he’s targeting Jones, specifically, when Breitbart and others reported fairy extensively on the sexual attack of the 5 year old White girl in Idaho by rapefugees, in the area where quite a lot of rapefugees have been settled and are employed by Chobani. The Turkish owner/founder also has a history of ties with the Clinton Foundation and various other globalist groups.

I make a point of recounting this to every White I see in the grocery store purchasing Chobani yoghurt. Perhaps Ulukaya ought to sue me as well?

He needs to go back.

Reply to  Sheila
7 years ago

A german was just ordered to pay a 2000 EUR fine for using the word rapefugee in a Facebook post. Convicted for Volksverhetzung (sedition) – a rubber paragraph used against all critics of MERKEL.
German judges are all in for uncontrolled mass immigration of Muslims.