Andrea Tantaros Gets Surveillance Gaslighting

Another case:

Former Fox News host Andrea Tantaros stepped up her fight with her ex-employer, claiming in a new lawsuit filed Monday that the cable network targeted both her and Newsmax Media’s CEO.

The lawsuit, filed Monday in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, claims that Tantaros was a victim of so-called “sock puppet” attacks — a social media harassment campaign — as well as electronic surveillance that mirrored the plot of an episode of the Showtime TV hit espionage series “Homeland…”

In June, one of her close friends was hospitalized for a scorpion bite, which she discussed with friends by telephone, according to the lawsuit.

Soon after, one of the claimed sockpuppet accounts tweeted an ad for the 1957 movie “The Black Scorpion.” The same month, Tantaros and her mother had a phone conversation discussing the anniversary of her brother’s 2013 death. Another sockpuppet account tweeted “PURPLE MEMORIAL … FOR DANIEL TANTAROS, R.I.P. DANIEL.”

Tantaros claims the social media postings were intended “to emotionally devastate her and make her concerned about her physical safety.”

Fox claims the surveillance allegations made in the Tantaros suit are not true.

Notice, they wanted her to know they are listening, so they present private info to her openly online to let her know.

She is assuming it is FOX. I have no idea if that is accurate, though I doubt it. There are three main possibilities. One is that this is purely private sector, such as FOX. The other is that the surveillance industry is some sort of government/private-sector hybrid. Government wants deniability for government ops, so it contracts with private sector firms and gives them pseudo-government authority, and those private sector firms then rent out their abilities to the highest bidder on the side, essentially selling government authority for additional income above their government contracts. The final possibility is this is some sort of elite/establishment-run government agency that is in the early stages of applying intimidation to the general populace, maybe as some sort of first step in a transition of our government from an ostensible representative republic, to something more overtly controlled by the elites. We might be the frogs in the warming pot of water. It is not impossible we could progress to some sort of official oligarchy very quickly in the next couple of decades.

I think it is safe to assume that this is not Law Enforcement. If it was Law Enforcement with some new super-powerful surveillance tool, they would limit it tremendously, because exposure of it would destroy all their criminal cases by calling into question how every piece of evidence was gathered. I would assume law enforcement would strive to not let criminals notice this, let alone send gratuitous head-fucking tweets to regular citizens and media types saying, “Ha Ha! You’re wiretapped, and we’re listening!” It would be purely a shadow-tech that even those in the know would deny amongst themselves. I would also expect high ranking LE who were overseeing it to be highly paranoid about exposure. Even more, I have never known anyone in Law Enforcement who would wantonly target any regular citizen using their authority. It may happen, but those are outliers. Most guys in LE get in to protect or eradicate evil.

This is different. This seems to have an institutional desire to want everyone to know and be cowed, and not care about what might happen in the law enforcement world if it were made public or widely known. If it all becomes public some day, I don’t even expect it to be shocking, so much as a fascinating story, the plot of which I cannot even begin to fathom.

Unfortunately Andrea may have more asshole-puckering experiences coming, as she begins to find more aggressive intimidation on the way. I hope she has the mindset to endure. I wonder how many other FOX news babes have been scratching their heads at inexplicable coincidences in their lives, and thinking it was their rebuffing of advances by Ailes or Murdoch.

I think the single best way to deal with these things is to have no expectations to violate. If you expect a government that is subordinate to its citizenry and which abides by all the rules you have been conditioned to expect, this would be indescribably stressful. But if you accept that anything is possible, and that there is no reason for any of what you have been told to be true, you can view the entire experience as an education in what the true reality of the world is. I want to know the truth, and I almost expect everyone who has tried to explain how things work to be wrong. That is why I can look at this with a sense of zen. Of course, you also have to accept that fate has it’s path, and whatever it is, you are taking the ride. They could irradiate you, poison you, or do any number of things, and there is only so much you can do to avoid it.

Still, a troubling development. Especially since things tend to follow a trajectory. I think one safe bet is this will not be static. It might pay for everyone to take trips to the foreign country of their choice as soon as they can. If things get hot, those at the tip of the trend may need to cool their heels in an officially denied area until things are safer in the US.

Who’d have thought a decade ago that those who love freedom might be applying for asylum in Russia one day?

Spread r/K Theory, because freedom really isn’t transmitted in the blood

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7 years ago

[…] Andrea Tantaros Gets Surveillance Gaslighting […]

bob sykes
bob sykes
7 years ago

The Greeks were right: democracy transitions to tyranny. Turkey is a good example.

The Founding Fathers attempt (now virtually nullified) to curtail and contain democracy was prescient.

7 years ago

Isn’t it funny how intimidation causes the rebellion? I wonder how much the Saudis, I mean Fox News, will have to pay Tantaros in the end.

General P. Malaise
General P. Malaise
7 years ago

yes probably not law enforcement. I would say it is political. She is one of the few conservatives with a voice and the Obama people are still everywhere in the gov.

7 years ago

Hey. She says sockpuppets. Sockpuppets are FAKE. So she FAKED it. She’s just a gold digger.