Another Writer Who Needs Some r/K Theory

This is why I am still here:

Here is my definition of a Liberal that might back the theory that they are all insane — A Liberal is someone who imagines a world they would like to live in, and then proceeds to pretend that they actually live in such a world.

Many people get over this as children, but Liberals continue this fantasy for a lifetime.

Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.

Every time I see an article like this, I see all the work that still needs to be done. Everything is there, it just lacks an underlying theory that explains why what is described above would evolve – what advantage it would hold.

If you see r/K, you realize that the first paragraph just describes an r-strategist, designed for an r-world, that is trapped in a K-environment. They not only lack the brain programming to function in the K-environment – they lack the brain function to even recognize a K-environment is possible.

In the later parts, the reference to children is a recognition that leftists often start out r, designed to exploit the glut their parents provide. As these young r-strategists enter the world, they are primed to exploit the r-selected environment. If the world is r, off they go. If it is K, they will need to adapt, learning from experience, and developing their amygdalae.

One path perpetuates the childhood psychology, while the other entails “growing up.”

Finally, it says, “Like spoiled, angry children.” That references spoiling, ie, ruining a child by provisioning with free resources and lack of adversity. That is r-selection, and man has recognized its deleterious effects for so long that they even created a word to describe it. The piece also implies that the amygdala atrophy produced by that will yield an angry psychology, in other words an amygdala that flies off the handle at minor stresses.

If you see r/K, all of this looks completely different. Now it just needs to get in front of everyone.

You might change the entire body of writing by the alt right, all because you told someone about the rave reviews for r/K Theory here

This entry was posted in Conservatives, K-stimuli, Liberals, Politics, Psychology, r-stimuli, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Another Writer Who Needs Some r/K Theory […]

7 years ago

AC- I have recommended your book and your blog on at least a dozen alt right blogs; additionally on Breitbart as often as I can. I am a retired biology/ multiple discipline secondary school teacher; r/K selection theory is truly a breakthrough in evolutionary selection theory and behavioral psychology. Well done, sir! Your posts are timely and informative- keep up the good work!

7 years ago

He’s looking at the sick person going “yup you’ve got a sore throat” never getting to WHY and then how that can be fixed. Maybe some antibiotics for the strep infection? or stop shouting yourself horse? …..

The Docent
The Docent
7 years ago

I, for one, am grateful for your blog and book. I finished your book earlier this year, and am still trying to assimilate it into my thinking. Frankly, it has opened up a whole new level of understanding when looking at news stories and even when reading the Bible. It is interesting to see other authors get right up to the tipping point where they should realize the theory, or something similar (i.e., the free resource seeking behavior even if that author is unaware of the role played by the amygdala), but then step back. Anyway, great book and great blog. Thank you.

7 years ago

Many years ago, I defined my parents’ liberalism as “being highly tolerant of other people’s children”. They professed tolerance of every sort of degeneracy, yet they expected my sister and I to be paragons of bourgeois virtue. More recently, I teased my Dad about this:

“You said that whatever I wanted to do with my life was fine as long as I’m happy with it. Do you still believe that?”
“So if I don’t get a job but I’m happy to sit in my room all day smoking weed-”
“No, I won’t have you using drugs.”
“OK, no drugs. Suppose I just whack it to porn…”

7 years ago

AnonCon — maybe it’s been said here before, but you can certainly hold your head up with pride concerning your role in defeating the Clinton Crime Family. “The Biggest F*** You in Human History”, and you were in there sluggin’ the whole way.

Bravo Zulu.