Anthony Bourdain Only Worth $1.2 Million?


The late TV chef Anthony Bourdain was worth just $1.21 million when he hanged himself last month, new legal filings revealed Thursday.

Previous estimates had pegged his fortune at $16 million.

So either everyone’s estimates of what a show like his would produce, and what his book contracts yielded, were off by over a factor of 13, or about $15 million disappeared into thin air after he died under suspicious circumstances.

I always think of Randy Quaid, and his assertions that there were Hollywood Star Whackers, who were killing Hollywood stars, and routing their money into bogus accounts, to be shuttled on to accounts unknown. What struck home was him listing all the myriad of stars he knew personally who had died under questionable circumstances, and then asking everyone, “How many people do you know who died like that?”

It is funny to me that Randy may have been the only guy crazy enough to be able to accept the bizarre reality, and as a result he is the only guy the Whackers weren’t able to take out.

Crazy times require crazy people.

Spread r/K Theory, because they can’t pilfer that from your estate

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5 years ago

If Star Whacking is real the other thing Randy has going for him is his narcissist wife. How do we know she’s a narc? Testimony from a string of people she’s screwed over and the engineered incident that ruined the relationship between Randy and his brother; she decorated Dennis’ house with a huge crow painting after his wife ran off with Russell Crowe, “It was an accident! It never even occurred to me!” Of course it did. She planned that thing like a normal woman would plan a wedding. Now she has Randy all to herself.

Narcs scheme and they hate competition. The ones I’ve known can always spot another narc. They assume bad motives of everyone (which is how they out themselves—scheming is so much fun surely everyone’s doing it) but they’re damn near psychic about the intentions of fellow narcs and psychopaths. Her brand of possessive crazy may be the only thing keeping him alive. She prefers to feed on a live host.

5 years ago

Everyone needs a dead man switch these days.
Post the wrong meme on the net and you might get some cabal cunts on your ass, learn to play the game.


Friendly reminder that it was jews who kickstarted the slave trade in the US and made it flourish over time due to their use of slave labor.
Also important to remember that redpilling the Blacks is paramount to destroy jewish supremacism in the West ASAP, and that Blacks and other minorities are the best vessels to bring the redpill on jewish supremacism to gaslit progressives.

Also worthy of note is the subversive and treasonous way in which jewish supremacists have used Hollywood (which is controlled by jews) to pin slavery in the US on Whites, and the way jewish supremacists have dominated and exploited the Black Civil Rights Movement for their own selfish and subversive ends.

Proof of those claims here:

And before anyone tries to accuse me of “anti-semitism”, remember this: stating fully sourced verifiable FACTS is not anti-semitic, and if you think this is about hate, remember that TRUTH always sounds like hate to those that hate the TRUTH.
Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni says it herself in this video:”Anti-semitic”, “its a trick we always use it”.

Sam J.
Sam J.
Reply to  LembradorDos6Trilliões
5 years ago

Interesting factoid. Around the time of the civil war in the US less than 1% of Whites owned slaves. 40% of Jews owned slaves in the same time period. Jews were the primary people bringing Africans to the US, the Islands of Haiti and Brazil. They dominated the market totally.

A good link,”Animated Interactive of the History of the Atlantic Slave Trade.” Everyone should watch this at least once.

Sam J.
Sam J.
5 years ago

“…If Star Whacking is real the other thing Randy has going for him is his narcissist wife…”

Good call. I bet you’re right.

5 years ago

Bourdain’s divorce and attorney’s fees for it likely sapped at least half of his wealth.

5 years ago

In addition, folks at CDAN were saying that Bourdain had a $12M trust fund set up for his kid that, for some reason, wasn’t included in today’s list. Very interesting.

Tom Wilkes
Tom Wilkes
Reply to  Chris
5 years ago

Trust are set up prior to death and have their own rules; death does not change those rules so they wouldn’t be included in a will.

Rev Chris
Rev Chris
5 years ago

interesting thing about Bourdain is how much his later life actions differed from the man he presented in his earlier works. in his famous book, “Kitchen Confidential” he actually comes off as rather K even if he had a little bad-boy in him. i discovered him by accident when someone heard me speaking with my spouse about the industry. instantly liked him especially when i read that we both judged a restaurant on its public examples of cleanliness. we were very K minded people and saw it in him often quoting the book in our business and leadership roles. it was actually quite fun. his high standards and character even though he lived wild at some times made us wish to someday meet him which we did.

years later he started his show on CNN where he often traveled to less hygienic places to sample germs. once joked as to whether he brought Cipro and other medicines with him and was told that in an episode he revealed that he did just that. for a while on CNN, his presentations had that beautiful essayist talent that he had and were a pleasure to watch. then he seemed to get odd and the relationship thing with the last wife seemed weird for him.

my theory is that he became infected with some parasites during his third world great adventures. two things were against him. he was not native to the areas and lacked compensating skills and regional biology. next, he was going to so many places that the exposures to filth were so varied that any immune system would be overwhelmed. perhaps the hectic schedule and constant travel also contributed.

we might have witnessed a case of parasitic infection changing a personality to R-type and leading to eventually listlessness and suicide. stir in aging and not being programed for an R lifestyle add a little R-type spouse and what did he have to live for. having known people who had severe parasitic infections that took years to diagnose, it was a miserable experience for them, always feeling sick, dirty, in a fog, of different mind, basically chronic illness. if you have known anyone with chronic illness, you would have known that all of the money in the world would not make a difference to them especially if it affects or even changes mental functioning and ruins the joys of life. often these people started making bad decisions, such as choice of mate, because they were not quite right.

I have some friends at CNN and they tell me that he was always very, very nice and hardworking but that they were worried about him and he did not seem right. they are rather K and mention that he did not smell right which is common with chronic infection.

it is a loss as he had amazing talent for food and narrating a story. his original works exploring the world are of documentary quality.

guard you K-ness as simple hygiene mistakes can take it away from you.