Australian Immigrants Riot At Christmas Island

Aussies are dealing with the entitled migrant rages too:

Inmates have lit fires at Australia’s Christmas Island detention centre in a “major disturbance”, say government officials.

The unrest was sparked by the death of a detainee who had escaped the camp.

The situation was “tense” for a while, the department said, but was now calm.

Negotiations were continuing with those detainees protesting to resolve the situation “peacefully and as soon as possible”, the department said in a statement…

“Matt” said guards had left their posts and that detainees from a compound housing detainees with criminal records were trying to get into his compound, where asylum seekers and those with expired visas stay…

“We barricaded ourselves, but we don’t know how long we will last. We have no water supplies, no food supplies, no medication, no nothing…”

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young described the centre as being in “meltdown”.

“I have spoken with people who are locked up in the centre and they say that there is widespread unrest and fires across the facility,” Ms Hanson-Young said in a statement.

These are r-strategists. They can’t fight for their own country in a real war, but they are more than capable of using violence to try to bully any civilized individuals who they think won’t fight back. We will see a lot of that as things advance.

The bad part is, they will eventually force everyone to stop acting civilized. The good part is, they will eventually force everyone to stop acting civilized. Once civilized behavior ceases, the least likely to succeed will be the rabbits, if we play our cards right. They key will be leaving rabbits to reap the harvest of what they have sown, and letting the savages that they have nurtured have at them.

Bring on the apocalypse.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]