Backing Into Your Driveway May Soon Be Illegal In Jacksonville Florida

Backing Into Your Driveway May Soon Be Illegal In Jacksonville Florida

Obviously Jacksonville is an area of interest in the drug war. Apparently they want to be able to scan everybody’s license plate for tracking purposes. It gives you an idea of just how much video they are taking, and running the LPR software on, that they aren’t fielding any more License Plate Readers/Video Cameras but rather are now focusing on getting the few people who back into their driveways to park in such a way that they can grab their plates too. Even though another camera might pull 10,000 plate shots per day, those pictures wouldn’t do that much more because they have already saturated the environment with video coverage. All that is left are those who back in. That is total information awareness in action.

I would bet this didn’t originate with the locals, but was a request from a federal agency or Task Force that has taken over the area and blanketed it with surveillance. Jacksonville is doubtless getting a large share of the classified DHS/FBI covert surveillance budget allocated to it due to the drug war, with high numbers of covert vehicular units (both parked and rolling) running covert video, and lots of covertly mounted static cameras on poles whose video eventually get’s fed into the machine, on top of the LPRs openly being run on marked Uniformed Patrol vehicles.

People have no idea of the massive surveillance state being assembled in some areas of the nation. Picture the movie Enemy of the State, only with thousands of people with diverse appearances dedicated to passive observation of assigned areas of interest, instead of five high-speed, roving, direct-action type operators. Instead of the satellite they kept re-tasking, they now have a giant, computer-generated virtual representation of the environment created from terrestrial video, from which they can pull any video feed on demand, from the hidden covert camera mounted in a tree at the corner (hardwired into the pole), to the stoplight cameras at the intersection, to the car parked by the side of the road on a private street (on batteries and linked via wifi), to the upper window view in the house down the street owned by one of their agents. Even creepier, is the audio capabilities.

This is not the type of thing you build, with an idea that people will one day find out, and everyone will be happy about it. This is the type of thing you build, and then fight tooth and nail to keep secret, at all costs. If the full scale of this machine, designed solely for unimaginable total control of an area, became public, Snowden would be seen as meaningless by comparison.

It really feels like a turning point in the nation has come and gone. About the only thing I would think could undo this would be a major societal collapse. How fortuitous for those who value freedom and privacy.

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8 years ago

[…] By Anonymous Conservative […]

8 years ago

Do you guys only have plates on the back of the car?

8 years ago

Is there any law that requires one to keep plates on a vehicle parked on private property?

Aeoli Pera
Aeoli Pera
8 years ago

Back in my day, a cop wanted my papers, so he had to break into my house with a SWAT team in a no-knock raid in the middle of the night. He shot my dog and body-slammed my wife, demanding to know where I’d gotten the extra onions above and beyond my food ration. During a random public camera audit, he’d seen that I’d tied one to my belt, which was the style at the time…