Bald and Beautiful Parties in the Ukraine

Our fearless adventurer returns to the Ukraine:

Lets run through it, minute by minute.

At :41 seconds in, you will notice a female in a dress on a cell phone over his shoulder.

That can be innocent, but she is in the right place in his blind spot to observe him without being observed herself, she is turned just enough toward him to get a visual of him, and as he continues away from her, she suddenly turns and walks in the opposite direction at :46 seconds. She also has a strange posture. Surveillance often has such strange postures, I assume due to long hours spent sitting and monitoring technology. The young often look normal, but in those slightly older, several years spent sitting can create musculoskeletal systems which would appear afflicted with various Chinese Medicine imbalances, which manifest as strange walks and postures.

One of my observation posts was manned by two individuals who had extreme difficulty walking up hills due to poor gluteal muscle function. Their brother stopped by and appeared similarly afflicted. Before I realized they were surveillance, I wondered if they were part of some genetic line which had evolved a specific skeletal structure designed for something that left them poorly adapted to hills, but I later realized it was that their job probably had them sitting almost all the time, and over a few years, that is more wear on the body than actually using it.

You can often spot this type of surveillance by checking over your shoulder, and making and holding a curious eye contact with anyone who looks suspicious. Eye contact increases amygdala agitation, which will often precipitate visual indicators of guilt, like widened eyes, shifting of the gaze, and turning away. If they weren’t paying attention to you, they would not notice you in the second or two you hold the gaze. But if they are watching you, the reaction will be instant.

As for her use of the cell phone, it is not necessary. From what I see, surveillance cell phones are always transmitting, and surveillance themselves quite often use chest mics to transmit as well. I have often seen people in parking lots who neglect to use such a gambit, just talking to themselves seemingly as they walk alone, sometimes with a hand in a pants pocket keying a transmission button. Sometimes such people will even tilt their head down slightly, directing it into their chests, which also makes it obvious.  So the phone is just being used as a visual gambit to explain away her talking, and is probably not even dialed into any particular number. Other such gambits used to cover transmissions range from the less professional hand covering the mouth, to seemingly smoking, itching the nose or face, and I have even seen one blatantly picking his nose (which actually makes most people want to look away), as he talked into his chest.

There is this girl at :53 seconds, who has supposedly just purchased a bicycle.

I would disregard her except for the closed body language, and just a general feel, as she tries to look friendly and smile, but is obviously under stress, and almost disapproving of him. I know it is a foreigner with a video camera, putting her off, but something feels odd and strained, in a way which feels familiar.

Just as he pulls out of the bike shop, there are these two on one side, who seem to be together (notice the girl cover her face from his camera with her hair):

But then they seem to be discombobulated after Bald passes, as the guy begins to walk into a shop, she keeps walking, and he stops and leans out as if to ask her where she is going, which appears to be into  mess of bicycles which would obstruct her path.

On Bald’s other side is a bicyclist driving slowly and hanging back as Bald drives slowly, futzing with his camera:

As Bald exits the grocery store, this is what he sees:

There is nothing to say any of the people you see here are surveillance. However because Bald is undoubtedly under surveillance at least one of them is. My own assumption is, it is the guy walking into the store, and I highlight this picture to highlight the psychological reasoning behind much of surveillance procedure.

Before I came to understand what surveillance looked like, I tried to become surveillance aware. I had started a political website, with a good chance of becoming at least somewhat successful due to r/K Theory, which I have no doubt will eventually become historically significant. My goal was screwing leftists, back in my ignorant days when I thought politics was about a battle between left and right, and not one set of overlords, probably across all nations, playing both sides against each other everywhere.

I assumed the DNC might try to send a small team of private eyes at some point if I began to get traction with r/K Theory, and I assumed given r/K’s potential, it could get rough, so I was on guard.

But I assumed surveillance would hide. On exiting a store like this, I would scan the periphery, for anybody trying to watch from a distance, or peeking around a corner. If they had been hiding in a bush I would have had them dead to rights. I’d sweep through cars looking for anyone unusually sitting and loitering. I’d look through the windows of any stores nearby for anybody in them peeking out. The one guy I would not look twice at was the guy three feet away, walking right at me. Obviously, he is just going into the store, and what kind of surveillance-knob would be stupid enough to get that close and let you see him that closely?

What I have come to find is invariably, if you are under coverage, the operator responsible for watching you is the person right next to you. It will be the person right behind you on the checkout line at the grocery store, the guy pumping gas right next to you at the gas station, the person sitting right across from you at the doctor’s office – somebody you will be looking right past as you scan the margins for threats.

What always threw me was, I assumed surveillance was manpower-limited. They couldn’t let you see them, lest you recognize them later. But obviously, that is not the case. Domestic intelligence/surveillance/informant networks are massive, and exploit that using techniques like this.

Bald approaches his first intersection. Behind him:

Bald has just passed a girl, before turning left here, so just as Bald hits this sidewalk intersection, there are walkers heading in each direction behind him, all meeting at that point at that moment, even though they are the only walkers you will see on the sidewalk here for a hundred yards in each direction. All three directions, all walkers within about ten feet of the meeting point of the sidewalks, just as he is there.

He turns the camera instantly, and in front of him, as he is about to hit the road:

Two cars heading in the direction of Ladan, which he is talking about heading to (and which somebody he crossed paths with, maybe surveillance, told him he should visit), one van pointed at him in the opposite parking lot sitting, capable of heading wherever they want it to, and one car heading in the direction away from where he is talking about going.

You’ll notice, the windows of these passing cars are cracked – not fully open as if to cool the car, not closed as I tend to keep mine:

The next car he passes, window open:

Just as he pulls out and begins moving, the van that had been sitting in the parking lot across from him pulls up to the road and exits onto it. Again, the timing of vehicular movement, and its relation to your movement is one of the most obvious tells that you are under surveillance:

You will notice it heads in the opposite direction of Bald. That is procedure, so the target will not see a car turn out behind him, following him, and grow paranoid. They probably think subconsciously it will subconsciously assuage any paranoia for a target to repeatedly see a car which could be surveillance, and then see it head in the opposite direction, and thus prove it is not surveillance. I would actually discount it as a surveillance vehicle if it turned out behind him, following him.

Here, Bald stops to ask directions from a pedestrian, who initially tries to ignore him, and as Bald pauses, two different vans who were following him from farther behind pass, as does a bicyclist:

So far, in this brief moment, there have been four cars and a bicycle heading in Bald’s direction in just a few moments, two cars ahead of him, and two behind him. But then you get a brief look over Bald’s shoulder, and it appears there is no traffic behind him heading in his direction for quite a ways back:

Surveillance hates when targets do something unexpected, and screw up their choreography. He was sandwiched between two cars in front, two way behind him, and a bicyclist farther back, and now they are all ahead of him and getting out of sight, with nobody in the rear. Even worse, Bald could be doing this as counter-surveillance, to see if a new car pops up behind him. So now they can’t move another car behind him, because that might burn the operation. Between Bald’s tendency to do things like this absent mindedly, and his constant turning of the camera and filming of his coverage which had been tyring to stay off-camera, he must be an immense headache for his team.

Then another intersection, another car, and another open window. And Bald, again filming his surveillance, which has to freak them out:

At 4:18, Bald stops to covertly climb this tower, to see what he can see, but he says he needs to be careful nobody sees him, because if he got caught, they might get the wrong idea and think him a spy. Fortunately nobody has any idea he climbed this tower, except for the fifty surveillance people assigned to him for this two minute window:

Interestingly, he carries his bottle of vodka up the tower with him as he does it. I almost wonder if spooks in Eastern Europe are told to always carry a bottle of vodka with them over there, and to drink some while they are operating. That way, if they are caught doing something, they look like a drunk doing something stupid, and not a spook scoping things out.

As he goes through Ladan, there will be a ton of surveillance, but since it is a populous center, and by that point it is mid-day, the surveillance has plenty of cover, and it is far more difficult to find obvious examples which stand out from the background noise. However then Bald runs into Sergei, who takes him into a more rural area.

Here, Bald and Sergei, on Sergei’s motorcycle, are just about to turn out from the driveway of the neighborhood bootlegger’s house which they stopped at, and just as they turn out onto that isolated rural road, along comes a car at that moment:

The timing aspect is by far, the most fucked up aspect of surveillance, as you will see.

At 17:32 is the most interesting part of this video, and the entire reason I did this piece. Sergei and Bald are drinking in his home. Suddenly Sergei invites Bald out into his garden, and so they begin to exit the side door of Sergei’s house. You would never think anybody was listening inside this little Ukrainian village house, but surveillance was, and they send a vehicle, perfectly timed to Bald’s exit, to do a slow driveby in front of the house and capture Bald’s exit from the house, on this backwoods rural road. Notice the driver’s side window down. I am beginning to wonder if there is a tech they may deploy out the window which does not work well through glass. You should check the video, just to see this, because to me is it a clear sign, even in rural Ukraine, they are listening inside houses, and have cars on the street, ready to go at a moment’s notice:

You have to see the video a couple of times, to really understand. There is no building today where you can assume you are not being watched and listened to, even your own home, or somebody else’s, as you move on the fly.

Some may say Sergei was surveillance, he had his house put up, or they had cell phones on, or the microphone on his internet-connected computer was active, and any of that might be true.

But I am not surveillance, I have disconnected all the batteries in my cell phones, disconnected the wires for the microphones on my computers, covered the cameras, and even made it a point to limit sound in the house, run fans and static background noise, WRITTEN NOTES ON PAPER, and make my exit as spontaneous on a moment’s notice as I could – and they have seen or heard me move to the door, known what I was doing, and timed a drive-by like this.

If they are on me that much, despite me making every effort to shut them out, imagine what is going on with average citizens, who would think this impossible, as they wander around their house with their cell phones charging, their Alexas and Siri’s waiting to be called upon, their computer cameras uncovered, their internet connected thermostats and freezers and light switches and their smart TVs with cameras on the TV and microphones on the remote, their smart watches on their wrist, their internet-connected video surveillance cameras filming the very fucking rooms in their houses – and a neighborhood observation post whose express purpose is to identify all of those avenues of covert electronic entry into each of the homes in their assigned sector, use even more thru-wall and pole-mounted technologies, and to amass personal surveillance files on everyone who lives in that sector using all of that technology against them.

You see why the surveillance society is not that unusual once you understand it. Applied to the vast, vast majority of the population, full panopticon surveillance of the plebes is a very low-cost, low-risk, high-gain affair. You can get on top of everyone, using tech the targets themselves will buy and install for you, and as you do it, the targets themselves would never dream anyone would do it to them, and they will actively ostracize, and castigate as a weirdo, anyone who postulates it might be possible. It would be strange if this didn’t happen in a world where psychopaths occupy leadership positions, especially in the intelligence world which actively seizes responsibility for such things. There is no cost to it, because nobody is even capable of imagining it is possible.

Now fast-forward in your mind to the United States, on the cusp of a Civil War. Across the country, every person who is like us is already known and reported, by people down the street who see us in person every day, and know us more personally than we would ever think possible by watching us in our houses.

Surveillance goes on a wartime footing, taking all the resources which can presently effectively produce files on everyone, and focusing it all on the 10-15%, if even, who might be a threat of action in a Civil War scenario. They have 24/7 coverage, even in the privacy of the most remote and interior parts of their homes, with files detailing everything on them going back decades, probably to their time in elementary school. Every email, every text message, every phone call, every private meeting, every store trip, every purchase, monitored fully. And even more important, every Cabal puppet leader under full protection of this machine.

Do you see why they would think Hillary could never have lost, as Q said? Do you see why Civil War is just a meme, until the surveillance is removed from society?

Show me a society which is under full surveillance, and doesn’t know, and I will show you a society which will never be free.

Sadly, for now, we are that society.

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2 years ago

Excellent post. But I have a tangential question, since Bald is making videos of the current situation in Ukraine.

My question is whether there is really a war or armed conflict there? There are other conspiracy minded forums where commentators have posted evidence that the media reports are using stock footage, or even video game footage, and there may be no conflict.

Now look at this analysis by Brandon Smith, where he argues that Putin is aligned with the globalists (cabal, though he doesn’t use the turn), and that the Ukraine conflict is fake. Putin is playing Emmanuel Goldstein, to provide another excuse for the open crackdown the globalists want in the western countries:

That is not to say Putin is necessarily cabal. Another plausible theory is that Russia is mounting a limited operation to take out the biowarfare labs, to prevent the cabal from releasing another disease and blaming it on Russia this time. But the whole thing could also be pantomine, to set things up for another crackdown in western countries. What we have seen fits either interpretation, but it would be interesting to get confirmation, from some source other than mainstream news media, about whether there actually is armed conflict there.

Reply to  Anonymous Conservative
2 years ago

Great article, AC. So much food for thought there. Things to look for in my day. Should I assume any security camera is tied in even if it’s on a private business? Closed circuit cameras are pretty much a dead thing now.

Zbig is the “Grand Chessboard” guy that was obsessed with the Caucasus’ and Central Asia. Call him Cabal’s Foreign Policy bagman so you can never be quite sure what his game is but he hates Russia like a neocon. I want to believe that Putin and even Xi are fighting the forces of Globohomo for a better world but the small hat links and social credit bother me.

2 years ago

If you do a text search for “Aldgate East” in this BBC movie script, you will find a surveillance conversation about walking right up to someone:

(For an off-topic, but interesting conversation in the same script, search for “quartermasters.”)

David Hare, the British playwright who wrote this trilogy (Page Eight; Turks and Caicos; Salting the Battlefield) said that he had off-the-record conversations with intelligence professionals, so maybe this is based on something real. There are some big actors in this, Rachel Weisz, Ralph Fiennes, etc. One fun fact was that David Hare based the British PM in the trilogy on Putin.

The CBC did a few reports on home security getting hacked:
Private moments captured on home security cameras being live …
29 Jun 2021 … CBC News is not naming the website to avoid contributing to the invasion of people’s privacy. The site is reported to be based in Russia and …
We hired ethical hackers to hack a family’s smart home – CBC
30 Sept 2018 … A Marketplace investigation found footage from hundreds of private, unsecured security cameras in Canadian homes and businesses are being …
New homeowner ‘freaked out’ when stranger took control of her …
28 Sept 2020 … In January 2019, a stranger was able to hack into the Lake Barrington, Ill., couple’s Google Nest security system, verbally taunting them …

2 years ago

For what it’s worth a disproportionate amount/number of Ukrainian girls I know who made friends with me are vegan. I don’t know if this explains anything. The local population is not as vegan, despite it being a very vegan friendly city. Two girls(one not Ukrainian) who got very offended by me who I thought were good friends and didn’t mind my banter/shittalking, were vegan.