Biden-Ryan Debate Analysis, Part One – The Right Amygdala.

5:04 Biden is deflection-laughing after Ryan just launched a blistering attack. Ryan’s attack was probably more effective because rather than focusing on the raw data of American deaths in the attack, he noted that Biden was part of an administration that “projected weakness.” This would trigger Biden, as a narcissist, because he would be on the lookout for any potential personal criticism of him as weak and and especially portrayals of him as being viewed that way by the entire world.

Note how Biden is always desperate to project himself as strong and fit, challenging people to push-up contests, and talking about taking people behind the bleachers and beating them up, or standing up to Corn-Pop. He has probably got a trigger in there about being weak and impotent, and unable to defend himself, probably rooted in being teased as a child about his stutter.

This leads to a further note on deflection-laughing – my narcissist did this. He would even laugh louder and with a higher pitch, as if he thought it was even funnier, when confronted with even more clear, devastating, more verifiable criticism. The purpose would initially appear to be to present a mien of seeing the criticism as so minor he was laughing at it. But he did it in the face of rather devastating criticisms, and the more devastating the criticism, the louder and higher pitched the laughing. He would quickly transition from that deflection-laugh to anger if you continued the attack while dismissing his laughter as if you didn’t notice it.

I do not think he was just deflecting, though. He was unusually sensitive to laughter himself, so he may have been trying to use it as a weapon to assault his opponent. On several occasions, when he approached a group that was laughing, he would ask, almost in a cautious, and paranoid fashion, “What are you all laughing at?” As he did, he would look strangely braced, as if he assumed there was an answer he would not like, rather than looking amused, and like he wanted to join in. It was as if he assumed they were all laughing about something about him as he approached, and it was bothering him. I assumed he was laughed at as a child when being picked on and tortured by other kids, and it became a potent amygdala trigger in him.

Biden may be the same thing, as a stutterer. Kids may have made fun of his stutter when he was a child, and other kids laughed, and it became an amygdala trigger. Projecting now as an adult, as rabbits seem wont to do, he thinks it will hurt others the way it hurts him, and he now tries to employ it as not just a deflection, but a weapon as well, to hurt Ryan.

Looking further into it, based on the below research, I suspect what is going on with Joe is his right amygdala is “raw,” and stimuli which activate it create an uncomfortable, psychically painful sensation which he has been conditioned all his life to try and self-treat by diminishing activation of that brain center, such as by averting his eyes, or making others miserable so he will not hear laughter. At the same time, thinking everyone else is like him, Joe makes it a point to try and activate the right amygdalae of others whom he deals with as a way of inflicting pain on them that will offer him some measure of control over them, such as by laughing at them when they say uncomfortable things, and making direct eye contact. This would seem to be supported by the following research:

Stuttering is a symptom of an amygdala sensitivity (”Amygdala activity of adults who stutter was significantly correlated with stuttering occurrences..”). Notice the article mentions that stutterers who were most uncomfortable had the highest levels of right-amygdala activity. This study says that the right-amygdala is specifically activated by the sound of laughter. It is crazy to picture these retards all sitting around together making the sounds of laughter, even though they are miserable, just to try and hurt each other, but I think that is what would happen if you corralled a bunch of them together. It is how different from us they are. And I think just as they hate the sound of laughter, we love it, but they can’t even imagine that.

(Also of interest – adults who stutter will avoid eye contact (probably done to lower their amygdala activation, and get them some relief.) So eye contact will exacerbate the amygdala activation of Biden that triggers his condition, as will laughter. The sound of laughter and eye contact will be a maximal hijack, and you notice Biden specifically turns at the podium and looks at Ryan as he is laughing at him above. He is using a weapon which I assume hurts him the most. Similarly, you will see Biden averting his eyes as Ryan talks, to give his amygdala a respite from stress, so it can recover.

A rundown on amygdala research here says that the right amygdala is engaged by “visual and dynamic emotional analysis,” (seeing people laugh or cry, or seeign intense eye contact, and detecting intensity and degree of conflict-risk) “response to animal stimuli,” (primitive non-verbal/non-semantic/non-logical/quasi-subconscious stimulus detection) “anger,” (same as the first) and “automatic emotional processing.” (“Positive picture encoding,” which is mentioned, was seen much more in adolescent neurotypicals. However I did feel as if it was operative in my narcissist, as hijacks over his failures or adverse events seemed amplified by contrasting them with another’s successes or good luck. I thought it was the contrast amplifying the concept in his mind, and maybe triggering jealousy. But if adult Narcissists have stunted brain development like this, it might speak to the competitive/jealous aspect of the narcissist, and their need to make others around them miserable, as a form of self-medication for their raw right-amygdala. They are trying to shut off positive picture encoding activation of the right amygdala that occurs when they see something like Donald Trump effortlessly enjoying billions, and citizen-adoration, and political success, and business success, and recognition as an expert, while they are just off on the side like “some sort of shithead” over there. If somebody is a failure and sees Trump’s successes, that it will stand out much more than if they enjoy Trumpian levels of success, and see it. The jealousy and angst may be a result of right amygdala activation produced by the positive theme recognition overloading that part of the brain and producing pain.

An interesting theory on the lateralization of amygdala function here proposes two models that researchers suspect are operative, both of which imply the right amygdala processes immediate, reflexive, unconscious stimulus analysis, such as measuring immediate emotional valence (hearing laughter and subconsciously recognizing laughter and the emotions attached to it, feeling themes underlying complex stories, seeing oneself portrayed as inferior, or being ridiculed as one was as a child, etc,), while the left amygdala is engaged by more complex analyses which require more time to process, like hearing words, and listening for conscious cues you are seeking, reading stories and looking for significant data, assessing facts, etc.

So Biden’s triggers will probably be more reflexive and emotional, and less factual/logical attacks. Being out-grouped/ridiculed/laughed-at/inferior will trigger him, but the factual reasons behind the emotional stimulus will probably barely even register.

I almost wonder if his amygdala-cognition is so pathological that in some cases like his, dementia takes hold almost as a way for a mind that is diminishing in capacity, to protect itself from reality. On a deep subconscious level his brain might be tuning itself out subconsciously to avoid negative sensations. Last I saw of my Narcissist he was descending into dementia, and detaching from reality, more I suspected because he no longer had the ability to cope with/endure it than because his brain was substantially different at the neurological/axonal/synaptic/neurochemical level from the non-demented.

I used laughter back on my narcissist sometimes when he tried to criticize me, just to see what would happen (which I assumed would probably be the response he was trying to illicit when he laughed at others), and his response would be an immediate, enraged attack, like, “Yeah! Go ahead and laugh asshole! Yeah, it’s real funny!” The rage would be palpable and rapidly growing, and he would usually storm off in a rage (sometimes literally waving his arms over his head as he muttered insults to himself). I assume now that walking away was a way of trying to lower his amygdala activation by leaving where that triggering stimulus was present. He realized reducing amygdala was not going to happen while interacting with me, so he walked away.

My most perfect amygdala hijack of him, which culminated in him being taken to an emergency room with symptoms of a stroke that simply disappeared after a few hours of brain-rebooting, had involved me recounting various times that things had gone badly for him, under the guise of us both commiserating about how bad his luck was, and contrasting it with someone else who has a similar path, but with the best luck they could possibly have hoped for. I transitioned the recounting to a theme of, “Holy shit, it’s kind of funny how bad this went, and then this worse thing happened! What are the chances? You need to go and lay down on the living room floor and hang on for dear life! Holy shit!” I began laughing at how bad his luck was compared to the other individual, as I recounted each incident (and his luck was comically bad despite him trying mightily to succeed, and the other person practically fell ass-backward into total success with no effort). I ended up almost doubled over, laughing loudly as I walked away. Within two to three minutes of stewing, he was stroked out, and it was off to an overnight observation at the ER.

My guess is that a recounting of each, of all the times Biden was caught plagiarizing, with each incident followed by laughter, ideally coordinated with plants in the crowd laughing too, and building into a laughing crescendo of a “Holy-shit-can-you believe-this-guy-theme,” would be a potent amygdala hijack, especially if it was rolled out when it would be followed by a question to the President, so Biden would stew for a minute or two while the President responded. Ideally that second Presidential response would include copious blatant Presidential bragging about all the effortless successes he enjoyed in life which would maximally trigger Joe’s jealousy, as perhaps the crowd laughed at jokes the President made. Alternately, a comparison of Joe’s political failures with the President’s effortless successes, mixed with crowd-laughter at the contrast could accomplish the same thing.

That said, it is possible if it were done right, Biden might legitimately stroke out, and although he would recover after his brain shut down temporarily and rebooted, Harris would end up moved up to the top spot. So maybe a full blown hijacking would not be such a good idea politically. Our Almighty God-Emperor’s instincts are usually dead on, so he will undoubtedly know what to do with the info.

I’ll continue with further analysis of this video if I see anything else of interest.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Amygdala Hijack, Anxiety, Narcissists, Politics, Psychological Manipulation, Psychology, rabbitry. Bookmark the permalink.
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3 years ago

Joe Biden, flustercuck

3 years ago

Watching even one minute of Paul Ryan and his weak, cuckservative demeanor compared to DJT is demoralizing. What in God’s name do the Republicans do after Trump is gone? Who do they have warming the bench? Burn it to the ground.

Reply to  Anonymous
3 years ago
3 years ago

To add similar observations of narcissism triggered by laughter or being laughed at and/or ridiculed:
I knew a guy who played a round of golf with his boss and some colleagues. He was playing poorly and frustrated and getting some ribbing in typical ‘guys’ fashion, but it only made him play worse, of course. Afterwards in the clubhouse, another bit of joking about how bad his outing was made him explode with rage. Verbally berating his boss that he was out to “get” him and that they were all ganging up to make fun of him, though it was all in normal sporting camaraderie. He was fired right there, and knowing this guy I can only imagine the size of his blowup, and would seriously suspect he was likely close to stroking.

Knew another narcissist that had that same either paranoid or angry response AC describes, when approaching a group that is laughing when they get there.

Reply to  SomeBloke
3 years ago

This happens to every person on the golf course. If he was having a shitty round and people were razzing him for it, he’s gonna get pissed off plain and simple. There is nothing more to it than that. People don’t like to be ridiculed while they’re having a hard time doing anything (golfing, dirtbiking, studying, anything….)

3 years ago

“I began laughing at how bad his luck was compared to the other individual, as I recounted each incident (and his luck was comically bad despite him trying mightily to succeed, and the other person practically fell ass-backward into total success with no effort). I ended up almost doubled over, laughing loudly as I walked away.”

I’m sorry, but I just don’t think this is right. I am a massive Trump supporter, hate Joe Biden, but we shouldn’t stoop to their level (unless required, e.g. they come to take our guns or something) to hurt them. Maybe I misunderstood this part, but it just seemed so narcissistic in itself how it was such a pointed attack at the person. Again, apologies if I misunderstood, but it just seemed fucked up when I read this to give the guy a “taste of his own medicine.”