Blade Runner 2049 Looks Good

I like it, and the SJWs at Wired do not:

Ford’s reprised Deckard and Ryan Gosling’s blade runner K both have complex inner lives behind their macho reticence. K, like Deckard, doesn’t think critically about his job or the replicants he executes. His demeanor remains a mask for the audience to endlessly consider in long, uncut close-up—until a revelation forces him to question his identity, and his world falls apart repeatedly across his face. Deckard describes the heart-wrenching motivations for his self-exile and the agony that has accompanied it; Leto’s Wallace monologues at length about his megalomaniacal ambitions to play god to a species that can overrun humankind. Each man gets a story, and each story gets an airing.

Despite their unrelentingly pedestrian Psych 101 woes, these three men still manage to take up 95 percent of the emotional frame on screen, leaving little room for the women around them to have their own narratives.

The message appears to be that where you came from, what you were, and what you are this moment all mean nothing. Your destiny, who you will be, is solely what you choose to do this moment. Which means you can be anything you choose to be if you just choose to do it. K is a manufactured replicant who kills wantonly until he decides to be the K, and as a result he ends up the most K character in the film.

You can see why leftists would hate anything that destroys the victim narrative, and encourages true freedom of destiny, but for us that is pure manna, and will touch us deeply.

I’m sure the name is coincidence. We aren’t that big here yet. But I look on it as a sign from God to keep going. Between it and the movie’s theme, you can see the K-shift taking an even firmer hold, through greater forces which even those who created it probably don’t grasp.

Eventually K will be everywhere, and when it is, even this movie will have a whole new meaning to the enlightened.

In the interim, I do see an opening for the use of “K” to become a very subversive signal among us. We’d need to use stylized versions only we would get for plausible deniability. We could wear K ballcaps, and K rings, have K-stickers on our cars, hide K’s in the products our companies produce, paint K’s on highway overpasses, and leftists could never comment on it openly without promoting r/K, so they would never say anything.

But we would see it and know, here is a brother in arms, one of our own made this, and there one of ours passed and left us the sign.

We are everywhere, and we can’t be stopped because we choose who we are.

Tell others about r/K Theory, because the future is what you make of it

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6 years ago

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Ned Flanders
Ned Flanders
6 years ago

partly off topic. given the harvey weinstein harassament allegations, I wonder if much of Hollywood’s anger against the right is merely projection of many women’s legit hatred of the sleazy male a-holes who they have to deal with on a regular basis.

But being r-minded, you can’t call out your gravy train, so you let it all out on some right-wing punching bag to satisfy your triggered mind.

Reply to  Ned Flanders
6 years ago

Anthropologically, what you just described is what chimps do. The most powerful chimp will bang the females and they will actually go and attack the betas of the group for resources. Only monopolization of food will elevate a chimps status, and get him mates. When a powerful man, like Weinstein, harasses or assaults a woman, she will project that onto more “normie” males, most of whom have no clue whats going on with this woman and can’t figure why she is so anti-male. These are r-type genes in action, the women subconsciously removing less-r type men for more r-type men so that r can breed faster. Genes for r-behavior obviously don’t care much for psychological well being and would prefer r women as unhinged as possible, as that increases r breeding in the wild.

6 years ago

Overall, a well done movie. Pacing was way, way too slow. There are about 30 minutes of CGI glamour shot driving/flying car scenes that should have hit the cutting room floor.

He is indeed full rabbit at the start of the movie. He is indifferent to living or dying, loves an electronic waifu (and doesn’t even talk to “real girls”), she projects fake electronic images of a delicious meal over his self-cooked slop, etc.

At the end of the film, he’s risking his life to save his species from slavery.

6 years ago


M.S. Leavell
M.S. Leavell
6 years ago

“and leftists could never comment on it openly without promoting r/K, so they would never say anything.”

Nah, they’d probably comment that it’s Klan-related.