Cologne Rapists Receive Justice

One year probation sentences:

Two men were on Thursday pronounced guilty of sexual assault on New Year’s Eve in Cologne and handed probationary sentences.

The Cologne court found a 21-year-old Iraqi guilty and handed down a one-year probationary sentence, reports Spiegel. The court said it was evident that Hussein A. had kissed a young woman against her will and had licked her face…

An Algerian man, Hassan T., was also found guilty of being an accomplice to a sexual assault that was carried out by a group of 15 to 20 men.

The 26-year-old told a man who was with the two female victims, “Give me the girls, give me the girls — or you’re dead.” The court considered this to be attempted assault. Hassan T. was also handed a one-year probationary sentence.

Not even any word on whether they intend to deport them.

When amygdala is low then nobody cares, and the conflict avoidant can assert themselves to produce stupidity like this.

When amygdala grows, eventually you end up with mobs storming police stations to deal justice themselves – and that justice will then involve extra pain and suffering because that is all that will assuage the mob’s amygdalae. None of that is relegated to our past. We are in essence, the same human machines we were then. All that is different is the environment around us, and the degree to which it stimulates amygdalae.

Given the magnitude of the Apocalypse to come, it is likely we will end up more toward the sadistic-angry-mob than the docile-conflict-avoidant, before all is done.

This entry was posted in Amygdala, Cuckservatives, Europe, Immigration, Migrant Crime Deniers, Morals, Muslims, Politics, Psychology, rabbitry, Sexual Deviance. Bookmark the permalink.
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7 years ago

[…] Cologne Rapists Receive Justice […]